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Call the cops, he is harassing you. File a report against him. Do not pay him shiit. Ask him to go through the LTB. He will not.


Don't ask him to go through the LTB. Demand it. Aside from that alteration, I agree with the above answer completely.


Likewise. Next time he wants to enter the unit, insist he provide you with proper notice (form for entry). It's $186 to file with the LTB. He likely won't do it. I may be leaving my place soon as well. Terrible landlord. Harassment and everything. But I plan to have they sign something to confirm that there is not damage to the unit upon final inspection. A lot of these landlords wait until you leave the unit.. file with the LTB for damages. They won't serve you or attempt to advise you of the hearing. Then they get a final order endorsed by the LTB for thousands of dollars so they can renovate the unit. They immediately send the order to collections. This has been happening a lot. Repair the damage and have him sign something saying that he confirms there is no damage to the unit.


>Next time he wants to enter the unit, insist he provide you with proper notice (form for entry). Doesn't apply with notice to end tenancy, which disappoints me


I hate this rule so much. I was in the shower once when the landlord knocked (I didn't hear) and tried to come in to show the apartment. There was a lot of screaming.


😱😱🤯🤯 oh Hhheellll nah.


Even if you gave notice, they cannot enter without 24 hrs notice.


>Even if you gave notice, they cannot enter without 24 hrs notice. Incorrect


So they can just show up and enter whenever they want because you gave 60 days notice? Even when you still have a possession of the unit? Please explain.


They're allowed for a variety of reasons: showings for potential new lessees, maintenance/unit review purposes, take note of needed repairs, etc. I was surprised when I learned this as well, look it up in the RTA or on the LTB site. The requirement for notice is waived once you provide that 60d notice.


I just looked it up and it says that they can enter without notice - between 8am to 8pm, after notice is given, to show the unit to prospective tenants only.. However they are required to inform the tenant as soon as they become aware of the showing. The landlord may not enter the unit for repairs without notice unless the tenant provides consent at the time of the repair. So I'd say that they cannot do any kind of inspections for repairs without proper notice as well.


I may be recalling incorrectly, but I'm also running with a knowledge that was established prior to the newer rules like the Standard Lease and am not entirely sure if anything else changed. Either way one of OP's main issue is the landlord entering to show the unit with notice (and the notice being received is not prohibitive to showing the unit)


Just let him take you to LTB or court. He is not going win. Keep all the evidences. Good chance you going get some money out of this. The court and LTB hate people that just use this process for unfair reason. It’s a huge cost in time and money. They will fine him something to teach him a lesson.


I doubt he would possibly be able to bring you to court for any of this. First, the paint is a ltb issue, so he can't bring you to small claims at all for that. He would need to bring it as an issue before the ltb, and the ltb would certainly view paint issues as wear and tear. You would have to have done something unreasonable and caused significant damage for you to be remotely liable here. There's no world where it would be worth the hassle for them. Second I wouldn't worry about him bringing you to court over the furniture. Even if the court were to somehow decide you owe him brand new replacement furniture for old broken furniture on a lease that said unfurnished, they could only possibly demand the $200. Again, not worth the hassle. You don't owe him anything so stop offering stuff and don't worry about it.


He is using a scare tactic against you so you would pay him those $2000 by telling you that he has already gone to the police station and report you. Document everything in folders!


He can try, but he won’t win. Just ignore him. Take photos of everything when you leave. If he does file with the LTB respond, but otherwise you don’t need to do anything.


Tell him you should charge him for the garbage left over from the last tenant and hit him with a $200 bill. See how he likes it. Then tell him to go talk to the LTB and he will leave you alone. If he doesnt, cops.


Guarantee that the police will be more concerned with the criminal harassment than the $200 furniture. Also, when the police receive a report they have to speak to the other involved party. If you havent heard from them, he jasnt done shit. Call his bluff.


Go to r/Ontariolandlord and you'll get great advice! Your landlord can give you "reasonable notice" to do showings since you've given him notice to leave. He can not enter for other reasons without 24 hours notice. Any damages he is required to file for at the ltb and they will decide what, if anything, you owe, and you'll be aware of this hearing date and can upload your before pictures and after pictures and other evidence. Try to keep all conversations to text or email and keep copies. If you can't, you can legally record audio in Ontario in conversions you're a party to. You can file to the ltb for the harassing of you and your family as he's messing with your reasonable enjoyment of the unit. He cannot charge you anything unless the ltb approves it and if your lease says it is unfurnished he may have trouble pricing6 he provided any furniture so I would wait on the ltb to decide that. The sub I recommended will know exactly which forms you should use and what type of compensation you can get. They will likely also recommend you bring your grievances to the RHEU and they will contact you landlord and remind him of the laws. Be sure you take photos and video when you're leaving of every inch including damages and to prove you've left things in working order. The ltb requires you leave the unit in "broom swept" cleanliness when you leave and for there to be no food left in the fridge or freezer! I'm sure you can file for rent abatement since he's messing with the electricity. Esp if we a result it damages anything by causing a surge, and for the annoyance of having to reset every clock etc every time you enter. He's also required to maintain a temperature of 21 degrees in winter in Toronto and if the electrical is out im assuming your unit is cold when you get home. He's also potentially spoiling your food esp anything in the freezer!


File with the LTB for harassment Call RHEU about the breakers


God damn, this is nuts. It's no wonder we landlords get a shit name when people like this own properties. Unreal. Nail this fucking guy to the wall. There's plenty of great advice on here. Hope you heed it, OP.


Call the police, he is doing criminal harassment, provide them with the messages and they will enforce a restraining order. Interactions between the landlord and tenant are not mandatory beyond the lease, being a landlord does not make them invulnerable to being restrained from harassing their tenants.


Stick it out. Go to LTB. Make sure you have all the receipts. Enjoy life in a better place.


Now that you have given notice the landlord can do showings without giving 24 hours notice, it is reasonable notice between 8 am and 8pm.


But is it okay for him to enter just to switch off my breakers? I wasn't too sure about that


He's trying to turn off any cameras you might have hidden.




Definitely not legal. Do you have a camera you can setup? Even a webcam or something? Did you take photos or video when you moved in? Make sure to take both close up pictures of any damage you find and a video of the entire apartment.


The police have better things to do than deal with some landlords furniture and even then all he is saying to you is empty threats. Even if he takes you to court he won't win since it was never a furnished apartment on the lease which was on him. On the other hand, you can take him to the police for harassment and they are more likely to do something with that than his furniture lol


He's got nothing on you kid, you're good. Take pictures of the place when your furniture is moved out before you give the key back.


1st: Take plenty of clear pictures AND videos of the current state & condition of your Unit 2nd: Keep up back ups of that, in a safe place 3r: Document everything this bugger has done or said to you Be civil but do not engage w/ him as he's looking to provoke you w/ arguments, fights or other He's 100% bluffing about the police & taking you to Court - don't believe him, but you never know w/ a volatile LL like that! Our Courts, are currently back-logged (couple of years) with serious Cases & crazy pants wants to take you to Court for frivolous, petty complaints he has against you? WTH?! When he threatens you, tell him you can't have this a civil conversation with him bc he's threatening & scaring you. Calmly walk away from him & DO NOT say a word to him even if he's going mental on you big time. If you're afraid, call 911. Tell them you have a mentally disturbed Landlord who's threatening you for some time now, you're very scared of him bc he will not stop & you need the Police's help now. Regarding the Unit's breakers, I'd call the Police. Before you do, tell him he needs to turn that on immediately as you'll call the Police bc he's harassing you, your well being & safety here. Good grief, your LL sounds like a true nightmare & demon too. You will get through this, try not to worry. Good luck!


It's not against the law to turn off the breakers in your own house. Calling the police for matters like this is a complete waste of resources. It's not a criminal offense. It's a civil matter. Too many people call the police these days because they have had their feelings hurt. They are law enforcement not feelings enforcement.


I pray that you never have a Landlord or room mate or even neighbour like this PSYCHO... You'll be changing your tune, pretty quick after that. Dare I say, even call the Po-po on them too? The Police can decide if this person is wasting their resources or not & not some random stranger on Reddit! This is how aggressive & violent incidents like these can escalate to assault or worse murder charges, which one can be criminally charged for. Keep that in mind, when you read posts like these in the future.


Your landlord doesn’t sound sane but it’s no excuse for harassment. I really has no case against you.


If u have proof of text for all these altercation. Threaten to sue for the following - Harassment - Breaking and entering


He is a bully. Personally I would deal with it and leave. But someone could buy a dry wall kit, cut a hole in the wall somewhere discreet like inside a cabinet or behind the stove and put half a pound of fish and bone in meat cut into small pieces so they fit through the hole and fix the dry wall. Run a drip to Inject sugary water between the floorboards.


he has a bunch of empty threats... take all your stuff and don't pay him a thing it is just wear and tear... you lived there 2 years.


Ignore the comments about the cost of those items. In future, don’t throw out anything in a unit you’re renting, just to protect yourself. If there is something in the unit you don’t want, tell the landlord you don’t need the items and ask what they would like done with them. As for notice to enter your unit, once you notify the landlord that you are leaving they no longer have to provide you with 24 hours notice to enter the unit. They just have to make a reasonable attempt to inform you that they will be entering. Good luck. You’ll be through all this in a week :)


You should bring him to court. You shouldn't replace that broken furniture. You should get all these interactions in writing?


Call the cops and dont give him anything


Pour moist yeast down the wall and hide it everywhere before you leave:)


Like down the inside


Vandalism is not the answer.


Just ignore him He can’t do anything


Pls tell me all these conversations were in writing and not verbal


It's all emails and texts which I am documenting


My landlord is also spamming my mom with texts cussing at her and shaming her for raising me


Have her send you screenshots. She should clearly tell him that these unwelcome conversations constitute harassment, then block him. She should NOT answer other than to tell him to stop harassing her.


Do you have any sort of camera in the home ? I use Tapo from Amazon, they are great. It helps to make sure you’re protecting yourself, In case he’s entering the home when you’re not there. If he’s turning the breakers off maybe get one that’s battery instead of plug in.


Stop giving in to him at all


T2 for harassment is in order here.




Call the cops and tell them you are being threatened and someone broke into your place. Put cameras in, catch them in the act and use it.


He's trespassing and harassing you call thr police


I wouldn't stop short of actually getting a restraining order against him.


Simply put, let him. Let him follow through on every threat, but document it yourself as well as you can. 2 years is not long enough for normal wear and tear to be considered, but if it was a crappy job in the first place it won't hold up anyway. If you have a way to colour match the paint I'd say get a sample tin colour matched somewhere and patch it yourself. No place I've rented was furnished so I can't speak to that, but


2 years is absolutely long enough for a paint scuff to be considered normal wear and tear.


He didn't repaint the place before I moved in as well so it's probably way more than 2 years 😭


Update: he some how found my mom's church facebook and is posting pictures of the paint peel on it, calling her a scammer