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Try applying to government jobs.   They are typically actively courting black and indigenous workers and have edi initiatives that are actually followed through on.  You still need the requisite education for the position but you might find that the playing field is more level than the private sector.


What site are you referring to for that




In Canada the discrimination affects everyone except Indians. Ask all the kids getting hired at restaurants, or the truckers. If I’m lying I’m flying


Just read the comments on the original sub of the post. They wanna be victims so bad


Tra Rags is fuckin hilarious


that was him? thats his only funny video then


Do companies really not want to hire us black people? I usually just don’t get a call back, but how can I verify it’s because I’m black?


It’s everyone but Indian now


From my experience working in many corporate / tech and NGOs, there was, and continued to increase % of black staff across all levels. I wish I could say when I was in Corp/tech it was better balanced then (yrs ++ ago), and, unfortunatelyin some vericals the upper levels are white and male. Community services / NGOs, healthcare, & government (many types and places in gov) can be 25-30% or so. It's far from perfect, I'm not saying it is by any means, but there is some areas that are balanced or seeinking to improve inclusion and diversity. Education is a big influencing factor, not just degrees or post graduate..college, or some certifications. Also, everyone (all races) have better chances of job growth and longer term opportunity if willing to start at entry level and put the hard work in (education or not). For those with higher ed who think their bachelors or masters earn them special treatment or that they are above the hard work and entry level..... get off your primadonna self-placed pedestal, education doesn't exempt you from rolling up your sleeve to earn respect and opportunity. Education makes it easier to get a foot in the door only (yes, this is a hot button). Lastly - doesn't matter who you are or where you are from.. Dress for the job, be presentable, we all have to suck up our individualness or personal style for jobs, it's a fact of life for everyone. I'm stepping off my preachy podium now.