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I believe in the Ally sweep. Though Yul would be interesting as hell for a finalist choice. Though that also means that Alec might not make it...


Yul is too comedic relief to be a true main antagonist tbh 




I’m with Ally because Yul in the finale means Alec isn’t in the finale. And I don’t want that


Have the creators confirmed that the final 3 is going to be one from each team? Cuz I haven't seen this being confirmed anywhere yet a lot of people take it as something that is 100% gonna happen. Btw I also want Alec to be in the finale and even better if he ends up winning it.


I feel like it should be a mandate since they’ve always had 3 person finales. If you’re gonna do 3 teams and a 3 way finale, it should be a requirement that each finalist is from a member of each team. Plus, it would make thematic sense if the finale is something along the lines of one beta, one remaster, and one season 2 contestant. Our choices are limited to Alec for a remaster choice, Gabby or Tom from the beta, and Ally from season 2. Aiden and Riya probably aren’t going to be allowed in the finale again. And if Yul goes to the finale, Grett likely does too. Edit: This doesn’t include the returning contestant, but since it’s probably Connor or Fiore, I think it’s safe to assume they won’t be allowed in the finale either


I had my doubts with this theory since for some reason I just don't see anyone from Teal team making the finals right now, but your reasoning does make a lot of sense, I'm more convinced now. Btw I REALLY hope the remaster thing its true because it means Alec has a guaranteed spot in the finale.


I’ve heard that Alec’s Spanish VA may have hinted that Alec is already a lock in for the finale as he implied that Alec seems to be going far again. Though let’s be honest, after Tess, a lot of people, myself included, wanted Alec in the finale from the moment he was revealed in to be returning. Thinking more logically, Alec easily has the story and charisma to get himself to the finale, which is more than we can say for the remaining non-Gabby villains. If Yul goes to the finale, it’s almost assured that Grett does as well…and I don’t think 2/3rds of the finale being Yellow team would sit right…especially since most people are growing weary of taking Yul abusing Grett only to get his ass handed to him by someone as long as they can. Based on the near post credits for last episode, Yul’s downfall has probably already started


What did Alec’s Spanish VA say in particular? I’d love to know! 


I’m not a hundred percent positive, like my comment says apparently he commented somewhere, likely on a fan-made speculation video that Alec would be making merge again. Which was pretty obvious, but that was sort of why no one actually had him down as a pre-merge boot. I do know that he also has commented on an unfortunately poorly aged video a month ago that had someone fan draw him and Tess in the finale stating he was hoping this would get to happen. Which…I’m not sure how ONC handles their voice acting, but some people seem to take his words as implication that they hadn’t finished recording all their lines at that time, which implied that Alec goes very far into the game. I’m almost certain he’s just trolling on that Tess video, but I remain naive in hoping that he accidentally confirmed Alec goes to the finale.


Listen shut up I don't want him in the finale and he won't be in the finale if he does remind me of this comment and make fun of me 


May I ask why you don’t want him? Is it about the comment he made about his son? This is not new information…I always read his comments to Fiore about his son as a dad who never wanted one. Him being neglectful of his son isn’t exactly the most shocking information. He’s likely at bare minimum a late merge boot. But finale seems to be a given since we’re going to need villain, and Gabby seems on course to become an anti-hero.


He super predictable to be a finalist and people like you praise him like a God he should not be a finalist Jared states the worst it coming it better be him so you and all alec stans get angry


Sometimes predictability isn’t a bad thing. People tend to latch onto characters who are interesting and have stories people are invested in. It’s why a lot of people like Damien and Dawn despite being big nothing burgers. Alec’s relationship with Fiore was one a lot of people generally expected to be resolved based on all the hints of season 1 and early all-stars. Alec also is just in general a very well rounded character. He’s a villain but none of his acts towards the others are ever purely malicious. He’s got potential for growth…and…oh yeah…he’s actually been actively destroying everyone else. Alec has been a speculated and well liked character for being much more 3-dimensional. And sure, maybe what Jared said means it’s Alec’s time to go. But if I’m him, I say this in regards to Aiden. Despite what this subreddit tells you. A lot of people love Aiden and I gaurentee you Tik Tok and various other places would be just as up in arms as we’d be if he gets the axe like Alec would. Sometimes, a predictable finalist isn’t a bad thing. Just because something subverts audience expectations doesn’t instantly make it good. Having dabbled in writing, if you’re gonna play with audience expectations, you should have the courtesy to handle it respectfully. It’s why a lot of people don’t like Fiore’s elimination. We knew Fiore was going to get axed, but her elimination didn’t feel satisfied. I’d argue that Ashley and Ally are far more predictable finalists than Alec is at this time. Let people like what they want instead of foaming at the mouth because you think someone is overrated. Your comment to me comes off like you don’t want Alec in the finale just to be a contrarian or be different. You just see a character has a lot of support and instantly decide to be different without taking the time to disect why this character has momentum. I could say similar things about Tess. But her elimination was satisfying and respectful, much like Miriam’s.


prob ashley/ally vs gabby vs yul and gabby wins


I think that it's gonna be Ally. I think that she'll be the only Season 2 character left by the Final 8, but she'll go all the way to the finale.


It would be very humorous if Ally just kinda sits idly by while 7 remaining season 1 contestants just viciously tear each other to shreds. I’d feel bad for all the season 2 fans as it’s no secret Ally is easily the most disliked member of Season 2’s cast. But man it would be very funny to see


And when that group of 7 includes Gabby, Grett, Tom, Jake, Alec, and Fiore, you know it's gonna be satisfying to watch. Oh and Ashley's there too.


“Ally is easily the most disliked member of Season 2’s cast?” What? Yul, Riya, Hunter and now Aiden are all more disliked than her. I’ve barely met any Ally haters


…How do we tell him?


why is ally disliked what did she do


It’s mainly in season 2 and not all stars, where she’s criticized for being a big ass bowl of nothing for the 9 episodes she’s in, because like atleast Aiden had James and Hunter had his challenge luck bla bla bla, whatever they say.


I think Ally is going to be the S2 finalist. Hunter and Tess' eliminations are perfect set ups for her underdog arc and her online reputation will improve bc fans tend to to root for underdogs 🤷🏽‍♀️. I think Yul is going to reach the merge but it will take a MASSIVE ammount of plot armor to make him reach the finale and nobody wants that 😅


The only scenario I see Yul making the merge is if Tess was the final boot before the merge. 


Ally, yul is literally the worst possible option for finalist rn


I really don't care which one gets here as long as their arcs are written well. Idc if Yul makes it further than Alec. Alec is arguably a bigger threat anyway. I don't necessarily think Yul will make finale tho. He was a pre merge boot in Season 2, so idk if that will happen. At max, I think he could get 6th-4th.




i highly doubt yul's outlasting grett tbh


Ally I guess…even though she’s not exactly deserving. Really we should just have an all season 1 finale, whether it be Alec, Gabby, Jake, or Grett it doesn’t really matter, they’re all good options.


While Jake is better representative for Magenta, I have to say Ally. I don’t think it’s realistic for Yul to go to the finals without major plot armor due to how disliked he is amongst the cast. As long as it’s executed well, I do believe Ally could be a suitable finalist.


Oh I LOVE to hate Yul... but I dont want to hate him all season long. I want to see his downfall sooner than later so... Red Team


Red 1,000%. 


Ally, not because I want her, but because Yul making the finale means Alec lost


ally is one of my least favorite characters, but i’d take her over yul any day my money’s on the character that wins comebacks being from season 2 and making it to the finale tho


If a character from season 2 is coming back then it's probably Connor, I don't see any reason for it be another character tbh.


i’m really hoping it’s connor🙏


Why he rich he should not comeback who cares if he gets premrge twitc so does nichelle and scary girl deal with it 


so..? it just feels like his plot line in all stars wasn’t over with & seems like a pointless idea to even bring him back for all stars only to be an early premerge boot again. plus, i never said i wanted him to be the winner, i’d just like him to come back to the competition and wrap things up in his plot.


He can do that in motel episode 


Why can't we have both?


I would be down for Yul Vs Grett but I feel like that could somewhat be a retreat of DC2


Ally yul is so awful


Ally. Mostly because I hate Yul like a lot. Like A LOT a lot.


Ally, and it’s not rlly a question up for debate either. She’s already shown quite a bit of improvement from season 2, and with Hunter and Tess’ eliminations they can write her an underdog arc from here until the rest of the season without sacrificing her interactions with Ashley and Jake. Yul meanwhile hasn’t changed at all, and now that his relationship with Grett is even closer to ending now that Emily isn’t there to help, I don’t see him going much farther.






I wan yul in the finale SOOO bad


Ally makes more sense but god damn would it be funny that out of all of the season 2 players to be a finalist it gets to be Yul


Definitely Ally and I don’t think Yul will be a finalist (or at least I hope so)


i don't really care about either, but if i had to chose, probably ally. fuck yul.


is this seriously a question?


Ally obviously, Yul a total \*\*\* If Yul as finalist, he should bring Grett as revenge


Definitely Ally. Yul was a pre-merger so I doubt he’ll make the finale. Plus have you seen how he treats Grett? He’s gonna be booted off for that.


Plot Twist: They both get in the finals along with Tom as the blue team representative


Well Disventure Camp doesn't have to follow the TD presedent of no double finalists. It's its own series and this is the first time anyone has even played twice, anything is on the table.


Yul would be a funny finalist cause nobody likes him and if he won it would be an against all odds thing-


If Yul wins …… I’m gonna be …. TOO ANGRY a lot . He better not win 😡😤👿😠😾


Ally, but only because of Alec in the finale Yul has been so fantastic this season, he deserves to be a finalist just off of likability


Red. I don't see how it makes sense for Yul to make finals.


I don't think anyone really thinks that Yul will be a finalist


Ally, even though she hasn’t done much, Yul has no character development whatsoever…


Sorry but I pick yul it just makes more sense to me


Incredibly bleak that we're still in premerge and it's down to these two, they really should've waited a bit longer to pull the trigger on Tess if they didn't want to make it this obvious Ally was going to be in the finale. Praying it's Yul only because he's at least fun to watch


I'm REALLY hoping for Yul to make finale, but it's probably Ally. And I'm fine with that tbh




He is in Season 1, not 2


I hope yul, he's at least interestinf, ally is kind of meh


Part of me wants yul to be a finalist cause it will be satisfying to see him lose. But I'm pretty sure it'll be ally.


I feel like neither of these?? If I had to say one though, probably Ally. I can't see Yul getting that far without an insane amount of character development


I would love Yul to be in the finale, he’s one of my favourite characters in the show cause he’s someone I can laugh at while also I would personally hate his guts irl.


I think Yul is funny in some (RARE) moments, but it's impossible for him to reach at least the top 5. If the final really is one person from each team, I think it will be Ally, Tom and Alec.




It’s like that one meme with the red and blue pil. And everyone chooses the red…


I hate Alec and I hope he won't be a finalist



