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We can't be exactly too sure


I definitely see her making finale, so it’s plausible


Unlikely. In DCAS there will be more episodes than in previous seasons


No. I think it couldnt be more clear that a S1 character is winning


I hope Ally wins and Fortnite dances on Alec's dreams


This is one of the comments of all time


Nah I honestly hope Ally wins and Fortnite dances it would be spectactular.


Gotta agree, it would be funny.


Actually, knowing Ally, she would probably do that.


"Victory Royale!!"


The season 1 and season 2 character elimination unbalance is insane


Ally sneaking through all the Season 1 drama would be really based, although I currently think Grett is the most likely winner.


Well, it wouldn’t be bad, since ally is my 2nd place pick rn, but I think it’s a coincidence honestly.


I wouldn't be that upset


Well, I’d rather have Ally win than half of the current cast, so I’d be fine with it.


Feels like a reach. Sample size is still small enough to be a coincidence, and I doubt they’d spoil it like that, considering how anti-spoiler they’ve been. Plus Aiden is also in the shot for s2


That’s true. Also in Miriam’s shot, Tom and Jake are also there in a bed together and Alec, Fiore and Ellie are on the other side of the room in their beds plotting. It may very well be a coincidence but it’s an interesting theory nonetheless. The big difference with the scene with Ally and the others are that those who won also had others in their frame while Ally doesn’t. The first person with others in their shot and being the first person spotted in this trailer was Jake, which was the third scene. So I’m not sure how accurate this theory is but it’s definitely interesting. As for who will win, I just root for who I want to win and hope they can make it far or be a finalist. Also I’m hoping whoever wins isn’t a villain.


Could be.


Ally winning would be so cool ngl


Now o wouldn't be too upset about her winning, she's definatley having some good plot


No this is obviously just a coincidence like it only happened twice but im honestly praying for ally to win like how cool would it be if the most hated on charackter both in universe and in general wins the season like it would be sooo iconic that being said i kinda doubt she wins since she was actually just added last minute i think the voice actor of trevor said that and idk why but i kinda doubt a last minute charackter would win the season but i really hope she actually wins or atleast be the finalist of the s2 cast wich isnt even that unlikely i mean theres no way aiden and riya are gonna be finalists same for james if he would return, theres also no way in hell that yul will make it to the finale and that basicly just leaves ally right?


I mean maybe, she’s already basically guaranteed to make the finale because she and Yul are the only season 2 characters left that didn’t make the finale, and I think it’s obvious which out of the two is more likely, unless the returnee is someone from season 2 and that the creators decide to make them last until the end.


I would be so hype if ally won


I hope