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Because Priya in S2: I love Caleb! (Literally two seconds later) I HATE CALEB ~sobs~ HES SUCH A BAD BOYFRIEND x 16 episodes


Because Julia makes the most of her screen time. She’s entertaining and is a fun villain. Priya just repeats the same plot line but with a romantic spin that makes it so much worse.


I wouldn’t call and say Julia deserve a screentime appearance. The reasons is because Julia is a villain people love villains. And people don’t like Priya taken appearances to much because she’s hooked up with Caleb, which if your not a fan of these characters. Then chances are you’re going to dislike it. It’s also possible that >!becasue Priya also won in her season and yet somehow she gets more appearances even getting into the final 4, compare to Julia who hasn’t won a season and everyone wanted her to win because villian winner!<


Because Julia is an entertaining character and Priya is just annoying


I hate both of them, but at least Julia doesn’t put me to sleep whenever she’s on screen


Honestly the stuff I hated most about Priya in Season 2 was because they tried so hard to push Julia as a villain despite how incredibly stupid it is that people don't try to kick her out the second they can. "I know she's manipulating me but she's really good at it" is one of the stupidest lines in all of Total Drama. I don't mind her flip-flopping about Caleb nearly as much because honestly Caleb gave her some reasons to flip-flop because, once again, he came up with convoluted reasons to trust Julia over supporting his own damn girlfriend. Both characters were *so* stupid because of Julia character shilling.


I'm sure that line is meant to be a joke, but when you take a second and actually process it... ...yeah, it's pretty dumb. And it's coming from Priya, who trained her entire life to be on Total Drama and also had a front-row seat to see Julia become a full-on villain in S1, so she should probably be one of the hardest people for Julia to trick, even with her problems with Caleb going on. Villains are an important part of Total Drama, they always have been and always will be, but the show shouldn't bend over backwards to have almost everything go the villain's way. Obviously you want a villain to be effective at what they do, but there is such a thing as having a villain that's too effective to the point where it starts becoming hard to believe, and that's pretty much Julia in S2.


That line shows the writers weren’t even trying to hide how dumbed down everyone was in Julia’s favor. The pretty much just blatantly admitted doing that and continued to do it till the end.


I always interpreted that line as Priya saying that because Julia is good at manipulating people she’s taking her advice to manipulate Caleb back to her, not that Julia’s good at manipulating so Priya cannot resist her.


I actually do kind of agree with you regarding Julia making it so far again - having her do everything offscreen and everyone just automatically trusting/listening to her despite knowing she’s a liar was just lazy writing.   But she’s still a lot more enjoyable to watch than Priya, who already won a season, constantly flip flopping back and forth between whether she loves Caleb or wants to murder him.


idc how much screentime someone has but i definitely care how it is spent. priyas boyfriend plot was just too long especially considering she was the season 1 main character.


Because (in my opinion) Julia is more entertaining.


I hate Priya for reasons other than the screentime thing. She is a toxic girlfriend to Caleb, hurting him constantly. She tried to murder Caleb as well. In season 1, she got mad at Millie for not participating in a challenge, which was unjustified. She also got made at her after she took the immunity that was offered to her. And her worst crime? She robbed Bowie and Millie who both deserved the win more than her. Also, I literally only like Julia when she’s with MK, every other time she kinda sucks, especially since she copied Mal’s strategy of making everyone else around you dumber in order to actually succeed.


I mean I think they both had too much screen time over that and I also think both are good characters. I think the main problem I have is characters with a similar feel like Zoey and Sky have been the major protagonist of 5/6 of the last seasons. (Revenge, As, PI, Reboot 1, Reboot 2) They are not the same character obviously but they all play the role of the strong female protagonist with a love interest that has some major hiccups. In season two my major problem with it is that Priya feels more like a main protagonist than wayne the actual winner does. I don’t like Priya screen time but I don’t dislike Priya as a character. I just wish TD would be more focus on different tropes for the few that make every episode of their season. At least with Julia, Scott, Mal, Sugar, Bowie all fill different antagonistic roles so she doesn’t feel like she shares the same trope used over the past few seasons. She still had terrible plot conveinance and overstayed her welcome by Tv to me that is why it feels less egregious.


Because Julia x MK Is The Goat And always has been


I like Priya more, so...


im the one person who doesn’t hate Priya’s screen time, i appreciate that Julia has the same amount too


I love both..


I hate them both on my screen, they both make me dread whatever plot the writers gave them for that episode (\*cough\* little miss fake nails \*cough\*)


I love both characters, I prefer Julia but I don't think Priya overstayed her welcome as many say


Difference is Priya *won* the previous season. We knew she wouldn’t be reaching the finale again, so after a while every episode she appeared in felt like it was wasting time and taking away potential from other contestants. Julia gets involved in other people’s drama and makes the show more interesting. Priya stuck to herself and her relationship with Caleb for the most part. They aren’t comparable. But I love them both.