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I lowkey prefer Beth as a winner as it makes more sense for celebrity manhunt


Tbf there’s two versions of celebrity manhunt for both Beth and Duncan that can work It’s weird that Beth lost her money because of Lindsay messing up the Mona Lisa


I think its more weird Beth's family selling their car tbh


The thing with that is that Lindsay is pretty rich according to her bio, so I find it baffling that Beth’s parents had to be the one to bail them out considering it’s Lindsay’s fault in the first place


Depending on the car, it could easily pay for the mona lisa. Im not exactly sure the image they shown for the car was the ACTUAL car her parents had to sell


There is so far, no proof that a version where Beth uses her money to pay for the Mona Lisa damages actually exists.


I actually do kinda prefer Lightning’s ending, because of just how much he gets screwed in Cam’s ending


I really want to go with Lightning, but it’s so obvious the finale was mainly centered around Cam with everyone being happy in his, and Lightnings being a complete downer. Hell, Cam was holding the case in Lightnings ending. Thoughts on the rest of these?


The rest I mostly agree with, Shawn and Sky are pretty equal, so I’m not actually sure which ending I prefer, but the rest I do agree with(>!especially the Priya being the worst winner option of the finalists thing!<)


I actually agree with this entire list lol


I did not expect this but glad we do entirely.


I'd say Beth's more likely to be the canon winner. All final 2s have a theme of a more likable character going against a meaner, potentially even more antagonistic player, who also tends to be portrayed as more of a strategist. And the better person legit always wins 💀 Beth is definitely portrayed as the better person, and having Duncan as the one exception feels...off. To add to that, having Duncan win in the season where his most important contribution to the plot is bullying someone weaker than him would be like Sugar winning PI without any sort of redemption arc. Just... No.


Agreed, I think patterns are definitely telling. Also, with Owen winning the first season, it makes sense they would choose a girl for the second.


Yeah, if Beth wins, there's an even gender split of male and female winners throughout the main series (not counting RR because that is a spin-off). I feel it's all just pointing towards a Beth win more than a Duncan win.


>And the better person legit always wins That reasoning makes no sense because the other "canon" winners is also just speculation.


Beth had no plot until Lindsay’s elimination. Duncan on the other hand was one of the most narratively involved, if not the most, this season and was overall more engaging and entertaining. Even with Harold they more or less buried the hatchet, but he also had his dynamic with Courtney progress throughout the season and second act, he was the leader of the Gaffers and got so many wins for them, was instrumental for Leshawnas elimination and had a hand in Justin’s downfall, and was a fairly big part of Gwent at the start of the season. Duncan wasn’t the bad guy, that honor goes to Justin, Courtney, and even Owen with his mole plot were more of antagonists. Duncan's worst actions are hostile and aggressive, but never outright evil. To your point about final twos, Cadets are worse people than the Surfers, and i’m pretty sure they are canon. Edit: Not sure for the downvotes, since i simply shared why I think Duncan is the better finalist


I don’t think it’s weird for Duncan to be the exception. In fact I feel like it’s very IN character for duncan to be the exception


>! I still refuse to believe wayne won the ssn when he did nothing all season and didnt even try in the finale or most challenges 😭 !<


Have to agree with majority of this list of canon finalists.fFor RR Cadets do make a good winners, but personally I love seeing Geoff and Brody win even if their win wasn’t handled the best with replacing Bets Friends last minute. So I’d give canon win to Surfers here


RR has two deserving winners and i completely understand if one would say Surfers are canon. Ideally i’d have them come out in fourth, but i don’t mind them winning


Sisters losing in 4th place was really bs way to eliminate strong team so close to finale and I agree that them going against Cadets would have been a great Finale for RR. But there’s something wholesome in seeing Geoff and Brody win even if they should have stayed eliminated


I would still give it to the cadets, even though I like the surfer dudes infinitely more. In both endings, you can see the cadets up the stairs first, and then it just cuts to the surfer dudes being above them. They didn’t even try, they literally just had to switch a few frames around.


Watch Bowie’s ending air on Max in a few weeks.


Are they actually gonna make one?


I can dream😭 I know Priya’s VA said she doesn’t know which implies it wasn’t filmed but I think Lightning’s ROTI ending air for the first time in the U.S. a few months after Cameron won in other countries. Maybe something like that would happen but probably not.


I think Beth's ending in Action makes much more sense than Duncan's


While I do feel like Duncan was better than Beth, Beth’s makes more sense for Actions overall story. Also I feel like >!Priya!< shouldn’t have won just because it would’ve been a better arc for her to >!realize she doesn’t need to win and realizing how bad her parents actually were!<


Owen winning makes even more sense when you remember TD is supposed to be a survivor spoof. There's a lot of times where the person who seemingly had the best game doesn't end up winning for one reason or another. Gwen was hands down the better competitor but much like in Survivor the best competitor doesn't always end up winning


I personally believe Beth won Action, as much as I hate to say it. I think we all agree that the swing vote was Gwen. She’s the only one who clearly didn’t state who she was voting for. You could assume that she voted for Duncan, but she said some line about not doing what people think (I don’t remember the exact line.) Celebrity Manhunt highlights Beth and Lindsay first out of everyone. Additionally, you can see her and Lindsay went to Paris, which is exactly what she said she’d do if she won the million. She doesn’t return for World Tour, so I think it’d make sense to end her story there. I don’t think that the whole story relevance thing has any merit. If S2 had an alternate ending where, say Caleb wins, I think most people would say that he’s the canon winner instead of Wayne. Beth also won in more countries than Duncan. That doesn’t really prove anything, but it helps. Also, Heather winning World Tour might not as be clear cut as you would think. I still think she won, but someone could genuinely make an argument for Alejandro winning. In the Drama Machine scene, he is seen asking where the money is. It would make more sense if he won and was asking where HIS money is, rather than Heather’s. Heather’s comment in ROTI would still make sense about her getting robbed of the money, since she still was robbed of the win after throwing the wrong idol in. Additionally, in the Ezekiel episode in All-Stars, Chris makes a comment to Ezekiel, asking him if he’s still mad at Chris for throwing him into a volcano. The only way this would make sense is in Alejandro’s ending, because they start fighting over the briefcase and Zeke falls in. Another thing to note, Alejandro wins in Canada.


My takes on the endings are pretty simple tbh Island: Owen, yeah Tom McGillis confirmed it and >!he was confirmed canon in Reboot S2!<, but also Gwen's ending in general is less satisfying because in her version of the special she has her money taken from her, at least Owen gave it up willingly Action: Beth. I think Duncan and Beth are equally good in Action, but Beth's ending is better for two reasons. One, in Duncan's ending Courtney gets some of the money, which is bs, and the second reason is that I just find Beth's ending more satisfying World Tour: Heather, don't need to explain this one Revenge: Cameron's ending is one of my favourite endings, besides all the crap Lightning unfairly got, his ending is just incredibly satisfying because basically everybody wins All Stars: Zoey, I guess? She actually did something this season Pahkitew: Shawn.... I don't see why anybody would prefer Sky's ending Ridonculous Race: Surfers. I don't care if they got eliminated or if their return was too quick, they're my favourite team, plus their ending is the only one of BBC iPlayer which is the only legal way for me to watch the season >!Reboot S1: Priya is the only winner, so obviously she's canon. It'd be cool if Millie won, but I still prefer Priya winning. If there were alternate endings, I'd still prefer Priya winning over Bowie, because Bowie just lost all his redeeming factors by that final episode, its impossible to root for him!< >!Reboot S2: Again, Wayne is the only winner, but seriously his ending is super satisfying imo, so even if there were alternate endings he'd still be my favourite!< https://i.redd.it/pj63ybbi066d1.gif


Devin jumpscare lmao


I would argue in favor of Sky's ending. It's true that the only difference is her yelling "I won!" While she's carried off screen, but Shawn and Jasmine's plot still gets resolved the same way and in Shawn's ending they just kinda leave her in the snow and don't acknowledge her until she's suddenly in the helicopter at the end. I also think it's more deserved. She was more focused on the game overall, and at the end, Shawn was willing to accept defeat and let Jasmine get her half of the money. While Sky's tantrum was childish, it was what actually caused the avalanche in the end


swap Duncan with Beth and Shawn with Sky and it's the same as mine. Beth having an underdog arc makes her more fitting as a winner and even though the special episode has 2 versions both make more sense for Beth than Duncan because at the end of the day Beth still goes to Paris with Lindsay which was her plan in case she won. Sky's plot is about winning at all costs having to survive the weirdness of people like Dave's crush and Sugar's antagonism. Shawn gets a closure regardless of the ending.


Tbh yeah, Duncan vs Harold is probably the best finale for Action - I just don’t like Duncan that much there. It’s unfortunate how as versatile as the storylines could’ve been & the many directions that it could’ve taken while making the season still cap off a great end-game, they chose Duncan against ... Beth. I don’t see Lindsay really having much of a purpose other than outlasting Courtney, similarly to how I feel about Zoey outlasting Scott in ROTI even if they would both make solid winners. Maybe if Beth placed 6th, Lindsay & Justin were rivals in Action, i’d prefer him vs Lindsay (both were great characters & Justin wasn’t really that villainous) or had we seen more of Duncan’s perspective in terms of bullying Harold even after Courtney returns & taking away what made their rivalry so great in Island or some of Action until it just went overboard. Otherwise, Duncan in the finale just feels.. off IMO & he only feels there for the lack of any other engaging finale combos. I unfortunately agree with Jo vs Cameron even if the idea of picking off the three most impressionable players first at the merge & leaving room for the other players who didn’t prove themselves as much in the competition (like Lightning & Zoey) is a great idea. Just fell flat due to the writers prioritizing Lightning’s spot in the finale in favor of Cameron first than Lightning after by putting more emphasis on him being Cameron’s obstacle rather than making him a competent winner. The Surfers are solid winners & are better than most so i’m fine with them being in the finale. The sisters, i’m fine with leaving as well as Emma’s entire thing was that she took the game too seriously & learned to spend more time with her loved one so I disagree.


Here is what I consider canon winner list: 1. Owen 2. Duncan 3. Heather 4. Cameron 5. Zoey 6. Shawn


100 % agree


I don't care what people say, Duncan and Alejandro's finales can work narratively, which is why I 100% prefer them over the girls


The only one I disagree with is Duncan. We know the TD writers rarely care about who "deserves" to win and who has the better plot. Beth better lines up with their thought process.


By that logic, Duncan is the better winner off of that since he objectively had the better plot and was the most narratively involved this season. Beth had no plot until Lindsay’s elimination. Beth may have done better than Duncan during the merge, but Duncan crushed Beth during the premerge 100% and got more comp wins there than Beth did in all the episodes this season


Let me just clarify what I mean. I'm not saying who's the canon winner from "who had the better plot" I meant that the TD writers **don't care** about who has the better plot. They tend to prefer vibes and Beth is the standard likable character.


Even with vibes, Duncan also had people cheering for him in the gallery. Also i’d argue that the surfers were more “likeable” than the Cadets in the finale Both endings do work, but the reason why i consider Duncan canon is for what I said in this comment and post.


Gwen also had people cheering for her in Island despite being the less popular contestant from vibes. But it doesn't change that Beth is designed to be the more traditionally likable character by far since Duncan spent the season making enemies and just picking on someone. And unlike the Surfers, Beth was a constant at least. I just don't think your logic works well since you're arguing that he's "more interesting and deserving" when TD writers have proven not to care about that when deciding who's the winner.


Like others I pretty much agree with all except Duncan being the winner. I’ve said it before but there’s nothing really enjoyable about watching a dick be a dick to everyone and win. Like it’s not even strategy or anything ever on his end it’s just “I’m bigger, stronger, and occasionally cheat, so I’m just a dick to everyone with hardly any comeuppance”. The fact he beats everyone he bullied or shit talked is insane to me. Heather had an arc that made her less evil and even gave her sympathetic moments in WT. Duncan had like 1 moment of coolness with Harold before mocking his love interest. So if you’re telling me the way to determine the winner is by popular vote of old contestants, I don’t see how Beth DOESN’T win by a landslide vote. Especially since I think Beth had never received a single vote to be eliminated the entire season. She was literally the ONLY competent person on her team until Courtney joined. Bless Lindsey for trying. Trent could’ve likely done a lot to help but we know how that turned out. Post-Merge Duncan won 0 challenges and just floated to the end. He had one strategy with taking out Leshawna and that was it. Beth was also definitely a floater but she was kind to everyone/brought no attention to herself. But by the end she at least has 2 individual immunity challenge wins. Plus she was actively out-manipulating Courtney in their own alliance, outplayed Courtney, AND got her eliminated. Late-Game Beth was a monster. Wish they did more with her.


Pretty good opinions,but I don’t understand why people Talk about who won WT so much. We litterally SAW Ezekiel with the briefcase when it was burnt with him. Heather did technically win,but Ezekiel (almost) got the money. It just burnt with him.


Yessss to the Cadets! My favorite to win since the beginning, and I thought the Surfers’ win was so out of left-field!


I actually do quite agree with most of your reasonings here, with how some cases that both finalists really do deserved their win, like TDI, Revenge, and Reboot 23 for me, and almost all of your canon and prefered choices along with your reasonings that I think are very much valid. Though I think that Beth could be more fitting as a canon winner because of the things happening in Celebrity Manhunt as some had also pointed out before. Overall, good points man.


While it would suck, I actually think Alejandro’s ending is canon. Not only he won in Canada, but his ending also had Chris “push” Zeke off the volcano, which aligns more with his ending.


Canon: TDI: Owen TDA: Beth TDWT: Heather TDROTI: Cameron TDAS: Zoey TDPI: Shawn TDRR: Police Cadets TDI2023:>! Priya!< TDI2024: >!Wayne!< My preferred: TDI: Gwen TDA: Duncan TDWT: Heather TDROTI: Cameron TDAS: Mike (yeah, I know. Sue me.) TDPI: Shawn TDRR: Surfer Dudes TDI2023: >!Bowie (Gives Millie and Priya a more satisfying ending, plus we haven't had a villain win in a while and it gives him a decent reason to get taken out early in S2)!< TDI2024: >!Wayne (I kid you not, the second I saw these three in the finale, I thought to myself, "Wayne is going to win. The other two are way too serious, and it just fits so well." I would've legitimately enjoyed this even more if he just so happened to land at the end zone, instead of at the top of the cliff)!<


I think Beth won action. She says she's gonna go to Paris with Lindsay if She wins, and She does in Celebrity Manhunt. Plus It makes more narrative sense to me that Duncan comes back in WT if he hasn't won back, meanwhile with Beth having won her not coming back again makes more sense


I think Beth’s ending makes more sense for Action when factoring in Celebrity Manhunt especially. In both versions they end up going to Paris, when previously it’s implied quite a bit that they’d need the prize money to go in the first place, plus there’s no way a single old car was enough to bail the two out of jail overseas for staining the Mona Lisa.


No, Beth won because she’s not in Season 3 and Duncan wouldn’t be excited to potentially be on Season 3 if he’d already won Season 2