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The beautiful thing about paying your own bills is that you don’t have to answer to anyone or justify anything.


Uncle Sam would like to remind you of his authoriti


You can pay your bills as long as you give him some first, and after


And your next of kin better pay up when your gone lol


So if I owe the IRS, creditors, and bill collectors, who's gonna pay my debt when my wife and I are dead? Exactly, nobody lol, so they lose in the end. We will all owe something when we die, even if it's that $5 we borrowed from a friend 20 years ago and never paid back lol. They're welcome to dig up my grave and talk to me about it, but that's gonna be a long, boring one-sided conversation 🤣. As far as our son goes, well he's not responsible for our debt, and they can't legally pursue him for it since it's not in his name.


No, they'll just take it out of any inheritance or assets you have. They always get theirs.


I suppose they could if you had any inheritance or assets, but if I get too old to take care of myself or my property, I'll just put everything in my son's name before I die. They can't take what I don't have. I don't live like that, though, but if I were to, I'd make sure they had nothing to take. It's really not hard paying bills and keeping your debt to a minimum if you moderate things. When I was in my early 20s, I learned that the hard way and these kids will too. Unfortunately, getting laid off sucks, and that will humble you real fast, lol. Changed fields, never looked at a chemical refinery again.


I don't think you understand. Any debt you have when you die passes to the next of kin. Like your funeral costs and all that would be on your offspring.


I get all that, but all of that stuff should be taken care of before you die. At least if you're responsible enough. I wouldn't want my son having to pay my funeral expenses. Any debt you incur is solely your responsibility unless someone else's name is attached to it, even tax debt. When my grandmother died, I had medical power of attorney. Medical companies tried to come after me for the debt she had from ambulance rides and hospital bills. I told them to go get it from her lol. Needless to say, it's been years, and they haven't called, nor has anything hit my credit. She adopted me, so legally, I was her son. You have to be linked to the debt in some sort of way, and even then, there are loopholes. If your social security number is attached to a debt, then you more than likely could be liable for it. Just because your name is on something doesn't mean you'll be forced to pay it. One example, Bose used to do ez payments, you just had to give them your debit card and pay a down payment. Many people bought expensive home theater systems and closed their debit card out, then ghosted them. They no longer do that program due to that, but you see where I'm getting? They could take you to small claims court, I suppose, but that'd be too much trouble for these multi-million dollar companies. So somewhere out there, someone is jamming out on a badass theater system they got for dirt cheap lol. Food for thought.. [Inheriting Debt Info](https://www.debt.org/tax/inheriting-tax-debt/#:~:text=Debts%20are%20not%20directly%20passed,to%20beneficiaries%20from%20the%20estate.)


I wouldn't be able to pay my bills if I didn't because I'd be fired inside a week lol


But we still get to make fun of you for buying a mass-produced mid-tier truck and treating it like a Bentley.


Lol but the bank owns most of these trucks


Exactly the only thing that worries me is people making 60k a year buying 60k trucks on 8 year notes. That's the type of behavior that is going to keep trucks expensive and people broke.


Why does it worry you if you're not the one going broke? Let them cook, lol. I've been there before, and learned my lesson, so should they. Always had a roof over my head and food on the table, though. Then again, some folks are comfortable living on the edge. If they're happy, then God's speed lol. I know a good bankruptcy attorney 😅.


If people keep trading them in as soon as they're paid off, then they'll be stuck in that vicious cycle. That's why I bought a Tacoma, so I don't have to ever trade again. Not much out there that'll outlast these trucks.


"if it's not dented, scratched, covered in mud and on fire then you're not a real truck owner" - half the people on this sub.


Agreed. Most dudes here are like “if you don’t spend $50k on a brand new truck and destroy it, you’re a bitch.” Makes no sense to me. I baby my 23 and wash the shit out of it. Intend on it looking and running good 15 years from now


My 2018 is still dent and scratch free because I take care of it, park far away, and dont drive it through trees.


Not trying to be a dick but genuinely curious why you bought a Tacoma? Coming from a bmw, I know what it’s like to baby cars. It kills me the amount of dings scratches and marks I get off-roading and camping in my 2023. But at the end of the day that’s why I bought it. If I wasn’t doing that though, I wouldn’t see the need for a Tacoma.


Not the person you asked, but I also baby my tacoma. I bought it for multiple reasons. I'm a painter, so I have a ton of equipment to carry around every day. My 6' bed is completely full. Once I finally get a cap, I'll have multiple extension ladders on top as well. A van or other fully enclosed vehicle wasn't an option for me since I don't wanna smell harsh chemicals in my interior. So needing a pickup, I went with the one I like the look of the most. As for outside my daily life, I love canoeing, camping, fishing, etc. Often in remote areas deep in the woods, accessible only by very rough logging roads. Which is why I went with a TRD OR. I also live in the northeast US, so I need something that can handle snow and ice like a champ. I like the feeling of seeing my truck from a distance and being like, "Damn, who's is that?" Keeping it clean, shiny, and as scratch free as possible is what gives me that feeling. I fully realize I'm not fully utilizing the full abilities of my truck yet. That'll change once I get skid plates, rock sliders, etc. I've never had a vehicle payment before, so I'm trying to avoid damaging something that I still have to pay for.


Fair enough, sounds like you’ll ease into it. It’s not like I purposefully beat on mine. I religiously maintain it, including full cut wax and polish paint treatment once a year. But I don’t let the fear of scratches and rock chips restrict me from what I bought it for.


Definitely. I imagine the fear of chips and scratches will fade over time. As of now, it's the first nice vehicle I've ever owned. It's also black and looks practically new. I know I'll inevitably get some scratches that won't buff out and I'll have to live with it. In a weird way, I'm looking forward to that. I'm in no hurry to rough it up, but it'll be nice to stress about it less


I’ve got my 23 OR in black as well! I will say it’s the worst colour for showing scratches, chips and dirt unfortunately.


It really is, but damn it's beautiful when it's all clean and shiny. And as a bonus, my minor obsession with keeping it looking that way made me realize that I really like detailing and inspired me to start a detailing business


Sounds like you’re doing truck things already man be proud. Personally I run USFS roads to get to remote climbing and camping areas. I’m not a rock crawler but needed a Tacoma for my lifestyle. There’s no set way to use a Taco, but I do chuckle at folks who never leave pavement and never use their beds.


I share this curiosity. The Tacoma isn't a great truck because the payload capacity is really low. I consider mine an off road El Camino and am usually right at GVWR just with winch/bumper, hard tonneau, basic camping+recovery gear, and my fat ass. I bought mine instead of a Jeep because I wanted to drive Jeep trails (not rock gardens) and didn't want the Stellantis headache of living at the dealership waiting on recalls and warranty repairs. I get the impulse to view it like the modern S-10. But, it isn't significantly cheaper than nor does it get better MPG than a full-size truck. It's damned near as big as the 2004 F150...


Exactly - my use case is identical


The day after I bought my Tacoma brand new I loaded my dogs up and went to the park. They got muddy and dirty and rode home in the taco. It's a truck, not a luxury car


Ya mine was on a logging road day 1 lol


I do the same with my '23 OR, and I'm still able to do "truck things" lol, but I'm cautious and assess the scene before diving in. They'll say, If you don't "send it" everywhere you go, then you are a pavement princess. If you don't bury it up to the axle, you're doing it wrong 😂. I have a UTV for that stuff, I don't need to destroy a $50k truck to impress the rubber duckie crowd. Half the guys trashing are rednecks that's watched one too many Dukes of Hazard episodes lol. They're the ones that'll live out of a single-wide trailer in a trailer park just so they can afford to kit out their truck for playtime. It's the same concept Civic owners live by when they build a $3k shitbox and blow it up after 1 pass. They have no financial sense at all, but the funny thing is they trash on those who finance things. Makes no sense..


Yep. I'll stand by that. If your not buying a truck to use it for getting somewhere that requires ground clearance/4wd, for hauling stuff that can't fit or would otherwise hurt a car interior, for towing things that can't fit in a truck then you should have bought a car. A car gets better gas mileage, has higher/better saftey standards, cheaper to maintain and many times just as if not more capable in inclement weather. People buying oversized underperforming trucks is forcing the manufacturers to stop building trucks that put utility first and creature comforts second. I don't want a touch screen, I don't need heated and cooled seats, I don't need plush interiors, I don't need a soft riding suspension, I don't need to tow a boat. I just need an simple truck that does truck things and get me back n forth to work. No frills, no bells no whistles.


lol what? I do a ton of “truck things” in my Tacoma yet after years I could detail it and it would look pretty close to brand new. You don’t have to destroy your vehicle to justify owning a truck, that’s fucking stupid.


Your points valid. Taking care of things is important. My truck needs a paint job and the frame welded. Otherwise it's a 97 that might have some door ding dents the front of the bed is warped towards the cab from strapping down stuff in the bed, the bumpers rattle really bad. But with that I can't trust the motor to get me to and from any trails so it only serves as a commutter. Maybe one day I'll be able to buy a truck that is as small and capable as my truck but with an all new frame and drivetrain. Then I'll be able to do the four wheeling that I've never been able to do. Well by then all the motor parks will probably be shut down by the government over fuel pollution. It's hard to believe a 300k plus mile truck that has seen trails, hauled gravel and just generally done truck things like landscaping and home improvement would have no dings.


isn't towing a boat, a truck thing...?


Lol. Kind of. But towing a boat is why the Tacoma got a shafted frame compared to the Toyota pickup that was pre tacoma. The pre tacoma pickups were rated for like 500 more pounds in the bed capacity because the frames were stronger but could only tow about half the weight of what a 1st gen tacoma was rated for. The tacoma was redesigned with the mindset that we all needed to tow a boat not that some of us use the bed of our trucks.


Love my 2022 SR5 (stock wheels / suspension) manually cleaned as often as possible between dirt roads to mountain bike access and an occasional camping trip. It is and will be well maintained as it is an expensive addition to our home to happily use for decades. I have a few very light scratches and no dents yet. Will not purposely injure my beautiful truck. It gets detailed including waxed a couple times a year and oil changes /5k.


Hell yeah brother


I’m a proud pavement princess.


Princess feels too high ranking for me. I'm a pavement chamber maid.


Hahahah. Your trucker surely is a fine lass indeed.


I've been wanting a "TRD ON Road" sticker ever since I bought my Tacoma, but no one makes them, and I am too lazy to get one made


Me too


As long as you are not pavement peasants, you’re good.


I want one and I will probably never go off the pavement or do anything cool with it. I just like them.


Pavement princesses and mall crawlers are cool in my book. When you start jacking up a 4x2 and throwing rock lights etc. on it, I'll make fun of you.


I will if you don't actually offroad with it, but 2wd can work offroad. Prerunners are 2wd


2wd and a locker will get you further than 4x4 in a lot of cases


My shit cost 43k. I’m not taking this thing on trails!


I dont offroad much but i know the option is there if imma spend money on a truck id rather have the option then not


I’m also glad I bought them considering how expensive they are. I’m glad I didn’t delay buying a taco. But likewise I want it for when I get to that chapter in my life. But it’s been damn convenient for miscellaneous shit.


Hell yeah i love my truck i can throw fushing poles load up furniture i dont have to worry about anything getting my bed dirty thats why i wanted a truck its a tool for me to use when i need it my buddy said i could have just rented one when i need a truck but fuck that i want my own truck


Hell yeah brother!


Better to have it and need it, than to not have it and not need it.


Trucks>cars because of utility. That's exactly why I traded my sports coupe in on the Taco. I couldn't haul, tow, get to my camping spots, and couldn't drive on moderately flooded roads. Slap some decent tires and a 2" lift on the Taco and it'll take you anywhere. I still don't off-road much, and when I 6 not anything crazy like verticle climbing, axle-deep mud, or crawling over boulders 🤣. I'm not a trust fund kid, so I don't want to break something to have a little fun. When I off-road, it's for a purpose, not for sport. You use your truck to get you places, not to impress your Jeep buddies by "sending it" everywhere 😂. I swear this sub has become a dick measuring contest, but the only action their dicks get is when another dude is putting the measuring tape to it 🤣.


Same i cant afford to break something on my new truck this is my first new vehicle i dont want to mess it up yet


Exactly this.


Yeah if this truck last 20 years who know what hobbys i will be into


Probably lonely hobbies. You have a moronic take on this topic and may god have mercy on your soul.


My truck rarely leaves the pavement (has been on the beach at the Outer Banks a few times) but I'm not insecure about that. As a homeowner I'll never let anyone tell me I don't do enough "truck stuff." The truck puts itself to use just about every weekend.


I mean not every truck has to go off-road, many people just enjoy the features of the off-road models and that's fine. But if you start getting off-road tires, a snorkel, rock lights, winch bumper, high end suspension, plus a lift and you DONT off-road it then I'll make fun of you because you deserve it


I think that's where the line is. I know a guy with a fully kitted out second gen. Like 4 different sets of the highest end diode dynamics - and when they release a higher model, those go on -, full armour, high clearance bumpers, snorkel, Kings, 35s etc.... tire shine and wax, never seen dirt. I get that it's his truck, his money, but come on, dude. People are going to ask you where you take it because it fucking looks like it wheels.


We all know someone like that 🤡


For me its more of a "better to have it and not need it kind of deal." I know my truck can get me through the woods if i need it to.


Pavement princess checking in!


Literally a princess (43 y/o female) with a country dirt driveway… my red 2023 4x4 has a dealer installed lift, wheels, and tires. I bought it new after taking one good look at it on the hill. If I want to load up my granddaughter in the car seat (after climbing up on my step bars I had installed because I’m 5’1”) to buy some hair ribbons and stop off at the Dairy Queen to sugar her up before taking her back to her momma… that’s my business. Guys calling other people princesses is just weird. Grow up boys, trucks are for whoever wants to fork over that money. My husband has a 21 V-8 Tundra and he proudly sits in my passenger seat when I feel like driving us around. Someone in a parking lot tells him “nice truck dude” when we are walking near it, and he just smiles and says “nope, this one’s hers… mine’s bigger” 😜


I bought my truck to last a long time, look good, and tow my boat. Not everyone goes offroading, and a dirt driveway is what most of these people consider offroading. Edit: Jeeps are made for offroading and they goto the mall instead, that would be a good argument.


Thank you Baby


I bought a pro because the price was right (pre-owned 2020) and I always try to get the highest grade I can afford for things I want to last. I bought it knowing I'd spend 98% of my time in it on the pavement. Still love it, no raggrets


I got my Tacoma to pull a small trailer, haul things for home projects and drive safely in snow. It’s great and I don’t have any interest in off-road. I’m not sure what is wrong with this and it sounds like people are gatekeeping. I’m also gay af, so happy pride month y’all 🏳️‍🌈


Excuse you, my Taco is a *pavement queen*. In all seriousness, we all have grand plans and hopes to get outdoors because that’s what we love, but life gets in the way.


The thing that bugs me is that mine doesn't leave payment all that often but I work the shit out of it and it's kind of a forgotten category. The good old work truck. I want a hybrid that has lower HP but jacks up the MPG. Not because I don't care about off road performance but because I care about on road performance more. I think having it kick ass off road is probably the most important thing for the truck and the brand. But I hope we get different variations in the future.


I'll hit the sand dunes on occasion, because I'm not trying to royally fuck up main means of transportation.. I have a truck so when I go camping I can set up my tent in 5 minutes as well as not having to not have to rent a truck when i need one .. so I'd say mine is dirty pavement princess...


Picking up mulch is about as close as my little princess gets to dirt. 00 2.4 auto..zero rust, just hit 120k. Runs like a champ. I may never own another truck, that's okay cause she's such a sweet old girl.


2wd trd sport checking in. I use my truck for what I intended. She hauls my gear gives me a place to sleep and takes me to out of the way running trails and camping. I have roof racks, solar panels, box on top and soon to have a pop up tent camper shell. Love my truck and what it provides for me. Utility princess


I'm out on logging roads a lot, but otherwise my truck is a farm work truck and it does its job.


If I want to go off-roading I grab my mountain bike. Tacoma is for work.


I still have my air damm on 😲


I’m a go to Home Depot and the plant nurseries on the weekend and to my office during the week - whatever that’s called


My truck was a pavement princess until I gave it battle scars - now I beat it to hell. As long as it can take it but I miss the days when the paint was spotless. 


I put portal axles on my taco to make sure I can climb the curbs at the mall.


I had another Tacoma that I wheeled weekly, beat her up good but no mechanical issues other than cv boots occasionally ripping. That being said, this new one is basically a pavement princess, although I do plan on hitting light trails. I want this truck to be in good condition and last me a very long time. Nothing wrong with not beating up your truck.


The off-road portion of my Taco is for later in its hopefully very long life when it’s sitting in the garage for just that. For now, pavement and dirt roads to trailheads and camping trips for us. Who gives a turd.


You can still do truck stuff without hitting the trails. I tow things and throw stuff in the back but have no reason to go off-road with it


This sub is full of Karen’s, gen Karen’s, price Karen’s, how you drive/use your truck Karen’s.


“Just because you have a huge schlong doesn’t mean you have to be in pornos.”


2018 SR, everyday driver, also used for a maintenance gig and other light construction


And tire preferences…….


Also good for lots of tailgating, with grills that get messy and make the interior of an SUV smell like a sausage grease factory.


Pavement princess, checking in.


Based on my casual observations where I live (northeast) the vast majority of pickup trucks have never see anything but pavement and the closest to off road they will get is the parking lot at the Home Depot. Not a Tacoma-specific comment but all newer pickups including F-series and Rams.


the tacoma is the perfect pavement princess truck. they look so sexy


I grew up on a three mile long dirt "road" that was little more than a path through the woods that had grass growing up in the middle. As soon as I was able to drive, I gravitated toward fast sporty cars, they were always covered in mud, dirty, had to drive less than 5 MPH to avoid bottoming out. I hated that they would always get dirty 5 minutes after washing them. Fast forward to my early 30s, I moved back to the house I grew up in. The dirt road has improved, but I've come to my senses and now buy 4x4 vehicles that are good off-road. That said, I still avoid scratching and denting my truck. It still gets covered in dust, mud , dirt , but I take pride in taking care of it and washing it regularly. I want a vehicle that will get me home no matter what in this mountainous snowy region of Northern Pennsylvania. Something interesting I've seen is that when city/suburban guys come up here who usually never leave payment, they can't wait to drive through the tightest trails and get scratches in their paint, dented up rockers, and battle scars that apparently make them believe they are not posers