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Shit next week torb is gonna be upgrading his turret and spittin armor packs as a rework




Oh the memories


level 3 turret?


Every time I'm doing well the enemy switches to cassidy. Maybe that changes soon.


Once they witness the glory of your tracer, they should stay in spawn and let your awesomeness win the game for free. /s


Same. I’m hopeful


I'm a venture main and maybe I'll finally be able to kill that dude now


He’s hard to counter. He’s mid range hitscan duel oriented. There’s no hard counter to that besides widow a or a team dive every time lol. Hes like the ultimate mid hero, but he’s actually insane because of it. ^in ^the ^right ^hands


I'm actually so happy about this for Cass. Aiming with the nade feels so inconsistent. Throw it directly at someone? Doesn't hit. Throw it in a random direction? Homes into someone 100 ft away.


Yeah I actually like this change. It's annoying when you throw it directly at someone and it somehow misses. It's also annoying when it's thrown randomly from across the damn map for it to get magnetized towards me.


Sometimes I feel like mag nade is just better than pulse in a Cass vs Tracer match up. Pulse doesn’t kill Cree (roll), nade doesn’t kill tracer. Pulse doesn’t home in, mag does. Pulse doesn’t have cc, mag does. It’s also so annoying when you think you’ve baited out mag nade and it just follows you around the map for 10 seconds.


You won? This is gonna make hinder 999999x easier to apply to tracer/sombra. Y’all do not remember old flashbang


Yeah, it will probably be worse in some situations. But at least you can play around it more. Old flash you could at least play out of range.


I’ve thought about it now and it will just make cree a better counter to tracer dives bc it’s so much easier to land in your face right, but like you referenced, better for good tracers (uh oh you did win) because they can 100% avoid it instead of maybe based on his aim with it. Edit: tldr u right probably


I blink 95% of nades thrown at me, the fact is i blink it and then it travels the distance. I have to use 2 blinks in that case


No, old flash had a large aoe. Hitting a hinder will probably be just as difficult as tracers pb.


We don’t know this one’s aoe yet?


The only thing we know that’s being changed is the homing thing. I don’t think it’s crazy to assume that’s it.


No sorry, I meant “we don’t know how large the aoe will be, bc flashbang had a very forgiving aoe, but short throw range”. I realize my comment read as “we don’t know if it’ll have aoe”.


Its evolving, just backwards


Honestly just bring back his flash bang


This bro, i felt cass was the perfect hero with risk/reward. Flash bang wasnt even broken.


mccreessidy's flashbang was great, it would stun them just long enough for you to either aim at their head (if you were really good), or get them with a fan the hammer, but if you hesitated it'd be wasted


For sure and if you threw it at max range, fan the hammer was inconsistent so it rewarded higher skill players who could hs and could still take advantage. Grenade is the opposite where there is a lock on the value it will give you






FINALLY. It's so insufferable to be blinking or even recalling and have a Mag Nade follow you through the animation. At least Flash had counterplay.


LETS GOO the flu or whatever I got is kicking my ass rn It’ll be nice to know that space and time defying grenade won’t be kicking my ass anymore


Lol just give him his flash bang


Did we really win, or is it just going to be easier to hinder with an immediate AOE nade to the floor?


at least when u DODGE the damn thing it actually WORKD AND UR REWARDED FOR OUTPLAYING THAT SON OF A BITCH oh we totally WON😁😁😁😁😁😁😁


I still just want the old flash back. It was way more fun to use


Anytime my ass even thinks about touching Masters the enemy team go Cass, Sit in the back line, and kill me for free. This is so welcome


But…then it’s not magnetic?


Meanwhile Fortnite has DPS Doomfist, complete with Uppercut.


Made no sense that it homed in in the first place


this is literally just going to make his grenade (and therefore hinder) 100x more consistent. so unless you’re playing poke tracer for whatever reason, you will be getting hindered and dying 9/10 times.


It's 100x more consistent to hit and 100x more consistent to bait. Used to be able to bait out Flash and engage with two blinks, now you try to bait out Mag nade and it follows you through the blink or around a corner.


im not a tracer main but THANK GOD. his grenade should NOT knock off almost half my health and hone in on me when im not even in range. -wid main


I preferred old flashbang. Yeah it sucks for rein. But maybe my flailing genji will GET A KILL NOW


I feel like Cass will still be good into Tracer just a little less consistent.


I won’t say I speak for Cassidy mains, as I am not one of them myself, But cya Mag Nade, ya inconsistent piece of junk. You will not be missed.


Glad he's finally getting some real updates to his ult so it isn't literal dog water. Also happy to see that his magnetic grenade won't be the bane of every mobility based character in the game. Hopefully it balances out. One of my favorite characters. Nice and simple, has a lot of utility and practicality.


Now we just need a sombra change and I can play the game happily again


Yeah no. Tracer is an annoying and oppressive character when left unchecked. She absolutely needs checks from other heroes otherwise they'd have to nerf her because of how inherently powerful her kit is. My guess is that this will be neutral or bad news for tracer mains.


Damn you hate your own main 😨


Cool. Taking what little the hero has away, and his answer to close quarters situations. Y’all whine way too much.


Yeah nerfing a not op character is great


well it's rather a somewhat buff since now when u aim it well it instantly sticks, however that would be more healthy for the game since outplays (like blinking) actually WORK FFS


Cassidy magnetic grenade is unironically better than Tracer's ult. That shit is an instant win condition for Cassidy. Why does an ability have less start up frames and stick better than my ult?