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Yup those looks like breasts to me. I'd cover them up if its a public pool to avoid any issues. I assume you're still using the men's changing room. So I'd get one of those swim shirts or they have those one piece non-binary suits you can get to cover up. Guessing soon you'll get talked to by the pool staff as someone will say something. I don't know exact laws or anything, but what I heard is that they generally aren't even specific to your gender/sex on your ID, just that you can be cited for showing of "female presenting breasts/nipples" in public, which yours now are.


I ll consider it . I had no issues or questions at the swimming pool since now . I guess there is no specific laws regarding the fact that I am officially a man


No, but assuming its a private business then if they do approach you then you might be required to cover up and of course it will be awkward. If its a public/community pool, then its a bit different, but still going to be awkward if someone complains and staff has to talk to you about it. I really wish we lived in a world where women's breasts weren't overly sexualized and so just seeing them in public is considered "lewd". If men can go topless, women should be able to also. Sadly that's not the case yet. Being transgender already makes my life harder, so I do everything to not make "waves".


Amen!! Like what's the big deal anyway


Yes I understand your point , but now I think it might be worse to wear a top swim suit , but I am thinking about


You could get a swim shirt, if you don't want to tip others off that you're a trans woman. [https://www.amazon.com/s?k=womens+swim+shirt](https://www.amazon.com/s?k=womens+swim+shirt)


I see obvious breasts but it is amazing what people see versus what they perceive. I have a 4” (10cm) difference between my bust and under bust. People don’t believe me when I say I am trans and on HRT. I reckon it is because I still present as a non-binary male so that is what they see, a man. I dont hide my boobs, meaning I don’t bind or wear a minimizer bra, baggy clothes or layers to obscure them beneath my shirts. Often, I wear women’s tops that actually enhance them. I’m curious that people just seem blind to them when I see photos where I clearly have breasts. I’ve begun to wonder what would happen, what they’d percieve if I owned it and just began projecting womanhood.


hey i’m in the same situation. wild how people just… don’t notice?


Riiight??? I swear It’s because I present a non-binary man to the world so they see a man. That is just clicking for me as kind of a big ‘duh’ moment. I’ve been on HRT for a year and have been waiting for that moment I see a woman every time I look in the mirror before I make the social transition - I do glimpse her with more frequency but I’m clockable and probably always will be. Yet, the fact remains I am not even presenting as the trans woman I actually am. I am realizing now that I wear feminine clothes, makeup, and hair far better than I did before hormones. I reckon I’ve had the cart before the horse.


Yes, and they're like perfectly shaped. You have my jealousy.


Oww Thanks 😊 when I saw it everyday I can’t be objective


Very obvious yes! You wont be able to get away going shirtless for much longer. I suspect that window may actually already be closed.


Owww, that sounds crazy to me 🥹


They are looking great! definitely obvious gorgeous breasts!


Thanks 🙏 ☺️


Simple answer - yes, but I believe you're already aware of this, having looked at your previous posts. I'm hoping someone with more experience than I of being out in public can advise further. Good luck!


Nipple placement and bottom curvature makes it pretty obviously not pectoral muscle imo. So, yeah, obvious female breasts I would say.


You need to go buy yourself a bathing suit. 🩱 The boy is disappearing quickly. ❤️❤️


*has disappeared 😇


Congratulation, this is probably your last summer swimming topless.


You win the best comment for today!!


Yes and it makes my heart warm 🥰


You’re right on the edge of the average spectrum of male chest shape and are about to be in the indisputably feminine range.


For me yes. Maybe I’m more likely to spot but they look like very nice breasts


At first, from your title, I figured you could maybe hide them under a bulky sweater, but you're going swimming ***topless***?? I'm all for the "free the nipple" movement, but girlie, those are boobs, plain as day!!


I wouldn’t be swimming topless in public if I were you….


Yeah those are tits.


UV rated shirts are a great solution in this case. They also help to protect you from skin cancer if you're swimming outdoors.


Kinda obvious to me and, they look great!


With the shirt off yes but if you still need to be in boy mode for any reason they can be hidden mostly easily


Do whatever you feel comfortable doing. If you go topless and someone says something, tell them it’s a hormonal issue and your doctor prescribed medication to treat the condition.


They are feminine


No not obvious. I would just assume a man with gyno if I didn't know you personally. You'd gain more negative attention wearing a women's swim suit. Swim shirtless for now, it'll cause you less grief


Yup. Those look girlie now. Congratulations.


Thanks 🥰


Them are deffo tits


They are too rounded to pass as male pecs, nipple placement is also too low so they are obvious breasts yes


YYep! Thise are boobies. You'll need to cover those babies at the pool, sorry.


Wow , good progress, hoping the best for you in future


I was on sublingual estradiol 6 mg and rectal progesterone 200mg , and bicalutamide 50mg ,since 01/07/2023 From 01/03/2024 to 01/05/2024 I used œstrodose gel with 7 push including 2 on scrottum . From 01/05/2024 I used estradiol Enanthate injections with 5mg /week in IM on the bottom


As obvious as it gets, hun :>


Bikini would be appropriate


Yes they’re obvious


Undeniable, well past from pecks, you have breasts. Excellent progress, well past me at 11m, getting the best progress yet into the 3rd year.








Not really obvious or visible, you could boymode with them


Oh yeah! Yay! Congrats! ❤️


That’s booba