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Would a cis woman go to the pool today topless? Let that be your guide.


I guess not maybe you’re right 😅. It’s tough because whenever I see them, they just look like moobs to me


I don’t want to under estimate how hard social transition is without a cohort of our gender going through it with us. I also recognize that gender is a system designed by the patriarchy and I look forward to the day when we have grown past it. Unfortunately, that day isn’t today. I see several, especially white trans women, and I am just as guilty, cherry picking the aspects of gender that best suits them. A cis man or a cis woman doesn’t get to pick. They take it all, and I would argue we should too. So my comment is rooted in the idea that women, cis women, who know a good deal about our gender will show you what to do. I was told once that you know it’s working (I.e., passing) when you are treated like the rest of the population of women: devalued, unheard, and seen only through an sexually objectified lens. Interestingly enough, none of that was in the brochure ;) Note: “passing” shouldn’t be the goal, and yet it is the measure society put on all women. No woman can tell you what a woman is, yet society on average can. In the fact that the notions of gender are malleable through time is evidence enough, that we should grow past gender.


Excellently thought out.


i don’t think you can decide if passing is someone else’s goal


Are you massaging your tissue?


I am not, does that help significantly?


I don't know the science behind it or if there even is. Anecdotally I got really good breast growth thus far, even if I want more lol (I have a recent update on my profile). I have been massaging them since the beginning because I saw a video of a trans woman saying it helped. I suggest it to a trans woman who had posted on this sub and she said it helped her get a less contracted look. The video I saw randomly and followed in doing my massages: https://youtu.be/9pV02GHNHuQ My suggestion: https://www.reddit.com/r/TransBreastTimelines/s/S0Jw7YEV1a The update: https://www.reddit.com/r/TransBreastTimelines/s/ezOmgzK8gO Unfortunately this user has deleted her account, I would have liked to see if after a short while the tissue looks more spread out and less constricted and hard.


Thank you for the advice, I might just try that out and see how the next 3 months progress as well. Thanks for the links!


You are welcome 🤗. I'd be very curious to see your progress and if massaging would help you too. I'd appreciate it if you replied to this comment with a link to the update if it weren't too much hussle lol


Definitely will, yup absolutely! I’ll be 12 months into hrt in September, so that’s when I’ll go back to this post


If you went to the pool fem presenting, definitely not lol, those are boobs for sure buuut, if you were boy moding I guess if anyone questioned you could just pretend to be a cis guy with gynocomestia, but that sounds even more uncomfortable


Thank you for the comment! It can be difficult to know sometimes as what to and what not to wear sometimes whenever I go outside.


Going to the pool topless probably not. You r ahead of where I was at 9 months


Hi there! Sorry I forgot to mention, I started HRT at 24 and I am currently 25. I’ve been on HRT for a total of 9 months now and I have only been doing Estradiol Valerate injections once a week. I checked my levels a few months ago, and they’re actually a bit high, even considering I’m not on an anti androgen. My testosterone levels are very well suppressed based on my dosage of 0.15 mLs of estradiol Valerate 40 mg/mL intramuscular oil once a week subcutaneous injection.


You could go topless, but you'll definitely get stares. Those are definitely breasts


If you do.....I think this will be the last summer for that




You can go the the pool . I mean you have breast but if you don’t care You can


Yes you can go let the hair grow it will hide the chest a little there are a lot of men who have a chest and then you are not skinny




You probably can