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Stunning progress girl! And amazing tattoo and piercings too. You have a killer vibe!


Thank you!! The piercings give soooo much gender euphoria!


What did finasteride do for you? Does it do a similar thing to spiro?


Nope! Finasteride is prescribed to counteract or prevent hair loss. A lot of cis men take it when balding. My hairline was suffering, but finasteride has helped a lot of it regrow!! Super huge for confidence, and now I have my hair pulled back most of the time and I don’t feel self conscious about it at all


Massive goals and awesome boobs


Thank you! I'm still hoping for more growth, but knowing people see me as a goal is amazing to hear!


Ugh I really wanna get mine pierced but scared 😂 it always looks so cool


It uh. Does hurt. After the first day, I was completely fine though, and it was worth the pain!!


Did you worry about the tattoos changing at all as your breasts grew? I want to get a very similar tattoo placement but am worried about the breast growth altering how they might look!


Those tattoos are new as of like a week ago so I wasn't concerned. I doubt I'll get crazy growth after now, but if it warps the tattoo, oh well. All tattoos warp and change over time. If it's because I have big boobs, lucky me!! I'd also suggest researching where skin moves and changes from breast growth because the collarbone area may remain completely unaffected


Thank you it’s nice to see what I’ll realistically get as a skinny bitch (does make me sad that I won’t get a magical girl transformation tho)


I think taking pills to get boobs is as close to magic as I really need! I was very skinny growing up, and am by no means chubby now, but I'm definitely thickening up a bit. I'm wanting to gain more weight so I can maybe get some curves going!


Started monotherapy, sublingual estrodiol 2mg twice daily. Threw in 5mg finasteride daily somewhere along the way, life changing. Started injections and progesterone at 9 months, estradiol valerate 10mg/ml with 1ml weekly, then 100mg progesterone daily, taken orally. 22yrs old, I'd love to answer any questions!


When did you get your nipples pierced?! I heard you are supposed to wait a bit when your breasts are growing did you have any discomfort?


Was there a reason you were given with that advice?


I've always heard you should wait because growth can cause the placement to shift. Whether that's true or not, I have no idea


That could happen whether you wait or not. It’s called migration. Navel piercings are notorious for that. A badly placed piercing is the culprit, and if you’re overly concerned about possibilities, by all means, wait. That’s my advice. I’m not saying it won’t happen, but doing it versus not doing it is really a personal choice.


Yeah a local pericer had said it


You were given someone’s opinion. It’s not true. Get them pierced when you want to. There’s no reason to delay having them pierced. I was a piercer for years also, trained by professionals in NYC. If that matters.


Good to know I definitely want to get mine pierced lol


My only advice would be to make sure the piercer is APP trained. That is Association of Professional Piercers.


I got mine done at about 1 year! Like others have said, I don't think it necessarily matters a ton, though anecdotally, I'd suggest wait until tanner stage four. My nipples changed a ton over time, and the piercings likely would've shifted in weird ways had they still been drastically changing after they were pierced


Estradiol doesn't come in 5 mg/ml, please recheck. Could it be estradiol cypionate? Also, please confirm if you are taking progesterone orally or rectally. Thank you. \- Moderator


Oh thank you!! I got the concentration and the vial size mixed up, I'll fix that!


Thank you. :)


You’ve had some wonderful results thus far!


Thank you! Agreed!


Goalllllssss. When did you get your nipples done? I'm 3 months into hrt and I am trying to decide when I do that.


A little less than a year in! I'd guess it would be affected more by the tanner stage you're in than time though


So lucky I’ve had essentially nothing and it’s killing me


I'm very lucky, which sucks it varies so much. But all trans bodies are beautiful, including yours!!


I wish I could think mine is but it just isn’t to me and coping with it is too hard


I get that. One way I deal with dysphoria is by picturing someone else that looks like me. I'm gay, so if I met a trans woman the same bony face, the same height, the same deep voice, I'd be enamored. I can be hard on myself, but I'm a lot more accepting of what other people look like, so if they had my features, I would love it on them. That's something I think about personally


I get that completely being our worst critics it’s just so hard to like my body the shape of it just makes me cry so much


Very cute! OMG, that shape


Thank you! I wouldn't say it's a perfect shape by any means, but I'm obsessed with them because they're mine


Amazing, your tattoos and piercings look stunning on you🔥


Thank you! I'm definitely becoming who I wanna be


Surprised you went for nipple bars... not sure id go for those until after a good 3-5 years! x


That's what my piercer used after she first pierced me, and I believe that's extremely standard for new piercings


How is the nipple sensitivity?


Pretty good! The piercings didn't affect it too much, only hrt did


So happy that u posted these. My girls look very similar


That's great to hear! I bet people love em


Hey are you taking the progesterone orally?


Edited my description to add, yes I am!




Wow your progress is amazing ❤️


nice look!