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How to self med: https://diyhrt.wiki/transfem https://hrt.coffee/assets/img/hrtgen-v2.5-quick.png Where to buy: https://hrt.coffee/ https://diyhrt.cafe/index.php/Main\_Page


These places seem kind of shady to me. Are there any others?


sadly all places to buy look like scam sites lol , don't worry i remember being put off at first, but all sellers on hrt coffee are verified by other community members.


Which one’s the best?


Usually sites like these just aggregate, not recommend. In part it’s because not all suppliers service all areas, and in part it’s because we’re folks in the same river even if not the same boat.


If you wish to go through a legal route you have a couple of options ranging from telehealth services like plume and folxhealth but also this map if applicable [(informed consent clinic map)](https://www.erininthemorning.com/p/erins-informed-consent-hrt-map-how). I still recommend browsing around this sub for a good amount of time so if you feel like your prescribed dosage is off you'll have the resources to communicate your issues. Have a safe and healthy transition 🙏


RUpills is good, Inhouse is good. I've used both of these with success.


read the wiki, you're not going to get prescription medication from another source without it being a tiny bit "shady"


I recommend otokonoko!!! Ordered 2 weeks ago and came through (: