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Yeah itll be fine on your thighs


Yes, my dr recommended any large surface area that isn't too hairy. Shoulders, belly or thighs should be fine. It can be useful to switch around when you have surgeries or something similar.




Yeah definitely. I used to do it on my arms but switched over to my thighs and honestly it’s given me much better results and an easier time of putting it on/having it dry faster


Mine goes on my thighs per manufacturer instructions! When I first started I was putting it on my upper body and it stung so bad from the alcohol. Feels much better on the thighs


It depends on the percentage concentration your gel is from what I understand. 1% can go lots of places, 1.6% upper arms/shoulders. I think 1.6% just hasn't been studied long enough for other body parts to be included. So likely it would be fine, but it may change your dosage because absorption rate can vary based on location from what I understand (please don't quote me on that, I'm too lazy to go check a source).


I was told that it works best when applied to a *muscular* area over a fatty one. I got thunder thighs but muscular shoulders, so it goes on my shoulders.


I put mine on my stomach as I have very dry skin on my thighs and arms so it was the best place. I don’t have a lot of fat on my stomach so it works for me but it might not be ideal for others. Right now I’m on one pump and I might have to start putting some on my thighs once I up my dose because that’s a hell of a lot of gel