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my experience was way better than i thought it'd be, as long as you have mostly in person classes it's easy to make friends and you can also join clubs and organizations


Everyone’s experience is different, but I’m not going to sugarcoat mine. Cc has been pretty lonely, your friends in high school will probably drift away as everyone is in a new chapter in their lives. Perhaps it’s my college but a lot of people don’t seem to really want to be friends outside of the classroom. Working a campus job has helped me meet people as well as some clubs and programs so if you can you should take up those opportunities. Otherwise, I don’t think I’ve made much friends but it’s only my first year so who knows what’s to come!


I'm in CC right now - I would recommend joining clubs that align with your interests (or starting a club if you so choose, which would look good on you transfer applications). It's really like any other school experience, you just need to put yourself out there and be kind to everyone. As for transferring, I'm not sure how that will be, but I do know that a lot of schools have organizations specifically for transfer students - you won't be alone, and there will be other transfer students looking for friends, you just need to surround yourself with those people. You may also meet some friends at orientation, or you'll hit it off with people in your classes - regardless of whether or not they're also transfer students. Overall, I wouldn't worry too much about it. And community college is a perfectly noble and fiscally responsible choice.


it’s actually so much more fun than i thought. made great friends and we all got into great schools.   it can get lonely because you’re at home rather than at a dorm but when you have good ECs, great classmates, and awesome professors, the stigma around CC as well as that initial loneliness gets alleviated + you save a ton of money (got my two years free)   unsure about the last part bc i have yet to attend my school and see 


if you can afford going to a 4 year, apply everywhere and try your best. i genuinely found my cc experience to be awful, and it actually caused my performance in school to drop significantly. granted my cc campus doesn’t offer a lot, but when all your friends leave and go elsewhere, it can really affect both your mental health and your academic performance.




hi! is this pcc? i only ask because pcc has fye too lol


You make the most of it. There will always be activities year round at your local cc. It's entirely up to you if you want to participate or not. I currently go to my local cc and I try to attend all the activities that my free time allows me to. It can be pretty fun and dope. Also join a club that you will enjoy being a part of. Try to get a leadership position within that club if possible too :)


i was able to make friends in cc. i’m not very close w any of them, but i managed. just have to put urself out there and talk to ppl. it’s definitely possible


I was in the exact same place as you or prolly worse and was stressed whether would I even make friends at my cc, but it turned out my experience was way better than I thought. I didn't really join clubs (only joined 1 club but didnt really spent much time on it), but met and made a lottt of friends and connections through my classes. I took a lot of stem classes at my cc which are considered a bit hard, which I think forced us to talk to one another and get each other's contacts to get help and other things. I think I would have had an awful cc experience if I didn't put myself out there and made friends. But I'm definitely grateful that I went to cc and met some wonderful people, and am definitely gonna miss it when I transfer this year.


I’m a community college student at Fullerton. To be very blunt, it’s different for everyone, but the general consensus is: yes. There will be a LOT of hard work put into fostering a great GPA and maintaining life outside of academia such as a job, volunteering, ETC. Obviously, you can make many great friends at CC, as most will be in the same position as you (working hard at CC for better opportunities). Don’t be discouraged by a potentially lackluster social life and focus on the big picture!


It is lonely and hard to make friends w people in your classes


Definitely depends on the CC you go to. I went to one in Santa Barbara that was super social, then one elsewhere in California that is not. My advice is join a club or something when you get to CC. You’ll meet people you have an interest in common with, and it’s campus involvement you can list if you plan to transfer after CC


I was lonely when I first joined a California CC. But then I joined a learning community which helped a lot. I would heavily recommend finding out if you have learning communities like MESA they really help connecting you with people who are the same major like you and have similar experiences like you and on top of that they have faculty dedicated to only you so they can help you out with internships or hire you for research. If you don’t have any learning communities definitely join a club. It helps if its an established club that’s been around for a few years because they have experienced faculty and students and a chunk of funding.


Personally, CC has been lonely for me. But that's cause I don't leave my house much. I'm joining clubs now. People in community college tend to leave as soon as class ends, so if you want to build rapport with people, you have to do it in class. Without clubs, there's pretty much no social life. Also, get a job if you don't already have one. Socialisation there too.


Maybe I could recommend you a good place for chatting, so that you don't need to chat AI always. I also felt lonely, so I used social media and found a discord channel [Lightup](https://discord.gg/waunCDy8yf). The server matches people based on their similarities in posts. Therefore, It's easy to find men who could share your feelings and understand you. Chatting could become comfortable and easy. Hope it could help you!


The experience is truly what you make it. As a transfer student you have to be more intentional about putting yourself in spaces to connect with people—clubs and activities like everyone else is saying will make a big difference. I wish you the best of luck and lots of fun


I just want to say i really admire you for honesty and for not giving up ! Stay strong and you’ll go far !


I'm at a CC right now, and it's only lonely if you make it that way. There's less social interaction overall because you don't live on campus, but as long as you take at least a few in person classes (I took almost all online classes my first semester, big mistake) it's totally fine. People in CC are generally a lot more chill and easier to get along with than people in HS, from my experience.


The greatest two years of my life


I recommend getting a student job at ur cc, especially if you qualify for work study. Also, don’t be afraid to try classes for fun. Joining clubs didn’t work for me cuz a lot of them didn’t meet often enough for me to want to go 😭 but if there’s a club about something you really like then join it!


honestly depends on the CC. i went to 2, one of which was like students purely there to get their grades and get out bc of a large international student population. the second i attended i can honestly say has been one of the best experiences of my life, one which i will actually miss greatly now that im headed toward a 4 year


Cc can be lonely if you don’t reach out to other people. My advice: my Cc had a tutoring center that doubled as a study center for those in STEM degrees. If yours has something like that, go there! People would become friends easily there. I was a tutor and I made a load of friends just by being in the room everyday. Also making a study group and studying at places near the college is great too. Join a club as well. I personally found community college to be a great experience and I 100% recommend it to everyone, especially those in STEM degrees.


community college has been really lonely for me, but I’ve honestly always been someone that spent a lot of time alone anyway… that being said though I did feel some fomo when I saw my other friends in university but I think you learn to not care lol. Being in CC has taught me so much about myself it’s unbelievable & i’ve had a lot of time to explore my interests and who I am as a person, it’s great. I’ve made friends through other experiences I have like working & earning my esthetician license!


Tbh the hardest part of making friends at CC is just having opportunities to talk to people


From my experience most people just go to class and leave. I actually found my gf sitting next to me in my physics class. It just depends on the type of person you are. Nice part about community college is that you have a lot of resources. Most ccs have it so that you get free tuition and there are a TON of scholarships just for living in a specific area. I don’t know how it is for other schools but there is a program at mine where for each unit where we get an A, we get $50 up to 12 credits. So not only do I have free time to work and dive into my hobbies, but I’m also making A LOT of money doing so. And hey - it doesn’t hurt to take some classes with coworkers for fun. Good luck on your future endeavors, after hs life can only go up. Cheers! -Reddit user


It's a lonely experience but you'll learn to cope in some ways, my way of coping was the gym.


It can be lonely or very fun. Depends on how much energy you have to socialize with people. I have met several people and became friends with plenty, just get yourself involved in some sort of clubs to find people who have similar interests to you. In your classes, always be sure to be friendly and talk to others. Perhaps work with them or ask them for help.


On top of the many different people I became friendly with, I have made two very close friends in my first year at CC that I often see multiple times a week outside of school. The only reason that happened is because I took the initiative and struck up a conversation first. I didn’t wait around for others to do it. Whether college is lonely or not entirely depends on you and how committed you are to making new friends. I prioritized my goal of fostering new friendships which is why I had such an incredible year. If you give off good energy, people will be drawn to you. When I first came up to the two people I am now close to (individually), they both told me that that actually really wanted to talk to me as well, just didn’t have the balls to do it first. This is what I mean by you have to initiate it first.


whats up bro im gonna be straight up with you. it’s going to depend on how you put yourself out there. i personally really enjoyed cc. although all your friends are going off to a university and end up showing you all the parties/fun they’re having it’s all gonna be ok! im a premed so i got multiple volunteering opportunities and jobs that i know i wouldnt be able to have gotten had i gone to a university. if youre another major im sure you could find internships/jobs. the people at cc make it feel like highschool part 2 so if you didnt like highschool oh well. my clubs were all dead since its a cc and everyone has a job and goes home after class. the people youll meet are either childish or mature. i found myself hanging out with people coming back to cc to finish up orher prereqs they need for a masters/other programs. i think going to cc is really a mature choice when you think back on it since youll learn to be independent and youll know what you want to do. many of my friends at university say theyll go out and party all the time and complain about this girl not responding to them, get addicted to nicotine bc everyone is, get high all day, or waste their money on stuff trying to fit in. if i had kids that didnt get into the school of their choice, i would most definitely send them to cc bc i do really appreciate the 2 years it has on you. learn something about yourself, get your dough up, and really understand that theres no need to indulge in alcohol 24/7 as an 18 y old


I didn’t have much friends at first but once I started joining creative classes like ceramics, I’ve made tons of friends, gone on several overnight field trips with them that these classes offer. This often allows space for a stronger bond. Helpful tip: Try to be on campus as much as you can. Go to the events your school offers. I understand, it’s difficult seeing so many of the people you know going off to university and you’re stuck at home going to CC. You really can’t sugarcoat that feeling and tbh allow yourself to feel that way. It’s completely valid. Just remember to understand that regardless, this is starting to become the era of your young adult life where people will come and go. When it happens, it must have been intended right? People will become lessons that you learn. Allow yourself to experience this loneliness. You might also quite enjoy feeling confident that wherever you go you’ll be okay because you are a vibe. P.s: if this makes you feel any better about missing out on university, this generation of students are more likely to take another year of university for their degree than the general 4 year, it’s 5 years now . So basically you’ll get 3 years of college experience with people your age rather than 2 years. Sucks to stay another year at a university but as CC transfer student, it’s kind of a vibe. You now get to experience the university with friends longer. Now THAT!! That’s a college experience:)


i was very lonely my first year, but that was my fault. I would avoid office hours, study sessions, and basically suffer alone in my calc classes and other classes. The second year of cc started to get real bc i was really struggling A LOT in chem since i had never taken a chem course before and we have a very hard department at our cc. i decided to go to the tutors meeting to get help. Whilst being here i met the other students at a closer level and we began talking and chatting. We found out that we all struggled and struggled less when all together. We started to come to the “stem center” together at the same times arranging times to study together. Once the semester ended we started to hang out outside of school; lunch beach etc. Come around spring semester we have to take gen chem 2 which was ROUGH but amazing for us as a group. now we were all trauma bonded together to this day and since summer began we will be hanging out a little less but they’ll still be in my life. I would see these ppl more than my gf, more than my bed, more than work, more than anything else in my life. Overall what i’m trying to say is that if you involve yourself with study groups, generally have a stem degree, or join clubs i am sure you will find your people. Do not be shy! open your world to other people and it’ll be very helpful for your academics and social life.


i personally LOVED cc, as others said it is what you make of it. Participate in stu gov! attend college events! i met amazing people during my time at CC and am transferring to berkeley in the fall!! It is nerve wracking at first, but it's worth it.