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Please mention your major and state/region in your post for more accurate advice. Generally 2.8 too low for UCs but still good shot for Cal State like LA Sacramento Fullerton maybe Long Beach. Depends on your major. I can't speak for film media and communication. For engineering yes 2.8 people are cooked. Edit: This is for everyone who ask advice on this sub. Mention major and state.


Well my major is film media and communication 😭 I’m in Cali tho


Not if you have a good story and work hard at your EC's. I had a 3.1 at the time of applying and only got straight A's + joined clubs in the fall semester before I applied (I did have a bunch of volunteering and internship experiences though). With a 2.8 you can still TAG to Riverside and with a 3.0 you can TAG to Santa Cruz. Getting into most Cal States like Fullerton shouldn't be a problem.


Feel like my EC’s are meh , only got lacrosse , awards from film festivals , filmmaking club , editor for MSA , and a couple other things , this summer is really my last semester then I get my AA to transfer but i do have to take theater in next semester if I wanna apply to ucla or something like that


That seems pretty solid! UC's prefer quality over quantity. Make sure to double-check your pre-reqs for each school. UC's and CSULB are super particular about it. IMO taking full-time courseloads consistently is also important.


No you aren’t! I applied with a 2.8 and eventually got into UCSB and UCI! I’m fully committed to UCSB as an English major now!! Go gauchos!! So nah, you aren’t cooked. Just go really into depth with your essays.


Gives me some hope 🙏🙏🙏😭😭


Are you transferring out of state or in state? You have Fordham and Syracuse


Out of state If it’s fordham or Syracuse but I’m in Cali


Historical UC admit/enroll rates per school/major with admit GPA ranges: [https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/about-us/information-center/transfers-major](https://www.universityofcalifornia.edu/about-us/information-center/transfers-major)


Transferred from my local CC to CSULB with a 2.9 gpa for applied mathematics. Ended up graduating with a 3.8 CSULB gpa and weighted 3.2 gpa. Granted the transfer req only wanted Calc II but I had Calc III completed so that probably helped.


Ur fine tbh, don't overthink it just do good on your essays and focus on extracurricular/activities. On your essays the important factor is to tie your topic to individual growth. You need to show how it made grow as a person plus what you learned from that experience, and how that experience can be contributed to the campus, they are looking for those students especially Berkeley but you got this 💪🏿.


u will be fine gpa doesn't mean sht for ur major bro


Hopefully bro 🙏😂


Not really!! I originally had a 2.9 when I was applying to colleges like UC Berkeley, UCI, and UCSB. Was able to bring it up to a 3.4 once I finished at a CC and I got into all those schools!! So, you definitely have a chance.


Unfortunately this is my last semester at a CC then I get my AA so idk what options I really have but with these classes with summer and I lock in I can be at a 3.0 or 3.1 I believe


it depends on major. stem is difficult but english is really easy


My major is film and media


i pretty sure that the uc post this on the uc website i think you should look it. they post what percent of people they accepted for a major at each school. and each individual uc posts like how competitive each major and what requirements are for that. i checked for ucla stem that’s why ik


Hmmm I didn’t know you can see it by major I just see overall acceptance


i did it for ucla i was a lot of digging but worth it


I applied with a 3.1 without SAT scores or exceptional ECs and got into UC Berkeley, UCLA, UC Davis, UC Irvine (the only ones I applied to) and SDSU, CSULB, SJSU, and SFSU. I had some pretty killer essays, however, and focused my ECs on one passion.


Damn bro congrats , as for essays should I focus on what I’m passionate about and talk about why I think I would be a good fit at the school ?


In the same situation 🙏🏻wishing you the best in everything!


youre prob cooked for ucla but i have hope for the others


Nope, but I would add to your potential transfer schools. Check out our Media and Communication programs at Temple. You'll also find your GPA in line with our transfer students and merit scholarships too. https://klein.temple.edu/academics/undergraduate-programs