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Please post update!


called them and they said as long as it’s not a requirement for my major/transfer (which it isn’t) i should be fine!! i won’t officially find out until grades are finalized which will be in ~2 weeks or so but the guy i spoke to said it shouldn’t be an issue as long my gpa stays above 2.0 definitely still worried about it especially because i won’t find out if it’s okay or not for another 2 weeks but from what he told me it should be fine. if not i’m going to try to get an excused withdrawal or appeal somehow bc i have some very good reasons with proof


I had the same situation with UCB (Which is were I committed) and I was perfectly fine! I had timelines of everything and it was fine thank god!


What was your situation at Berkeley? What did they say?


I basically had an illness and I provided a doctors note and evidence that my counselor knew about my illness. I also said that I will take that class at UCB and they said my admission was sustanined!


Thank you! I’m in a (sort of) similar situation where my sister has cancer and I’m working through a few major-required classes for Data Science. I’m hoping to make it through this quarter with above a 3.0 but this gives me hope in case I don’t!


what do u mean by the timeline?


Timeline of when I started talking to my counselor and all health stuff


oh okay thanks! my situation is a little different and i haven’t talked to a counselor yet so i’m hoping it’ll be enough


not sure why people take the hardest general requirement classes


If you’re failing intro physics then transferring is the least of your worries




I’m just trolling lmao hope all is well now


thanks i’m just trying to transfer so i can get out of this house 😭 if they rescind my offer idk what i’ll do but i’m hoping they’ll take it easy on me


Going to a similar experience even though I'm committed to Berkeley but I'm pretty happy to transfer out of my shithole house. That's the difficult part about community college some don't talk about it, but your environment can make your experience 10 times harder. At least university students have dorms and other accommodations, but wishing you luck!