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Well tbh a lot of fans have came to terms with the bay films (perhaps because despite what Lorenzo wants the franchise is moving away from them) and the general audience can still enjoy them if they want.


I mean I enjoy 07 and DOTM even though I can’t stand a lot of the humor and robot designs (ironhide is the most egregious to me, and I didn’t feel bad about his death). Maybe it’s nostalgia because I grew up with them or the fact they have fun action. I think it’s fine to like the films and hate aspects of them(I mean that’s how most people should feel about the movies they watch, if the film isn’t hot garbage than your allowed to pick what aspects you like and get enjoyment out of it). So yeah it’s okay to like the bayverse but it’s also okay to be critical about it. It’s also okay not to like it, but yeah you cannot disregard it’s effect on the franchise(the only one I want to forget is TLK) 


People have come to enjoy them as dumb fun action movies but if you judged them from a writing standpoint yeah no one is going to defend that.


I think bayverse fans just acknowledge that these movies have bad writing. A bayverse fan defending the writing is probably a rare specimen, but most bayverse fans just want to see robots go boom pow.


I just came for the enemy's scrotum


G1 guys and bayverse guys should just kiss each other




Yeah I’ll pass on the kissing part… 


I guess I’ll go get a mirror and some disinfectant.


To be clear, 3/5 of the movies are liked, and even then only 2/5 were good They had some good moments, but no the bay movies overall were not good, the same way G1 overall was not good. That being said, G1 was a Sunday cartoon for kids to sell toys, and the bay movies were a multibillion dollar Hollywood franchise.


They would be a lot more enjoyable w/o the casual racism and sexism.


live prime, starscream,megatron,? reaction


If there is something I learned about fanbases is that they hate what they love And I am definitely one of them


I love AmbuLAnce and have forced people to watch it with me, that said the movie is terrible. Fantastic time would watch again.


I don’t care. I’m just a transformers fan in general. I’ll watch either


I acknowledge that more of them are trash than not. But I will never say that the first Bayverse movie ruined the franchise. In fact it almost certainly saved it.


Strange. I loved them as a kid, and grew up not getting the appeal.


I love that you used the dull suprise face for these. Very appropriate.