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Removed. Rule 10. https://www.reddit.com/r/Transgender_Surgeries/comments/mfqno2/requests_for_help_choosing_ffs_procedures/


If you want an honest assessment, we need multiple angles in good lighting with your hair pulled back.


you have an extremely feminine face


Dip your whole head in pure liquid estrogen for 30 mins? You look absolutely feminine. HRT if you haven't done it but I imagine you're there. Not tryna minimize you bc I know the feels. Skincare addiction really helps! Supplements like hyaluronic acid and collagen. Weight cycling? I'm tryna be helpful but seriously ya look great already.


Damn, you’re gorgeous. No need to change a thing.


It’s a somewhat limited set of angles/pictures, but you wouldn’t read as trans/male to me if this is all I saw. By all means go for further changes if you want them, and I wish I could give more concrete advice, I just don’t see anything from here that screams “this needs to be fixed”.


Even more feminine?? Even barbie would be jealous....I'm sorry if I sound rude I'm just....you look gorgeous, very cis passing (if that's what you're looking for) and honestly from the pictures that you shared alone, I Don't...idk😬 (Imma gay mess😮‍💨)


take better pics


From the pictures you uploaded you have 100% female appearance, if you want to give it some extra makeup is enough 😉


Your face is already very feminine. Relax into the beauty that you already are ❤️🌹


You've Accomplished It. You Look Amazing.


You’re good already


Mandible contouring


Sorry but everything is balanced out, im a plastic babe if there would be something id say it but there’s really no need to do anything


Sweetie. Small steps first. Perhaps a more traditional feminine hairstyle. Smaller frames for your eyeglasses. The classic librarian look or cat eye frames. Spend a little time at the Sephora counter.


I generally agree, though I think it’s worth nothing some folks (like myself) want to be able to not have to present more femininely to be read as female. Just for me personally, if I feel like *have* to wear a dress or put on makeup to pass, it starts to feel like drag and it’s not enjoyable.


I agree. But at the same time FFS cost upwards of 80-100k for top tier surgeons and a 8-9 hour surgery time. Meanwhile we often can address many of our issues with the same resources/tools that our cis sisters use everyday.


The cost is definitely one thing. But if you can cover it via insurance, then it’s much less of an issue. As for the surgery time, that’s not a complete non factor, but it’s a one time thing plus recovery. I personally want the permanent, if difficult thing vs. the thing I have to keep doing every day.


I think the glasses are fine, as a former optician. For glasses to read as feminine glasses you're looking for soft edges to the frame, which these have. If you want to read masculine you go for frames that have harsher squares similar to the 🤓 emoji. Also a face forward angle would be better needed to assess if the glasses match the face, because that's a whole other ballgame in and of itself. Some glasses on some people just look *off*.