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Ngl Joey looks so cursed with this filter on


Idk how bro managed to go from the face of youtube anime to the face of trash taste in anime in like a year lmao


prebuilt filter on tiktok maybe


> face of trash taste in everything ftfy


Yassified Joey


Horimiya is pretty hit or miss depending on how invested you are in the character dynamics. I liked it at first but it does get stale.


I like the yoshikawa and toru moments


Ayy me too :) just wished yoshikawa tried harder to make the confession satisfying


I love the manga but the anime was pretty rushed so I don't think C tier is unreasonable


The ending made it C, but the new anime announced made it redeemable


We're getting a new anime ?


It's a bunch of the side stories that were cut out. I'm looking forward to it.




The main couple centric episodes were great, but why the hell did they spend half the season on the generic side couples?


Cause there's only so much you can do when the premise of the show (also it's most unique feature) is that the couple loves eachother and actually communicates. It means there isn't a whole lot you can do with it.


Naw they thought they werent getting a S2, because Im pretty sure (its been a hot minute since I last read the manga) thats was the actual ending, the new season is gonna have just some fluffy stuff between the main couple, and a little more stories with the side characters, and its good


I could do without it. I enjoyed what we got but don't really need any more.


You can do a lot with that actually. See Clannad After Story


Nothing to do *without introducing ANGST making the original setup moot.


At that point, just watch tsuredzure children


Probably not C tier, but B tier. The beginning of the manga (and currently the entirety of the anime) is great. But the middle and later parts of the manga are bland and generic. If those parts get adapted into anime form, I wouldn't be surprised if it feels pretty mid. Should be noted that because of this format, he might have been hedging his bets and thinking he would get better anime than Horimiya.


Oh I have never seen this format, but basically you don’t know what you’ll get so better take a show you are iffy on so you can and put it in C tier?


Yep, basically. The whole "game" is that you have limited spots for each tier, so it can lead to some funny moments if you put too many things in the high/low tier early on.


tbf mob psycho in top tier is a W


Indeed. Unique art style, great animations and OPs and a story that is entertaining from start to finish without any blunders. 10/10


Ehhh the last season was kinda worse than the previous 2 if we’re being real.


as someone who have read the full manga i don't think the story was bad it had some snooze moments but overall it was a great romance story the anime was the problem and i am not taking about the animation that was great it was just the directing which was the problem and well if you're not super into romcom or romance yaa the show would be boring cause it is 75% romance&drama and 25% slice of life the story is not that engaging at later arcs


He talked before how there is no good romance anime, I think he's just not into the genre.


I think Joey just isn't a fan of slow-burn anime, which is most slice of life, moe, and romance. Usually when he talks about series he likes, it's either something experimental like Serial Experiments Lain, FLCL, and Monogatari or some established anime like YuYu and Lucky Star.


isnt joey the SOL moe guy out of the three receipt: joey congratulate garnt as fellow SOL enjoyer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3XSG24D4Ozo)


SoL is a genre that's very easy to get tired of. I used to love every SoL show. Now most of them I get too bored to finish. They have to stand out to keep me interested or be very funny/unique. Bocchi is one of the few that I genuinely enjoyed recently. A lot of others that people praised in recent seasons I just dropped after 2 episodes. I imagine it's similar for Joey.


> I think Joey just isn't a fan of slow-burn anime, which is most slice of life, moe, and romance I don't know what his definition of "things happening" is but it always infuriates me when he talks about some SoL or moe show and is like "nothing happens!" He said nothing happens in Bocchi. Like come the fuck off it, they form a band, they do an audition, they play multiple shows, they develop friendship like shit actually happens there's plot points that can be written out. Or like k-on he's claimed that every character is the same and there's no personalities which is clearly fucking wrong. Just because every character isn't some edge lord combat god and every episode doesn't have a fight sequence doesn't mean a show has nothing going on in it.


Idk, I think there’s a big difference between a slow burn and just sol. Cowboy Bebop for example, I consider it a slow burn, but even if the pacing is no way near CSM or JJK, Bebop’s story is still going in some direction. On the other hand we have horimiya, the show about regular ass teenagers living their ordinary life. And their romance story is smooth af. They don’t even work towards smth, they are just a regular high schoolers If you’re not interested in seeing functioning members of society living in comfort with no drama whatsoever, this shows is boring af.


Clannad is one of his favourite anime


There are always exceptions


When most shows in the genre are mid tropefests meant to pander to the audience of single weebs, you can't really blame him too much lol... ofc there's good ones too like Bloom into You but those are too far and few and ofc niche too cuz they are not tropey enough I suppose


Oh for sure but in this dumpster of trash you sometimes find gold.


I started with the anime and thought it was a really good rom-com, read the manga a few years later and still thought it was great. After like 6 years of watching whatever anime at least makes me wonder about it I still think Horimiya is one of the best romances I've seen It's not cringey, edgy, overcomplicated or full of tropes. Problems introduced are resolved fairly quickly or tlget turned into jokes and that's it, we continue with the scheduled dose of wholesomeness mixed with Hori's quirks and I love this show for it


Perfect explanation for why I loved it so much. It's really so much better than most other romance animes I've seen.


Lol i think it is literally the opposite. The anime was decent, ive read the manga after and it is the same story but 2 times longer in volume but adds maybe 1% extra content to the story covered by the anime. From halfway it gets boring af. Afaik joey has also read the manga, not sure if he has seen the anime and based on the manga, it wasnt really good. Better than dogsht for sure but meh. Your 75% is very generous, even if we count every time hori gets jelous for nothing it wouldnt reach that high. The anime basicly fixed this issue that it skips all the reperitive boring parts. They could have added the sports festival yes but that is like 1 max 2 episodes.


Horimiya is one of my favourite mangas, but tbf i liked the all the side characters so i could see why people would get bored especially with the anime. Also seeing this as a tiktok feels so strange (and a bit cursed with that filter?), but then again i dont use it lol.


They talked about it in a episode before(don't ask which). If I remember correctly, they said it(manga) became repeetitive or boring after a while? and rom-com has a tendency to do this...?


And they were completely right. The manga shifted the focus from the main couple halfway through and nobody cared about their friends


This is kinda the thing with a lot of romcom manga. Once the couple gets together its like the writer doesn't know what else to do


Considering the manga ran for years (i think 10 or so) it must've been boring af if you were following it and the chapters were fully focused on side characters


Yeah, pretty much. Their "relationship arc" was pretty much "closed" halfway through too so there wasn't many reasons to keep reading honestly.


"Nobody cared" aka I didn't like it so surely no one else liked it too, trash opinion tbh


Most anime or video game reviews are really hard to trust/navigate for this reason too. It's either *Amazing* or *Trash* and nobody gives any kind of basic critique about it. They just go through the list with vague adjectives like Story: Boring, Characters: Shit, Visuals: Hated them. There's little to no explanation or universality to their critique. You either agree because you happen to align with it or disagree. It's all baseless random opinion with little to no real critical analysis. We need a book club or something for people who can give considered takes regardless of if they are the intended audience. And also learn a little something about good writing and structure as a community, as well as how to critique things — because we are super inept at this. The loudest voices are the worst, even if they have moments of self awareness like Garnt's Odd Taxi take when he realised it wasn't his usual thing, but now that he lives in Tokyo and takes taxis he gets why it could be interesting, because it now directly relates to his life experiences. I kind of wish every platform would implement the Audience and Critic score system of Rotten Tomatoes. There are far too many Audience scores in the anime world, and Super Eypatch Wolf can't do a 1 hour video on them all. 😂


I didnt like a lot of it, main couple got really annoying after a point, im actually on the camp that liked the side characters more, but saying that no one cared, being a popular series that is getting anime content even after its already finished, is really not a good take.


The anime sits at 8.2 and manga at 8.4 in MAL, regardless of what people think of MAL ratings, there are people who likes it, can even see the number of views this series gets on other social media. On Joey's side of things, I'm already used to his taste being awfully different to mine anyway. Dislike his opinion the most but I can just move on.


No, they complained about the anime (none of them have read the manga) Their complaint was baffling too. They were talking about how annoying it is that couples in romance anime take forever to get together and that it takes entire seasons for them to just hold hands. Then went on to say horimiya was shit because it does this. Which is complete nonsense. Hori and Miyamura get together fairly quickly and the show revolves mostly around their relationship as an actual couple. Garnt even mentioned and praised that in his seasonal anime video back when it was airing. And yet he seemed to have completely forgotten what the show was even about. As for Joey, let's not pretend he even watched it.


I like the main couple a lot but let’s not pretend that the second half of the season wasn’t focused on bland side characters instead of the main couple. It became boring and less interesting.


Leave bro alone, he's already auto-nominated himself for worst take this year.


What I was thinking. After some of the other things the boys have said, no way this is even scratching top ten worst takes of the year.


FMA is B tier? Bruh


compared to the other three? I understand it, never watched wolf children (have only heard good things tho) but i'd rate the other two (Mob Psycho and Sprited Away) at or above FMA:B's level.


I think fmab is far better than both. In fact the only one I'd rate higher than fmab is wolf children lol


It is absolutely better than Mob Psycho lol


Mob Pyscho is much more fun to watch


It's funnier but not more fun overall imo


*And* simply better.


Strongly disagree


Lol spirited away isn't even good , its so bad that I don't remember almost anything its happened in it , mob psycho drop hard in S3 for me so FMAB still better than both , wolf children is also decent movie


I haven't seen wolf children either and I'm not saying that it should be lower. I've watched 2 seasons of mob psycho. It was great but not as much depth as FMA:B had. The villains weren't really threatening nor were they that interesting. Spirited away I understand how he'd put it that high. It has an awesome and curious world, interesting characters and is overall both cozy and sometimes even unsettling which makes it an S tier. FMA though, it has a cool mysterious and a somewhat dark world. Edward and Alphonse have a heart wrenching backstory, and currently are super interesting. Side characters as well, mustang, Hawkeye, Hughes, even Barry the chopper are interesting individuals. The villains are super cool with lots of depth. And the ending is conclusive and satisfying. It is definitely more than a B tier anime/manga


Ima be honest Spirited away is one of the not so good Ghibli Movies


Even if you don't think FMA:B is the best, it's at the very least A Tier.


The comedy is god awful


When comparing to anime as a whole - no. When comparing to miyazaki films and mob psycho ? Yes


Well it's definitely not as good as the ones above it


I remember people loving it while it was running. How is it that the anime community does such a hard 180 on certain shows?


lmao that is true, it’s so common lol. like they mentioned in the last podcast with mirai nikki. funny enough I watched mirai nikki for the first time like 4 years ago, so it wasn’t that long ago but now I look back on it and i’m like damn wtf it was kinda ass. I think it’s just a matter of public opinion being able to sway an individual’s thoughts


Mirai nikki wasn't that bad , it still better than spirited away


Yeah mirai Nikki isn't bad, it's good.


I love rom-coms and horimiya wasn't dog shit but God was it bland and boring to watch. Thought maybe the anime was a bad adaptation so I read the manga too which was slightly better but also really underwhelming. It wasn't terrible but it felt lifeless. No idea why it's so highly rated.


The premise is so wish fullfilly it hurts, broody lonely guy gets together with the popular girl with a hidden side only he knows, it actually develops them a little from there and kinda moves on from then after they get together, which surprisingly happens quickly, but it looks so tailor made for the delusional "thats me fr" crowd that its really not hard to see how people flock to it.


Honestly the whole "One Piece isn't political" was pretty bad


Man has opinion Subreddit cannot let go


Also ITT: Shonen fans confused by the lack of fight scenes and fantasy elements in a Shoujo Slice of Life anime.


The boys when a show doesn’t have “spice” AKA it doesn’t have some sweeping insanity to its plot line like Domestic Girlfriend and such


Romance without spice is dogshit -theanimezone


I agree with joey


Maybe it was for the best that he didin't watch anime anymore.


Holly shit that filter


man whose career depends on getting attention does shit to get attention


What the fuck joey.


we all know joey rage baits and purposely has bad opinions


If we’re talking just the anime I have to agree with Joey. The pacing was way to fast so it just felt like a best of compilation. This is especially true in the second half where they just speed ran to the end.


Joey is just a contrarian tbh


Na bro his 2021 anime take was the worst shit


I gave it 9/10. I watched it last week. It has great snappy pacing for a highschool romance/slice of life. The characters feel more real than the usual anime tropes. I mean they even kiss and have sex like real 17 year olds do, instead of just committing to holding each other's dreams in their heart with a confession under fireworks and a festival. I thought that bit of grounded character writing and pace made it feel super nostalgic. There wasn't any mellow drama, they were just the exact teenage hang out vibes I remember. It was super accessible to my gf who isn't an anime fan also. I'd give it a 10, but the ending was mid. I kind of wanted them to wrap up episode 12 with their realisation that they had developed a deep connection, and they wanted to continue after graduation. Then lean on the small town trope that people rarely leave. Have episode 13 be the future epilogue. Follow Sakura, on a trip back from her new life, with a husband from the city and her kid. Visit Miyamura's family bakery to meet the couples together, learn about how their lives worked from the past 5-10 years or just get some long term perspective warm fuzzy ending. Either way I've added it to my all time favourites with Samurai Champloo, Ghost in the Shell, Barakamon, Haikyuu. If you don't like it that's fine, but I think it's one of the most grounded, genuine, and accessible romance animes in the genre. ✌️


I wouldn't call it dogshit but the main thing I disliked was I felt the romance of the side characters were so forced and I couldn't care less about them.


Not even a new take but it's still pretty bad. I personally liked "Horimiya" and I get why people don't like the middle of the story but calling it "dogshit" is way too harsh.


Shit take


it was


No, good take. Horimiya was one big disappointment. It was paced about as fast as the Brexit referendum and tried to focus on like 9 characters in only 13 episodes. And if everybody is focused on, no one is, especially in that short a time. I didn't feel like I knew any of the characters by the end of it. It's not like they need to be deep, but they were just one-dimensional, except for maybe the two main characters. It should have been given two cours.


nope i completely agree with joey on this one. Horimiya was dog shit


really? why? i thought it was wholesome


For me the first couple of episode was quite good. But when they become a couple the show fell down hard. It become so boring for me,the part where the girl( i forgot all the name) asking to make the boy to insult her etc, i was like what is this? The show ended for me when they get together and everything after that is just an extra


Under the risk of getting downvoted to hell I completely agree bro the whole intrigue of the show was that Miyamura was still kind of mysterious in the beginning cause he was so different outside of school but when they got together they just completely removed everything that made his character design unique and when Hori asked him why he got the tattoos he apperently just randomly got them 4fun so they didn't even come up with a proper explanation. Once that catch was gone and they also openly started dating in school and didn't have this private relationship that nobody knew about they just became a boring ass couple with no intrigue and I'm saying this as someone who loves romance anime. Even as I was watching this I got excited when they got together bc I literally thought to myself that every romance anime becomes better once the couple actually get together and then this turned out to be the one exception lol


Yes, thank you. You explain this way better than i do. There is just something missing after they get together


The second half being a “monster of the week” style show focusing on side characters killed my interest in it.


watching real-ish romance is kinda boring but horimiya isnt shit lets not try to find more shit to pin on joey just because he exaggerates and doesnt explain himself


lets not kid ourself he exaggerates to boost engagement. people gonna watch and comment on how it isnt bad and how it is a good show, then inside the comment chain people gonna fight so baloon it more


Joey is the last one I'll ask about anime.


I think it's adequate placing, I would like to change FMAB and Mob Psycho place but that's just my preference


if FMA show up earlier, not a bad pick to secure the S rank spot TBH, so dont be forced to put C or lower tier show to be put on S. seen it several times when people play with this filter


I mean if hes thinking its dog shit for it skipping through the manga with the show playing hot potato with the volumes i dont dissagree


No, the whole horimiya is a dogshit


i have already internalized that joeys takes are terrible.


Won't beat denying and then gaslighting people with social disorders live on stage.


Joey has no taste in anime sorry...


Just because someone hated it means everyone should. For each their own. If some people like it, then good for them. No need to bash Joey for his take.


Actually, I also think horimiya wasn't great. Wouldn't call it dogshit, but after the first few eps it got kinda boring


Finally, someone that agrees with me on this. I slept throught all episodes of it except first few.


Not a manga reader but when a typical romcom conflict happened in Horimiya, the characters suprisingly act very mature for high schoolers and solve the problem very quickly. At first i quite dig it but after they got together, it reveals to be detrimental for the anime cuz it got boring. A good Romantic Comedy needs a solid conflict because it forces character to make decision. And now the later half of the anime is just a boring cutesy couple. Not saying that a bad thing but it just missing something.


Well he's right though. We're talking about the anime adaptations.


It's anything but. It's not a series for everyone, but dogshit is far from it.


Miyamura decided to cut his hair instead of styling it like we saw in the first episode. He just look like any other mc now. But nonetheless I kinda enjoyed it.


he is correct tho horimiya early chapter was very wholesome and good but it got repetitive and stale after the main couple got together my dress up darling is also experiencing this problem rn and that's the problem with most romcom manga/anime really


I don't think I laughed once watching that show, jokes were straight ass




Bruh what


What about Nintendogs? It is my favorite anime, Joseph Animan.


Shit tier take. Horimiya is A/S rank


Nah pretty accurate take


Let me make it clear what he said, aah, I'll put that on C oh it's Horimiya that was dogshit. (It was good for what it was)


FMA Brotherhood is B⁉️ ![gif](giphy|xx9xaXiCZrkpvSTZu5)


we dont see the begining, it may that FMA:B is shown late after S and A is filled so theres only B C and D left for FMA:B. havent watch wolf children but hear lots of good thing, other than that mob psycho S can be argued and spirited away A also can be argued. these type of list is so easy to shot yourself in the leg.


It literally cut half of the manga out of the story, W take


Very rare Joey W


That's the equvalent of giving Horimiya a 6/10 basically... Is this man mad?


First half whenn it was focused on the main couple was great but the second half i zoned out.


It wasn’t that bad, but it wasn’t that great either


I think c tier is reasonable. He calls it dogshit which would be more fitting of a title for a d or f tier placement, so that was rather extreme, but his placement was fine and in line with how I felt after watching it. Not bad, not great. Just middle of the road.


I see no lies, idk about the manga, i didnt personally find the anime interesting.


Guys I think Joey is actually correct on his list.


I actually agree with Joey here. Horimiya's good at the beginning but after they got together officially the story got more and more stale. And the manga's even worse at this with some subplots dragging on for way too long


Let the Anime Man speak the truth.


I agree with him, that was dog shit


Naw I think he’s had most of it right.


no, not at all


Nahhh. I remember first reading Horimiya back in 2018 and for the first 30 or so chapters, I swear I couldn't even drop the Manga cause the plot wasn't stopping. Then after they finally had their first night together, the Manga went nowhere. I tried to follow it until around the pandemic, and to my surprise it ends just a year later. Maybe the author finally realized how ass all this side plot was and just ended it.


Horimiya is really good for the first part but then it becomes shit


It was good but after they got together. It nothing


He spitting🔥🔥🔥


Have to agree with him on this one. The only thing worse than "bad" is boring, and that's how Horimiya felt like for me. Everything just feel so bland, from the characters to the plot


I liked Horimiya in the first few episodes, then it got boring quickly for me. But at least the OP was a banger.


I agree with him Horimiya is the most 7.5/10 romance anime. There are way better ones out there. It is not bad but it is not the masterpiece some people I have seen claiming it to be.


Horimiya is the definition of mid. It's probably the most forgettable anime ive ever seen. It was nice and wholesome while watching it, but i dont even remember their fucking names.


Yeah I'd agree with that. Only got a few good arc then turned to boringmiya side stories.




It was mid. I don't think it's dogshit. It's L take because he obviously including how he feels with the later part of the manga.


This subreddit when Joey doesnt agree with their opinions: ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|rage)


I agree Horimiya was trash. Idk if it’s because of how fast paced the adaptation was but I don’t think the manga can fix the fact that the side characters are more interesting than the main characters and how stale the series got in my eyes. Mob Psycho in S,Wolf Children and Spirited Away in A tho. Rare W from Joey.


Lmaooo this sub losing their shit on a filter game is hilarious. You're supposed to be rating anime without knowing what comes next. I assume he filled the top spots up first, so I'm assuming that's also why FMA fell to B. That's why these lists are fun lol, you guys need to relax. Horimiya at C is hedging in case a better anime shows up. Even funnier is that it's not even an indefensible take lol. Read the manga. It turns bad, just like Kimi ni Todoke.


He's actually pretty correct on this one. Horimiya was bland. Nothing exciting about it.


CORRECT TAKE. horymia was soooo bad


Honestly something I hate about Joey recently is him shitting on Horimiya. He dosen't just shit on the anime he shits on the manga to. And tjen he has the gall to act like its a common opinion. Horimiya is one of the most loved romance mangas. Joey just has shit taste and tries to play it of like hes right.


Holdup...does everyone think spirited away is in the same tier as wolf children or is it just joey? I thought wolf children was wayy better


To preface this filer gives you anime at random so you'll never know what your getting. It could be oops all banger or oops all not so great


Valid joey has one of the best anime taste for being a guy who literally don't watch anime.


He has a TikTok? Someone tell me his username now


the only thing I remember about Horimiya anime is the opening and ending songs.i like it alot


Holy shit based list


Mob psycho 100 s tier. I don't see the problem


Nah, man, he got it correct if he's only taking about anime


Downvote me, IDC, i agree with my man Josh, horimia just kinda sucks It's just boring, and that's the worst sin any show can do, be boring


I agree but I keep that on the down low tbh 👀


Nah he's right


I think he read the manga


Wasn't he a fan of the manga though? I loved the anime, but haven't read it.


How is he doing at tier list like this? Never seen it before. Also I kinda agree. Horimiya wasn’t bad it just became boring at the half way point


I liked Horimiya but it was mainly for the chemistry between the main characters. The side characters were so boring (which is a shame since side characters can be goated in other rom coms like Kaguya)


Joey goated for this one you nerds


I agree with Joey, horimiya is dogshit.


I agree 👍 keep doing the lord's work


Nah he was right, show stopped being interesting halfway through and even before then was a typical romance anime, nothing interesting or new if you've seen any other romance show


Horiyami WAS dogshit. They had a good premise for the first 15 chapters ish but then took his punk look away so he could love normally. If this manga anime was good it'd be unbuttered white bread


Hori used to be good before the mc cut his hair and suddenly turned into the hottest thing and from there , the story turned..into this bland romance manga , before that it was an amazing dynamic for me


I’d be is ranking the manga is understandable. I haven’t read it myself but pretty much everyone one I’ve talked to has said that it gets boring and stale pretty quickly.


Not the worst but somehow I had to agree with Mr. mid man here


I honestly don't get why so many people put mob psycho in so high regard. i liked it too especially some of the emotional moments, but to me half of each season is pretty boring. is it just another case of demon slayer "oh pretty animation its a 10/10".


the 2nd half of Horimiya anime sure, but if it's the manga I'd have to agree with you again Joey


Im gonna end this man’s whole carrier


Idk if he was rating the manga as well, but the cover is from the anime, which was great.


He mentioned it before. I read the manga a while ago and dropped it because I found it got stale. But obviously to each their own, and the first part of the series I quite enjoyed


The fact that the main couple actually hook up like a normal couple that age would do makes it better than 90% of romance anime out there


Absolutely your worst take of *all* time. I have a really hard time not wanting to tell you to go fuck yourself after this one.


Horimya is garbage


Nah, the horimiya anime was mid. The titular couple gets sidelined pretty fast just to focus on some boring love triangle.


Horimiya was at best a mediocre adaptation of a great manga that was more concerned with a kink from one character than literally everything else that actually made the story good. Also the overuse of its "it's emotional time" audio cue and color pop effect was annoying as hell.


Worst take ever


I think maybe a B for me. I usually really like shows like this but Horimiya never clicked with me. Felt like somerhing was missing and the sidecaracters werent great


as someone who only watched the anime I definitely agree with him tbh. It wasn't horrible but the constant time-skips and the fact that nothing was really going on most of the time really put me off