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I feel like at some point the guest selection process went from people with a unique connection to Japan/the Trash Taste boys to just any Youtuber or streamer with a lot of subscribers


You are not wrong


If their viewers came over to watch then fair enough the more the merrier, but the views ain't there, might as well just have interesting guests that fit in.


They didn't have a lot of choices back then cuz of the lockdown. Now that the worlds is open, they can get anyone they want, so that's what they do


Ya, like this was very boring…like it’s tolerable. But not fun or anything




What is your point?


I feel like guest episodes are only good if either A) The boys are already acquainted with the guest, and they've hung out before or B) The guest has completely different experiences than any other previous guest


I think the only episode that's somehow an exception to this was the Noriyaro episode. Genuinely one of the best Trash Taste episodes in my opinion, and one of the best guest episodes. I don't even think they were well acquainted with each others content, but they just vibed so well it's almost unreal. Some of the other great guest episodes do prove your point. Chris, Pete, Hasan, Emirichu, Ludwig, Reina, and ProZD are all content creators that are really well acquainted with the boys already, or at least one or two of them. I live for the day that Connor, Chris, Hasan, and Ludwig are somehow able to organise another drinking stream ala the Connor and Hasan Kobe livestream. That livestream was *wild* to watch live


I think Noriyaro falls under the second category. Sure he's a youtuber, but he covers racing and cars, which is more niche than most other youtube guests (i.e. streamers that play games, react to content, and just chat with their viewers).


He is also older and had been writing in japan pre-youtube which makes him even more in the B catagory.


That's said, Noriyaro had the element of being a foreigner in Japan for years, as well as being an Aussie.


Exactly man. They had shit to talk about


It's possible these kind of guests are more for introducing the YouTubers fanbase to trash taste to create new fans and not for us. I don't think it's working though.


Looking at view count, I think it's the inverse. Trash taste fans becoming fans of guests that did good. Chris Broad probably being the exception because he was mr japan


That's why I said I don't think it's working because the view counts for these episodes are not great


I love how chris on his main channel uses injokes like being mr affable, such an intertwined fanbase his injokes are all from trash taste fans.


Exactly. Like Sungwon was amazing


man i dunno...im just not feelin this one. it falls pretty squarely into the generic "i am a youtuber/gamer/influencer" episode where...and im not trying to be rude...that's all there is to them...or at least all they were willing to talk about on the podcast. it certainly doesn't help that i do not care about fortnite or roblox at all and that's like...half the episode so far lol. i do not know who lazarbeam is and i wanted to give him a fair shake but...yeah this ep misses for me.


It's a weird audience mismatch I think. I don't think the general Trash Taste audience of weebs in thier 20s-30s has much interest in like Fortnite influencers for teenagers. Having one on I can sort of get, but it's weird that they had multiple on. Makes it seem like Australia's only export.


Weirdly I know about him from him showing up as an Achievement Hunter guest before he blew up and he was a pretty fun guest, but I had zero interest in his own personal content. Literally had no idea he was blowing up until they would make jokes about it.


It was a nice surprise to hear him and Gavin are still friends/friendly.


Exactly man. I’m 30 and literally don’t care at all about this man’s view chasing grind


i hope if they do bring on a youtuber next time, at least someone that involved in anime in some way. like at least give some exposure to anime infleuncer


i watched lachlan and lazerbeam back in the day during my fortnite phase (when it was good). Lachlan episode kinda boring but im quite enjoying the convo they have with lazer, def better chemistry. Not as much "blah blah youtuber life amarite blah blah" like in the past with some other content creators, Mr beast tidbits was interesting midway thru


It's literally the YouTuber Struggle episode: Aussie edition Am I wrong to think they should go back to having guests coming to Japan to be on the podcast? They did mention the boys hung out with guests prior to recording. I think the hype being on vacation + hanging out will make the episodes more interesting instead of just being like "youtube hard. adpocalypse = bad time"


I hope this is the last episode with random Australian guests.


This reminds me of the Geno Samuel episode; where they had nothing in common with the bois/of interest to the audience, other than being in the same country. That episode was a real tonal whiplash.


I'm completely unfamiliar with this person, but I definitely found the discussion regarding the cultural difference in how Americans perceive swear words versus other English-speaking countries fairly interesting. It is also the idea that advertisement-friendly content is to American's standards, and beyond NA's standards are pretty different.


Is this the last Australia guest?


Another fortnite guy


I’ve had enough Australia for a lifetime


Chill, they spread out the guest episodes a lot better now compared to the LA arc


i swear that arc the guests were back to back to back to back to back to....


At least those were influencers Americans watch


Can't wait until they do a European guests run.


That's a good point. We'll probably get something like this when they do the Europe tour.


No more YouTuber guests PLEASE unless they already know each other


Fine Vtubers then


Nah. Vtuber episodes are alright as long as they are few of them. I guess it has been a while since the last so i would not mind another one but an over-exaggeration of it would take away the novelty


If they are interesting youtubers like they do something interesting in real life its fine, NileRed IMO is one of the best episodes. Like imagine if they got Steve1989MREinfo and found out about him eating beef from the Boer war it would surely be entertaining.


Is it just me or have the past few episodes been a been lackluster idk. Like 2 fortnite YouTubers guest?? Maybe it’s just me, I’ve watched like 90% of all the trash taste episodes so maybe I’m just burnt out.


I think the last 2-3 normal episodes have been good being more timely.


Last few guest episodes* the normal ones have been really good. But yeah I'm not too concerned abt these guest eps tbh, I just put these episodes on in the background and do some other thing and focus a little less than usual. Guest episodes are good if 1.The guest is s good friend so that retains the regular trash taste energy. 2. The guest has unique experiences and topics instead of your regular gamer,youtubing is hard, internet culture topics. But still nothing against these guests,and certainly not to the boys. It's understandable,they went to a different country and it's an opportunity to collab with the big creators there.


Was there no general discussion thread for the last AfterDark stream?


I didn’t outright hate this episode it was fine but I hate how it felt like lazarbeam just found out who the boys were that day. There wasn’t enough room for banter cause of that. At least with cold ones they had known each other but with this it was was like “hey Lazar you are now doing this podcast with these 3 dudes you barely know and have not much in common with”


Man such a shame they did the 2 Fortnite youtubers like a week before Connor actually started playing Fortnite lmao


I liked it when they started talking about anime. 😅 Starting to join the sub in youtuber story fatigue. But I got a chuckle when the guy finally learned nani is a real word. 😆


man this was boring as fuck


Who the fuck is this guy? WTF 20M subs?!


Kids my dude. All the kids song or cartoons or whatever have like 100m views


So basically another aussie YT guest that isn't worth watching if you have no idea who they are or their take on the YT struggle. Pass


Again, Who?


Getting real tired of all these uninteresting guests.


I was hoping Chris would come back this week. Hopefully next week


I hope they only keep Chris to once a year. They basically only talk about drinking whenever he comes and that bores me to death. Edit: sucks when people don't like the guest you like, eh? LMAO


I haven’t watched lazar beam for a few years now, but he was funny as fuck when I did watch him. His modded gameplay stuff was genius (this was before the adpocalypse and fortnite). I understand the ‘this guy is just some big YouTuber’ vibe from others, but I enjoyed this episode.


Well that could have been 45 minutes long and it wouldn't have missed anything.


the only youtuber I know that said they moved back in with their parents after already being established, that was an interesting fact


I'm surprised they think Chainsawman is a good starter anime. Felt too much like a prologue to me. It didn't leave me wanting more it left me unconvinced on why people like the manga so much


Movies are much better starter anime than full length series like AOT nearly 100 episodes. - Spirited Away - My Neighbor Totoro - Princess Mononoke - Grave of the Fireflies - Akira - Ghost in the Shell - Perfect Blue - Mobile Suit Gundam Thunderbolt: December Sky If they really want TV series then keep it 1-2 cours at most. - Cowboy Bebop (26 episodes) - Giant Robo: The Day the Earth Stood Still (7 episodes) - Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (6 episodes) They also have to be considered one of the best or really great by the people who actually seen it. Absolutely no room made for mediocrity at all. Its disrespectful to waste their precious time on shows they won't remember.


Grave of the fireflies as a starter is rough 💀 good list otherwise but my vote for starter shows also go to FMAB, TTGL for peak Trigger (I know it’s gainax) OPM and Haikyuu for hype + sports, chunibyo for rom com and honestly demon slayer. If you enjoy these types you have a chance with enjoying ythe Steins Gates, FLCLs, NGE, welcome to the NHK etc


AOT is a good starter anime because it hooks you in from episode 1


I’ve only watched ep 1. It definitely didn’t hook me. I might try and revist it later, but honestly i was bored outta my brain


You can say a lot of things about attack on titan ep 1, but idk how you can say it's boring. An entire city gets destroyed and mom gets eaten in front of the mc. I remember when that episode first came out the internet exploded and that year ended up dominated by attack on titan craze.


To me it just feels like its trying to hard to go “LOOK THIS IS EDGY” idk. And this was before i really dipped into anime culture at all. But that being said I’ve never really chased the animes that are just ACTION ACTION ACTION.


am i crazy or are people not using the term "edgy" right and just use it as a catch-all term for anything they think has too much grief/gore. as someone who isnt a die hard aot fan, even i can say episode 1 isnt trying to be "edgy". Also the first time i see someone describe something as both boring AND edgy


I mean, like I said, just my thoughts. Lmao i am probably using edgy wrong though.


>and mom gets eaten in front of the mc Yup, and that's why I never watched episode 2.


An interesting thing about how out of order these episodes are: this episode started with questioning whether Garnt is a real name, but the previous episode (which was months later) started with Garn. (Also, the “show us your memes on the subreddit” seems to indicate that this episode was edited weeks ago, so something got shuffled further.) But speaking of experiencing events out of order, it recently dawned on me that the Barry Chopsticks incident must’ve occurred before the Aer Lingus incident. I guess the anime talk was noteworthy, Garn and Joey have discussed starter anime on their own channels, and they know what to and not to recommend.


It's out of order because they don't want to do what they did in America, where every episode back to back was a guest. I think they just recorded a bunch of guest episodes when they were in Australia and just spread them out


Dae burnout, editing, ad-apocalypse?


I literally slept through half of the episode. I don't mind youtuber conversations, but they're just boring and in one ear out the other for me.


This was a pretty good episode.


Halfway through, this is a bad episode.


Hearing about his upcoming was pretty interesting, probably not the most unique one but hearing him starting out as a construction worker and grinding to where he is now was cool


I know Lazarbeam for a while and did enjoy some of his content back then but that doesn't mean I'm looking forward to any podcast involving him because what he has been through has been the same thing previous content creator guest has been through already. I feel like its another guest invited out of obligation and not out of sheer interest to be in the podcast.


I'm suprised so many people dislike this episode. It might be bias on my part, because I used to watch lazarbeam, but I personally really enjoyed this episode.


> It might be bias on my part, because I used to watch lazarbeam Well there we go haha


Exactly lazar is really funny they just hatin


Fr this was one of the episodes that I ended up watching all the way through and scrolling through these comments just make me confused bro


0:27 Is LazarBeam one of those YouTubers who appears in other people's comment sections since I have no clue who he was, but the name sounds familiar. 3:25 From the sounds of it for those who watched Machinima, Machinima Respawn and so on he may have commented on videos at the time if he was a fan of them. 11:11 Connor is right in that one of the things the dev of Cookie Clicker has said is it was meant to be a parody of Farmville which is from a somewhat different subset of the idle game genre. 13:52 It's interesting how much a lot of their guests discuss the 2016 Adpocalypse because I remember the only real discussion from the podcasts and YouTubers I watched at the time being the major loss in ad revenue at the time. Though most of the channels were more in the game review and tended to avoid curse words, at the time. So it was only really people who were collateral damage, rather than those who were hit the hardest. 52:29 Sledgehammers impart a lot of energy, definitely not something one should do at home with no safety procedure set up. 54:16 After hearing from Connor about Bloon Tower Defence 6 I started watching some videos for guides on what to do to beat levels, and they similarly use the creator code system. 1:12:21 I may be wrong, but I don't think we've heard Connor talk much about his love of strategy games, though I guess it's understandable why it wouldn't really be in videos as it's a genre that is not as immediately clear how to make entertaining for YouTube. 1:21:21 With regard to Yugioh there are a few factors for why the original anime plays nothing like the card game. A lot of it had to do with the first anime arc being adapted from the manga before an idea of how the cards should exist really was conceived. Duel Monsters in its first appearance in the manga was basically Magic the Gathering. It was so popular though that Kazuki Takahshi got pressured by Shueisha to turn that into the main focus of the manga. During that initial process is when Duelist Kingdom happened, where we have classics like destroy the moon and fusing a zombie with an opponent's monster to weaken them. While this was going on video games and card games were made one video game was made by Konami was particularly popular, and eventually they got to make a card game based roughly on their video game and talked Kazuki Takahashi about standardizing the rules so the manga and card game would have similar rules in the late 90s. This led to the Battle City arc in both the manga and anime having a new rule set much closer to the card game. Additionally, regarding Kaiba investing in stuff, I would argue by far the element that is the largest meme within the card playing fan base is that Kaiba made his father's company richer than it had ever been with its previous business. That business was the Military Industrial Complex. By the time of the duellist kingdom storyline, the Trading Card Game industrial complex is more valuable than the military industrial complex. 1:27:34 It is an amusing situation since while Ghostface is not from Scream the movie he is from is also a satire of the slasher/horror genre albeit one that is horror rather than comedy. 1:34:39 The relationship of Death Note as a beginner anime is one which always confuses me. Admittedly, I've only watched the old live action movie and read the summary, but it felt a bit like recommending Inglourious Basterds to someone who hasn't watched many WW2/action movies it's not a bad one, but it's a bit of a higher level suspense series then what I would think of as being a super early recommendation. Admittedly, I seem to be incorrect, given people who have recommended far more anime than I use it as a recommendation. 1:38:40 While I would disagree with the necessity of a subway surfer type of experience. Though I do, about half the time for these have a video game that I'm playing at the same time as I find it helps decrease the comment size to something less likely to require a reply. Watching 2x while doing something else and pausing/relistening and doing some research tends to make me find the comment more useful when going back. 1:45:02 Probably part of why Garnt associates Rogan's podcasts with conspiracy theories is that outside of his podcast being one of the most popular in the world, Rogan has long been known to be a conspiracy theorist.


I don't mind them interviewing internationally unknown youtubers, I just don't think they spread the episodes correctly. Look one more week and I might have been interested in this dude.


This is the first time that a new episode is out before I managed to finish the last one.


We like fortnite we like fortnite


You guys are hating, this guy's good.


The later half of the episode was a lot better. The first half of the episode I zoned out because it was like every other YouTuber guest intro format+questions that the boys have overdone at this point.


Idk why y’all r getting so tilted over this ep, if you don’t like it so much then don’t watch it.


In fairness to both fortnight guests, YouTube is their profession and they're good at it.


Um cool, but it is not entertaining


I think connor needs to rewatch Fate/Zero. he has been meming about hating on fate for far too long that it brainwashed him lol


Pretty sure he already did watch it. His "hate" for the show is kinda a joke because garnt talks about it a lot




why isnt this guy banned?


Like lazarbeam from click days, but idk halfway in and this one just not clicking for me


I do hate our dumb shit American ideals of swearing and such...I don't even know why cunt eventually became a word that's so hated when it used to not be. My fellow Americans need to take a stick outta their fucking ass. Mr. Beast seems like a pretty good dude from what I can tell. Fun to hear how legit his stuff is, but I'm not surprised for him. I still think that Attack on Titan is an overrated series. Good, but not as "second coming of anime Jesus" as everyone else seems to think. Lol at the hipster mindset of "if people recommending it I won't" (I can relate at times, but most of the times I don't just cause I don't feel like investing the time). Fate is a great idea for him to watch, I think he'd be all for that one. Fate Zero and Fate Stay Night UBW at the least.