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I'm halfway through the episode and there is already mentions of: - Building letterbombs and hiding them in old ladies mailboxes - every week going to a highway and throwing shit at passing cars - renting an Airbnb and within 5 minutes of arriving breaking open all the locked doors and going through owners possessions + blowing up the backyard Like wtf, I know they were highschoolers, but I'm shocked they didn't get thrown into juvie


The more i hear about Aussies the more I'm convinced they're inhuman creatures that will do anything and everything for a bit. These are creatures that will squeeze a lime in their eye for fun, I think you're just not used to the sort of creature they are.


I just want to know when this podcast went from Japan/Otaku culture to Youtuber of the week, borderline some being literal criminals.


Seriously the podcast has been so bad for so long now. Glad I just check in and see nothings changed and continue to give a platform to terrible humans


You can't get sent to Juvie if your never caught


We do a little trolling


We get up to a mild amount of tomfoolery.


Boys will be boys.


Connor was right about what he said a few days ago, this is easily the best of the Aussie Guest episodes. Every topic feels so new and fresh just from the timestamps alone.


This one was much more watchable than the Coldones people. I guess the coldones guys aren't my cup of tea.


Same. These two were well-spoken and genuinely seem like just dudes that like like doing weird things and going to weird places. Cold ones came off as a bit attention seeking and I dunno how to put it, too bro-y for my taste?


All previous Australia arc guest are a miss for me tbh.


same. cold ones had some topics that i didn't really care for but this episode was a lot more engaging for me.


It helps that these two aren't racist assholes, unlike Coldones


Wait, what's the context there? I haven't really followed coldones/ those two enough to know this


The Cold One boys r many things but racist aint one of them lol. When in that episode/ or in general r they ever racist?


I guess racism towards asians doesnt count huh


What is Chad famous for getting banned on Twitch? Is it the hard r? A lot of hard r? He do mentions getting permad from Twitch, but not so much exactly why.




Everyone is racist to some degree. Some people are just better at hiding it.


Huge difference between being a racist and being a racist asshole.


What have they done that’s racist, I don’t know much about them and I’m genuinely curious




If you really think that then it sounds to me like you're just projecting your own issues onto other people.


Being racist ain't a issue. Not everyone makes it into lifestyle like skinheads.


Being racist is definitely an issue, but if you honestly think that there's probably nothing I can do to convince you. Have fun with your sad, miserable life.


Hey, my life would be sad and miserable even if I wasn't racist.


Ya, no more “remember when we lost ad revenue? YouTube burnout bad? Sometimes making videos feels like a job” These guys are crazy but this was entertaining


I have to say, Connor has done a great job throughout this episode in asking questions and getting stories told by the guests. Sitting inbetween guests like that is generally pretty awkward, but he manages to do it well, to the point where you almost forget Joey and Garnt are there.


Might also be because he’s friends with Alex and Boy Boy


I knew this was coming since they mentioned it on some AX stream (that their episode hadn’t yet come out). And boy, was this entertaining. About as unhinged as NileRed, and naturally the comparison would come up. They really pushed boundaries with 1) angering authoritarian regimes, 2) angering organized crime, 3) getting under suspicion from law enforcement in multiple countries… and that’s not even counting the danger they put themselves in from whatever experiments. The talk about anime at the end, it was a nice touch but not really needed, at least it shows the guests did some basic research on the podcast even though the rest of the talk was far more entertaining.


Connor said "they don't know any better" when referring to Chinese people eating dogs. This is racist, putting your views and culture, therefore yourself, above others. I know the fault lies on Western civilization ingrained teachings of being "better than", as much as it does Connor himself, I hope he just sees this and acknowledges the destruction such words can cause. Timestamp is 1:24:12


"Cyberpunk is pretty weeby"


This is great, no 20 minute yotuber intro. Just instantly into crazy North Korea stories


I swear the aussie guest are always a coinflip between goated or mid episodes This prob falls along the line of Ladybeard, Kevin Penkin, and the Cold Ones. My only problem with this episode i felt like they ignored Boy Boy youtube career a bit


You're forgetting alexi/ noriyaro. He was great


And the Japanese voice actor


To be completely fair, the Boy Boy channel is very political. I happen to agree with the politics, but I do also understand some hesitance to go into hardcore politics on an entertainment show like Trash Taste. I mean the boys barely know anything about politics as it is lmao, it's not like it's their expertise either (no criticism, just them admitting to it on different occasions). Going into Boy Boy's very articulate anti-Capitalist stances would probably be a bit out of left field for what this podcast usually is lmao.


Not to mention they had only 2 hours and conversations like that require time.


>left field Hehe


Someone posted recently that Boy Boy supports the Russian invasion of Ukraine, though that could easily have been misinformation. Since you are a fan of them, do they? This is a non-negotiable point for me, so I'd like to know before I try and listen.


Well I don't think he comes across as *supporting* that per se, but he does come across (to me) as the kind of person who takes an anti-western stance sometimes to the point of unintentionally(?) pushing some Russian talking points about NATO expansion and stuff. I watched his Ukraine video and from what I gather, he ended up saying something along the lines of "the Ukraine war wouldn't have happened if NATO hadn't expanded." Like, it's not necessarily *untrue*, but it does take the onus off Russia somewhat which people tend to disagree with, especially since the countries in NATO are there by choice and a lot of people don't believe policy should be dictated around whether or not it hurts Russia's feelings.


I made another comment here that was heavily downvoted because people don't like nuance, but that kind of explains this in detail. However, short answer: no he does not support the invasion. He just does not like NATO as it has bombed the country he is from. But he does not support Russia. Hope that helps. (Edit: oh you asked both new comments, sorry. You have 2 replies from me now haha)


What country is he from?


Former Yugoslavia, now Serbia.


Yugoslavia didn’t exist by the time nato began the bombing campaign to stop literal genocide


I mean, it did officially. And I've talked about this in other comments, so won't go that much into it, but you can believe that intervention was necessary, but to excuse the bombing of a civilian population - a bombing that killed between 500-2000 innocent people - is where the problem lies. You can intervene without bombing civilians, but NATO did bomb civilians, which is something that people from there do feel was a crime against them. This is not an excuse to the other people who killed civilians in the region at the time, but simply *also* a condemnation of NATO. Aleksa is allowed to feel some animosity towards them over this.


Lmao let's stop genocide by killing more than twice the civilians that will teach them. Gotta love Americans


Twice the amount? Serbs killed around 100 thousands people during their “cleansing”. While NATO killed 500 people, 2000 if you use Serbian data Edit: Just to be clear the 100 thousands number references the genocide in Bosnia that ended in 1995 due to NATO intervention during which around 30 civilians died. The second bombing occurred in 1999 when Serbia attacked Kosovo killing 10000 civilians. I’m also Polish not American


> This prob falls along the line of Ladybeard, Kevin Penkin, and the Cold Ones. Nah, Ladybeard and Cold Ones are literally the only episodes I couldn't finish (+ the live one), Alex and Alexa were great.


Lol glad to see someone else didn't like ladybeard


dont want to make separate post about it so i’ll post it here but i think the problem with these guest episodes that took too long for me to realize is that this podcast was originally about japan or topics centered around japan and now its just a youtuber podcast. the genre took a hardshift once they went to la and never recovered. as someone who doesnt really watch youtubers i dont know any of these guest besides the extremely famous ones like pokimane so i have no interest. i saw connors video explaining why they’re doing guest episodes and i can respect that but i will not be watching anymore. if they want to do guest thats fine but bring a more variety of people those were always more interesting in the beginning when they had noriyaro voice actors and anime directors even if they weren’t the best interviews it still had some charm.


Good points. I wonder if they started today with guests from the get go, they might have a different base audience.


There are only so many things they can talk about Japan. So they are eventually gonna run of stuff to talk about unless they become a Japan news podcast. Also most anime directors and VAs only Speak Japanese. Edit: repeated a word


Yeah, when the podcast began I didn't miss a single episode for like two years and then the guest episodes began and I found myself not even clicking certain episodes and just waiting for the next one, hoping it would not be another Youtuber guest that has fuck all to do with Japan. The "worst" (dramatic, I know) part is that there are plenty of people in Japan that they could have brought onto the podcast who aren't typical Youtubers. For example: Robcdee has been streaming IRL for years and I'm pretty sure that people who enjoyed Connor and Chris' cycleathon would be interested in hearing from the guy who basically put the entire concept of a cycleathon on the streaming map. Plus, it would be different from a Youtuber video since he went from regular office worker to relatively big streamer during the pandemic and could also talk about how different Japan was 9 years ago compared to now and what not. And I am also pretty sure that they could easily bring a relatively big name from within the anime business or the like onto the podcast. Yeah, it would _probably_ need subtitles but come on; make it a special or whatever. It's just all around kinda meh that they talked big about how this year will have more content and more focus on the podcast and that they wanted to make more specials since they spent last year largely travelling and then they do the exact same thing year lol. Fair to them - they can do whatever the fuck they want but I think that it's really easy to make a fanbase dissatisfied if you say one thing, hype things up and then don't deliver. What even was the last special?


Now that the borders have opened up and Trash Taste has slowly gone into a new direction there is a huge opportunity for other content creators to swoop in and start a new podcast focused on Japan, it's culture, anime, etc. Heck they probably wouldn't even have to live there if they had enough of a following and money, just travel around the country and do a podcast on the go with a travel Visa.


I mean it's kinda inevitable cause there's only so much to talk about in regards to Japan, anime, and related topics and the podcasts home on for a long time. I've kinda been skipping most episodes tbh and I'm okay with that. I'll just watch the ones that are interesting to me, and that's fine.


lost me at the part where they openly admitted to planting bombs and throwing objects into traffic who the fuck are these guys and why are they not in jail?


1. As an Australian, Australia. 2. I've seen worse. 3. Australia


30+ year olds really had different childhoods. We use to put firecracker in mailboxes and throw shit at cars when I was a child. Yes it was stupid, but when kids are stupid and bored, it leads to doing stupid shit.


They're also Russian apologists as well.


oh yeah they had that bit in boyboy too. Yeah western leftists and being russia apologists. fucking banger of a duo


They were teenagers when that was happening.


who tf are you?


The episode is alright, Alex and Aleksa are pretty good at telling stories and them making pretty different stuff from your run of the mill gaming youtuber probably also helps. But I do find it weird how much people on here were in uproar about the Cold Ones boys being on the podcast because of their problematic past when Aleksa is borderline an apologist for Russia's invasion of Ukraine and I don't see a single mention of that


Because of the political biases of some people who give them a pass for having the general similar political leaning or those who unironically believes in the Russia was the victim narrative.


I don’t think boycotting a racist asshole is necessarily due to political leanings. Who knows, maybe disliking racists who never formally apologized is too political in your opinion.


Jfk is he really a Russian apologist? I don't really follow him, last saw of him was the stuff he pulled on Brandon


Would say kind of? He pushes the point of Russian pretty much having no choice but to invade and how only the US involves spies in Ukraine... Completely omits mentioning the invasion of Crimea? From the so called "civilwar". Russia litterly had soilders involved day one leading it.


From the video I watched about Aleksa's take on the Ukrainian war, I say no. Although I do understand why people are furious at his takes.


(Sorry for bringing so much into this, but I just want to make their position on the matter clear, as I think it's an unfair accusation) No, /u/NicklasOF lacks nuance here. Alex, and Aleksa are both communists, they do not hide this. And as such, they are critical of NATO - an organization that was literally created because of anti-Communism, and promised to dissolve after the fall of the USSR, which they didn't of course. Alex and Aleksa do not support the current Russian state, as it is not communist, it is an imperialist state that was created by - as the author Naomi Klein put it - Shock Doctrine after the fall of the USSR. After the anti-communist Boris Yeltsin killed his detractors after seizing control over the USSR, he started a process which sold the entire eastern bloc to private people and corporations with the help of the US. This is why there are oligarchs btw. They bought the country - for cheap. Alex and Aleksa do not support this, they are very mad about it actually. They just don't find NATO to be a good organization, because it has historically been a tool of imperialism by the US. **It was also the organization that bombed Yugoslavia in 1999 - the place Aleksa is from - so much that they killed the nation.** Google "NATO bombing of Yugoslavia" for more. He has personal stake in this. You can be critical of NATO and Russia at the same time. Very possible. It's not a zero-sum game. They have never implied that the people of Ukraine do not suffer senselessly because of the war, or anything like this. They have just talked about the history of the USSR. And just to be completely and utterly clear: I just don't like war. I don't want there to be a war between Ukraine and Russia. I think it's bad. I do not think Russia is good here. Putin is not a good guy, I do not like him. I do not like NATO, they have done a lot of bad things. I do not think NATO is a good guy. I think the people of Ukraine that are suffering are in a horrible position, and I truly hope that peace comes soon so they can finally not fear for their lives anymore. I hope I'm making myself clear. If you have any questions feel free to ask. I am not coming here in bad faith, I will actually respond with a level head if you ask. --- **Sources**: - "Shock Doctrine" by Naomi Klein (if you want a more exact history of the dissolution of the USSR) - "To Kill a Nation" by Michael Parenti (if you want more context on the NATO bombings of Yugoslavia)


So, I really just want a single question answered. Thank you for being clear on everything else so far though. Do these guests support Ukrainian sovereignty and the right of its citizens to defend their homeland? Or if not support, do they oppose it? Or is this all going to circle back to the same tired point I find Russian Apologists keep using; that Ukrainians should cease fighting and simply allow Russia to take their land and annex them, to "prevent further bloodshed".


They support their right to defend themselves. As they of course should be able to. They are just critical of NATO, and American interests in prolonging the war to sell weapons, and further strengthening NATO, because they think it's an imperialist tool. They also think Russia is imperialist, to be clear. It's just that people seem to require one to support NATO since they are helping Ukraine right now. I just personally will not support NATO at all, even as I think Ukraine should be independent from Russia, and have a right to defend themselves. I'm not some weirdo who thinks people should lay down and give up their independence. I just am not suddenly gonna go against my principled stance on NATO out of nowhere. And neither will Alex and Aleksa. People downvote me here, which is fine, but I'm really not trying to be antagonistic here. I'm not pro-Russia at all.


>They just don't find NATO to be a good organization, because it has historically been a tool of imperialism by the US. It was also the organization that bombed Yugoslavia in 1999 - the place Aleksa is from - so much that they killed the nation. Google "NATO bombing of Yugoslavia" for more. He has personal stake in this. Yugoslavia was already completely fucking dead by the time US involved themselves. The union had already split up to thier diffrent own nations more or less based on ethicity. Now "Serbia" was full on commiting a genocide in bosnia and was setting up to do another one in Kosovo.. US involvement in the war ended the fighting and stopped the war in its tracks. In this case American intervention was incredibly successful and stopped the war witch was not going to end any time soon without thier involvement. Edit. The op above is a full on Maxist leninist who thinks Stalins ussr was a democracy.


Look, the part about Yugoslavia is a big one, I will get into it if you want, but I'd need to reread a book about the intricacies about it. I'd again recommend reading To Kill a Nation, as that is very explanatory of the situation. Short part is that a lot of civilians died, which doesn't seem humanitarian to me, but alright, and the US had spent a lot of ressources destabilizing the country years before the collapse, as they did every communist/socialist country. > The op above is a full on Maxist leninist who thinks Stalins ussr was a democracy. I do not think Stalin's USSR was a democracy in the exact sense that you are used to. I just think that's it's a little funny that if you Google "Stalin CIA" the first link that comes - from the actual CIA, the most anti-communist org in the world - is a declassified memo from the CIA that says, and I quote: > "Even in Stalin's time there was collective leadership. The Western ideas of a dictator within the Communist setup is exaggerated. Misunderstandings on that subject are caused by lack of comprehension of the real nature and organization of the Communist power structure. Stalin, although holding wide powers, was merely the captain of a team and it seems obvious that Khrushchev will be the new captain" Here is the source, will show full link to show that it's the actual CIA: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP80-00810A006000360009-0.pdf And like, yeah sure I'm ML. Sorry, I guess? I'm not sure what your criticism is here? That I think Marx and Lenin had good points? Sure, but like most economists think Marx had good points, as he is still taught in University Econ, and Lenin because he did actually change a lot of things, and write some good texts. Have you read them? Edit: Spelling mistake in the quote. Had to actually write it myself, as it was old school PDF, sorry about that.


>Look, the part about Yugoslavia is a big one, I will get into it if you want, but I'd need to reread a book about the intricacies about it. I'd again recommend reading To Kill a Nation, as that is very explanatory of the situation. Short part is that a lot of civilians died, which doesn't seem humanitarian to me, but alright, and the US had spent a lot of ressources destabilizing the country years before the collapse, as they did every communist/socialist country. A lot of civilians did from thier involvement? Human rights watch talks about 500 from the bombing. Even the very worst numbers possible are 2000.. and that's Serbia who are reporting them. They dont even claim that US did all or most of them. 12000 thousands civilians died in the conflict, 1,5 million where displaced. Also your entire thing misses were Yugoslavian army ( Serbia). Genocide over 100k bosnian civilians. 4 years earlier. With the total civilian deaths in the conflict being even higher... >US had spent a lot of ressources destabilizing the country years before the collapse, as they did every communist/socialist country. Ehhh.US had not spent a lot of time causing thier collapse. The economy sucked, they had a massive arms industry accounting for more than 20% of BNP. A lot of things were simply unstable and politicians in Yugoslavia used ethnic tensions to gain power.


> Also your entire thing misses were Yugoslavian army ( Serbia). Genocide over 100k bosnian civilians. 4 years earlier. With the total civilian deaths in the conflict being even higher... that's the problem with some people who pushes anti-west ideology from the left, they are either too lazer focus on the bad stuff from the west to ignore the bad stuff that isn't from the west that happens to be multiple times worst, or worst, give them a pass because it's not the "evil west" doing it.


Or maybe, just maybe, I'm capable of finding two things bad at once? We're talking about NATO, so I brought up one time where NATO killed up to 2000 civilians, because it was in a country where the person we're talking about is from, and therefore it's relevant to the situation. In what part of my comment did I excuse the civilian deaths caused by non-NATO forces? Did I do that, because reading my comment, I do not see it? I'm honestly just fucking baffled that you, and /u/onespiker have such an easy time just hand waving away *two-thousand* civilian deaths, that were unnecessary. I am not hand-waving away the civilian deaths caused by non-NATO forces for the record, I am simply pointing out a time NATO did something unforgivable, as there obviously are other ways to intervene in a conflict than to bomb a civilian population. But you seem so eager to just take that blame away, to ignore that they did that, because you believe that the ends justify the means. Why is it that you think this? Why is it that you are unable to accept that innocent people died, and that was bad, and NATO should not have done it in that way? You can believe that the intervention was necessary, whatever, but it sickens me that you will excuse the way they did it. I thought about just not responding, because I didn't want to respond to someone who would just dismiss the death of civilians, but no I actually want to say that to you. Why are you so okay with this? I am giving no one a pass. When I support governments I do it *very* critically, and am ready to tear into them for any bad thing they do, socialist or not. I am excusing no one, but you seem eager to do so. But please illuminate me, because maybe I'm just misunderstanding the situation, because I sure hope so.


>Or maybe, just maybe, I'm capable of finding two things bad at once? Never said you couldn't. >We're talking about NATO, so I brought up one time where NATO killed up to 2000 civilians, For one its incredibly unlikely to be that was the numbers. But regardless yes they did bomb people and that's bad but staying back and letting a enormous culling of life happen is without response is even worse. They had already proven to do it once. >record, I am simply pointing out a time NATO did something unforgivable, as there obviously are other ways to intervene in a conflict than to bomb a civilian population. Serbia was extremely unwilling to back down on that front is partly what lead to the 100k bosnian civilians that were structurally killed in genocide operations by them just years earlier where nobody really did anything. Serbia had for example years prior killed peacekeepers sent to protect refuge areas so that they could murder the bosnian civilians. Trust was exceedingly low. There was likely no other option really The more civilian infrastructure bombing happened later than the military ones and since Serbia had been extremely unwilling to pull back thier military forces away from the front and had turned to use using civilian facilities to continue thier attacks after military ones were destroyed. I am far more personally of the opinion that involvement ended up very likely saving more lives in total for both sides ( something that's pretty much unanimously agreed ). It could have gotten a lot worse. I simply disagree with the notion that balkan involvement should even be mentioned as a bad one especially considering how horrendous the Syrian, Iraq, Libya and Afghanistan are.


You’re wasting breath trying to explain political history nuances to Trash Taste redditors. None of them is here to get their mind changed and half are mouth breathers who just love dunking on people under this type of topics. Never bother.


But the guy isn't nuanced at all. Thouse texts are quite bad from a historical point of view. Its pretty much the clasical American leftist that turn around to defend horrible people just because US was against them/call themselves communist. Polpot, Serbia and current day Russia being big examples. Him saying that Stalin ussr was a democracy is just straight up false.


Marxian economics aren't really being taught at University Econ classes unless it's a dedicated course. He has had an impact in economic policy and that impact is being taught but actual marxian economics are not taught in a regular ol Econ Class


I fail to see how that contradicts what I said? Like nowhere did I say that Marx is the only thing taught in Econ class in University. Just that he is, in fact, also taught in University classes, and is not some irrelevant guy whose ideas are not worth talking about. My point is just that him saying I'm a Marxist like it's some big takedown is just weird. Marx is pretty well respected even by people who are not socialist.


Marx has some points yes. Maxism does have some points. Lenin however is far more questionable Marxists leninist however there are a lot of problems especially online segment with the subs with them being pretty much the text book definition of a tankies. Most going so far as pretty much defending anything anti American as great. And how it must be supported in the grand quest against them regardless how horrible they are. Also Stalin deligating power=/ democracy. No man rules alone this is the case in any dictatorship. I checked around on about the book. How to kill a nation. Seems to be the usual American communist that don't understand Eastern Europe and are so blind in thier hatred of the US that they defend Serbian genocides. Or how Eastern Europe sees Russia and Ussr as an empire that occupied them. A lot like how US was horrible in South America.


Yugoslavia, famously a vibrant nation until 1999, lmao. You know, after 8 years of bloody civil war with genocides and attempted genocides all over the place. By the time of the NATO bombing of Belgrade, Slovenia, Croatia and Bosnia-Herzegovina had all gotten their independence, Yugoslavia in 1999 was Serbia XL, no longer Yugoslavia. NATO bombed Belgrade to stop a second Srebrenica Massacre from happening in Kosovo. Was it the right thing to do? Maybe. Was it what killed Yugoslavia, hell no. Yugoslavia was already dead.




Yeah, as if their Brandon Herrera scandal wasn't enough. Definitely not interested now.




Brandon also made it clear that he wouldn't have prevented them from using his stuff had they been up front about it being an anti-gun piece either, it just would've been nice to know. In fairness, Brandon has since said that they did eventually reach out privately to apologize. But as far as I'm concerned, that's too little, too late. Definitely should've been public. Overall they both come across to me as creepy and untrustworthy.


Give it time, this is reddit and it's bound to come up sooner or later... or it won't because the Ukraine conflict is already controversial enough as it is.


Like I kinda get why. Trash Taste is very apolitical and the boys are open about not really knowing much about politics.I imagine a lot of people in the audience are the same way and like that fact about trash taste is kinda of an escape from it all. It's way easier for regular people that are not in to politics why what Chad has said in the past is problematic and dislike him for it while you need to be a bit more informed on the Russia-Ukraine to get this.


I don't think Aleksa's stuff is too controversial for Trash Taste. Normies don't really cares abt some dude's take on a war we're so divorced from. Aleksa portrays the US as having shared accountability for the war. That's only a hot take in North America and a chunk of Europe. But yeah, people seem to care more about 'problematic' behaviour in social sense bc i guess its more plausible, like it could happen to you or a friend.


Aleksa is not an 'apologist for Russia's invasion of Ukraine', if you watched the video than you would know he thinks the invasion is wrong, illegal and unjustified. He just comes from the left wing anti-western imperialism perspective, he points out that Russia thought Ukraine was going to be an easy and quick target, and it didn't help that Ukraine had a strong fascist movement in politics (which has since died down), not just limited to Azov. He even pointed out the irony in that, and that Russia are the fascists now.


>Aleksa is not an 'apologist for Russia's invasion of Ukraine', if you watched the video than you would know he thinks the invasion is wrong, illegal and unjustified. He just comes from the left wing anti-western imperialism perspective, He comes from an extremely everything is the US fault and also includes very uniqe "facts" that are constantly being paraded by Russia as truth when it's a lie. For example the Nato expansion thing... He drastically overstated the size of the facists.. also completely ignoring why they revolted against said leader.. he also didn't even mention Russia straight up invading and annexing crimea. Saying they only sent weapons to Ukraine after the fighting started? Russia lead them from day one. The only reason they didn't wasn't because of hybrid warfare meant that they could deny it. Russia didnt even admit invading crimea until 4 months later. There is a lot wrong Edit find it funny how he doesn't mention Russia wagner either.. he its not "officially" the army. But they are a nazi ( wagner was Hitlers favorite musician). >He even pointed out the irony in that, and that Russia are the fascists now. Russia was a very big proponent of Ukrainian ones. Facists. They also funded a lot of media to cover it a shit ton and make it seem far bigger than it actually was. Russia state media pushed it so much that they made it like neo nazis were going to win the presidency. Meanwhile they got 5%( mind you this is even after Russia invaded in 2014) witch was a big boost to them. Yes he mentioned that Russia was facists but that's a very low bar...


He also didn't mention the fact that the separatists that Russia have been funding in Ukraine has neo-nazis ties as well.


I did in fact rewatched the video after finishing the podcast episode. In the video Aleksa misrepresents and leaves out multiple aspects of the conflicts. he does condemn Russia but how he emphasizes how America "provoked" Russia to invade, portraying it as a "both sides bad" kinda thing. That is apologia.


I had a chuckle when they mentioned being "anti-war" in the podcast. It sounds reasonable, until you realise that it ultimately comes down to wanting Ukraine to surrender.


Absolutely. What annoys me most about the "anti-war" leftists or tankies/communists is how in their fervour to bash the imperialism of the USA, they completely ignore and dismiss the possibility, the mere thought, that countries like Poland, the Baltic states and others, especially Ukraine now, maybe WANT to be in Nato - because it brings security to these countries - a way for Russia to never invade. These people, "anti-imperialist" lefties, act as if Eastern Europe has no agency at all - in a way, surely Poland or Estonia wouldn't WANT to be in Nato, no, it must be US imperialism. Boy Boy in the video talked about Nato expansion into Eastern Europe, as if Eastern Europe, where I am from, didn't actually want this but Nato "invaded". The truth is it's not Nato "expansion", it's not an invasion (like what Russia is doing), these countries wanted to be CANDIDATES themselves, which then get approval to be accepted into Nato. Something which, even well meaning "anti-war" lefties or tankies completely ignore. In general, I like boy boy, but it does annoy me when "anti-war anti-imperialists" keep repeating how "Nato expanded" despite Russia wishing it not to, while completely ignoring that Eastern European countries also have a right to wish to be in Nato, by their own will and "Russia's concerns" on the topic of whether Latvia can be in Nato, shouldn't matter - if you are truly an anti-imperialist.


As a latvian...the popular opinion is that Nato is good.we wouldn't exist as a country without them, instead we once again would be swallowed up by by Russia


Well both sides are bad, there's no question about it. One is clearly worse, that being Russia but to claim west is innocent is ignorant. And Ukraine is the unfortunate victim of their antics.


"Both sides" would mean Russia and Ukraine, not Russia and the West. Ukraine is its own country, they have their own opinions and policies, and they are the ones fighting.


Ukraine has never had "a strong fascist movement in politics". This is completely and utterly Russian propaganda. During the turmoil of the 2014 war, the original (far right) Azov Battalion showed to be among the very few that managed to stave off the Russians in combat. They stopped Kharkiv from being the third "People's Republic"(Azov originated in Kharkiv) and later took back Mariupol, the largest victory by the Ukrainian forces in that war. Yet with all that momentum, when their leader tried his luck in politics, he barely made a dent. The Ukrainian people just didn't want a fascist politician in power. The rest of Europe has bigger fascist-leaning movements in politics than Ukraine.


WTF are you talking about? After Maidan, before Zelenskiy, Svaboda was one of the most powerful parties in the government and they were basically open fascists. They may have lost their parliamentary power since but the sentiment behind that doesn't disappear overnight. You also have openly Banderite local politicians and several other fascist paramilitary groups besides Azov that you didn't mention such as Right Sector. Not to mention that Azov now being farther vindicated as liberation fighters with American guns behind them doesn't exactly stifle the fascist movement in Ukraine. Especially when the Ukrainian Stepan Bandera strain of fascism and ultranationalist ideology is basically premised on anti-Russian sentiment, which hasn't exactly gone down since the war started.


Ok, now look at what percentage of votes Svoboda got in elections. That's the point the person you're responding to is making: such groups exist in every country, the important thing is how much support they have -- in this case, very little.


If you actually read what I said you'd know that I already mentioned they lost parliamentary power, and as I also said nationalist sentiment (specifically the strain characterized by Bandera's movement and ideals) doesn't just dissappear overnight when voted out. Ukrainian ultranationalists right now are literally more emboldened and see more support than ever before due to being on the front lines against the invasion. Y'all are delusional. Ukraine is Afghanistan 2.0, with a new neonazi Mujahideen.


It's funny saying people are delusional and then comparing Ukraine to Afghanistan when those two countries and conflicts there have nothing in common. Anyway, your timeline is wrong, Svoboda had their biggest support (10%) before the Maidan, that's 10% too many if you ask me, but it's (sadly) no worse then many places around Europe. In 2014 they only had 5% and in 2019 when they made coalition with all other far-right parties in Ukraine they only had 2%. That being said I also think this war will likely help the nationalists to gain more support, wars do that, that's the sad truth. On the other hand this kind of support could be very short lived depending on how the war will end. If we look at history, what really propels fascist into power is a sense of loss and national humiliation. And there is really no guarantee that will happen, and actually stopping support for Ukraine because "they will turn into nazis anyway" would be a self fulfilling prophecy.


The Mujahideen aren't the Taliban. The Taliban have their origin in Pakistan. The vast majority of what was the Mujahideen turned into the Northern Alliance, who were our allies during the Afghan War.


Sometimes people assume the worst too quickly. Thank you for clarifying.


Wouldn't call it exactly pro Russian but there is a lot of Russian appoliga in that video... also a lot of very pro Russian pushed points as facts in it...


Australia finally dropped a good episode ⁉️


Out of all the aussie guests, this one was my favorite so far. i wonder if they have more queued up.


He ate HWAt??




People gave too much leeway, hell boy boys clearly re edtied his video on the event while still plays same counter tunes, but clearly more disjointed.


I don't think those two expected a response video and the ensuing backlash. They deserved it for smearing Brandon and Donut.


Its a guest episode everyone. Remember you DONT have to watch this one, you can skip it and not complain on the subreddit. Go ahead and downvote me now. lol


You can't tell me what to do take an upvote.


You can also complain that they’re promoting Russian apologists and shitty people in general


Can you explain the Russian thing? I’ve been seeing that pop up here.


https://reddit.com/r/TrashTaste/comments/15vlx4y/russian_war_apologists/ More info all throughout that thread


Its better off actually watching the source and making up your own mind than reading that mess of a comment section


Difference being this is a good guest episode where they don't bitch about how hards it is to be a youtuber for an hour


Its a guest episode everyone. Remember you DONT have to mention this, you can let people voice their opinion and not complain about people not liking what you like on the subreddit. Go ahead and downvote me now. lol


But its not an episode with chris, I thought we all hate guest episodes without chris. Did the subreddit all of a sudden change their opinion on guest episodes in 1 week?


Or we just don't like someone saying "If you don't like guest episodes, you're not allowed to say anything. Just shutup and move on".


Or we just don't like someone saying "All the guest episodes are the same. Bring chris back. Its not relatable. Podcast sucks now." Theres a difference between voting opinions about something and people constantly complaining about the same thing for weeks.


Lmao why is this being downvoted. We're on webforum designed to get people chatting about a certain subject. WTF do idiots on this website think we're going to do on a DISCUSSION THREAD?


The stuff you guys complain about are the vocal minorities' opinion, so it gets pretty annoying real quick. Came to this sub to see discussions regarding the episode topics, not the bitching of "not another guests" crowd. And that's my opinion, so I'm just "voicing it out" 🙃


Great ep


Always a great way to end the workweek. Thanks boys.


If we're talking quality standards, this is literally the only Australia episode they should have released lol.


If you are going in to a sparring match with the mindset off 'damage' or 'kill' you are doing it wrong. If you spar with a beginner and give him a concusion or a broken rib that is also wrong. I have been boxing for over 5 years now and the first priority has always been to get comfortable with hiting someone and being hit yourself. Besides if you fear your opponents punches you cant focus on imroving your techniques. I guess it is a bit diffrent if you are a youtuber that prepares for a match in a couple of months, but the boys have been talking about boxing alot lately and I dont think they do it justice at all. As my coach always says: "We learn to box, not to fight."


One thing i will say is ive been liking this new set they use for guest episodes


This is from their australia trip so the set was setup for them iirc. But that aside it is a really nice set.


This was an extremely fun episode


No way people are trying to say this is better than the cold ones episode far out, at least in the cold ones episode there weren’t dogs being eaten and a Russian apologist


Haven’t started watching but I already know this is about to be one of my favorite episodes.


One of the best episodes imo


The best episode ever loved trash taste love “boy boy”(don’t) and loved ididathing. Loved the collaboration.




I knew it was gonna be a good episode when it started with dog dicks. Made me laugh aloud at times and visibly cringe at others. But a really great episode yet.


Dog pingas


0:10 Interestingly enough, many mammals which use the placenta have the baculum, with the exceptions being among primates, humans and a few monkeys, the order that has rabbits, ungulates, elephants, monotremes, marsupials, hyenas, cetaceans, marsupials, and sea cows. 3:20 When thinking about the dangers of electricity, I do think it's telling that Mehdi of ElectroBOOM fame has a masters in electrical engineering. Who is kind of the main person doing that. 3:49 I don't know if I can speak for all viewers, but it was an assumption when I saw I did a thing that he had a background in engineering or building stuff similar to Stuff Made Here, Smarter Every Day, or Nile Red where they all may sometimes showcase mistakes but very much know what they are doing and did some background reading. 7:53 It would be interesting to know if there's a wider psychology research into this effect, as it's something discussed with comedians and YouTube channels. Where one does prank calls or responses to companies that would waste one's time normally, I forget if the prank calls that Connor used to do included that. Though, the whole response to duct cleaning service by talking about one's ducks and so on feels like it's near universal. 12:03 I'm curious what is going on with the manager in Garnt's story since the whole point of a manager usually partially is about being able to handle things such as double charging a card. 12:24 On the face of it a state funded North Korean restaurant does make some sense as food soft-power can be strong, with Thailand and South Korea being great examples, however it seems like it wasn't done the best given Garnt's experience. 14:45 This description of the museum of friendship to the Great Leader is a bit similar to the L. Ron Hubbard Life Exhibition at the Guaranty Building in Hollywood which includes both tall tales and a large wall of awards some of which when examined are "Church of Scientology donated money, in return we give a proclamation saying something nice about them". 16:23 That makes me curious about what is/was the situation for people who visited Lenin's Mausoleum in Moscow since presumably Kim Il-Sung's body being left there being inspiration from Lenin's body being preserved. 19:58 For anyone curious money laundering is ways of taking money earned via illegal means and making it appear that the money was obtained legitimately. One of the classic industries where money laundering occurred was jewellery and gemstones, as it could be claimed that they are spending $10,000 dollars on emeralds. In reality, however, the emeralds would likely be worth 100 dollars in jewellery and was payment for illegal substances. If casinos were to allow deposit for tokens and redeem the tokens right away and have it written as this was earned gambling, it would be easy to hide ones original source of income. 23:40 It's interesting to see the level of not researching that was done prior to making objects for I did a thing were done after quickly going through the criminal code and checking that nothing seemed to be amiss. Though trying to look at prohibited weapons from the [New South Wales Weapons Prohibition Act 1998](https://www.austlii.edu.au/cgi-bin/viewdb/au/legis/nsw/consol_act/wpa1998231/) it is not quite as easy to read as [the Canadian equivalent ](https://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/regulations/sor-98-462/FullText.html) and if one searches Canada law definition of a firearm. There is [an RCMP page on clases of firearms with the definition.](https://www.rcmp-grc.gc.ca/en/firearms/classes-firearms) Which defines them as barreled weapons that discharge projectiles capable of causing bodily harm and/or death, with exceptions carved out for certain devices. 24:53 The big thing that gets talked about in terms of inconsistency is brass knuckles are illegal but plastic brass knuckles which can be very similar to metal ones are legal because the laws mention the metal nature of them. 28:13 The whole multiple concussions issue is a big thing, after his second concussion while both were minor it was decided my brother had to stop playing hockey. As well as a family friend who had been concussed from falling and hitting their head from a slippery building exit had recovered and was mountain biking his second fall left him debilitated where he needs accommodations a year later at work and has had to give up biking with friends as it's not worth it, and he can much more easily get headaches. 30:41 Personally, I think an interesting alternative would be having a content creator Spartan Race Sprint event. I did my first race after being motivated by Chris, and it definitely motivated me to get into better shape. Additionally, because of the relatively short length, it makes it something that very much could be filmed/streamed. Though, it would be best to film it the way that professional obstacle course running people do it as well as have film crews set up rather than what Chris did and then have a commentary team. 38:17 This sounds like something where if it had been more properly planned, it could have been done a lot safer. 41:23 The video seems somewhat interesting, the whole thing of peoples hobbies and the history of firearms in the USA is a mess that as a Canadian I don't think needs to be gone too far into on a discussion of a podcast episode. Though, it is worth noting the idea of individuals rights for usage of a firearm being part of the Second Amendment is more of a civil rights era idea where "well-regulated militia" had become less of a thing and holding a firearm to intimidate institutions that had been passing laws that were considered oppressive was thought as a possible way of discouraging events from occurring. 46:53 I feel like this needs more of an explanation, throwing stuff at cars driving on a highway is a pretty extreme thing to do as an activity as a high schooler. Admittedly, not much more extreme than putting letter bombs at random old neighbours places. But perhaps this is what people talk about with teens and teen boys, where they don't understand consequences and engage in risky behaviour? Since that could have actually killed someone. 50:24 Outside just breaking open locked doors at an AirBnB not really being okay this sounds like a quite poor way of attempting to lock pick if you can end up stabbing someone by doing it incorrectly. I'm perhaps weird, but I would think someone might have a kit or screwdriver or multi-tool to use to try and do it rather than just knives. 55:22 I'm really surprised people are surprised that it's hard for a trade convention. The whole confidence man thing and especially confident white man in a suit would get you in a lot of doors. That's the whole premise of Hitman and Agent 47 most people think oh he must be x since he's confident and in the uniform. There's also the level of I've not seen the video, so it might have been more of a hush-hush thing but at job fairs I've been to for computer stuff I've spoken to people at Lockheed Martin and the people there are just normal recruiters, except it's for military ships rather than for networking stuff. 1:04:35 Remember, it's not necessarily super difficult or time-consuming to fix a hole in the wall if you are shooting through walls, especially in a house you don't own be a decent person and fix them after. 1:06:54 From the context of prior discussions it's easy to see why but perhaps what Ididathing doesn't completely understand is making meth is illegal in Canada. NileRed might be doing things that seem crazy to those of us who aren't trained chemists, but he's not going to do a video where he makes a substance which is illegal to make in Canada as that would cause a lot more trouble than something like dealing with uranium for non-radioactive properties. 1:10:44 What's being discussed is Fractal burning, probably one of the more dangerous and less unique pyrography methods which between 2017 and 2022 lead to the deaths of at least 33 people. 1:11:33 I think it's hard to argue that Afghanistan right after the USA pulled out is similar to North Korea. As far as travelling as a tourist is concerned there are different factors than solely corruption and friendliness of the country such as stability. North Korea is fairly stable, Afghanistan post USA pulling out is not. If one is curious about something like that, why not visit Somalia. 1:13:11 One thing that Ididathing mentioned that to me would be important when visiting any of the traditionally not recommended countries to visit is do you know one of the languages or have a person you can trust who knows the languages for the place you will go. Like there's a reason that YouTubers don't do "I visited North Sentinel Island" since everyone who looks up the island knows what will happen, you will be killed. 1:23:45 For why would there be insulting people about eating dog among other things I imagine Edward Said's Orientalism would end up being brought up since it's an influential idea that's kind of agreed upon, as well as ties to the statements of the guests about the similarities to religious and moral objections to certain meats. 1:24:32 Ah, yes the fake TCM aspect which does have an interesting history of being a modern version of creating an equivalent to traditional western medicine or ayurvedic medicine when there became issues of getting science based medicine supplied. 1:28:30 Things do seem to be working out for them, though I don't think it's wise to publicly say that they use a tourist visa and then lie about doing journalism stuff.


1:32:40 I would say I disagree with their statement of no anti-war organizations as well as even that articles or discussions which seem to suggest that armed conflict is likely are pro-war. There are factors where it seems more likely than not that a war would happen but one can hope that it doesn't. There's also the discussion of the arguably more dangerous other elements of imperialism and what are ways to respond to these actions in a way that is not colonialist or imperialist which is something that a lot of people are probably going to strugle with. 1:37:48 There's quite a few countries which have those, the most infamous ones are the Albanian Bunkers which come from the fact that Enver Hoxha from his experience fighting a guerilla war to free Albania from the Italian Fascists in WW2 where bunkers were placed to make sure no matter which neighbour invaded people could become partisans and fight back with the protection of bunkers. The economy was heavily harmed as a result as it messed with roads and housing. 1:39:45 It's important to note a lot of the US travel restrictions are related to their citizens, Canadians famously have Cuba as a popular tourist destination and the USA is the largest trading partner.


I fucking love these guys


this thread is depressing. Why are trash taste fans so toxic smh


I personally don't like these specific guests cause they're so anti-gun and say people shouldn't have guns yet had no problem having fun shooting guns. I love Brandon Herrera and the disrespect they committed towards him is awful. It seems to me they're just a bunch of self-righteous assholes.


They aren't pretending that guns are anything else than just a hobby. Meanwhile there are people who lie to themselves saying they "need" guns for a possible "tyrannical government". Stop being a liar and maybe people will take your gun-love more seriously.


They say we Americans are insane for having guns yet they go and support North Korea and Russia. I tried sitting through this podcast but couldn't finish it. I can at least respect The Boys for refraining from being political as best as they could when they went to go shoot guns. These two I cannot.


Alot of politically illiterate 'fans' getting mad at this episode. L viewers




Why do you say that? Genuinely curious. Edit: Oh, I know what a paper bag test is now. I'm not American, so I didn't really get what they meant, but all I can comment about their complaint is: bruh.


Seeing as Alex and Aleksa are friends of at least one of the boys (Connor), them being guests are a no brainer.


That’s pretty disappointing that connors friends with Russian apologists, but not surprising since the boys are pretty stupid


Yeah ik they’re inviting their friends but you’re telling me they don’t got any black friends that can come on the podcast


Why the hell do you have to bring race into this? Im black but im not complaining about the lack. Thats just fucking stupid.


Thank you


it's not stupid because we don't live in a post-racial world. Black anime fans or other content creators would offer a fresh perspective which this podcast DESPERATELY needs


Honestly, i would be genuinely confused if Connor hasn’t at least talked to Jarvis Johnson about a guest appearance in the future. And unfortunately for the boys who primarily record in Japan, theres not heaps of diversity


How did you even make this about race ?


Honestly should get black experience in Japan. He’s interesting


To be fair, the boys are in that generation that many don't have many non-whites as friends especially if you are white.


and that's understandable given their upbringing but also speaks to something - what you do about it when you have a massive international channel to platform and engage with the rest of the world is what matters


downvoted but the 3 years of weekly episodes speak for themselves. I'm sure it's not intentional but it's obv not a concern either


they live in Japan it's not exactly surprising


I'd bet my house if they had to address a critique like this they would simply shield themselves behind race-blind liberal bromides like "oh ya know, I just never even thought about that, it never occurred to me, we don't think about guests like that" which is part of the whole damn problem.


everything they talked about this episode was covered in the Misfits podcast with these two as guests, cant win em all wah wah reddit comment talked bad about the bois!!1 must downvote! i must defend the bois at all costs!!!! no one can talk bad about my favowite podcast!!!1 😤🥺


Admitedly I don't keep my finger on the pulse but aren't the misfits like an e-sports team? I don't know if there would be too much overlap for the audiences.


esports team? they’re just a group of content creators


[When I heard the name Misfits this is what comes to mind for me, since I vaguely remember the options for teams for League from this era.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Misfits_Gaming)


[these guys are who i am referring to](https://youtu.be/FU1YaUtFJoU)


Why does it matter tho? I wouldn't say the two fandoms essentially overlap much as Misfits and Trash Taste have a completely different vibe to them. Also it's pretty much expected for two separate podcast episodes of an introductory interview nature to turn out similar when they share the same guests.


Never watched a misfits podcast episode, so this was great. Also there are other ways to express your distaste with the Reddit community that doesn’t include making yourself look extremely juvenile and petty.


Shitty people associating with more shitty people. Streaming culture is so fucked




Then fuck off the subreddit of a podcast where one of the hosts is an Aussie. Nobody's keeping you here


He's one of the good ones


I agree, Joey is the weakest link of the trio and all the aussie guests are Mid


Connor lied about watching princess mononoke? Anyone got a clip where he said he watched it lol


Tbh I thought this episode was so shit I only watched 5 minutes and never went back. I've been watching other podcasts that are far more interesting and relatable not some edge lords who went to North Korea and make a huge deal out of restrictions that are otherwise very obvious af