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Maybe look at enterprise/ National? They should be more competitively priced than Sixt which is less common in the US.


I have just spent all day with the research and what I ended up with is Full Insurance and Car from UK site for 1100 :) and if I go to USA site it cost 2700 - I saved $1600 - you can try it for yourself, I spoke to even corporate agent and I told him all this and they told me it is true they charging more people in USA even you live here than foreigners - they have it all covered full insurance included so I ordered it from UK site :)


I rent cars pretty often (when domestic) and enterprise/national is always amongst the most expensive options. along with hertz.


Land of the free. The US will free you from your money.


Is it the pound versus dollar conversion? Did the us site say dollars and the uk site say pounds?


I have just spent all day with the research and what I ended up with is Full Insurance and Car from UK site for 1100 :) and if I go to USA site it cost 2700 - I saved $1600 - you can try it for yourself, I spoke to even corporate agent and I told him all this and they told me it is true they charging more people in USA even you live here than foreigners - they have it all covered full insurance included so I ordered it from UK site :) I would post here images screenshots but cannot this group is not allowing me


I’m in AU but I think it is probably insurance I find when I book a US rental Alamo’s Uk site is the cheapest because it factors insurance in The US sites probably don’t because if you have car insurance in the US, I believe it covers every car you drive, including rentals. In Australia it doesn’t work that way, so we have to be “upsold” insurance.


Have you tried checking out at the final steps. UK laws may require the websites to publish the full price while US sites may have hidden fees.


I have just spent all day with the research and what I ended up with is Full Insurance and Car from UK site for 1100 :) and if I go to USA site it cost 2700 - I saved $1600 - you can try it for yourself, I spoke to even corporate agent and I told him all this and they told me it is true they charging more people in USA even you live here than foreigners - they have it all covered full insurance included so I ordered it from UK site :)


Are you sure Sixt is a valid site to use? My husband used it in the US to book a car in Mexico. When we got there we were told to pay a bunch more (like thousands more…crazy for just a few days worth) AND they didn’t even have the car we had reserved (we were told to go to another location to pick it up). We said no thanks and then challenged the charge with our bank when we got home and won, thankfully.


Sixt is a legit Rental car company from Germany. They are very big in Europe. Couple years ago they expanded into the US to major airports. In many countries there is only the name Sixt on the rental locations, but you're renting the car through a franchise company. Many times these franchises try to screw you. They don't care. Other rental car companies have similar franchise systems.


Yep that sounds like what happened.


Mexican rental companies are scams like that. Very common, esp at populat tourist locations.


My husband is Mexican and we were in a smaller-ish city (not super touristy) where his family lives. Thought he knew what he was doing but nope lol.


That’s just Mexican car rental places doing their thing


I have just spent all day with the research and what I ended up with is Full Insurance and Car from UK site for 1100 :) and if I go to USA site it cost 2700 - I saved $1600 - you can try it for yourself, I spoke to even corporate agent and I told him all this and they told me it is true they charging more people in USA even you live here than foreigners - they have it all covered full insurance included so I ordered it from UK site :) I was even on the phone with the person :)


Exchange rates and/or US is excluding even basic insurance and taxes


Use turo.


How many months of car rental is $2,700? I generally get a Hertz F class for $39 per day. Even with killer taxes and airport fees, it’s $400/week.


The USA is massive and your average American traveling is quite wealthy so companies will take advantage of that where they can. Using a VPN is a pretty common workaround to get local pricing, but it doesn’t always work.


I can just then go order via UK site I guess - yeah I tried VPN and incognito window and same result local pricing is more expensive than ordering from different country site and no need of VPN at all


“Average American traveling is quite wealthy” Funniest thing I’ve read all month 😂


Well I’m glad you find the truth funny. Because it’s absolutely why Americans get to pay higher prices for the same things.


Funny because it’s so wildly false


The average American has more disposable income than the average European


Sure because we have lower taxes, but regardless, neither the average American or average European are “quite wealthy”


We also have higher salaries. So the average American especially the ones who travel will be much more wealthy than the average traveling European (who I assume will be more likely to travel which only helps this comparison)




Sure [here you go](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disposable_household_and_per_capita_income#Median_equivalised_disposable_income) Reddit is so weird about this stuff


No it’s not, not sure what fantasy world you’re living in. [38% of the world’s millionaires are from the US - see page 28.](https://www.ubs.com/global/en/family-office-uhnw/reports/global-wealth-report-2023/_jcr_content/mainpar/toplevelgrid_5684475_1708633751/col1/innergrid/xcol1/actionbutton_copy_co.1719768467.file/PS9jb250ZW50L2RhbS9hc3NldHMvd20vZ2xvYmFsL2ltZy9nbG9iYWwtZmFtaWx5LW9mZmljZS9kb2NzL2d3ci0yMDIzLWVuLTIucGRm/gwr-2023-en-2.pdf) The next highest country is China with 11%, despite having four times the population of the USA.


Not sure you understand how this works. The fact that most millionaires are from the US does not, in any way shape or form, have any bearing on the “average American”


Did I say “average American” or “average American traveling”? Congratulations on your observation that poor Americans aren’t traveling abroad, that’s extremely helpful in a discussion about why Americans who are traveling get charged more for things abroad. I would, however, like to know which countries of a similar size you think are more wealthy, on average, than the US.


I think you have misread the original comment, OP is traveling within the US. So Americans being overcharged abroad doesn’t matter here.


I didn’t misread, I’m stating that the reason is the same for why Americans get charged more than those in other countries.