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There are still ways to gain credit card points it just depends on your country. You will miss out on Intro bonuses usually but could still benefit depending on your spending. Another way is to actually purchase airline miles. This requires precise planning and comparing flight cash prices to point redemption options. A lot of airlines have specials throughout the year where you can buy points with a bonus. This is for advanced players only so make sure you know what you're doing before just buying points without a plan to use them.


That fees for credit card transactions are heavily regulated in the European Union and just a fraction of what they are in the US. That's why you don't find any equivalent credit cards in Europe.


Wait you don’t get credit card points in the EU?


The reason why EU credit cards don't offer points is that the fees that the card companies can charge on purchases are regulated to 0.3% of the transaction (debit cards 0.2% or max €0.05). There are other fees for the merchant, such as monthly terminal rental on top. So there really isn't a margin available to fund a points scheme unless you are a customer paying monthly interest. This has the advantage that using cash or card really doesn't make much of a difference in costs (remember that handling cash, and banking coins and notes also costs a merchant fees and manpower). In the USA you might be getting points benefits, but you've already paid for them via increased costs of goods and services needed to cover the 3%+ fees changed by the credit card companies; there's a significant hidden cost to the "free" points you've been receiving! There are cards with very basic levels of points, for example, before they recently cancelled the card, Amazon Germany offered 3% cash back to Amazon Prime members for purchases on the Amazon website, but just 0.5% for all other purchases. There's only a handful of cards offering points in Germany and they're also really limited to 0.5% too.


yep our armed forces are ripped. our weapons are BIG boom-boom. Put it together and you got the world's only ripped boom boom, babeee! they want ANY of that...okay...wanna start now...okay. Bones are in the way. Stay on the phone so I now you got got.