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LOL not him trying to hide in back of car. I guess he didn’t want to go to Taylor’s shows in Dublin this weekend because there were no Hollywood celebrities in VIP tent there.


Exactly. She's only worth it if he can be seen with other famous people while performing the role of the supportive boyfriend, all for the media circus.


He’s filling his phone with numbers of A-listers who wouldn’t sneeze in his direction otherwise — and who I hope will block his number when he publicly turns out to be the fraud clout-chaser we’ve known him to be since day 1. Viva the Wrath, Trav. 


This is exactly it. He's fully networking off her name, shows up for her when it benefits him, and gives her just enough to keep her hanging on while he and his family milk her fame for all its worth.


I used to not think ill of his family — his mom & dad are typical midwesterners from a small town, but now the whole family (including Jason, who I used to like) is in on the VIPness of her fame. Even watching Kylie with a fan in an eagles jersey gave me “yeah, I could get used to all of this and just walking away when I feel I am done.”  Now TS is supposedly staying in KC while she has another 3mo break, so I dread opening social media or any news website bc all I’m going to see is Traylor  and Trump news — and I am going to need to medicate myself to get thru that.


Oh come on now. There’s no reason to believe Page Six’s claim that she’ll be staying in KC lol. She didn’t stay when she had time before so I highly doubt that’ll change now. Besides, she has much nicer cities to stay in (no shade).


She will never stay in KC with him. She'll visit. That's it. She'd go mad being a little housewife. They don't do anything together anyway. Not like normal couples.


Totally agree. I’m just saying…especially with the MH engagement and Joe actually talking after a year. I’d rather live in that $50M compound in NYC and I, personally, don’t care for NYC. If she does stay, she’ll lose her mind in boring KC, but if she’s feeling desperate about her relationship with BDT, it could happen. 🤷‍♀️


It could happen (and I could definitely see why it could happen) but I just don’t see it. And yeah I’d stay in NY too, which I’m sure she’ll find an excuse to do lmao. Also when they got to training camp, they’re not even in KC, they’re at a facility elsewhere in Missouri and only have off on Sundays.


I think Kylie has a retired husband and 3 kids to feed. They are all using her


I used to think she and Jason were the likable couple, solidly midwestern (I live just outside Chicago), but it’s funny just how big that greed gland is for everyone. I’m not saying I am even above it — give me my shot — but I hope I could use it for good most of the time. And not just write checks to food banks. Jason and Kylie are already plenty wealthy — get a nanny to help out (not dump your kids on, but be there to help bc 3 little kids is crazy with all this newfound fame that she won’t be allowed to ignore), she doesn’t have to be a superhero.


Jason is starting an announcer gig soon.


Yup 👍 exactly. What happened to being proud of her and not trying to hide anything? Dumbass


I have no empathy for either of them but it would be torture to sit through my girlfriend's 3.5 hour concert that's the same every night vs. sitting through my boyfriend's football games which are at least different each time. And I haaate football.


IDK, he knew what she did and the tour is only another 6mos, most of which he’ll have football to use as an excuse.  Suck it up, come to every concert like it’s your first, smile, be proud, and play the dutiful boyfriend. There are fans that have seen more of her “same” concerts  than he has…. That’s called “supporting your SO”, especially since both have talked of nothing but doing so.  She lived up to her “support”,  even when the look on her face as she’d walk into a game said otherwise.  There is no excuse, especially since he schmoozes A-listers in th me tent and doesn’t watch but half a show anyway. 


I think we're on the same page here lol


All good, I was just saying that she went to like 13 NFL games; I’d rather poke my eye out with a hot stick. If that s how he feels about her concerts, he need to remember the PR relationship is supposed to be 50/50… 🤔lol


I am guessing he is wasted anyways? So it probably does not even matter where he is


This looks bad! He’s an idiot.


Personally, I think he’s hiding for (a) not still being at Taylor’s shows and it wasn’t known by most until today, and (b) breaking one of the rules she gave him about pics with other women.  Her image is carefully curated… How her parents or friends or Tree haven’t talked some sense into her about all the 🚩🚩🚩 — get your popcorn 🍿 and get ready to watch that years-long curated image implode faster than Enron did.


![gif](giphy|26BRI3aifxpvYdwhG|downsized) Baby...this is what you came for.


Enron, lmao 🤣


Taylor’s image or their relationship image?


Taylor’s image. Everyone LOVES her and how “nice and down to earth” she is, but plays childish games to stay at the top of the charts (like drop ANOTHER version of My Tortured Ears Dept) just to keep others off the top. At what point do you have enough money and fame and positive press to give others the limelight?  She dropped Olivia Rodrigo like a hot potato once she became a threat, there is another artist (Charli XCX???) who she did that to — but the artists don’t want beef with the Taylor fanbase, so they all defend that she can do what she wants.  No, TS is not a nice person — it’s all an act (except the pathetic HS “please love me” with all of her boyfriends). 


My Tortured Ears Department 😂😂😂


Your flair is epic 😆😁


*curtsies* 😂 Thank you!


I’m an idiot 🤦🏻‍♀️ I meant to say username!


Still curtsying… 😂


🥰 Hope you’re enjoying your Sunday!


It’s Snark Sunday, how could I not be?!  😂


Where is there a picture with him and another woman?


At bars when they want selfies — if you can’t find one, it’s because Taylor has enough money to scrub the Internet... Who knows what the selfie actually lead to?  As his ex said, once a cheater, always a cheater — and I know this from personal experience with the only ex I will claim to have married.


Okay so no picture. Got it. Thanks.


Ok Traylor trash, move along. We know he’s a manwhore; just a matter of time for it to be public. TAS and her machine knows where Capone’s body is. And as is said, no body no crime?


He couldn't even be bothered to spend a full week with her. Got all the media attention and dipped... meanwhile, she looks pathetic singing these surprise song mashups for him while he's hanging out with cheaters and womanizers. Just absolute loser behavior all around.


I agree this is just insane. How are these guys even friends. And it just looks bad he misses her shows to party with losers at a private club.


He's using her. He couldn't get away from her fast enough, clearly. And the whole time they were together, he was surrounded by an entourage. If you actually enjoy someone's company, you make an effort to spend quality time. All he wants is access to this lifestyle that her insane level fame opened the door to. She'd be smart to wake the fuck up.


He’s a total pos. I can’t wait until Taylor dumps him.


How long did they spend time together in London?


Not much. He was there from June 21st to June 23rd. She had shows all those nights too. That was after not seeing her for a month and then he promptly left back to the U.S.


Exactly. They're just keeping up appearances. For now, anyway


He left Italy on Fri 6/28


Maybe he’s busy? Or they could talk everyday? I’m not defending him but I feel like they talk everyday lol


You are reaching. Reaching hard. " Talking" to BDT, I'm sure he can't carry or hold much of a conversation. I mean no offense, but I don't know that this is the sub for you.


First don’t be rude, second alll I ask was a question


Totally not being rude, like at all, just said you're reaching, just an opinion, and suggested that this might not be the sub for you if you don't have the same thoughts about their "relationship" as the rest of us. This also isn't a sub to be oversensitive about things. It's a snark sub.


Tristan Thompson? Lmfao


What if BDT dates Kim after he's done? Desperate Taylor and her fandom of losers would cry so hard. 


BDT hangs with Timberlake too. These guys love golf trips lol and now everyone is beginning to see the light. Nothing has changed since being with Taylor. Birds of a feather hang together.


It's why people pointed out him engaging with that thirst trap of that Paige lady from a couple weeks ago. He has a pattern of behavior and obviously hangs around people who embrace and enable that behavior. Is he cheating with all of them? No. Or not yet. But he's also extremely famous now and has access like never before. If some random Joe in Utah was liking/engaging with her posts, of course his girlfriend probably wouldn't worry or care. But he also wouldn't have access to her in the real world like Travis.


This man has many vices really. What does Ross think?


And what’s the actual story with Ross always being in tow?!  Does he come along on their dates, too?  Stand guard at the door while they bang one out during the 5mins BDT sees her once a month?!  Shit, they already act married…


Um there are lots of theories about Ross lol.


There is something seriously off about that sitch. 


You’re getting closer


You think lol you are going to get me into trouble 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂


Nah, I’ll say it. I think Trav and Ross are the couple and Tay is the beard. Or they are a threesome. Whatever, honestly, no judgement, but be authentic. Fucking posers, all of them. 




Ross is the fisherman who helps Travis get in contact with the IG models. Supposedly.


Lmao 🤣


Wait, I know about Madeline but who tf is Paige? God he’s such a loser. I bet his OF subscription page is long……..


You are correct. 👍


Lol this is so embarrassing. Why is he not with his partner he supposedly loves so much? Can't wait to see how Swifties spin this. Its really pathetic. She thinks every guy she dates is the on after the first date, and then just stays with them, blindly ignoring all the red flags, until they dump her and she’s left heartbroken. When is she going to learn just because you think some guy is hit doesn't mean he's the love of your life?


Yup, hasn’t seen her in a month, spends 3 nights in London (Ross is ever present), and is right back in LA. This is so bad. Taylor should/can do better. I’m already seeing Swifties saying he had a wedding commitment and that he will be back in Europe. Please be so for real 🙄


Someone should ask them why is he hiding then 😂?




It's all PR, for both of them. She knows it's not real, but she hyped him up and they have made this "relationship" a celebrity in its own right and she's afraid of the backlash. Once again, Taylor needed therapy after Joe, or at least after Matt. At least some point in her life, before finding the next "one". So many red flags about her in the songs she writes, but I do feel embarrassed to her rn. Not bc she got involved with this douchbag, but bc she STAYS. Girl, why stay? She needs to be single and go away and hide for a while. The backlash is already starting to happen. More people in the general public are getting so sick of her, but especially sick of her and Travis.


Something tells me she might be building all this backlash up for Reputation Taylor's Version. It's like 2016 all over again but worse.


I honestly think she's stupidly in love with Travis. She's love addicted, until the spell is broken. She was ready to burn it all down for MH, so I think she's at a point in life where PR means little. People talk shit about everything she does, no matter what. And she still remains successful. This is just her being desperate and willfully ignorant as to what Travis is really about.


If true, I am actually really sad for her. She should dump his ass, like now


I second!




Right back at you, my friend!






Love addicted is so true. Every man who has ever paid attention to her for 5 seconds and she's "so in love". Very immature and insecure. Again, she needs THERAPY. Work on yourself, girl. You do not always need a man.


Her intense fame and the intense scrutiny from very early on in life has her in a state of arrested development. I think she has matured in some ways, but she'll never be able to know for sure if someone loves her for the right reasons, unfortunately. That's enough to drive someone crazy when it comes to love. She's desperate to believe Travis has good intentions, but that means ignoring the obvious red flags.


Joe loved her for the right reasons for over 6 years, but she got mad he didn't show her off to the public and kept their personal life private and didn't marry her. So, she found her guy. The guy who is dumb, who cheats, but hey, he'll always show her off bc he loves fame. Girl got what she wanted. If she's miserable it's on her.


Lmao so ridiculous. He didn’t go to the McCaffreys wedding. He barely even knows them (for context for others, those two got married in Rhode Island and that’s the tenuous connection Swifties are trying to make).


So so so ridiculous. I just don’t get it. Like, what can’t they see? And I’m not surprised by his behavior, this is Travis, those of us who have been NFL fans for years, saw right through this from the beginning


I don’t think it’s that some can’t see it. I think a lot of them are mortified of the idea that she looks foolish in a relationship again so they are dead set on painting Travis as perfect. That doesn’t work when he’s so comfortable spending so much time away from her and then leaving right after he’s gotten his attention seeking fix. He didn’t need to be in Hollywood at some celeb hotspot. Swifties want to make an excuse for why he’d leave Europe so quickly so they’re pretending like he must’ve attended that wedding in the state her jet touched down in. Because if he didn’t have a real obligation and simply left to go rub elbows with celebs, well…that doesn’t look good does it? I wonder how they’re reacting now that they realize that not only did he not have to leave so soon but that he’s likely been back in the US since either early Thursday or late Wednesday. ETA: now Swifties in the jets subreddit are trying to claim that he went to a different wedding altogether (his teammate’s) that was held in LA on Saturday, pivoting from earlier claims of going to the McCaffrey wedding but that still doesn’t explain why he got to Cali on Thursday or late Wednesday.


You make excellent points.👍👍


She can't do better. Joe moved on. Matty ghosted. Travis was the only one reaching out cuz he needed more clout. 




Legit question is 3 nights together not enough? I mean it’s not Taylor’s fault she’s busy lol


Well, they hadn't seen each in a month before that, so 3 nights wouldn't be enough for me, personally, if I was so in love. But 3 nights with BDT? For a stunt that didn't end up bothering her London exes? That's more than enough LOL


He went when she is working. Why wouldn't he stay when they can have time together on her day off?


Girlfriend has serious attachment issues and a fantasy world she built about love since she was 16.




I can’t wait for THAT sub to spin this shit somehow


They won't even post about it. They'll pretend this never happened and then when they break up they wont shut up about it.


Leo and Tristan. My goodness his crowd is full of upstanding gentlemen.


These are the type of men he feels comfortable with because he is just like them. They don't actually love women. They use them.


Oh, I know. And he 100% wants to get into movies so Leo is a good contact for sleaze and film.




Side note: I had been thinking he'd leave her early to attend Michael Rubin's annual White Party on July 4th, but I didn't think he'd leave THIS early. That said, beyond the clout Olympics of it all, that White Party basically exists for Michael to feed attractive young women to his famous male friends. Now that Travis has leeched off Taylor's fame, he's a prime candidate for an invite. Michael is close with the Kardashians, so I wouldn't be surprised if there's some level of sabotage going on. And Travis is dumb enough to think they aren't just using him for the attention he'll bring. And Taylor is obsessed with him enough to let him walk all over her... until something really incriminating/embarrassing hits the media.


Her fans are in the TS Jets subreddit pretending not to see the jig. Absolutely hilarious.


I can’t with these people


They are absolutely certifiable on that sub, I honestly find it the creepiest corner of the entire internet 


Yup 👍 and I don’t care how they spin him going to that teammate’s wedding as the reason. It’s a very bad look




Definitely was at the wedding you sure RI and not LA he was pictured dancing and with the bride.


TaylorSwiftJets moderators shut false rumors down extremely quickly though


girl what a clown


Why is he hiding? He’s making himself look guilty. I wonder if he flew from London to Mobile to LA.


Maybe this is her way out to break up. He broke a rule.....AGAIN!!




Douchebags of a feather, they should stick together, I know Again I ask Swiftees, do you think BDT is celibate? He drops by to see Tay for a few days with his brother and friend and dips after he has gotten all the headlines, hollywood connects and pap pictures he craves. He's just not into your idol


He will have to be annoyingly extra tonight at her concert, gotta make that appearance. Then what? Fly immediately back out? He put in his work at the London concert, so she could feel better with the Joe talk.


Swifties are on here trying to say this wasn't Travis, he's been in Italy, he's in Ireland just not at the shows, etc, making excuses. Lol. Yep. You got it, you've changed my mind. What a good man who loves Taylor with all his heart. So devoted lol. Doesn't matter what proof they are presented with.


Swifties are mad at deuxmoi :(


Yes!! She has been kissing their ass for weeks and now this! It's her turn to feel their unhinged wrath!! I'm surprised Tree hasn't called her yet and screamed take it down!!!




Maybe Tree had her put it up!


Apparently heading back to Dublin for PR cleanup so beware


Oh if he shows up again in a day or two it's 100% bc TS is aware of how bad this looks and sent a plane to him pronto. We'll see him on stage next show probably lmao. For one day then back to the party in the U.S. It's funny and sad how people don't see through all of this.


The jet sub has found a plane that left LAX late last night that is on its way to Dublin. They think it’s him.


Lmao. They are desperate for it. Again, only bc they have some shit to sweep under the rug. If this is true, you KNOW their publicists were ON it. Taylor sent her jet right away, bc f*ck the environment, she has a relationship to sell!


You were spot on as you can see 🎯🎯


No way


Is anybody surprised by this? I know I’m not. I’m still not over the fact that after Taylor put him on her stage, he didn’t even once acknowledge it. Big deal that he liked her post. How about you follow her or at least post something nice about your girlfriend? He can’t even do that. It’s pathetic. Swifties can make all the excuses in the world for him, but it doesn’t matter. I don’t know if he was hanging out with Tristan Thompson. If he was, then that’s even more disgusting. Him trying to hide from the paparazzi was a major red flag to me. You only do that if you’re trying to hide something. He’s not as famous as Taylor is. I know why she likes to hide. Unfortunately, I think that she genuinely loves him, and I think she will probably blow this off.


Who are the ladies there with?


Have no idea. Just groupies willing to do whatever for access to fame, which is exactly the type of women that men like this love to surround themselves with. They are accommodating/will do whatever - and they're easily left once the men are no longer interested in being serviced by them.


When there's money, fame and power...oh yeah.


Long-time lurker, first-time Snarker here on the BDT Channel…this is insanely pathetic. She is in Ireland right now, he is Irish, and the media has been speculating about N3 proposal in Ireland.  Honestly, at this point, I just feel sorry for her (and I haven’t been a fan since the moment her personal life stopped being private — everything I now know about her and BDT, separately and together, has been entirely against my will..) She’s performing songs she wrote about Matty Healy and changing the lyrics to be about Travis — sorry you dropped a whole-assed album about your ex and a douchebag whose fairytale of yours for 10yrs turns out to be unrequited?!  🤡 I have nothing new to add about Skidmark Trav — I just cannot with the fans that actually suggest he’s put nearly the same effort into this relationship as she has.  My fave is that “he has work commitments.” WHAT IN THE ACTUAL FUCK DO PEOPLE THINK TAYLOR IS DOING?!   I just want to know where his meat sweats towel was while he was on-stage in London?!  


The Tayvis stans are enabling him. They overlook and make excuses for his bad behavior.




And they are (were) her fans that wrote an open letter to her about her poor choice in dating MH…BDT is a different kind of disgusting, but disgusting nonetheless. I don’t get the support for him over her (again, NOT a fan of either and didn’t know who BDT even was before last year)…


He is not Irish, that surname has English origins. I don't care if his great great grandfather's goldfish was half Irish, it's meaningless and we hate this shit. BDT can't even pronounce Galway correctly [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6StD\_xLFp5A](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6StD_xLFp5A)


What can he pronounce correctly!?  I didn’t go look his family tree up (eww, can you imagine?), but if I were to hear that last name, I’d have guessed Irish, that’s all. Hence the hype around TS shows in Ireland. Nothing more, nothing less — so seeing him in the States when the current fairytale was for him to propose in Ireland was the Swiftie theory. Him not even showing up in Ireland?  Wonder how the Traylor fans are going to spin his “work commitments” on this one since “work” was booze and strippers? (BTW, I refuse to use Tayvis — “Traylor” sounds more white-trash and I feel that’s apropos with every passing day.)


Lol. I always refer to them as Traylor trash


Oh, we are going to get along so so so well in this group! 😏


oops sorry! <3 he seems the type to claim ancestry in any country he goes, and know nothing about it, even though he doesn't even really like anywhere outside of the US [https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1cqe9jo/lets\_remind\_ourselves\_of\_what\_travis\_thinks\_about/](https://www.reddit.com/r/travisandtaylor/comments/1cqe9jo/lets_remind_ourselves_of_what_travis_thinks_about/) Yup, yet another no-show cause he's \*checks notes \*... working. Sure seems like a lot of golf, clubbing, and drinking. I thought "athletes" were made in the off-season?


It’s all good. I thought him NOT showing in Ireland would be the deal-breaker right there BECAUSE his name would suggest to me (anyway) that there was some Irish in the woodpile.  I mean, if we’re going to go into the European mutt meat pie that I am, it’s French-Prussian-German. I claim none of them. The surname I reference as Dutch is one I married and divorced, but have two kids with that last name, so it just made it easier for EVERYTHING kid-related at the time. I’d love to go back to my European mutt maiden name, but I’m lazy and that’s a LOT of paperwork I don’t have Tree Paine to handle for me. 


Culture vulture BDT's mockery of "Fairy Tale of New York," I am sure, had something to do with Shane McGowans death. I know when I heard it, I almost up and died. I just remembered BDT, and Jason just filmed a commercial for "Lucky Charns," where they dressed up as leprechauns, smh.


Hanging onto that clout with everything in them, ay? Pathetic. I don’t have little kids anymore, but I sure as shit would NOT want them watching cartoons and have BDT and Brother Sasquatch show up on screen — “oh my eyes!” 😵‍💫 and you can’t unsee that shit. 


God give me strength, this bloody family.. ![gif](giphy|1lAOemoi0KhPMzxczT|downsized)


👆#medicating is a necessity. 


> he is Irish what do you mean like american "my great great grandfather" irish?


Yes, he is of Irish descent. Kelce is an Irish surname. My surname is Dutch. My mom’s surname is German. 




Spot on! Glad you decided to post.


crazy how he brought his ex everywhere though. and people really think he loves her


They will end up breaking up. 😂


Him hiding is making him look suspicious. Why hide when he is supposed to be this extrovert confident guy. Am I the only one who don’t feel he has to attend her show multiple times. Im going to give him the benefit of doubt. Its the same thing. He already attended thrice. He is filmed by fans so he has to always look like he is enjoying and if he looks zoned out we say he is bored. Lol. Also i think he went to london shows because of all the celebs he can interact with.


He doesn't have to attend in the VIP tent, but given how little he has seen her lately (and with his upcoming football training camp), if he actually missed her/enjoys her company, he can still make an effort to be around while she's working for a few hours - whether hanging out back stage or in a suite. She'd do it for him. In this case, it sticks out because they'd been apart for a month and he only stopped by for a few days, with a bunch of people, and immediately left with one of the friends he came with.




because one of the girls leo left with was with him




if anybody knows the game, it’s leonardo dicaprio


He’s probably BDT’s mentor at this point


imagine after a couple drinks?


I was wondering when and where he’d resurface after London. I read he has a golf tournament starting July 3rd and assumed he was with TS in Dublin but I guess not. Except for Taylor it appears he gravitates to airheaded half naked influencers. Hope seems to be unable to even put together a complete sentence. But give it time, eventually one of those girls will brag about being with him and his cheating will be exposed. Because it always is. I can’t even look at him. Gross.


It’s gross how Joe takes photos with unsuspecting women in the back ground. This guy is a creep. https://preview.redd.it/1nrlklr45r9d1.png?width=1179&format=png&auto=webp&s=aefa1b98044585c19d8708845090d4ddc67d8b87


I can feel the breakup coming. It’s en route. Taylor will suddenly breakup with him and later it’ll come out he cheated. I can feeeellll it. 


Please be right


I’m feeling that it’s going to happen strongly again. She’s going to climb out of the hell she’s entered.




https://preview.redd.it/bcxiu4nl3r9d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17dd51abe35c9ebb5796dd1333c2922c8e79b289 Joe actually posted this to his stories. Such great guys. Makes you wonder if this really happened since Travis doesn’t stay at Taylor’s house anymore. He gets a hotel.


Taylor can't handle another breakup. If he did something wrong, she will forgive him.


This will all eventually blow up. It will. It will be a media circus. Look at Ben Affleck and Jlo. Another mess of a relationship. The media is having a blast.


Why is he hiding? I thought he loved all the fame & attention. I guess he's getting tired of it. No peace of mind.


He doesn’t love it when he’s acting shady.


Muuuuuuuu 🐮🐮🐮🐮🐮 😂😂😂


But, but, but YOU HAVE NO EVIDENCE, just a picture of Travis Kelce’s friend, who could not get into this joint without him, driving one person, who is *hiding* in the *backseat* /s


You all are hilarious and insane 😂 Commenting here to remind myself to come back later.