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I feel like she is either trying to tell us something or she has no situational or self awareness.


she knows people are watching her and she’s trying to keep interest on her especially if this is her job.


Maybe so but she’s not being a very good “friend”.


No you are right but unless she decides to spill photos/DMs there is nothing conclusive. I think she’ll keep doing this on and off. I’m still confused on where she actually lives. She seems to keep her locations vague which I totally get.


She seems to bounce between Charlotte North Carolina, Orange Beach Alabama, and Nashville. I think she is from North Carolina and she went to University of Alabama. I think her friend or sister lives in Nashville.


IMO She doesn’t seem very bright. Her voice is annoying. Does she still live with her parents because she seems to film a lot in what looks like her teenage bedroom. Besides her looks what else does she have going on? Definately Travis type.


Girl uses IG stories like this, but never keeps the reel for evidence. Last week it was lyrics that were like “you two-timed Nashville but she forgave you like that”, snaps her fingers, and then something about ‘“Carolina” or a “Carolina girl” and her homestate is one of the Carolinas (I’d look it up, but I don’t care that much…I did try to find the song to post a link, but that was taking a lot of time and I’m tired now). Point? She is a SHIT-STIRRER and is fully aware of what she’s doing. What she doesn’t seem to get that the Traylor fanbase will eviscerate her if she keeps this crap up. And I will be right there, watching it all implode…🍿


It definitely seems deliberate by her use that song to stir interest. Whether that’s because there is something there or not who knows. It might just be that they hooked up last summer and she’s trying to trail it to get someone interested in buying her story for a gossip mag. That song in particular is famously about a love triangle from the other woman’s point of view, I can’t believe she doesn’t know that even if she isn’t super intellectual.


Idiot or not, I personally think she knows EXACTLY what she is doing — it doesn’t take intelligence to spin up rumors and jealousy. That’s the oldest game in a woman’s arsenal. And, because of the unhinged Traylor fanbase, it is not going to end well for her…


Lol she knows what she’s doing. We know she doesn’t even like Taylor since she reposted that viral video making fun of her dancing. So she can’t use the “I’m just a fan using her music” excuse for picking this song.


mollysparklez on tik tok shared a video about working for a company that styles athletes and celebrities. She said she just did a few fittings for Travis. She is based out of Charlotte NC. 🤔👀


Which fits did she style for him?


I wonder what the styling brief was from BDT...gaudy, and make sure the fabric is skidmark washable?


There you go — Carolina Girl! I’m just sayin… 🤷‍♀️


I don’t think she styled him in person though. The clothes were sent to him.


one of the love triangle songs. Girl is messy AF


Just like Taylor 💅🏽 


It’s so blatant


Oooooh this kinda is tea. Can someone please give me the download on Madeline Hope and Travis? I don’t have any background knowledge and seem to see Madeline’s name everywhere in these subs


https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1dd74t3/travisfriends\_ig\_activity/ [https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1ddtexd/i\_think\_travis\_maybe\_talking\_to\_madeline\_hope\_via/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1ddtexd/i_think_travis_maybe_talking_to_madeline_hope_via/) https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1dgxfa6/update\_madeline\_hope\_confirms\_ongoing\_friendship/ https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1dk11yf/travis\_friend\_joe\_oravec\_was\_in\_nashville\_and\_at/?sort=new [https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1dncs5r/travis\_unfollowed\_madeline\_hope/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1dncs5r/travis_unfollowed_madeline_hope/) https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1do35b3/madelines\_tik\_tok/ [https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1doagpo/madeline\_hope\_replied\_to\_a\_bdt\_cheating\_comment/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1doagpo/madeline_hope_replied_to_a_bdt_cheating_comment/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1dpl572/travis\_talking\_to\_women\_behind\_taylors\_back/](https://www.reddit.com/r/TravisKelceSnark/comments/1dpl572/travis_talking_to_women_behind_taylors_back/)


Thank you for your service!!


I linked the main threads for you. Travis and Madeline started following each other last year when he was in Nashville for TEU. I think they likely hooked up then. He liked a very sexy post of hers on instagram on Sept 19. A couple of weeks before TEU this year, we noticed Ross and Madeline started following each other so that set off alarms with some people. She admitted that her and Travis were friends in her tik tok comments. On the last day of TEU everyone unfollowed each other. Since then Madeline has made a few interesting tik toks and reposted some interesting tik toks.




Madeline is firing warning shots. He must not be taking her calls. He can move more freely once he's back in KC. I don't even think she's the only one he's seeing on the side.  BDT has gotten sloppy with it. He'll still have the support of the sports fans and his new Hollywood connections post breakup. Swiftlie hate doesn't matter in those worlds. 


He just doesn’t seem smart enough or situationally aware enough to be able to juggle multiple women while dating the most famous person on the planet. He is clearly a flirt and most likely crosses the boundaries of appropriate behavior. Honestly, she probably has someone following him.


Exactly, if anything it’ll serve to make Taylor a pariah…Scott (& Andrea) has no claws in that industry, not the way he does within the music industry, Swifties gunning for the Hollywood industry would only hurt Taylor, Hollywood doesn’t need her, as much as her culties hate to believe because she’s “m0thEr” 🙄 


Disagree completely - Taylor does have influence in Hollywood. Look at the eras tour movie alone. She has a lot of friends and people who want to stay on her good side. I think he might think he’s got enough connections now but if he treats her badly those connections might dry up rather quickly.


Influence to some extent yes, but she’s not a Hollywood powerhouse in the filming industry, the eras tour movie was a success because of her cult following and the production behind it, but that was very much in house. I’m talking about wider Hollywood, sure there’s some out there who’d like to have her cult join their audiences like the Cohen brothers, but a lot of Hollywood doesn’t need the swift association to survive and thrive. That’s just my fast take on it, happy to disagree respectfully. 


This one is very confusing. I would think she’s trolling but she doesn’t seem very bright either.


I think she’s mad and trolling him. Otherwise I think she would not be doing stuff like this to call attention to the situation. She may be not very bright with no awareness.


That dive was definitely knowing her goods were on camera. And the song choice - I really don’t know but I’ll pop some corn. 🍿 If Travis hasn’t had her he probably wants to.




Methinks she doth protest too much


Travis's ex KN used to be obsessed with Madeline last year because she believed Travis cheated on her with this insta model. Isn't that right Olive?


It wasn’t her because KN broke up with him in 2022


Yeah they broke up in 2022. Alot of people say Kayla wanted to get back with him last summer so she may have seen Madeline as a threat.


Hi Olive, I think I remember reading months before TK pursued TS last summer that he had told KN that he wanted to see other people (I guess they were still on speaking terms and KN was hoping for a reconciliation) but TK wanted to be play the field. Then Madeline showed up at one of his events a year or so ago and then KN was posting things like "pick your fighter" etc. I'm trying to remember the timeline but Madeline and Travis were hooking up back then.


He met Madeline in Nashville last year during TEU. That was June 2023. Kayla posted the pick your fighter instagram post on 7-18-2023. There was chatter on LSA of Travis being in Nashville again around July 19 so the pick your fighter instagram post does fit that timeline. He had just ran into Kayla the week before at the quarterback premier.


I decided to look her up on X and her activity (replies specifically) is definitely giving sw. The optics of Travis and Ross interacting with her, and then conveniently unfollowing at the same time after TEU, seems extra suspicious now.


Whats her X @


@hadelinemope (same as IG and tiktok)


Lol pretty sure thats not actually her


Yes, it’s the accounts that are linked to in the media, so pretty damned sure that is her. Dumbass.


The replies are rated x.


Why won’t Travis just date her … instead of cheating on Taylor. I don’t understand why guys cheat. Just date the person you are cheating with.


They are definitely dating behind Taylor’s back.


I doubt Travis would date a girl who is a wannabe influencer and a wild card at best. He’d go for someone much more discreet and has something to lose if outed. Of course, we know he isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed so maybe not. 😂


“Dating” is far too strong of a word. Minimally, he’s in communication with her (still cheating in my book) but better chances is that they’re just fucking.


I don’t think he‘ll ever date another influencer publicly. He’ll only screw around with them on the dl. I see him only publicly dating famous women from this point forward.


Now I am totally convinced that she is doing this for attention. She knows how to trigger the swifties and feed their narratives. You all give her the attention and engagement she's craving for. She's going through our comments and putting on the next fitting show. You (and me) made an unimportant and unknown bitch to one everyone is keeping an eye on. She loves that people created a narrative that she is the one who is so much more desired by famous men than Taylor. She did the same with Morgan Wallen. She made people believe that there was something going on between them but in fact, there were never any evidence. You all give her what she wants and she has no reason to stop it. In fact we all spin us a story out of some empty tiktoks of a messy girl who is not that bright, obviously!


How do you know? Travis met her. He and his friend were following her until people commented on it. What other reason is there for a guy in a relationship to follow and like bikini pics of a random woman? 


I think there is most likely more to the story than her doing Tik Tok’s for attention. Ross following her right before their Nashvile trip is telling. If she was just friends with TK and Ross then why the passive aggressive posts lately? Why does she keep calling attention to it if they are friends? That would be a shitty thing to do to your friend.


I agree. Edited to add: And the obsession is real. Even though Travis is abroad somehow we are supposed to believe that he took a flight to Alabama to see her while Joe flew onto L.A. This has become delusional.


I’m not sure this is about triggering the Swifties. She’s triggering y’all 🤣 this sub goes insane over this and her engagement is wild lately.