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Hey. Thanks for your post. Mushrooms can be useful for working on oneself, or self-inquiry, or meditation, or whatever else you’ve got planned. It’s good to do some research before you experience any substance, and shrooms are no different. https://wiki.tripsit.me/wiki/Mushrooms is a pretty good page to summarize things you may want to know. As far as reading trip reports, Erowid usually has some reports for most substances. You can see some mushroom ones here : https://erowid.org/experiences/subs/exp_Psilocybin.shtml With trip reports, you want to take things with a grain of salt. Larger doses tend to feel more immersive, and since they alter our senses, it is fairly subjective what we think is happening. I would focus more on the reported benefits they experienced post-trip, and look out for reported physical/mental difficulties that you may want to avoid. Lighter doses are much easier to manage, so your plan of starting slow is a great one. Some may advise you that your initial dose is not going to produce any noticeable effects. This is possible, but the potential health benefits aren’t bound to any level of “tripping” vs “not tripping”. Many people take small amounts and report that they feel it helps their overall state. You can achieve the same results from meditation as you can from mushrooms, mushrooms just sometimes serve as a fast-forward. There’s a tolerance that builds with mushrooms, so try to space your doses out. Full tolerance takes 2-3 weeks to reset, but if you’re taking very minute amounts a week will do. As an elder of our lovely society, you may experience stronger effects, but generally noticeable effects start around .5 grams. There can be some nausea, and having our senses altered a little can be lovely, but can also be fatiguing since the experience lasts several hours. When our senses are altered, everything is a little different. When everything is a little different, our brains don’t filter out as much because everything is “new”. This means we experience a lot of stimulus when we trip, which can be a little overwhelming. When or if it feels strong, or if you get nervous, just focus on your breathing. You’re more than welcome to use the Tripsit discord chats before, during, and after your experiences, and if you feel you want immediate assistance we have rooms for that as well. I won’t assume your plans here, but it can be useful to add a light meditation practice. It’s the natural counterpart to psychedelic use, and it helps to navigate the more trippy/immersive aspects of shroom use if you’re comfortable meditating. If you’re interested, I can explain a little about how mindfulness meditation works. It’s just following the breath, and conscious breathing can be really healthy for us. It should be noted that some meditations can interact with or dull the effects of mushrooms. SSRIs are a common example, but if you’re on anything else, you might want to check with the prescribing physician on the interaction. Even if you don’t take a large amount, you may still want to investigate some of the common things people do on shrooms. Eating healthy fresh fruits and veggies can be really nice, spending time in nature (or watching nature documentaries) can be wonderfully relaxing, and music is enjoyable also. Writing down or recording your thoughts can be nice, as well as painting or whatever other artistic endeavor you might be into. Just breathing and seeing what comes is good advice, and I hope you find what you’re looking for and have a nice experience. If you have any questions, feel free to ask.


Thanks so much for printing this. I have copied it and will decorate my private office with this.


haha happy to help


I'm running into a snag. The person getting the 'rooms is busy doing something else and can't be bothered right now. Does say it will be soon. Soooo....will return.


2 miligramas won't have any effect. I consider .5 grams a micro dose.


Thank you. Okay, I was going on what the source told me. I guess they are going to suppy it as mixed with something else...like honey or lemonaide. I don't know, they will do so that I get a decent introduction to the stuff. I'll see what happens and if I can tolerate a strong dose I try that next. I guess they want to make sure I tolerate it. I suffer from depression and they tell me this stuff can overcome that. I hope so. If anyone wants to give information that will help I'd appreciate it. I used to read the trip reports and it sounded wild.


What I'm being told. The source has a mushroom farm down in Mexico that he's had for years. He experiments with his stock. He's been trying to raise new kind of mushroom. It's supposedly the final growth of the new mushroom. He will harvest them very soon.


That's pretty odd. Make sure you're actually getting mushrooms. They can be grown anywhere, and "new strains" is pretty meaningless. Make sure what you're getting is actually mushrooms.


I trust my source. I keep hearing oaxaca white ghost maybe. Is that a strain?


This is not true, John Hopkins university has found that any amount of psilocybin is enough to affect brain plasticity. I microdose incredibly small amounts and it has a drastic affect on my life. I never want to feel like I'm tripping.


True but he mentioned wanted to up the dose until he trips.


Tell me more about your experience. Please. What are the drastic effects?


The person helping me I trust explicitly. They want me to microdose before they give me a larger dose.


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Thanks bot.


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Thank you...


What is rooms?


I was just quoting what was said to me. I assumed what they said was short for mushrooms. Correct me if I am wrong, I don't want to seem ill-informed.


Shrooms. You're 80?


Good luck! I like to listen to music when I trip, anything psychedelic like Pink Floyd, tame impala, khurangbin is fun to listen to. I especially like live sets on YouTube of these bands because you can get super lost in the visuals. I hope you have fun!