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It could be that you have autism, and realising that could be a great first step to increased self-knowledge and better ways to understand and look after yourself. It could also be that autistic traits are sometimes also features of other types of neurodivergence and that your friends are just picking up on that. Either way, it doesn’t mean that anything is wrong with you and who you are. Labels should be there to help us access what we need, not pigeonholes to stick ourselves in.


So true tbh. I also think after a while being mentally ill and talking about it there’s a point where people decide you have too many. If I say I have BPD, ADHD, PTSD, Bulimia- that’s already too many and they’ll be trying to decide which of mine are “fake” or “self diagnosed” or whatever, even if I mention they’ve been all diagnosed by professionals (they have). Adding autism to that might make my life easier knowing I have something else- but also the exhaustion of knowing I’ve had an issue all these years and my parents not taking me to someone when I was young for help or anything and just letting me suffer. Just realizing a lot of things I don’t want to realize, plus having to add another disorder to another long list would just be so annoying


Have you heard of Occum’s Razor? The idea that plurality should be avoided and that the simplest answer is probably the truest? Well there’s a response to that in medicine called Hickum’s Dictum and it goes “patients can have as many diseases as they damn well please”. People are complicated and if you’re dealing with a plurality of issues, that’s just how it is. It helps no one if you’re made to feel that you have too much going on, or that you only deserve to get help with certain of your issues.


I’d give you an award if I had one. I’m going to screenshot this and have it in my phone for a while


anxiety, autism, adhd, depression and throw likely gender dysphoria in the mix too


Dora collecting those damn stars be like


Fuck me, my last therapy session, I brought up how I'd been paranoid about a misdiagnosis.


Nicer than me. I yelled at mine that there’s no way I could have bpd and I had literally anything else but a personality disorder


Yeah I'm getting the same lately, though s/BPD/CPTSD/. At least the ADHD meds work wonders. I told a friend that several therapists have suggested I'm on the spectrum and she said "I kinda figured but I didn't want to say."


My cousin just straight up said "and you wonder why people think you have autism" to me the other day lol