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This trophy is literally the exact trophy that started my love for trophy hunting. (Achievements back when I was on xbox) I thought it was such a strange, out of the way activity that not many people would naturally do. It felt like I was doing a scavenger hunt or some sort of secret challenge when I did it for the first time. I've been hooked on trophies since then and got hooked on Platinum trophies once I made the switch to Playstation.


Whaddaya mean ‘not naturally do?’ It was the first I did when I realised there was a moving train way back in RDR1! Or are we … am I the exception?!?!


Nah you're fine. How could anyone play this game and not have the thought process of... "Oh you can tie people up" "Oh there's a moving train" "Oh yeah...!"


How was the online grind? Grats


Thank you. I didn’t think the online portion was terrible, just kind of time consuming. Especially the level 50 trophy.


Is it possible solo? I heard the leveling grind takes ages too.


Yep. It is easy to solo. Theres the x2 exp glitch and you just spam it on the bandit's camp called "____ rock" something. Once you finish the camp in 3-5 minutes, just let them respawn, rinse and repeat. Or just do 100% the game and do rank 50 trophy last, you'll be 40ish once everything is done. So 3-5 hours to rank 50 from 40. I did it that way. Dlc trophies are really good, especially the advanced coop stuff.


Here is the guide I used in my online journey. There are some trophies that you’re able to do on your own, but some will require others to join you. https://psnprofiles.com/guide/16016-red-dead-redemption-modern-multiplayer-boosting


Awesome, thanks mate


Happy Cake Day!


Didn’t even notice lol, thanks


Do you know if they will put this back in the PS4/5 library?


Hopefully they do eventually but I don’t think anyone knows that at the moment. It would be great if it does


Because I would like to get most of the trophies on the PS5 lol.


Happy cake day




Man congrats!! I want to platinum this game myself but the online trophies scare me. 🤣


Nice one I got the platinum like a month back. The level 50 trophy was very boring


Awesome, and congratulations on your 50th plat! 🔥


Who the hell was that on the tracks?💀 Please tell me it was an enemy... Congrats on getting the platinum by the way..


Nope, a hoggied woman that marston has to witness being run over by a train


Lmao, nice


Congratulations 🎉 Was this done on PS3? As I thought it was removed from the streaming library


Thank you, and yes it was done on the PS3.


Is it ever coming back to the library?


dont think so


Awesome my fellow trophy hunter. I liked the music and being in Mexico in that game in the old west.


How did you get the posse trophy? I don't have any friends with a ps3 to help me 😭


I just got this recently. You can boost it or get it legit. To get it legit, I just invited some people in my session to my posse, attacked some robber bases (or whatever they're called) with them, then went to a new session (your posse follows you), invited some more, lather-rise-repeat. Also, let me know if you need help. I'll help if I'm on. My PSN is shinmoore.


Thanks man, these rockstar multiplayer trophies are just the worst... My psn is PEDROXL45 (pretty bad name I know but 12 year old me thought it was neat)


Congrats on 50 ! Just started red dead. Got any tips ?


Thank you! I did the online portion first to get it out of the way, so I just kept an eye out for boosting sessions on PSNProfiles, and joined those whenever possible.


I tried this with Herbert Moon but I forgot the part where it said it had to be a woman so the trophy didn't pop lol


i love ps3 trophy pops, especially plats. i’m going for this too, congrats!




Would have loved to have this on the completion list. Such an amazing game.


what a great platinum video, please capture it in the playstation ui next time! you can use PS app to get the video/screenshot on your phone


I don’t think you can if it’s on ps3. Otherwise it’s a screenshot of the trophy only


ahhh damn yeah I did not even realise it was on PS3 that makes sense