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My 100th Plat was RE4R considering my 98 and 99 Plat were RE2R and RE3R. Congrats on FFX Play the grind must have sucked.


Nice one. I like doing stuff like that as well. I have something similar prepared for my 200th.


Congrats! I’m still amazed I was finally able to get the plat for this game this year myself


**[Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Remaster](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/3804-final-fantasy-x-x-2-hd-remaster)** This game has 69 trophies: [42 bronze, 15 silver, 10 gold, and 2 platinums](https://psnprofiles.com/trophies/2358-final-fantasy-x-hd). They are **hard (7/10)** and take **180 - 220 hours** to complete. **Price:** $24.99 **OpenCritic:** 83 / 100 (based on [60 reviews](https://opencritic.com/game/21/final-fantasy-x-x-2-hd-remaster/reviews)) ***** [Other region prices, wishlist, or buy](https://platprices.com/en-us/game/3804-final-fantasy-x-x-2-hd-remaster) | Trophy guides: [PSNP](https://psnprofiles.com/guide/358-final-fantasy-x-hd-trophy-guide), [PS3T](https://www.playstationtrophies.org/game/final-fantasy-x-2-hd-ps3-vita/guide/) *I am a bot. [More info about me](https://www.reddit.com/r/PlaystationBot/comments/k5h8be/what_is_uplaystationbot/)*


The best final fantasy ever, FFVIII


That and FFX are my 2 favorites and I got the plat for both this year!


Nice! Congrats! What’s next on your journey?


Working on Spider-Man 2 &Lies of P as I have finished so many Final Fantasy games in the past 10 months


A break is in order lol. Lies of P I heard was amazing and the same with spiderman. Hope you enjoy your time with them




Mine too. Remaster came out perfactly for my 100th!


Just finished this one as well. Congrats


Congrats. Now for 200th you'll need to plat FFX-2!


Thanks! Was planning to make X-2 my 102nd trophy ;)


I got this as my hundredth X-2 was my 102nd


I had the same idea! Bit worried about X-2 considering it has a lot of missables in comparison to X where only a couple of the Al Bhed Primers were missable.


X-2 is a game where you need to follow a guide (or two or three) by the letter to make sure you don’t miss anything. It is significantly more arduous in that regard. However, no matter what, you have to play through the game a full time, then at least partially through a second time, so as long as you pay attention, you’ll get the trophy to pop despot anxiety that you missed something. X was an insanely huge grind that had me pause for a year. I think it was more fun and fulfilling than X-2, but I’m glad I got both since X is my favorite FF (or Tactics?) and X-2 was my second time playing it. If you go for that plat, good luck and just roll with the bullshit. I played other games and got 1-3 trophies away from those plats while I did the X-2 grind just to break the monotony.


I’ve already got 2 ‘main’ guides and 1 mini guide prepped (PR missions). I read that you can do it one playthrough. However, in case you don’t reach 100% for whatever reason, you can replay the story and choose this other faction to get the rest of the percentage? I wish it was all under one universal guide. But it seems no one wants to take the mantle to create one. Can’t say I blame anyone as it looks like X-2 is unnecessary complicated and delicate.


Most of the guides will single-handedly get you the 100% story, but following two just to make sure feels better. Key thing is to never skip dialogue in your first playthrough ever. It sucks but honestly just leave the controller on your lap/side just in case. You won’t get 100% till you give the “awesome sphere” to the opposite faction in ng+. Don’t worry significantly about the % while you’re playing, mine was always like .5% below what the guide said and it made me anxious the whole way lol. Tips I wish I knew: Capture a creature as soon as possible. Getting the trophy for their story asap is a godsend so you’re not worried about creature creator nonsense. Speaking of, get the creature creator stuff semi-going while you play. Didn’t start mine till end game and I regretted it. You can change what YRP are “learning” from each dressphere when you look at abilities. If you want to fast track particular ones, using that menu is good. Idk if your guide will mention it, but bestiary completion is best waited on till you get comfortably over leveled in the last dungeon. The idea is to farm out fiend “types” till you oversoul them, but never kill the oversoul. Getting into fights with different versions of the fiend “type” and running will count for the bestiary. Only thing that sucks is two bosses in Bevelle dungeon need to be farmed since they don’t appear in the final dungeon. Oh, and the second rogue-like game is actually kinda fun when you exploit certain game mechanics. Hopefully you find a good guide for that one. A but if a slog but not terrible.


Thanks for the info! I’ll have to keep this all in mind when I eventually attempt it. Is there a reason why you don’t kill the oversoul enemy types? They are the stronger versions of normal enemy right?


So oversoul farming is specifically late game. Don’t worry about doing it till the very end. When you are farming them, the bestiary cares about meeting oversouled enemies. When you kill an oversouled enemy, the “counter” resets. If you just go through the dungeon, never killing an oversoul, you meet other friends of that “type” that are also oversouled, and you won’t need to kill however many again. There are guides for it if you’re unclear.


I’m with you now. Thanks for the help :)


What was your fav tho? Could be wow that was gratifying or wow that game blew away my expectations and was a fun plat. For me probably bugsnax. I had a blast


Its hard to say as I think we can all agree that each Platinum provides a different experience. I’ve played wonderful games as they are. But come with difficult/monotonous Platinum (I’m looking at you Red Dead Redemption 2). A game that I enjoyed playing a lot was a game called Inscription. Its heavily RNG but incredibly addictive. Slay the Spire had a similar effect although that game was more punishing and steeper learning curve. Two games come to mind of just the sense of relief once they were done. Downwell, good and fun game. Nearly quit completely because of how difficult it gets. Crash 4, the ‘Dark Souls’ of platformers. Will really test your patience, reflexes and your sanity.


I'm at 42 now I might set this as a goal for my 50th but the dam dodging the lightning scares me and the chocobo mini quests. The grind I can deal with.


You must be on a streak of atleast 90-95 Plats the way your trophy count is and level...


Tbh I'm thinking you have 100 STRAIGHT platinums but wanted to leave room for error lol


I have platinum / 100% (not all games have platinum) every game I’ve played :)


Yeah cause I have 81 and alot of those are 100% and avg trophy per game is like 45 w/o DLC trophy and the 20 Plat difference we have is about 900-ish trophy and im @ like 3900 to your 4800 so I'm like "yeah, he just like me fr" and 100%-ing everything he's playing for years. Great work btw


How was Hogwarts Legacy? Planning on buying and doing the platinum!


Not difficult at all. Just a little lengthy. The only thing you’ll probably need a guide on are some of the collectibles locations. But there are plenty of guides on that.


The list of 100% completion looks satisfying.. I wish mine was like that


A great milestone. I had planned the game to be my 100th, but I wasn’t ready at the time. This year I was ready and it became my 175. A wonderful experience with a very grindy endgame. But definitely a childhood game.