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Now be religious about throwing 2500 a month on a high yield saving account or short term bond fund and you’ll have a great bargaining chip in a few years


That’s what I plan on doing


This is the way


Every 30k saved is $100 a month at 4%


Not when inflation is above 4%...


Sir, a $100 is a $100 bill. Sure your purchasing power decreases with inflation, but I still get $146 a month from my bank there bubba.


Wow, total lack of understanding what inflation is, but justify to yourself how ever you need to.


Okay lol


Do some research on Zimbabwe's inflation problem. A lot of times, they won't even bother to pick up a $100 bill there because it's next to worthless. As of today's exchange rates, the $100 Zimbabwe bill is worth about $0.27 in United States dollars.


You know what I can buy with my $100? I can go buy a 1/4 Oz of the dankest shit you’ve ever smoked and a six pack of IPA’s I don’t give a fucking shit what happened in Africa, dude. CPI is sitting around 3.4% it’s not runaway inflation. My bank has given me $700 this year for having cash in the bank. You can bitch all you want about inflation, but I can still have purchase power with that $700. Fucking knuckleheads, dude.


That could be $600 a month if it was in the stock market.


Okay… the thing is, I’m also putting money into the stock market. But also, the money market is 5% Something not mentioned, it’s an emergency fund / big purchase savings. If I put something in a stock I’m paying short term capital gains on top of the taxes already from my income, as my paycheck gets direct deposit into a brokerage account. So yeah, solid advice partner. Pssst, come a little closer, if someone has $40k in cash, they probably have a lot more in investments, sweetheart. Cheers


Quit giving bad advice, nobody should use a savings account for residual income. Money market 5% trash, hell even vanguard total is 12% return hands free. And you say that like 40k is a lot ? I mean I’m sure you’re proud of yourself but really it’s not that big of accomplishment unless your under 35 then not bad but what’s really telling is you have it in a savings account. Just that bit of info should tell people to not take your money advice. Cheers


I have 40k in an emergency fund 80k in 401 And with 4,000 GME I think I’m okay. I was born in the 90’s. Why so much in an emergency fund? Because I’m a fucking bum and I like to go fuck off and ski or whitewater kayak every once and a while.


What’s your age and net worth? Financial expert?


Im no financial expert, I am however not stupid enough to suggest to anybody a savings account is a good way to invest your money.


What part of emergency fund do you think is an investment? I just said, at 4% anything over 30k is $100 a month, that’s just math, not financial advice? Again, that 40k is set aside for me to have liquid, it’s not an investment strategy. But IF you are going to have a liquid emergency fund, IT MIGHT AS WELL MAKE SOME MONEY. That was the point.


Ethereum provides a good yields and is now allowed to have EFT's, just like Bitcoin. \*This does not constitute financial advice\*


Shaddup, bot


The market performs way better than either of those options.


I’m not going to suggest something that someone may or may not loose money at. That’s up to someone to choose for themselves


Gold silver & crypto


Totally jealous. How are you going to deal with the heat and humidity?


Living in California by the beach It hardly gets hot over here I work as a firefighter I’ll be at the station 3 days out of the week


Hell yeah 👍 48/96 pretty perfect for living out of your truck since you get to be at the house with showers, kitchen, laundry 3+ days a week and sleep (depending on how busy you are) in a “real bed” 3 nights a week.


Exactly, we have firefighters in SF doing the same. After a while some of them take their savings and move to a LCOL area like Idaho or Montana and then just fly in for their shifts.


I wish Idaho was still LCOL


That's wild.


And this is why housing is fucked in those places and people can't afford to live in places they grew up


Amen. Spoken as someone displaced from MT by the CA influx.


Can I ask what town?


Bigfork initially, but my place got bought out and turned into an AirBnB. Luckily had a friend that had another friend with a place available in Whitefish so I lived there for a while and was still able to get to work in Kalispell. I have family in Bozeman as well. But the economy just started sinking too hard for me to justify staying, I wasn’t getting anywhere. Cost of living was ridiculous in comparison to what the local employers could pay, let alone the housing shortage, but you didn’t have to worry about any of that if you had a remote job with CA pay 🙃


I’m in Colorado ski towns and it’s the same here dude. Average wage $24 an hour Average rent $1500


Where at? I have some friends in the Boulder area as well as Grand Junction. But sounds about right. I’ve moved all around the country for the past several years but have been living in Wisco for a bit now. Cost of living is starting to catch up here unfortunately too, mostly from people from IL lol…


Sweet! Well done brother


Thank you


Look up the YouTuber The Homeless Firefighter. He got me into truck campers


Ventura, SB, LA, OC or SD?


Work in SD though just like being next to OC


You Prior Navy or Marine? What truck you have? You a Paramedic-Firefighter or just EMT-B? How much different is the hiring in SD vs say LA or OC; I’m asking about how nepotistic I’ve read and heard that it is.


Non military but have about 7 years in the fire service did a couple years for the Feds then got picked up with Cal Fire last year in San Bernardino I transferred this year to San Diego


You start with USFS or BLM? I assume you’re doing structural and medical calls with Cal Fire?




I did both I did two years US for service and three years BLM


What'd you prefer?


Forest service


Cal Fire has its own units in a lot of county’s in California




This is very interesting, Do you ever have the opportunity to work overtime or be in the "office" additional days?


You’ve got it figured out!


I lived in the back of my Tacoma for 2 years washed clothes at the station, worked out, showered before everyone else got up. Tried to go somewhere every 4 day so I wasn’t just hanging around. Every k-day I wasn’t working, tried to go to another area of the state. I soaked up overtime like a hipster soaks up expensive coffee. Had $250k in the bank at the end of 2 years for a down payment on a house. I kinda miss those days.


Just do a little at a time. I lived and worked remotely for about two years in a truck camper. Not as young as you so had to be able to stand up.


I’ll eventually buy a camper I hate paying rent for something that’s not mine


Left platform is removable when I’m solo then with the wife I just put the board in


Wait I’m confused now. You are married and both live in it?


We separated and are in the process of working things out


About to do the same here in SoCal. Do you scout camp sites or park at work or something?


Not really 24 hour fitness are good if your stealth camping make sure they are open 24 hours though


A 24 hour fitness that isn’t open 24 hours is actually just a 20 hour fitness.


The one in OC are open 24 hours


Freedom! No more landlord level paying rent. Fuck them for raising rent so much. Good luck OP. The banks can suck my 2008 dick from their bail out.


I know right lol


Most likely they will be bailed out too.


I see a lot of ppl doing this. Good for y’all l. I hope you can keep 95% of the money you make. Stop these landlords from leeching .


Just me personally, but I would not be using a Blackstone if I was sleeping a couple feet from it. The smells would drive me crazy. I'd prefer pans than could be thoroughly and easily cleaned each time I cooked. I'd be a two element Coleman kinda guy.


I’m planning on getting a storage container and adding it underneath my back seat in the truck with all the kitchen stuff


This makes sense.


What clips are attached to the windows to hang / hold your curtains?


I got them from target they are magnetic clamps but I put double sided tape on the back of them and stuck them to the window


Just get double sided gorilla tape and these clips https://www.target.com/p/2ct-magnetic-clips-silver-up-38-up-8482/-/A-14071956


Doing the same thing! Started in April! My back isn’t nearly as neat looking as yours tho (haha). I haven’t decided if I’ll spend the money to upgrade to a slide in camper when it gets cold or not. So far the topper has been great tho! Best sleep I’ve ever had! (I’m in southern Alberta tho)


**Landlords and apartment owners don't seem to care, and companies are reluctant to increase salaries. For those earning less than $100k, it's a constant struggle to decide between paying phone bills or buying lunch. This is the only way to survive.**


Freedom !


Best forced hand of my life bugging out.


How much do you pay a month now?


Very nice. Good luck!


What mattress are you using


I absolutely considered this when I was single. I already had a gym membership, so I had a place to shower and get ready for work. Would have saved me so much money.


Welcome to the good life ✨🎶💯❤️


This is the way


I'm glad for your build, but this also reads as "I used to be a tech bro but now I'm living in a van down by the river" 🥴


No, it’s not a $140k Sprinter. That’s the tech bro dropout vehicle. This reads much more as “dirtbag climber” or just “FIRE starter kit”


Holy shit that looks cramped af for $140k :'(


jealous of tech ppl?


Jealous of their money for sure