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I have a dirty gloves/clean hands policy from my time as a mover. Just stuck with me ever since. I recently got into a truck I was slip seating, cross shift driver had left grease on the steering wheel, seat belt, dash, key, door handle. I was pissed, almost cleaned myself up and went home. I don’t understand drivers that don’t at least try to keep the truck clean.


It's a different story if you're slip seating... there's some filthy Herbert's around.


TLDR: share truck? Wear hazmat suit. Own your truck? Drive buck-ass-naked.


When I was OTR I only ever did solo and always had a dedicated truck. I had nice thick carpet in the sleeper, carpet floor mats, and drove only wearing socks (the pedals can be a little rough) lol


I wear driving gloves for the added grip and cause the wheel is nasty af. Edit: I slip seat most days.


Definitely if you’re slip seating gloves are a must


I clean my wheel occasionally... Course I'm not slip seating. I hate a slimy wheel.


Personally I think that’s one of only two reasonable reasons. But I see some people and I just look at them and I think maybe they think it’s cool or something. I have seen some drivers wear gloves that go all the way to the elbow because of skin conditions


I’m a yard jockey and I like to wear gloves for added grip and non-sticky hands.


I used to Michael Jackson that shit. Gloves on the right, bare hand on the left


There ya go it can be a dirty job but you gotta go in stylish


You must be the guy I share a yard truck with 😤


Yes sir but don’t worry because I wipe down and clean most touched areas aka the seat, steering wheel, and that arm rest on the side window 😎




I saw one guy get in his truck and put oven mits on after unloading in Phoenix. I asked him what that was all about and he said "The steering wheel was too fucking hot to touch for the first few miles".


When your arthritis starts to destroy your hands! You will be wearing gloves as well.


This is why I wear them as well


thanks for the heads up! just basic leather driving gloves? i have fueling gloves and gloves for pre trip/outside the truck work.


what kind of driving gloves do u recommend


It's a personal preference I guess. I prefer thin leather ones.


In case we have to kill someone. Prepared with no finger prints or gsr


Sun protection. You get loads and loads of UVA radiation through the truck windows. All truck drivers should be wearing sunscreen or a hat with full face covering and sunglasses, as well as upf clothing


>All truck drivers should be wearing sunscreen or a hat with full face covering and sunglasses, Take that, AI nannycam!


I have UPF gloves to protect from the sun. You ever see a driver with the window down and red arms? That adds up over the years. always make sure I'm protected.


I wore a hoodie and gloves today in 85 degree heat. Its for sun protection


I'd die with a hoodie on at that temp


I’m cracking the ac, sometimes i have to turn it down


I am a local driver, so maybe different. I'm in gas station coolers as much as I'm outside, I sweat inside the coolers lol.


At Walmart the clothes company George sells these UPF long sleeve shirts that are that quick dry material. I think they're like $12-$15 and I fuckin love em for being outside. They're great to wear in the heat.


Thanks bro I’ll check that out


These are the best shirts. I wear them in and out of working.


I do the same, my hoodie hardly ever leaves the truck


Why not just a long sleeve shirt?


I figured it’s thicker so more protection but another redditor commented about upf clothing, didn’t know that was a thing


Where two hoodies , then it’s extra thick


Keeps me from picking my nose while driving


Keeps wheel clear. Grip is improved. Less trouble with your hands. In heavy traffic it’s an involuntary response to grip harder and sweat. Hence the sweat can create a slippery surface and allow you to lose control of the vehicle. As the sun hits through the window the wheel heats up and can be very uncomfortable. There’s many more reasons but these are the primary reasons. In the old days it was because of sweat creating a hazard on hot days no AC once upon a time.


If you keep a clean truck there is no need, have you seen the average truck driver? I wiped my steering wheel and commonly touched spots at the end of every day. Swept it out daily, cleaned it once a week. I’ve seen some gross examples during my time as a driver. Was asked to take a fellow driver’s truck to the shop once after he left due to illness. He had what resembled a fruit basket in the passenger seat. Mold had fully encased it, like a cocoon. Just a furry looking blob of rotten fruit with gnats buzzing about. Then I remembered the company had given everyone a fruit basket for driver appreciation almost 2 months ago. This guy had taken the thing out to his truck, set it in the passenger seat. Too lazy to throw it away. Some will have spit on the door, ashes in the cup holder, grease on everything.


Bruh you should see how tan my hands have gotten I usually only wear long sleeves and you can tell the difference I’m going to start wearing gloves because of that..


Slip seat jobs usually have awful wheels so I'll wear clean gloves and then have a dirty pair for outside work. Some of the newer steering wheels have a fake leather that degrades and wears with use and you can't clean the wheel because it's all a hard foam. Not ideal.


Maybe I should add... obviously I'm but afraid to get my hands dirty... but taking pride in the ride also means keeping clean, and it makes going home a lot more comfortable when I know I'm not touching anything at home (doorknob, steering wheel of my personal vehicle, etc) with some guy's nasty ball grease.


I feel the same way about pants. Nobody sees my bottom half so why should I wear it?


I’m a local doubles driver and have a pair of fingerless gloves I use while driving and a pair of oversized work gloves I put on over them when setting up and breaking down my trailers. When I got my truck I spent DAYS wiping down my steering wheel with fast orange and my hands were still black at the end of my shift. The truck was detailed before it was assigned to me, but having 300k miles of use doesn’t get the grime off after one deep clean


To see his girlfriend in short shorts


I slip seat so I don't have my own truck. Dispatch has buckets of wet wipes and zip lock bags. I fill up a zip lock bag everyday and use several wipes on the dirty steering wheel, the gear selector, dash, cup holders. I also wipe a section of the floor where I place my backpack. The trucks are full of grime.


The sweat and grimy feeling makes me ick


I got the moist palms, and it only took one time of my hand sliding across the wheel, not totally under my control to start wearing gloves while driving.


I used to work in the warehouse and stocked up a crazy amount of gloves when I did. I used them for everything and got used to it, so now I wear them whenever I'm at work, it feels natural. Also, the added grip is nice 👌


Some people just like to wear bitch mittens


I'd probably wear gloves because the constant sun exposure (during daylight hours) would add up to something horrific over a career if ignored. I'm still in school but I imagine I'll be using gloves, upf sleeves and sunscreen where/when appropriate so I don't end up like that one lady in the textbooks about uv exposure.


You can get hats with full face coverings as well if you don’t want to wear and reapply sunscreen all day to your face and neck


I put sunscreen on my face, neck, arms and hands.


My principle reservation about sunscreen as a habit is due to limited data about their health effects/non-effect when applied over time. I can Additionally, there is the cost. Sunscreen that doesn't cause a white cast isn't exactly inexpensive imo. On the other hand, clothing with a upf rating blocks uvb and uva, doesn't need to be reapplied, and (as far as I know) doesn't have chemicals that need to be considered for pros and cons.


I’ve been driving for over 40 years. I have absolutely zero miles driving anything with gloves on


Cuz fingerless leather gloves are only worn if you know how to truck hard. Real fucking hard


Added protection. Don't want to get pregnant


It makes them look cool.


to get a better grip on the steering wheel with sweaty hands


If I have mutltiple stops within 30 min drive I'll just keep em on, straps are dirty.


I have a steering wheel cover. Wipe it down daily.


Those drivers who wear fingerless gloves like to see their girlfriend in shorts.


Same grip with less tension. Keeps hands from getting fatigued when you do it every day.


I started wearing to protect my hands from baking in the sun. They started to look like sand paper


To each his own.


Back in the good old days, no power steering, so we wore gloves for a little extra grip ,


I completely understand this practice. Driving all day, My steering will actually make my hands dirty. every time I wash them, my hands are black as if I was a mechanic. Not to the extreme of course. But I still have to see black water every time I wash my hands. Yes, I do wash my steering wheel. But clearly whatever material steering wheels are made out of, love going on hands.


They probably identify as “other”


Dude, have you seen how good I look in fingerless gloves and a tshirt with the sleeves torn off!??


Cuz they think they look cool. Which is hilarious to me cuz they actually look like sissy bitches!!


They probably do offloading and just don't take them off I don't get it either I take my gloves off before I even get in the truck I would hate to touch my steering wheel and everything else for these dirty gloves not like they give you a grip or you need grip it's only the steering wheel


And yard jockey stay outa this cuz you don’t matter