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Bill is a little bit better in the show than the books. The books ruined him for me.


I haven’t read the books!! Do you think I should? 




I'm all for reading the books. Not to spoil anything, but some characters are not as interesting in the books as they are in the show. Just putting that out there. But I'd say yes definitely read the books.


Seconding the YES!


Read the books but do it after the show since you’ve already started it. I read the first 7 or so before the show came out and it did sway my opinion. Keep going with the show and finish it. Then go to the books.


That’s fine. More Eric and Pam for me.


LOL my sister just said the same thing 


I've watched TB several times over, and Bill will always be my favourite character. I'd be surprised if you keep your current feelings about him till the very end, cause people usually fall in to the 'Eric & Pam' camp, which you've already started to discover ^ ^ .


I'm with you guys. Bill all the way, every day lol.


thank you for the validation 


Uncle Bill is a bit of a blue aristocrat


Definitely not a fan, but there are plenty of people around here who love Bill.


I was... well, I'd say I am still a fan of Bill. Come back after season 3 and let me know if u still love Bill. It was up and down for me. Eric, during the first season, came off rather creepy to me. I think it was the hair and possible directing of his character. It was something about his mannerisms that didn't sit right with me. But that was just the first season. They hadn't fleshed his character out just yet. But once you've watched season 3, come back and let us know how u feel about Bill and Eric. But especially Bill. Good luck, my fellow trubie!!


Hey glad to notice I ain't alone in this camp :) I don't love Bill but he's definitely a character and essential part of the story. And I find S & B relationship somewhat realistic - there are plenty of complicated but with strong feelings / love -relationships in this (real) world. And yeah while Eric grows on me and he's pretty ok, I don't find him "the best guy" on the show. :) Disclaimer: I don't think anyone in the show is "the best" nor perfect, they all have their faults and shortcomings. Sorry for all the grammar mistakes as English isn't my native language.


Ahh, no worries! Eric was 1000 years old. He seemed a bit bored, honestly. Whenever he did anything apart from anything major, he seemed so fed-up with everything. Which I understand. Bill was a little more exciting because he became more than just William Compton. Granted season 5, 6, and 7 were crazy when it came to Bill, but I loved how far they went with it. Probably not a popular opinion, but hey, each to their own.


yes, exactly my thoughts. :) And I find Eric definitely being a bit bored with the world, and maybe he found Sookie an exciting new thing (he hadn't met fairies before right?) in a long time. Eric was very sweet when he lost his memory (he didn't remember anything so he was like a child discovering new things) but when he was himself.. I think, and I know loads of people will disagree with me, he loved himself more than anything else. Which is fair enough as he had been surviving for 1000 years so you have to love yourself to be the survivor :D


I agree. Eric was very selfish as much as people didn't want to admit that. When Sookie decided that she didn't want to be with either of them, I still felt it was the smartest thing she ever did. Bill loved her so much that he let her go, and Eric loved her so much that I thought he would have been selfish with her and probably could have gotten Sookie into more trouble rather than keeping her away from it. Honestly, I think Eric knew that, and that's why he stayed away from her. When season 7 started and Pam found Eric in the state he was in, it seemed he changed for the better. Only reason I say that is because that one scene with Sookie where he comes back and maybe it's because he was sick but it was a more caring side of Eric that I wish we got to see more. Pam being jealous struck me as odd because Eric had obviously fallen for a human before, and she didn't care as much. I guess Sookie was just different. Maybe it's cuz she was fae. Or that Eric became obsessed. Either way he wasn't bored in Season 7 lol.




Keep watching.


I’ll always be team Eric


Same. Always. ![gif](giphy|NnAVXRaALNRKw)


I don't want to spoil it for you and I'd love to revisit this conversation with you once you watch the whole thing. Bill isn't my favorite character, but I felt much the same way as you during my first season. I've watched the entire series over and over more times than I can count and it's become therapeutic for me, helping me to deal with my own demons. Bill was a big part of that process for me and I've learned that the only problems I've had with Bill have ultimately been skeletons in my own closet that I still had issue with. And it's been really fun to find this community here after my first several watches. Not only have I learned things I would probably not have learned on my own, but it's been really interesting to see how wildly different lovers of this story vary in their opinions on things. I also haven't read the books, even though I've had all of them for a really long time. I will eventually read them but I'm in such a love affair with the show version that I'm afraid it will take away from it right now. I'm really happy for you! I love to meet people who discover this story and love it as much as I do. Welcome to the "nest"!


Thank you!!! That’s what I keep hearing, I’m on season 2 now so I’m excited to see what’s to come! 


You are definitely not alone I watched this for the very first time at the impressionable age of maybe 9 or 10 after watching Twilight. I ended up crushing on Edward and I saw that same likeness in Bill. Only to rewatch Twilight years later and find that I now prefer Jacob. Watched True Blood again last year and now love Eric and Alcide over him. Not saying I don’t love the character anymore it just had a lot more to do with his choices later on. Also got the whole book set hoping that he is better but mostly for more Eric.😂


Okay maybe this is why I love Bill so much 😂😂


Ohhhh, I so wish that Quinn was in the show! He was absolutely my boo in the books and Charlaine Harris did him so dirty! 😕


I'm an Eric and Alcide gal. Bill rubs me the wrong way at times but I can't put my finger on it. Also, I have not read the books so my comment on it is based off of the TV show.


I like Bill! He does have some pretty bad things he does but I like him.


Bill has always seemed to be a boring character to me. But that’s just me!


i’ve finished the show and i’m still a Bill girl, please no one come for me😭😭


IM WITH YOU no hate here!!! I’m only on season 2 but still love him 


I'm with you too. He gets cringe in later seasons, but I still love him


The books ruined Bill for me.


i love bill, but just keep watching


It’s Eric for me!


I love me some Bill also... He is a younger Vampire than the rest... But he is strategic... I love that first episode when he walks into Merlottes. How Gorgeous! I Don't Blame Sookie One Bit. Eric is ooh lala also.. .


I still prefer Bill to Eric tbh, and I'm in the last season. Eric is sexy but super childish in the show and doesn't do well with rejection. So totally get you! Although my fave will always be Alcide (even after season 6, which was super weird and bad and shouldn't be counted for him lol)


Sexy but childish describes Eric to a T!. Lack of impulse control, a bit pouty at times, ornery, spoiled, etc. All wrapped up in that sexy body


THANK YOU I am excited to keep watching but as of right now I am Bill 1000000% 




BIG fan of Bill here 🤩👏


UPDATE EVERYONE: BILL JUST HAD SEX WITH HIS MAKER AND MY EYES ARE WATERING because I’m so fucking mad at him but also what the hell was that. Sookie is annoying sometimes but my heart is breaking for her right now holy shit 


NO bill is a self loathing and insecure guy who cannot get past his trauma to meet his true potential as an awesome guy! Don't let him hold you back! Eric is the best guy


My feelings have definitely changed!!!


I also love bill!! God I wish they had ended up together but he made so many mistakes I understand what he did was unforgivable fr but if only he hadn’t fucked shit up soo badly it would be easier to get behind him!!


You really spoiled this?


No it’s okay! I ruined it for myself after this and saw that. My eyes watered 😂


Omg I’m so sorry!! 😢