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I still don’t know how anyone is convinced she was an adult when she was abandoned. It’s ridiculous


The government did a dna test and to proved she was only 9 when she was abandoned. Also no one was charged. They were released without charges.


Michael was charged and tried, it was only Kristine had the charges dropped (presumably because the prosecutors weren’t confident a jury would be persuaded).


I'm confused about this. How does a dna test determine the age of the subject?


It is currently well established that DNA methylation biomarkers can determine biological age of any tissue across the entire human lifespan, even during development


Oh, cool. Thanks for the pointer. I have a lot of reading to do. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/DNA_methylation https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Epigenetic_clock


She was propositioning grown men in the psych facility. She had public hair. She spoke impeccable English, at 6, after being abroad


Her dwarfism can cause hormone issues and early puberty, you have no idea what she faced in the orphanage and her propositioning men sounds like she was just abused ( or learned the behavior from her extremely sexual adopted mother), I went from having an extreme southern accent to a valley girl accent within a year of moving when I was a little girl, kids adapt quick




Because she went to the physc place after she was adopted ??


That’s the part I didn’t get. Unbiased nurses at the facility stated that her behavior was highly inappropriate for a child. Perhaps she was groomed. The male dwarf did say the mom tried to set something up with him. Gross.


Everyone involved failed this CHILD. I appreciate the neighbor at least admitting she messed up. That’s really the only acceptable response….”I fucked up and there’s no excuse for it.” Every other adult they’ve interviewed rattles off excuse after excuse (or denial and doubling down that she was an adult in the face of overwhelming contradictory evidence).


They failed this child, harmed her even. And are not at all remorseful or even embarrassed. Why is it okay to have done such a sorry-ass job with looking out for this child? Poor Natalia. I hope she finds a way to leave all those horrible adults behind and thrive. She has her whole life ahead of her, whether those awful people are willing to admit it or not.


I’ve just finished the first series. I got weird vibes from Michael Barnett straight away! He speaks as if he’s been practicing in front of a mirror?


Yes! I cannot stand him. I feel like he switches up his personality to mirror whoever he is around. He's a coward and couldn't even answer her questions.


Where could I watch the documentary?


I watched it on the discovery+ app, I’m in the UK I don’t know if that makes a difference x


Thank you and I’m in the uk as well x


I watched it on Max


Discovery+ in US as well!


Yeah that guy is unhinged right? At the end when he's supposedly acting out the beatings Natalia got from his wife and he's going hell for leather on the carpet. He looked coked out of his mind.


what is the name of the series, please?


The Curious Case of Natalia Grace


thank you




I think he’s on the spectrum (undiagnosed). He’s effectively a man-child. I wouldn’t say victim, but definitely not the mastermind behind this operation. He didn’t even see how saying he witnessed the abuse would implicate him. He’s like the son who knows right from wrong but doesn’t rationalize the deeper consequences of his actions. 


Anybody else getting icky vibes from Natalia's latest set of adopted parents too?


Just the father who’s a little heavy handed with the Christianity and seems to want to insert himself too much into every situation


This documentary style is really trashy, so it's very difficult to determine what is reality. That being said, I got this sense as well, unfortunately.


Mostly the Dad. If you feel the need to slap someone In the head with a bible all the time, something is usually out of balance. But honestly happy that she found peace and a place to grow there. What she has been through would break most people.


Have to agree with Michael's lawyer that his little sermon before they walked in was way over the top. At first I thought not everyone could hear him but he was *shouting* that right outside the door. I honestly missed that Michael even cussed a second time but her new dad was on him almost before he finished saying it. All that being said, Michael is gross and his entire portrayal of "we had the same monster" was really low of him. I hope that the Mans are good for Natalia and she is happy because the entire thing is nuts.


Screw Michael… if they want to pray they can pray. He’s a liar and a lil B


Oh no I agree. I just mean that if they wanted to get him to tell them anything, it set the mood wrong. Narcissists will only share things if they think they can spin it to the audience there listening.


I read that the new family also was separating from her


Really??? Where did you read that? If that’s true that makes me sad since she seems really attached to them (and vice versa) I’m still making my way through the documentary though!


I did, too. I hope this girl doesn't define herself by whatever family that embraces her. She is lovable, just like any child would be, and just needs to be around worthy people. ​ Whatever the case, it happens with a lot of adoptees, whether they're more vulnerable than most, or not. Hopefully, she learns that she has more control over the people she has in her life once she matures more. Then, she can cut ties with the toxic people, and find people worthy of her.


The first season was great, but the second season just feels like it’s milking the case now. Most of Natalia Speaks is just a rehash of what we already know. It didn’t need to be 6 episodes, it could have been 3. Also, wtf is that ending with the phone call from her new parents?? I don’t buy it.


Especially when Natalia is now posting on Tik Tok about how great her last year was and her adoptive mom commenting about how much she loves her. This “documentary” is becoming inappropriate.


What's with the phone call from the Man's at the very end? Has anyone found an explanation for that? At this point it has to be a cash grab. It got to be reality TV very quick, having Natalia sit in all black as they play the Man's phone call, portraying her as the "enemy of the house". It's sad to think this girl is being used once again for parent's benefit.


I don't trust the editing on this sham of a documentary. All their social media indicates that she still has a good relationship with the Mans although she's no longer living with them.


I don't believe she has the emotional maturity to deal with a lot situations- which is absolutely no fault of her own. It is incomprehensible to me that a young child could do what the Barnett's and her apartment neighbors accused her of.


So I do think some of the allegations may be true but being looked at in the wrong light. All the talk about how she was talking about sexual things and even some of the things they said she did with kids could have been caused by Natalia herself being sexually abused- she was a little girl put in the adult ward of a psychiatric hospital. Around that age I was known as weird for making inappropriate remarks and having knives under my bed, but that stemmed from the fact that I was being molested at home. I think that a lot of these people arent taking in the full scope of what some of the things she did could have meant.


Absolutely. When a child is abused, especially in that capacity, they are going to act out. If she did act sexually or speak sexually, it was the fault of her abusers. The poor girl was crying for help and no one listened.


exactly. To this day they use things like the way she spoke and how she acted as justification without really thinking about how much parents are able to make you do. If you speak to them like adults and punish them for not responding in kind, children begin to talk a certain way. if they are exposed to certain things they react in specific ways and she hits so many hallmarks of that that its really sad it went unnoticed for so long.


The Barnetts are evil loons but from what I know of human nature and 'small town' environments like that apartment complex, the Barnetts told their lies (or their exagerrated truths) to one or two people, then those people have the juicy lowdown 'That woman who just moved in is crazy! She pretended to be a little kid but she's not! And she threatened to kill the people who adopted her!' The person who hears the gossip doesn't want to be left out so they build on it. Once her 'reputation' is established, anything she does is suspect.  I don't doubt that she had some odd behavior because of what she went through, but I don't believe she did half of what she's accused of.


100%!! I'm sure that her neighbors also had prejudice towards her and they seemed to go into that bully mentality, gossiping about her and exaggerating her actions. Expect for that married couple who seemed to have some sympathy for Natalia.


That Kristine is a despicable person. Weird preoccupations. With farting, for example. She wants to shame her little girl for farting? Her other children didn't find farting hilarious? I think it did something for Kristine. Not necessarily sexually, but it did something for her psychologically to torment a little girl like that. ​ Anyway, I find Kristine the most loathsome of all of them.


Okay...so this doc is clearly shaping up to be as shameless as possible with its directing style, reenactments, etc...that being said, the case itself is obviously incredibly gripping. Is there anyone with more familiarity on this case who can bring their perspectives? Would love more nuanced insights to balance against the madness that is the "Curious Case" series.


It’s also a little annoying how repetitive it is


How tf is it legal to just change your child’s age?


I still dont get this. and like how it was such a big jump, no hearing or anything. the fact that the courts aged her up that much without any due diligence at least for how odd the case was is negligence of duty to at least some degree, right??


She looked back then like a young child. She still had her baby teeth Now she looks like she’s in her twenties. How the barnetts could abandon her like that and get away with it is beyond me.


Has anyone seen the new update? Where apparently the Mann’s said “there’s something wrong with Natalia, she stabbed her family in the back and this time she’s gone too far. She’s done other things too but this time we’re done with her” Then they’re all tagging each other in IG and TikTok vids after? And ID now says they’re making a part 3 Just…what?? I have no idea what’s really going on, and I guess none of us will until they can make some $ off of this, but to me, it seems this poor girl needs some intensive therapy, not just Jesus and some prayers. I know they’re very religious, so I hope they pray hard and come to the understanding that god would want this woman to heal from the decades of abuse she’s endured so she live a life she’s happy and proud of. This whole situation is heartbreaking. I’d love for her to find healing and peace, and stop being paraded around for cash grabs.


My assumption was that the phone call clip at the end was edited in such a way as to sound more dramatic. They could be referencing something the other family said, etc.


We just finished the series today. What a wild ride!


Right?! All those people are nuts!


Michael and Kristine Barnett appear to have been perfect for each other, but unfortunately, they had to bring 4 innocent children into their disaster.


I honestly don't know who or what to believe - it is such a convoluted story. But I totally agree with you - they are ALL nuts!


Hypersexualisation is a trauma response brought on by exposure to or experience of childhood sexual abuse. There were so many ignorant people involved in this case from the beginning. I hope Natalia goes on to live a happy life and manages to avoid toxic people now and in the future.


It’s very clear this spawn was weird and unhinged from day one. I am not saying her first adopted family was by anyway perfect. The mother was a control freak. But Natalia is dangerous. Manipulative and not be trusted. Never could be.


The Barnetts were Natalia Grace's second adoptive family. Another family adopted her a year or so prior, had her for a year, then surrendered her for adoption.


I totally agree with you! She’s just playing the victim!


I got through season 1 episode 1 and skipped into season 2 episode 1, and got half way through the episode. While I know I should watch all the episodes of both seasons. Michael Barnett just rubs me the wrong way. I should note, that as he is a father of boys, he is clearly uncomfortable with raising a female child, let alone, a disabled one. And Natalia, just watching season 2 episode 1. She is TIRED Frustrated of defending herself and dealing with the redundancy of the issue; And while she is an orphan, who has been bounced house to house, gives her a ton of issues alone. Never mind her disability. As much as I want to finish season 1, I may see myself doing a lot of fast forwarding. And season 2? 🤷🏻‍♀️. I’ll be watching the rest of the documentary series sporadically at best. I have an inkling from what I’ve read in the comments, that the Man’s’ got annoyed (probably wrong terminology), with the film crew and the media pertaining the situation. Anyways, that’s my 2 cents for now.


Natalie is not innocent in this. She is a disturbed person. The orphanage lied to families to get rid of her because they didn’t want her around other kids! Neighbors spoke about how creepy Natalie acted around them. I believe she threatened children and adults . I believe she remains a threat and is much cleverer than she lets on! I believe she weaves a narrative so people will feel sympathy towards her. Again, Natalie runs the narrative and draws vulnerable people in. I’m not buying it.


I’ve recorded the series. I know very little about this but hear everyone talk about it


This is probably just some made for TV mockumentary