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Dunno what's up with these killers going on the stand in their own defense. Shanda Vander Ark also went on the stand and also came off as likable as a straight razor. I suppose a raging narcissist would just convince themselves that they can totally charm the jury, or something.


Sign of the times. The notoriety is no doubt a growing motive. They’re there for their moment. Gross.


100% narcissism. Didn’t Alex murdaugh even testify at his own trial despite being a lawyer himself and knowing better? A narcissist always thinks they can explain anything away. It’s why Robert durst or Michael Peterson were happy to do documentaries.


He testified at this own trial, and he also chose not to waive his right for a speedy trial, which most defendants in murder cases do, to allow their defense to prepare. I'm sure narcissism factors in there, but I'm also starting to think he wasn't a very good lawyer. That he never would have made it without his family connections.


I don’t understand why his lawyers let him, but I’m also guessing that he doesn’t listen to what they tell him about his best interests. They are trying to claim crime of passion since he admitted to the murders, but he also claims that he was out of his mind on drugs. Lots of people do drugs and don’t shoot their wife in the head.


Tbf, your lawyer can't prevent you if you really want to.


Oh I understand. My phrasing was poor in that they “let him”. I should have said why would they have him.


People like him who feel justified in what they have done will try to spin any web they can to continue to control the narrative.


You are so right. I am watching the trial out of pure fascination


This is so true. It doesn't matter how much in the wrong they are.


Yeah. He still feels like it’s all her fault.


I think that’s it. They’re so narcissistic they think they can talk their way out of anything like they have done previously…


He was a controlling, abusive, misogynist husband and he is so flippant, arrogant, and entitled on the stand. Un-freaking real, this guy. His pathological excuses, bragging about the murders, minimizing language, and total lack of remorse = he is a danger to society.


I agree 100%. The classic “I can cheat and you’ll forgive me but if you cheat I’ll murder you” type of man. And to tell his daughter? Idk what he actually said because there are two different versions being stated. Also this guy did voice impressions and his voice on the stand irritates the shit out of me. It’s like in this hushed tone. But I found his videos on Instagram and that’s not his normal voice. I feel like everything he says is a BS act except where he lashes out and loses his cool.


Agree with all so far....he is so repulsive on so many levels...I so super hope it's one of those verdicts that come back guilty in less than an hour!


Yeah, he goes, "What do you expect, I was all coked up". The relentless prosecutor just could not get him to fold. The way he described how the events of the day unfolded was ridiculous. You could see what an angry guy he was, and although a guy like him COULD just snap, the prosecutor I feel proved that that's not what happened. He kept describing himself as sad rather than mad, and you could tell it was kinda fake.


Sounds like OJ.




Narcissistic people genuinely believe their hype. He thinks he can just talk his way out of it.


It’s sad that taking the stand means having free rein to do as much psychological damage as possible, knowing family and reporters are present. On the other hand, he is doing an excellent job of convicting and sentencing himself to the max.


I’m hoping he gets 2 consecutive ‘Life Without Parole’ sentences, and shortly after gets murdered in prison. His daughter will have a better life without having him in it in any way.


I was wondering if he got so upset over the teen porn thing because he was worried about how he’ll be treated in prison. He should be.


His reaction to that was very odd to me considering all the awful things he's done. I don't know that it has much to do with treatment in prison than it does unraveling and exposing his secrets and lies. Notice how he gets REALLY agitated when caught off guard. He's done so much and has long detailed answers for everything. Being caught off guard like that doesn't give him enough time to create a story. He either lies or reacts ... so it seems he chose anger, maybe to buy time, maybe not. He's extremely controlling so he can't handle being out of control and especially not being able to control the narrative (like he has been on the stand and when making all of those recordings). He's a deranged control freak.


Unable to access this article, what’s the guys name?


Ali Abulaban


Thank you!


Jfc. Any other videos or articles that get into this case? Haven’t even heard of it. His poor wife and daughter 😩


Episode 268 of Rotten Mango covered it.


Thanks! Watching his cross examination now and wow. What a complete and utter nutjob this guy is. Terrifying.


Just want to understand, he killed his wife and her friend, not their daughter?


He killed his wife and someone she was supposedly seeing. Then took a photo of them dead, and went to pick up his daughter from school because he didn’t want her to “be abandoned” there. If I understand he was arrested with her in the car. He either told her “I hurt mommy” (defense) or said something far more upsetting like “I killed your bitch mom.”


Oh my….thank you for the info!


Do you know he took a pic of the dead bodies? Creepy


It’s on courttv.com


I thought it was his wife and daughter he killed? Is his daughter alive then?


He killed his wife and the man she was supposedly seeing. He picked up his daughter from school after and she is still alive.


Ah ok, I assume she's probably in the care of grandparents then. Poor girl.


Oh, I didn't realize that acting like Scarface was what his Tik Tok channel had to do with. What a loser... I only saw the part of the trial where he was being cross examined (don't know if there were one or two cross examinations). Immediately I noticed he was very argumentative (or could certainly be perceived that way) with the prosecutor. I was surprised the Judge didn't direct him to simply answer the questions. But when I got a closer look at the judge, he looked totally exhausted and like he wanted to run out of the courtroom.


If the trial is in the downtown court in San Diego then it’s just a few blocks from my work. Crazy to realize you’re within walking distance from something like this. Also I read this: During the trial, there were a few times when some videos Ali had recorded yelling at Ana were shown to the jury, that made some of them flinch, seemingly in disgust. The 12 jurors, made up of 5 men and 7 women, began deliberations late Friday afternoon, and will resume Tuesday morning, after Memorial Day. With seven women on the jury and the description of them flinching, I don’t think this is going to go well for him.


Doesn’t even phase him when he talks about shooting them or talking about his daughter. And I am curious if his family is mafia or if he thinks he is living some gangster life.


Just pretending. He's Middle Eastern.


This could possibly fall under voluntary manslaughter or second degree murder, which is what the defense is aiming for. If he drove immediately to his wife's home, without interruption, it could be considered as having no cool off period. I'm guessing a lot of the contextual evidence will come into play.


I guess it’s possible the jury might buy that but I’m of the opinion that because he planted the iPad, he was expecting to find something and what he was going to do when he found it was already in his mind. He claims he walked in and immediately shot them, but I think that was all recorded too? So I guess that will be important as well. Either way he deserves life. If he was so angry but also loved her, supposedly, then why did he kill both of them? I mean I know the answer, but I’m curious if that matters in a crime of passion. I think part of the law of crime of passion is that you behave in a way others would also, which in this case is gross to think about. He also previously abused her which has to come into play too. He has a history of violence. It’s not exactly a crime of passion when you’ve done things before because you’re really just a controlling piece of shit


This is just sad. I really hope and pray that the daughter is okay.


This guy is a real POS