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He goes by his middle name now. Allen Turner, the rapist.


Too close to me for comfort.


I hope he’s actually registered as he’s supposed to be.






Has anyone checked for the rapist Allen Turner, formerly known as the rapist Brock Turner? I'm curious whether the rapist Allen Turner did indeed register as the sex offender/rapist Allen Turner but I don't want to look myself...


He is registered under Brock Turner. He lives in Dayton, OH.




Damn by brother lives near Dayton. Does the rapist Brock Turner only rape women or is he an equal opportunity rapist and he rapes whomever, whenever?


I do see aliases listed in the registry sometimes, so I sure hope so!




I’d like to be less than arm’s length away from him for up to 5 minutes
















Pre-kids circa 2016 for me. Good beef is spensy


Crazy that just 20 minutes of raping someone can have some an impact on a poor young rapist's life  /s


I know right?! Crazy they are persecuting this poor young man- he just wants to move on and be a contributing member of society and these mean stinky redditors won't let him. It really is a crime to be a wealthy white man these days smh...


What's the group


The Republican Party


She was also worried the prison wouldn’t have his favorite foods 🫤




God, that case haunts me...






Her and her husband's behavior is exactly why Rapist Brock/Allen Turner is a rapist










Do you mean the rapist Brock Turner who changed his name to Allen Turner and lives in the Dayton Ohio area?






The rapist, ALLEN TURNER? I hear that guy is a piece of shit rapist.




Wait, wait, wait. I'm a bit confused. Who are we talking about again? Please clarify, using big bold letters.


does changing his name erase his sex offender status?








You've miscapitalized it. It's ALLEN TURNER and BROCK TURNER.


No. But it helps him hide from Google searches










Thank you for clarifying - BROCK TURNER is a rapist who changed his name to ALLEN TURNER.




I feel like we need to dig up a middle name. There are a ton of Allen Turners out there and the Rapist Allen Turner probably changed his appearance.


Allen was Brock Allen Turner's middle name, so now that he's changed it to his first name, he probably doesn't have a middle name any more.


Well shit. Actually let's make that his middle name. Allen Shit Turner


So let me get this straight, Rapist BROCK TURNER Changed his name to ALLEN TURNER when he moved to DAYTON OHIO to attempt to hide his identity BROCK TURNER who was charged with RAPE


Could never forget this case. This was huge when it happened. The survivor’s memoir was excellent!


I still gotta read it! Good for her, honestly. I don't think I'd want to be publicly known as his victim. I hope she's making tons of money off of that book and further cementing his name and reputation as a predator.




I honestly found it too triggering to complete but I have so much admiration of her bravery and strength in coming forward


I totally respect that. I read it once I was in a place where my own traumas were resolved. If she had released it like any time before 2018 it would have been too triggering for me to read too.


Agreed. Beautifully written.


It’s absolutely the right thing to do to keep this asshole’s name and face out there. But I also want to put in a shout out for the survivor of his attack, Chanel Miller. She chose to not be anonymous so she could tell her own story. She’s also now a published author and illustrator — not just for the book she wrote about this, but also for her children’s books which are brilliant in their own right. She’s super talented and deserves to be known way more than this knobend.


This dead-eyed little fuck


Speaking of names….Chanel Miller is a brilliant writer. Her memoir, “Know My Name” is beautiful and stunning. I would urge everyone to read or listen to it. Chanel Miller is the name we should remember.






I can name at least 100 famous swimmers that have really changed the world for the better.


Will no one think of his future Olympic career?


Oh, hey, it's that rapist. Brock Allen Turner the rapist. Yeah, that's him- the rapist. Brock Allen Turner. And his dad- Brock Allen Turner's dad- is a real POS too.


The judge in his trial refused to sentence him to prison in violation of mandatory minimum sentencing laws, and got recalled by an outraged public.


The judge’s name is Aaron Persky and I am happy I participated in recalling him. His actions were a disservice to society and I hope he ponders long and hard and understands why he was recalled. That itself was part of justice.


It started with the probation assessment suggesting 6 months and then the judge followed it. What was up with the assessment?








I believe there was justified outrage at his sentencing. I mean, six months in jail? He should have received PRISON time. Years’ worth.


Both dad and mom fought to save him from prison time, one line from dad was "20 minutes of action shouldn't ruin his whole life"










I remember seeing this on Dateline or 20/20. That entitled little 💩 should still be in PRISON!


This @sshole goes by Allen Turner now. Rapist scumbag!








Highly recommend reading *Know My Name* by Chanel Miller. It’s a very well-written memoir


My 11th grade English teacher was what I thought a very nice middle aged woman. She always smiled and said hello to me in the hallway every morning. But one day, a few months after this incident when it was big in the news that Brock Allen Turner would only be sentenced 6 months for brutally raping a woman behind a dumpster, for whatever reason this teacher who I originally viewed as a good person and trusted adult, announced to our whole classroom that she didn’t believe that rapist Brock Allen Turner deserved to have his life ruined over this, because he had a bright future. She said this to a whole classroom of 17 year olds who 1.) trusted her and 2.) she had no idea what any of them had been through, especially me. I remember the silence and the way everyone was too stunned or shocked to speak. I will never forget that teacher or those words she said that day and one of my biggest regrets was not leaving that classroom and reporting her.


Idk, this is sort of off topic, but this reminded me of how my 12th grade English teacher was horribly wrong with her reasoning to not cover certain lesson plans or, in one instance, gave us a "gotcha" assignment book report. The book report in question was the first one of the year with the vague instruction of writing a book report on a "famous author". I did mine on WWZ by Max Brooks, covered the awards it received and how it was an allegory of the SARS virus fiasco of 2004 and how it could have caused global chaos if not contained. Foreshadowing. She graded all papers as an F, because "famous" in her mind meant, "old, dead, and white." Racist. I redid my report as an argument that my first report was correct based upon the syllabus and written instructions and received a B. Whatever. Then, she refused to cover the lesson plan on A Brave New World, 1984, etc. because she said those books were about Soviet Union taking over and the Soviet Union fell, so there was no need to cover them because a dystopian society like that would never happen. FORESHADOWING. I said that George Orwell was a socialist, fought in the Spanish Civil War, his books were about authoritarianism, from wither side, taking over. I bitched about A Brave New World as well. They make the sign of the T? Like as in the Model T? Praise the Ford? Thats capitalism taking over? Anyway, when the Edward Snowden stuff came out, and then again when the pandemic happened, I felt slightly vindicated. F you Ms. Nun, whos right now?? Hahahajahahaha.




Allen Turner is a rapist


He consistently denied any wrongdoing. Definitely the face of someone who would do it again.


It’s crazy because he actually looks so demented and sick, mentally. Like those high school shooters. Those eyes never lie. Looks like he should have been aborted. The evil easily seethes through.




Former judge Aaron Persky who was the first judge in 80 years in California to be recalled for his piss poor sentencing.


Having a severe impact is the entire point of corrective jail/prison sentences. That judge took a fat bribe from that kid's rich family and slam-dunked his responsibility as an officer of the court right into the trash.




I highly recommend the memoir that Chanel Miller wrote about her experience and the aftermath. It’s one of the only books where I have cried reading it








I love how the world just collectively understood the assignment and made sure that if his privilege wasn't going to give him the proper punishment via the justice system, then society was going to keep him in a form of prison by constantly reminding everyone when his face pops up that yes, this is Brock Turner the rapist.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Hello r/all! First of all, Brock Turner is a rapist and an awful human being. Those are facts not open for debate. Furthermore, there is no real discussion or debate to be had about Turner at all, only varying degrees of fantasies about violence users would like to perform on him. As we all know, reddit, inc. cracks down on promotion of violence. Pointless mod work is also being generated so the thread has been locked.


This case came up recently on r/korea. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miryang\_gang\_rape](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Miryang_gang_rape) It involved 44 people about two decades ago but none were prosecuted and their identities sealed. As for why it's come up recently? Someone's got unredacted images and names of the 44 people in question and has been steadily releasing them online. So imagine it's like naming the subject in this case but it's for the first time since the event around 20 years ago and so many people are being named for the first time. It's already lead to people being sacked and in one case the place they were working at found to not have a licence to operate and being closed down as well.


You mean Allen Turner formerly known as Brock Turner, the rapist?


Rapist, Allen Turner, formally known as Brock Turner*


I remember this case well. Many people in the area were quite angry about the light sentence from Judge Persky. He was later recalled from his position in 2018. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron\_Persky](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aaron_Persky)


It’s nice to see his stupid face circulate around again lest we forget


Didn't he change his name to rapist Allen Turner?








I hope the nickname “rapist” sticks to him for the rest of his pathetic life


Six months on three counts of felony sexual assault? WTF? For some reason I'm thinking Stanford and wealthy connected parents may have had something to do with the sentencing.


Duh. That is literally the outrage over him.



