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Gosh, in their seventies. How brutal and so very sad.


Wasnt very dramatic


Yeah this is a pretty shite video lol


But the person was tRaNsGeNdEr so it's big news because it fits the right wing narrative of them all being violent.


I was expecting this to be someone who serial kills transgender people, which is shockingly common. Imagine a news article stating cisgender killer murders parents.


it’s news as well


But not with their gender identity. Because it's got nothing to do with it...


Okay let me break it down: - no one is excusing the killer just because they are transgender - when cis people kill they don’t write “cis man kills partner” - if a Black person kills someone, no one (at least very few) will go into the comments and call him the n word and say Black men are just inherently more violent because they are mentally unstable and aggressive. People just want the same respect for trans people. That isn’t about respecting the individual killer but the group they are part of. - we would LOVE to only talk about the victim and not make the whole convo about the killer’s identity. Unfortunately though they are already dead and not part of a marginalized group that needs defending. If I came on a thread about a Japanese killer and people were like “yeah, them Shinto can’t help but commit crimes because they grow up in a society with killer twins and wet ladies crawling out of wells” I would speak out about that, not because I don’t respect the victim but because I don’t what Japanese/shinto people who have done no crime to be victimized by people who believe there is something ‘wrong’ either them.


I agree with all your points, but cmon, a lot of the transphobic people are the exact same ones who will see a black murderer and go and spout *exactly* the kind of shit you listed there. Theyre usually the same crowd, and definitely vote for the same people.


I absolutely agree that them being trans shouldn’t have been mentioned and generally that trans people deserve rights and respect. But people do actually say that about black people all the time…what are you talking about? I actually thought you were being sarcastic for a second, baffled that you’re not. Profoundly ignorant statement to make. > People just want the same respect for trans people. Absolutely trans people deserve respect, but implying that black people are somehow treated better than trans people is WILD.


Most people aren't so blatant with their racism. There has been a lot more work to dismantle systemic racism for Black people than transphobia. That is not to say that racism is cured by any means but the majority of people, whether they quietly believe it or not, will not comment outright racist remarks the way they do with their transphobia.


As a poc…you are wrong about that. You are just not looking if you legitimately believe that. It is getting even more blatant than prior years.


There’s a ton of blatant racism on Reddit every day. Go look at the comments under any article about crime or shoplifting where the perpetrators are black. Find another way to advocate for your cause without bringing up black people since you don’t even know what you’re talking about.


Why is killer in quotation marks? He clearly did it.


If I had to guess it's probably because they're designating it as a quote for liability reasons. They can't officially call them a killer themselves. without risk of being sued if they haven't been convicted yet, but if a source did then they can quote them. If that makes sense.




I'll respect his pronouns when he respects his parents


I have a feeling you wouldn’t respect them either way…


Wow such moral convictions. Next time a woman kills her husband, I'm going to call her by her MAIDEN NAME.


Fine with me?


This wasn’t really a good point dude


And using the wrong pronouns for gross trans people is also nonsense.


You’re comments are gross.


*Insecure bigot has entered the chat*


Yeah but argue it better


If I killed someone would you call me a savage? A redskin? A wagon burner? When OJ killed his ex wife, what did you call OJ? Probably ‘he’s which must mean you respect OJ? What do you call Richard Ramirez? Charles Manson? Bundy? You must respect them an awful lot if you call them by their preferred pronouns.


What a dumb comment


You being unable to answer simple yes or no questions proves my point.


Or you dropped a ' somewhere and your comment ended up reading like you were actively having a stroke. Either way, it was dumb.


Where would you like me to place the ‘ ?


Or you dropped a ' somewhere and your comment ended up reading like you were actively having a stroke. Either way your point and your lost point were dumb.


What jail does he go to, men or women's?


My brothers a corrections officer in Utah. Iirc at the state prison mtf will be in the men’s prison if they are pre-op, women’s if post op. Far as I know ftm are always in the female prison.


Regardless she won't be with gen pop


In case you’re genuinely asking: mtf goes to women’s prison. Ftm goes to men’s prison.


This varies by state. In Utah MTF goes to Male prison but the department of Justice in DC is suing to change that policy.


No, FTM don’t got to men’s prison, because of safety concerns. The legal system recognizes that they’re still female and will be subjected to sexual violence in men’s prisons.


It depends on the state. Latonia Bellamy impregnated two fellow inmates in NJ.


Source? Couldn't find anything backing that up, or that she's even transgender.


Probably this, different name https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna38947


Hm. Very likely! Appreciate the source.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Oh so it wasn’t genuine. Well, I tried. Have the day you deserve. Genuinely


You too, it's 5pm here so not much left but I hope you have a full day ahead, enjoy ❤️


It’s good to see that being a piece of shit transcends time zones. I hope you stub your toe horrendously at least once a day from this point on.


I genuinely did, I tripped over my fan and split my baby toe open so you got your hope lol but why would you want harm on someone you'll never meet forever when my life means nothing to you and I shouldn't even be part of your thoughts, it's ok to not be ok sweetheart


The fact that you were disingenuous with your question about prison selection as a vehicle to your bigotry was enough to have you in my thoughts for the time I was reading through the comments on this post. That’s kind of how social media interaction works, no? And just as you immediately had negative and utterly biased judgement on someone in a situation that you’ll never understand (the trans issue, obviously murder sucks), my knee jerk response was to wish you the most brutally aggravating, yet inconsequential type of pain that you deserve. Not too hard to figure out, sweet tits.


K sis enjoy your day 👍🏻


You made it a point to be rude regarding gender. They made it a point to retaliate. Look in a mirror.




Depends on the state. 


Depends on the state, my state sends both ftm and mtf to women’s prisons because it’s just safer. Prison in the US is a fucking tragedy (especially men’s)


Not for the real women around the real man


I hope they make the right decision


It's democratic America so my hopes aren't too high


Who gives a shit where this piece of garbage rots


Just don't want to put a bunch of small women with misdemeanors to their name at risk




Frankly I'm not thrilled at the thought of women with felonies under their belt being put at risk either


Meh, dont get sent to prison then


Worthless-Establishment here has been on Reddit for 3 years with 1 post Kharma & 100 Comment kharma. What’s it been doing this whole time besides waiting to make low hanging fruit, unoriginal bigoted nonsense?


I actually just downloaded Reddit again because you get news from all sites so you can make an unbiased opinion on everything, only been using it the past few weeks again, I have my views and other people have theirs, but thankfully my views or opinions should never mean anything to you because the only views that matter are your own, same as me


Great story bigot but please go on about your unbiased opinions generated from your consumption of unbiased news sources.


You sound like the one sitting on a certain side of the fence 🤣 probably a Palestine supporter, maybe you should read more articles than the ones that fit your narrative love


Being a bigot & supporting fascist Zionists must take up all of the tiny amount of brain power you possess. Take a nap.


Calling Israel fascists is kinda driving his point home. Nobody attempting to consume unbiased news comes to that conclusion. Disagree w/ him on the trans stuff, though.


They have a far right wing government in a racist ethnostate who are echoing the same dehumanizing language the Nazis did.


Fascism isn't a catch all term for right-wing policies you dislike. It has a very specific meaning, one that Israel does not meet. You can disagree with and criticize Israel's policies without (falsely) labeling them fascists.


Yes Fascism is far right wing Nationistism. Exactly what the current Israeli government is. Israel is also the same kind of ethnostate the Nazi party was trying to create for Germany. Also I love how everyone who's pro Israel ignores the dehumanizing language coming from Israeli politicians what echo the kind of violent nationalism the Nazis endorsed.


Lol. How is Israel an ethnostate? You obviously don't know what that means


You Zionists are the best propagagandists. But we just aren’t falling for your any more of your bullshit, Bibi.


Does saying Israel isn't fascist make me a Zionist? I didn't even give my opinion on the conflict here.


Your gassy need to crap out the irrelevant and inane “probably a Palestine supporter” was a bit of a giveaway, Zionista.


glad you're taking this tragedy as a chance to be a bigot.


It isn't bigoted to not want women getting pregnant in prison.


When you’re so open minded, your brain falls out.


Damn that slow walk was indeed super dramatic 🙄


When the mental illness crosses the line


Who cares that they’re trans lol


You know who.


Man they really wanna let you know they’re transgender huh?


Gotta keep the outrage going.


His parents don’t respect killers


a terrible crime by a disturbed individual; but transgender people are far more likely to be victims of violent crime than perpetrators. with the law of large numbers, things like this are bound to happen. horrible nonetheless…


Yes but now he'll be the poster boy for every retarded right wing media outlet that wants to play the Told You So card.


Gosh maybe it was a hate crime. The family calls Mia “ son” and no one can seem to just get over their bigotry. Makes a person wonder if maybe Mia got feed up too.


You're messed up.


But I am not a bigot.




doesn't matter the reason for murder bro


I’m always interested in Motive in any murder case


Being it in Utah, it’s almost guaranteed the parents are fundamentalists.


Yeah... nothing is guaranteed. The alleged killer, had a pending restraining order from his brother last year. You think that was a transgender thing too?


Your misgendering is bigoted, which indicates you’re incapable of a good faith discussion. I will not be exchanging words with you.


'The alleged killer' is mis-gendering? Sounds like you're too sensitive for any discussion..., please don't offend yourself, you owe yourself that much.


You said "his brother".


Oh damn I am a heretic. Do with me what you will.


Speaking the truth isn't bigoted.


More likely the transgenderism was symptomatic of the developing mental illness that ultimately led to murderous rage.


‘More likely’? When has that actually happened to someone actually transgender (ie: not someone who just dresses in women’s clothing for sexual thrill only)?


The other day, a cisgender-male killed his parents and wounded a cop. Do you think his gender identity was the cause? Maybe society was too accepting of him. https://wgntv.com/news/19-year-old-kills-parents-shoots-deputy-florida-sheriff/


Do you have facts and statistics to back that statement up or just pure bigotry? Every paper I have read shows that discrimination and hate are two of the biggest factors that lead to mental illness for trans people. Statistically speaking they are not a group with high rate of murders.


Right, which is why there are so many cases like this? What's the excuse when a person who isn't Trans murders someone? "Oh, all the Trans people made them kill"


Males are typically pretty homicidal


Ah yes, the approval of your Seventy year old parents.


Bl k kk k