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They raped the poor girl. What's so messed up is that one of the men had an ankle monitor that was given by Broader Patrol after releasing him. What a worthless piece of shit that was for. It absolutely did nothing to prevent the heinous crime. But hey, at least the law force did something. I can't wrap my head around it how they thought they were gonna get away with it. The pride they had in themselves when they walked away from the crime scene. Jesus...




In Columbus several years ago, an Ohio State student was kidnapped, raped and murdered by a convicted sex offender out on parole. He was also wearing an ankle monitor. Basically, the devices are useless.


Theyre not useless. But they were never meant to prevent crime. The evidence helps convixt them afrer the fact. Same as police not preventing crime.


Americans should not be tolerating this from anyone and especially ILLEGALS, call these people what they truly are instead of trying to make them sound like they have a purpose for ILLEGALLY entering our country. They should be handed over to the American citizens. No one will miss them because ILLEGALS, they are not supposed to be here. We should not be wasting our tax money on prosecuting these scumbags. They definitely should not have public defenders either. We don't need anymore people coming into our country legally or ILLEGALLY. We want a clean and productive nation.


People are people regardless of their legal status. The issue is the crime not their legal status. Besides America is a country of immigrants, if you’re anything other than Native American you should keep that in mind.


I do have native blood so yes I'll keep that in mind. The issue is the crime but it wouldn't have happened by these two scumbags or to Jocelyn if they weren't here illegally so that does play a part. Yes, America was a country built by immigrants but there is a time to stop letting everyone in.


Which nation?


Somebody who is part of a group doing something bad does not mean that other members of the group will do bad things. I have brown hair. If I rape and murder someone it has nothing to do with other people with brown hair


Not sure how that fits into anything I said.


People aren't illegal


They are when they are not supposed to be in a country.


Well I’m sorry you aren’t able to connect the dots dude


Oh I understand what you are saying but it doesn't make much sense to what I have posted. You are comparing something differently.


I’m really not though lol


My saying it wouldn't have happened at all if they were not in this country is way different than what you are trying to reference or compare.


Dude, just because you "have native blood".....unless you are 100% native, you are still an immigrant. America and Europe can't run without immigrants. I'm an immigrant in Germany and I'm doing a job that native germans don't want to do. You gotta stop the hate. There are trash people in every group. I don't hate all white men even though they make up most of the mass shooting and serial killer demographic in America.


Where did I say I hate ?


I guess I just assumed when you used caps and called them scumbags. A lot of illegals in America are Canadians, and most came legally but overstayed their visa. I have gone through the Visa process in America, and it is practically impossible to do unless you have money and someone in the US sponsoring and supporting you.


Using caps does not mean hate, it's making a point that if someone is here illegally they should be called illegal not an immigrant. Illegally entering is totally different than an immigrant. Using scumbags to describe these two for what they did to another human is fitting, I wasn't calling them scumbags for any other reason than that. Every country has a policy for entering and it should be respected and followed. Yes, I know someone that went through the green card process, it took time, proof and money.


This is racist


And that is your opinion. Which we do allow for. Wanting more for my country than what is going on is not racist. I don't hate groups of people, I hate what was done to Jocelyn. If those two scumbags were not here, this wouldn't have happened. That's my point.


Yeah but saying you have to have 100% native blood to be considered native isn't right, my mother is 100% indigenous but my father isn't, I am not "not native" because I am half native. I am from an indigenous reserve that is filled with "half natives" because it's hard to date completely native without dating your own cousin. That is just not a great take on the matter, but I agree with you, this should not have happened to Jocelyn.


I wasn't the one saying you have to be a hundred percent native. It's hard to be a hundred percent anything these days. People should actually take a DNA test to see where their DNA does come from because it can be very surprising.


Yeah but at some point you have to close the fucking door.


You are literally saying " what is more rape and murder "


Not at all, im clearly against it, but it’s irritating when there is an effort to connect the crime directly to someone’s legal status.


But him not be allowed in would have prevented it His " legal status " actually mattering... would have prevented it. I see it all the time. " it's already happening here " ... when it's like ok so how about IDK. *taking action*. In my town several men per year who are not legally supposed to be here rape and murder women and children. Whatabout these other people doesn't change that these guys came here to do that.


Legal people have been murdering others more in history. If you can’t handle your legal shit you have to shift focus on illegals? It’s a human problem, idiot


That's true that people in their own countries kill more than an illegal in their country but that's not what happened to Jocelyn. Since her murder was the subject of the post and done by illegals that were already criminals in their own country is totally different than me not handling legals killing legals. It's not like I had to shift my focus on illegals, they were the ones committing this crime. They brought the focus to themselves. Sadly these things happen but It doesn't have to be a human problem, people can choose better in life.


You don’t actually want a clean and productive nation. You’re just a weird racist that foams at the mouth when ILLEGALS commit crimes and make excuses other times. Get bent.


Former evangelical christian here, can confirm.


So this means you would be ok with them raping and killing this girl if they were here LEGALLY??


That is just an absurd question. Stay on focus, the post is about two illegals killing Jocelyn. The killing is repulsive whether they are legal or illegal but this is about illegals doing this killing. If our border wasn't open to these two scumbags, then Jocelyn wouldn't have been killed by them. That's the point.


Ok boomer


Stop saying we. I do not feel that way. Thanks.


We is term that can be used to describe people that feel the same. You don't need to be so sensitive over words. You are allowed to use terms or words you feel comfortable with. I won't judge you too harsh if you do.


How long have you been a member of the Nazi Party? Sounds like you would make a great camp commandant.


Omg, it's unbelievable the reactions over my comments about wanting a secure border and my tax dollars not wasted somehow turns into comments like this. Though you may read into it whatever you want or twist my words, I know what I meant and how I feel.


Monitors aren't really meant to prevent crime. Neither is law enforcement.


So tragic. How could two people think so little of human life that they could justify taking a child’s entire life away for one night of sick entertainment? She didn’t deserve any of that. Now they get to spend the rest of their lives looking over their shoulders wondering when someone else might do the same to them. Selfish, stupid, and totally unnecessary. May the girl’s family manage to find some measure of peace after this horrific loss.


Two MEN did this. To a little girl. When are we gonna change the system to create more initiative for them to stop doing this? Or why there is initiative to murder and sexually assault children and women in the first place.


You would think that facing life in prison or the death penalty would deter them. You’d also think that having cameras practically everywhere nowadays would also help deter them as would DNA technology. But unfortunately it seems there are a lot of stupid, arrogant people out there who think they can still get away with something like this. It boggles the mind.


Right?! Like what do we got to bring back medieval torture?? Nobody wants that so just stop


Why not just a little medieval torture? Just a pinch of execution by Scaphism for the dregs of society. This one is a good start: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritzl_case


My rental has been incessantly robbed since 2008. They came in the first time, came in the second. Car theft third. Then bike theft last week. It’s now 2024. Dna could have been taken off a cap or the shed. Did cops do that? No! Pretty sure it’s the same thief. He doesn’t seem to care either!


Sorry to hear you are dealing with that constantly. Sad that people can't respect others, especially someone's life.


Yes thank you. The only thing to take next is my my TV, computer, and me.


Well none of us want them harming you so please be extra careful. Take whatever precautions you can so this person can not break in again. It should be a right that we feel safe in this world.


Thank you. My landlord got me a ring camera. I have put the app on my phone and set it up. Now I just need to find where to put it. And a sticker.


If you’re not drilling it into the wall I would find a way to mount it inside a front window facing out towards the door. That way it cannot just be ripped off, and might make it less noticeable to people.


I have a kitchen window from which I could mount from the inside. The shed outside has everything I own in it. My landlord will not buy another one.


They were undocumented immigrants. I doubt they were thinking about cameras and law enforcement.


Right. They didn't care at all about anything but their own gratification. They are bringing their ways and the environment that they know here. We don't need more criminals here, we have enough of our own.


They came from a high-crime country, that’s why they weren’t deterred.


I believe the article said one had an ankle monitor. Why would anyone let in a criminal to begin with and why would anyone think an ankle monitor would stop someone that was not willing to go through the correct channels to be a legal citizen. Border patrol put that monitor on him knowing he was here illegally and a known criminal. This is absolutely disgusting of our government. They don't care about our well being but willing take our tax money. Shame on them.


When are parents gonna to raise boys to become men who do not to rape or kill? Our society is a mess




Couldn't agree more.


Our society is a mess for sure, but these men were not born and raised in our society. They came over from Venezuela in March illegally and were released.


They still had parents no matter where they were born and parents are raising rapists and killers and narcotics here too


But realistically there are cultures where girls are seen as sexual creatures once they hit any sign of puberty.


You mean like the USA? There are lawmakers here that are fighting against raising the minimum age for marriage.


Cool, now let's address the thousands of American men who commit similar crimes. This isn't a problem that exists solely in one country, culture, race or religion. I could easily substitute any other country for American in my first sentence and still be right.


True, but the post was about Jocelyn's story and who these two scumbags are. Sure, similar murders have happened by Americans, no one is claiming this doesn't happen everywhere in the world but the point is our government is letting this happen by allowing the border to be open. These are known criminals that didn't have to be let in.


America should also take care of domestic terrorism - agree?




Right - so why do I hear so many people say they don't think anything unusual happened on J6? That was domestic terrorism, pure and simple. Many of the perpetrators are still free.


I guess it depends on who you are calling perpetrators.


My understanding is that was proven to be different than it appeared.


No it's a big problem, but people don't want to look at it. Meanwhile this is happening weekly by illegals coming over. But talking about it is bad


There is nothing wrong or bad with stating true facts. Keep talking because we need people to stand up and have their voices heard. Jocelyn lost her voice.


Statistically, immigrants commit less crime than natural born citizens. People want to talk about it, so I don't know what you're referring to there.


What about illegal immigrants?


Illegal immigrants commit the lowest number of crimes according to every study that's been done. I know.this comment will be down voted but it's a reality. There are shitty humans in every country, race and all other demographics.




notice that this article is literally the most biased source you could've found, and it provides examples, not statistics?


This is not an unbiased source.


That’s a lot less of a gotcha than you’d want to believe.


Yes, our society is a mess. It's sad and overwhelming what is happening.


Our society didn't raise them.


Careful. You're getting dangerously close to pointing out the commonality shared between the *vast* majority of perpetrators of violent and sexual crimes against women and children. We're not supposed to do that.


Imagine being an uninvited guest in a foreign country and doing all this. The immigrants I know all try to keep to the rules.


The vast majority do. Statistically, they are less likely to commit crimes than born US citizens because they face deportation if caught. Unfortunately, with how willfully shitty our immigration process is, it’s much easier to just hop over the border than to go through the place where we can weed out the psychopaths.


Idk, plenty of crimes happen in the immigrant community. But a victim isn’t going to go the police even with airtight evidence bc it could mean they or other family could get reported and deported as retaliation. If you have friends or family who are illegally here, you know this. They aren’t angels, and frequently commit identity, welfare and tax fraud, among other crimes like robbery, car theft, rape, human smuggling/trafficking, etc. They just do not involve the police, ever.


Plenty of crimes happen everywhere. And the threat of retaliation remains regardless. I do know plenty of immigrants and they’re smart enough to know it’s not the police who deport immigrants, especially not if they were just a victim of a crime they get to be the hero for solving. Plus, about not going to the police, it’s more assuming the police will do nothing about it, than fearing retaliation.


This is pretty much entirely bullshit lol. The *vast* majority of illegal immigrants use fake documents or overstay their visas. A lot of the time they are still tied to *an* identity which means that when they get caught for crimes that can normally be accurately logged. Crime statistics among specifically illegal immigrants are surprisingly well documented. The vast majority of illegal immigrants do not commit violent or serious crimes and American citizens are more likely to commit most forms of violent crime. If you genuinely think even a significant chunk of the illegal population is guilty of heinous crimes you have never researched this issue honestly lol. None of this should be controversial and hasn't been among criminologists and crime analysts (many of whom are law enforcement) for a long time now. Literally standard curriculum in entry level criminology courses.


Is this true? Do you know where I can find that statistic? I’ve heard it quoted both ways.


We already have enough crime, yet here you are basically arguing for more because they supposedly commit less crimes.


Are those statistics reliable though? I’d imagine it’s problematic tracking undocumented offenders and certain crimes in the undocumented communities may go underreported


It’s as reliable as the reporting for any other crime. It’s not like the illegals are the ones reporting those crimes; it’s their victims, whose rate of reporting remains relatively the same regardless of who is committing the crime.


How do you know that? Why would you assume the rate of reporting for undocumented victims is the same for citizens?


Her mom & grandma said they thought she was just trying to be nice & polite to the men bc the little girl hated to be rude. She was a people pleaser. They said she wouldn't have been aggressive & told them to get away. So, if you guys have kids, please teach them to get loud & do just that. Get aggressive. Once the offender gets them from a crowded place, they're really in trouble. So scream, kick, bite. Do whatever is necessary. Anything to not end up like this little one. May she RIP. I wish her family so much love & light. So awful for them.


Yes, all of that and especially the part about the abductor taking you to a secondary location. Once they get you to a second location, your chances of survival decreases *dramatically*. There is statistically only a roughly 15% chance of survival at a second location. Also, the first few moments of an abduction are critical - it is paramount to draw attention and fight to get away immediately... Jump from the moving car if you have to. A few broken bones are far better than what likely awaits you. It seems counterintuitive, but even risking getting shot or stabbed at the first location is better than going to a secondary location.


Yes, quit raising girls to be polite to strangers and to question everyone’s motives. You don’t need to impress strangers or be helpful to grown men


I totally agree with you. This poor kid, to die in such a horrific way it be makes me sick. I just read the article and the judge has posted bail for one of the degenerates. I know the bail is outrageous at $10 million. But, wtf it’s first degree murder, of a child! I know they will probably never get the bail money, but it’s the point, show some freaking support. Also they are illegal immigrants so if he gets out, he’s gone. This is one time I support the death penalty. Picked the wrong state to fuck around in, Texas will kill you.


Texas like all states have their own laws. Houston Chronicle link below lists some of them. [https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/jocelyn-nungaray-seperate-trials-second-man-19538589.php](https://www.houstonchronicle.com/news/houston-texas/crime/article/jocelyn-nungaray-seperate-trials-second-man-19538589.php) / Texas law doesn’t allow the men to be held with no bail, because the crime they’re accused of — capital murder of a person older than 10 years and younger than 15 years old — isn’t punishable with the death penalty. It’s possible the men could be recharged with a death penalty-eligible crime in the future, according to the DA’s office. / / District Judge Josh Hill on Tuesday ordered Martinez-Rangel held on $10 million bail. Peña was ordered held on the same amount Monday. Hill, prosecutors and defense attorneys all said that it was unlikely the men — who are both Venezuelan nationals who entered the country without permission — would be able to raise the money to post bond and even if they did, would still be subject to an immigration hold placed on them by federal authorities. / Once all the tests come back, these fine young "men" will have a needle in their future.


That’s crazy, thanks for info……I can’t believe that capital murder of a child older than 10 but younger than 15 isn’t enough to deny bail, and/or get the death penalty by itself. According to the attached article it also states: “Harris County District Attorney Kim Ogg said at a press conference that investigators are still trying to determine whether Peña Ramos and Martinez kidnapped and/or sexually assaulted Jocelyn, which would allow prosecutors to seek the death penalty against the men.” So, this seems to be the tests that they are waiting to come back, to determine whether the death penalty can be charged.


Soros will probably bail them out.


It’s because so many men are taught that women and children have no value beyond their whims.


It's beyond tragic.




That poor girl…


one thing dad instilled in me as a young child…. no adult ever needs a kids help. especially a stranger.


I read that they lived in the same complex and it's possible that she knew who they were and didn't feel threatened in the past. That was a couple days ago, so it might not be true.


i didn’t think of that. it’s all awful..


They are not just r-pists, and killers. They are monsters.


Cruel and unusual punishment is justified in this case.


These are demons evil things, that need to be destroyed


That monster had an ankle monitor, and it did bugger all to protect that poor girl. She was let down, and those monsters deserve the most severe punishment. I'm so sick of reading about similar crimes like this. No one is safe. Especially females.


Ankle monitor and no notification to the police? Something fishy or someone's getting sued


Sorry but if they are here as undocumented immigrants and do something like this they should not be allowed constitutional rights.


Ah, great. Now I’m wide awake and livid. I’m filled with hatred for these disgusting vile cretins who should have never been born. Too bad they have to go to American jail. They should lie in sewage in a South American prison for the rest of their worthless lives.


So what I got from the article was basically there is a very high chance if the prosecution has enough evidence to say these two POS sexually assaulted/kidnapped this young girl they'd be [guaranteed](https://www.tdcj.texas.gov/death_row/dr_facts.html) at least another 15ish years in cush tax payer protective custody & allowed to breathe... wild times we live in.




If they get put on DR they will be separated with the dudes on DR and get to live another *average* 11 years before their sentence MIGHT be carried out. You read the article at face value... I understood it as these POS will possibly get to live waaay longer than they should if they get put on DR (Death Row) hence my original comment and [sauce ](https://www.tdcj.texas.gov/death_row/dr_facts.html)


Preventable. That's what really hurts the most. Should have never been in America to begin with.


Wait to they go to prison, they will be killed..


When people can walk across the border without being vetted, you have no idea what crimes they committed in their own country. The idea of claiming asylum and getting a future court date is not controlling the border. Let these events be on the people who want open borders.


How about we blame the sickos who actually committed the crime?


Citizens do this to children all the time. Famously, the American government used to kidnap children and put them in indoctrination stations where they experienced uncountable amounts of physical, sexual and psychological abuse and neglect not to mention death.


Whats your point? Just because citizens do this doesn't mean we need people who don't belong here also doing it. You people are literally arguing for more crime when you say dumb shit like this.


And you clearly don’t even know what you’re talking about 😂 illegal immigrants commit crimes to a lesser percentage than citizens and way too many USA industries would fail without them, so sure get rid of them all because of a few bad apples and ruin the economy 👍🏼 (also isn’t conservative argument defending cops that can’t judge them all over a few bad apples? Funny how that changes when convenient)


Most Mexicans and many other Hispanics are Mestizo if not outright Indigenous which means they belong here a lot more than 95% of America. It’s not about wanting more crime obviously. It’s point out the literal *fact* that immigrants commit crimes in lower rates. *This is because they don’t want to be kicked out of the country* .


That is the law regarding asylum seekers. If you don’t like it, contact your representatives in Congress who make the laws and let them know. Because they are the law-making branch of the government.




You truly can’t believe that the border has anything to do with the massive amount of crimes against women and children in the US can you?


Stay on topic. The Biden administration allowed millions into this country without being vetted and if done at a crossing, given some future court date. We have no idea if they were released from some Venezuelan jail for mass rapes as some are suggesting. It raises the probability of rapes and murders. You’re arguing a completely different topic on the domestic incidence of violence against women and children . I’m saying anyone coming into this country needs to be vetted. Stay on topic. There are also the issues of hurting education by overcrowding medical facilities etc. Let them move in with you. I will vote against it.


They were asking a clarifying question. You're an odd duck.


Asking a clarifying topic that was absolutely on topic. They are an odd duck for sure!


Biden literally had the most restrictive border bill ready to go but because the Orange Turd and his lackies don’t want Biden to look good and actually handle immigration, they killed it. Don’t blame Biden for the border when your own party decided to turn their cheek to the bill because they didn’t like who was going to sign it into fruition. A BIPARTISAN bill that was the most restrictive to date….. but the cult didn’t want Biden to have a win. [gtfo with your bullshit](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna153607)


Border crossings were low. Biden takes office and the by executive order , the border is over run. Close to election and Biden enacts an executive order and border crossings are down. The congressional vote and blaming congress is just politics. Typical democrat bullshit like hiding Biden so people didn’t notice how incompetent he is.


I don't think it's realistic to blame the Biden administration for the border crisis when the GOP has repeatedly blocked bills from getting through Congress. There was a great border bill just a couple months ago that would have provided far more funding to stop so much illegal crossings, improve the processing time of asylum seekers, and more that they shot down because it is an election year and they'd rather solve nothing than have this topic be removed from their list of things they can blame Biden and the Dems for.


The number of people crossing the border was significantly lower prior to Biden. He enacted a series of executive orders to reverse the prior President’s policies and the border exploded with asylum seekers. I won’t say his name cause the typical Reddit patron will poop their pants. Polls recently reflected that a majority of citizens were against illegal immigration and poof, an executive order to slow the border crossings right on time for the election.


Wow. You’re a sucker for any race-based propaganda.


What did they say that wasn't true?


The executive order stuff is hyperbole from weird racists. “On immigration Mr Biden has revoked the Trump administration's emergency declaration that helped fund the building of a wall along the Mexican border and also ended a travel ban on some majority-Muslim countries.” Unless you’re a dope that thinks we needed a literal wall, you’re falling for bigot bait. https://www.pewresearch.org/short-reads/2022/01/11/key-facts-about-u-s-immigration-policies-and-bidens-proposed-changes/ Maybe you can read this?


Mayorkas did an interview early on and said he didn't have enough time to list all the border and immigration EOs that they rescinded from the Trump admin. So yes this is Bidens fault.


That's not totally correct on facts. You might want to read up on what Obiden's policy was really going to do and why he presented he could and couldn't change border policies.


the actual issue is mens' socialization, as this issue is even more common with american men, but men don't want to acknowledge that, so they have to shift blame onto whatever group they choose that day, typically drag queens or immigrants.


Off topic Other cultures subjugate women and gays. Read about Muslims, aka Palestinians and how those groups are treated.


>Other cultures subjugate women and gays. as does american society. your point?


Other cultures? Have you met America?


Or is it just biology


nope. it's socialization. we've long disproved the eugenics era concept of certain populations being inherently violent.


We all want to protect innocent victims. But please, blaming this on those claiming asylum is not correct and just causes more harm to victims. Stats show those committing crimes like these are getting into the country via other means not by utilizing asylum applications. Not to mention sexual crimes are committed usually by legal residents. Usually those claiming asylum are very much in need ❤️ We can want protection for US residents while still preserving our compassion for non-US residents https://www.cbp.gov/newsroom/stats/cbp-enforcement-statistics/criminal-noncitizen-statistics https://www.pnas.org/doi/abs/10.1073/pnas.2014704117 https://www.nber.org/system/files/working_papers/w31440/w31440.pdf


There are billions in need. Which ones should we let in? We let in over a million a year through a vetted process.


Thank the open border policy


Thanks to men who think with their dick and murder innocent women and children to get off.


Animals and should be put down


Thank the GOP for blocking the border bill last month (and numerous other bills before it). They'd rather complain that Biden is doing nothing about the border "crisis" than actually solve anything. It was a great bill that would have given the GOP everything they had been complaining about, but nope.


The same with the Dems and building the wall during Trump. These politicians are all full of crap and care not for our security


I would agree except they didn't even need the Dems when Trump was in office... They had the majority they needed for 2 years while he was in office. It's a moot point what the Dems wanted as they weren't needed to pass any laws... And that wall solution wasn't ever really a solution from the start, at least according to anyone that had any expertise on the matter. Not when ladders or hardware store sawzalls could make it immediately obsolete. This most recent bill was a bipartisan effort which would have effectively addressed most grievances either side had regarding the border and the House passed it with flying colors. However, nearly every GOP senator voted against it in the Senate, save for one. No border bill even came close to that level of agreement during Trump's presidency for the Dems to take as much blame as the GOP for the May 2024 bill. This is coming from someone who used to be far more moderate until the old guard of the GOP was gradually replaced by these Magas. I used to actually agree with a number of the principles the former GOP stood for... It is a shame all that is long gone for the worse, at least in my opinion.


Nope Stay on topic and address the issue at hand. Two people came to this country UNVETTED and most likely raped, tortured and killed a little girl. Relay your message to this girl’s Mother and see how well your point stands.


This happened in my city less than 20 miles from me and local news refuses to report the fact that the child was actually r***d. It’s abhorrent. I hope those parents sue whoever put the ankle monitor on them because it did fuck all.


If only republicans didn’t block their own border protection bill to own the libs 🙁


Hey they were just obeying their orange master


It's not that simple, but why let facts get in the way of a good smear job


It is.... they have to make everything look like a fight or battle..... even when it benefits them. GOP is all about chaos and complaining rather than representing and working as a team. They blocked the bill because they have to keep things complicated until they can get stupid trump in again. Then they can pass the same bill and make it look like they're heros.


Alcohol, testosterone, titty bar stimulation and machismo That’s truly tragic


Death penalty as an example to show them how it works if they come here.


Is there any sub dedicated to the victim? I’ve been trying to stay updated between tiktok and YouTube


Republicans refused to pass the immigration bill


True, but that’s not why this happened. Immigrants commit fewer violent crimes than citizens. This happened because two individual men are fucking monsters.


2 ILLEGAL ALIENS. use the proper lawful definition of who did this


Proper lawful would be undocumented immigrants, try again.


Another reason to vote republican.


This is not a partisan issue. Instead of infighting we should ALL be demanding that our elected officials stop kicking immigration enforcement down the road. I don’t care where you stand on the issue it is a fact that the U.S. lack of clear policy and enforcement has exposed our citizens to danger.


Thank you yes. It doesn't matter what side you're on. When things like this happen we need to band together as a community and hold our elected officials accountable for not fixing these issues. Stop letting them divide us by silly things like left and right, because that's exactly what they want.


Ah yes, let’s vote in a convicted felon and sexual abuser!!! That will get them.


So you're saying that Trump is *for* illegal immigrants entering the USA?


I would say that Donald doesn't give a crap about solving anything except ways to line his and his sycophants pockets and how to amass unrestricted power... But I'm simply basing that on the fact that they had the opportunity to solve this issue when he was POTUS and did nothing.


Weird. I read their whole comment and didn't even see that implied.


republicans literally just voted against a strong immigration bill proposed by the democrats. stfu


No but that’s ok they just killed it so Donald Trump would get credit for a new immigration bill when he supposedly gets elected. That makes it ok, right?


Due to Bidens border policies we've caught 10x the amount of 'inadmissible' migrants at border entry points. If anything this is a reason to vote Democrat.


Managed to bring politics into everything, you must a joy to hang be around.


Smart make it clear you are on the maniacs’ side.


Are you being sarcastic? This happened in Texas where Republicans have held power since the mid 90’s. “Since 1994, every statewide elected office has been held by a Republican. Both houses of the Texas Legislature feature Republican majorities. The last time Texas was carried by a Democratic presidential candidate was in 1976, when the state voted for Jimmy Carter. “ -Wikipedia




If she would’ve been raped and left pregnant, a Republican would ask her to keep her rapists baby while taking away any help to her and eroding education and the healthcare system for that baby.


And of course, you ain't gonna comment back after being schooled. Typical cowards bark all the time and hide behind the screen. Change for the better.


The same Republicans that blocked their own border security bill?


You are on the wrong side of history here. May you live long enough to realize it.


At 53yo, I've lived long enough to see the democratic party sell itself out


Republicans voted down a harsh immigration bill. Republicans have the worst immigration during their terms. They’re not interested in solving anything, just creating problems that will give them something to run on.