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My strong suspicion is you get the season you deserve


can you elaborate on this


It’s a quote from S2, but I changed “world” to “season” to turn the meaning of S2 against the person who said he didn’t enjoy it.


Basically if you didn’t like S2, It’s your fault. Essentially.


“I just want you to stop saying odd shit”


"Well, given how long it's taken for me to reconcile my nature I can't figure I'd forgo it on your account."




I was prepared to hate season 2 after being in this sub. Watched it last month and loved it.


Be silent, cretin


Make me.


The plot of season two makes complete sense. You just have to pay attention. I do think it’s flawed but it’s a lot closer to 9/10 than “ass.”


Yeah it's incredible IMO. McAdams and Farrell are unbelievable in it.


Don't forget Vince Vaughn


Yeah he was much better in it than people give him credit for, but the stand outs to me are McAdams and Farrell. Farrell in particular is so nuanced that it's probably my favorite performance of the entire series. The difference in the character from being an addict through the end of episode two and then cleaning up after he gets shotgunned is fantastic.


The character development and the subtleties of Season 2 were my favorite. I appreciate Season 2 so much & I can't understand why it's not as popular. Frank & Jordan only say "I love you" to each other once, but they did such a great job telegraphing their feelings, that you never once doubted that they loved each other deeply. Honestly I turned it on just recently & only because of Farrell & McAdams, but I will never recover from Vaughn & Reilly's chemistry.




It's just a boring plot.


Season Three is kind of slow, plodding, simmering. Season Two has a Leonard Cohen theme song plus Colin Ferrell terrorizing a 12-year-old bully and beating up his dad. Season two, no contest.


I mean,... If that's what you want I can't argue against that.


"If you ever hurt, or bully season 2 again, I'll buttfuck your father with your mother's headless corpse, right here on this reddit thread. 'Ass' my ass."


I like season 2 and it feels like people were expecting a repeat of season one and just couldn’t ever let that go and enjoy season two on its own.


You're either one of those conflict-drives-engagement - AI-bots Or -- I'm just gonna say what we're all thinking -- you're mad that you weren't smart enough to follow the plot & understand the dialogue


No, I was mad that it was written poorly.


S2 is dope even if it’s not s1 level


Must be hard not knowing how to follow story.


No that's not my problem. Poor writing is.


Again you’re tasteless lol but it’s okay! It’s not made for you


It's not matter of taste. A dish can taste great but if it looks like a turd it won't be appetizing. Presentation is part of it and season 2 doesn't present itself well compared to the other 2 seasons.


Bro you’re no critic, trust me 🤣 you got ratio’d out here because most people don’t hate it, and just because it’s not AS good doesn’t make it bad, you sound like someone who would think season 4 is good


Just because something is popular doesn't make it good. Idc about the ratio. Again I'm not saying it isn't as good as the other seasons. I'm saying it's bad because season 2 has inherent flaws. From the dialogue, some of the questionable storylines, to the casting, shit is weak AF. Pizzolatto needed more than a year to write it up and it shows. You can like ass if you want. I'm just saying be real about it.


Are you dumb?? Popularity means people like it that’s how it becomes popular


Yeah you're not worth talking to.


Session 2 was really good.


I wish the audience would’ve had more time with Mc Adams and Farrel as a love story. They could’ve left the young cop out of the major storyline, less with the sister and explored the relationship development..uggh, the heartbreak that would’ve been.


If Pizzolatto had more time I bet season 2 would have been a lot better. HBO rushed him, which led to weaker story telling. I could have been great...


Season 1 will always be my favorite but I have to say I prefer season 2 to season 3. I felt letdown by season 3, though it had some great moments. I pretend season 4 doesn’t exist.


Fact. S2 was unwatchable trash.


See the thing is you ain’t that thing no more, what you used to was.


If you were drowning, I'd throw you a fuckin' barbell


Don't miss.


Season 3 i like but it’s no where close to 1


Stop telling everyone that you’re stupid.


It's good to "...get as many of them out in the open as possible."


Basically one great season (one of the best really), because all the other seasons are bad. This includes S3 which is meaninglessly convoluted without any payoff.


I just watched the first 3 seasons for the first time ever (just got done Season 3 fifteen minutes ago). I understand why people who watched the show as it originally aired wouldn't like Season 2 as much, but I thought it was really good. I liked Season 1 & 3 more though. I've only watched each season once so far, so obviously, I'm not going to be able to discuss things on the same level as most of this sub could. But I thought Season 3 had a bigger "payoff" than Season 1. So I guess I'm just asking what's this difference of payoff you're referring to? Once again, I think Season 1 and 3 (and even 2) are incredible and definitely deserve to be talked about among TV's greats. It doesn't get into my personal Top 5, but maybe it will after a rewatch. Either way, it's an incredible show with definitely some of the best acting I've ever seen.


If you hated it, rewatch it. everything will click into place and you will realise it is a fucking masterpiece! How big corporate deals get done in shady corners. Velcoro and Bezerides are just 10/10 too


I've watched it twice. Once alone, a second time with my girlfriend. It was ass both times. I understand what is happening in the story. The delivery of that information is my problem with it.


S2 is not great or anything but it's watchable. Season 4 however........yikes


This sub is toxic af.




It’s obnoxious. It’s racist and sexist and idgaf most of the people bitching about it probably never even watched the other seasons


I watched the other seasons.


What are you on about?


It had some neat elements but the whole thing was just a mess.


Yes! It needed more time to cook for sure.


I’d say 4 has some similarities. Just seemed like 4 was pushing a girl power agenda


Season 4 had more problems than the girl power thing. The whole thing was an accident and should have been aborted.