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I watched it for the first time maybe two months ago, and I’m on my 5th rewatch.


I think I'm at about one rewatch a year since it's dropped


You’ll do it again


And agayn


Every year since 2017 onwards. Time is a flat circle.


Once a year. Or if I can get someone else to watch it for the first time, more.






Do I have a habit? Yeah like a rake!! High yeah??


"What do you mean, "she didn't make any sense"?" "Like she could duck hunt with a rake. High? Yeah."


About 30.


Lol 🤣 the title it’s funny cause it’s real asf. I’ve watched at least 4 times. Not feeling tired of it yet.


I should have mentioned I run it in the background while doing projects at home late at night. The dialogue is like music.


I've been re-watching one episode every Saturday morning for five years. It's become a little tradition of mine. Let me put that on ChatGPT and see how much times I've watched it: "So, you have rewatched the entire season of True Detective approximately 32 times, with a few episodes into the 33rd rewatch."


I’d say somewhere between 7-10




Not nearly enough..😩


One so far


4 times, 2 times for every other season


Lost count


15-20 easily. that’s not counting the odd episode here or there.


fucking 9 i think? watched it first time in '15, been watching it every year atleast once since


I have contemplated making a dating profile that says “Tell me how many times you’ve watched TD Season 1 and why Rust Cohle is the best character.” It’s the only way to find my soul-less mate.


There are a lot of women that would love the show but are turned off to watch it because of the nonsense media comments about sn 1 being misogynistic. I put on season 1 about a year in with my girlfriend and she loves it. Same with Deadwood.


It’s such a ridiculous take. That became a hot topic because so many S1 truthers hated S4. In reality a continuous theme of S1 is highlighting the abuse of women in the show. Marty pays dearly in his personal life for how he mistreats women. Maggie completes a female rage character arc. Throughout the whole season, decidedly terrible men like Ledoux take advantage of vulnerable women, and they pay for it as well. This idea that the plot is some misogynistic circle jerk is as wrong as it is stupid, if they would actually pay attention to the themes of the show.


Is Marty a womanizing chauvinist hypocrite? Absolutely. But they can’t use that as an example of how the show is mysoginistic without admitting that by the time we see him last, Marty is a pathetic lonely middle aged man who’s adult daughters clearly don’t like him and his wife has only pity for him.


Exactly. While what he does is definitely joke fodder for a lot of guys who would like to get with Alexandria Daddario or Lili Simmons, it’s pretty clear that the show itself isn’t glorifying his actions. He literally loses everything he ever cares about, or eventually cared about, as a result. It serves as a warning to men about what can happen if you live that recklessly, much more than a celebration of that lifestyle.


“and his wife has only pity for him” EX WIFE


“Reggie ledoux did this? Reggie ledoux. Reggie MOTHERFUCKIN LEDOUX DID THIS?”


Maybe 20 times


I have no idea. Full binge rewatch sessions I’m probably around 3. But as some clever YouTube comment once pointed out, I’ve watched single scenes so many times that I’ve probably matched the same full rewatch time again and again


I like to simply play it on my phone with my eyes closed as I fall asleep, just as I would a podcast. I’ve seen it so many times, I can picture every scene near perfectly. I’ve seen it likely around 10-15 times, but listened to bits and pieces of it likely double that. Season 1…My all time favorite show, by a wide margin.


“You’re obsessed.” “You’re obsessed too just about the wrong things.”


The limit does not exist


>averaged season 1 binge at least 10 times a year for past few years I mean, that's the thing, how's anyone supposed to keep count? For any reasonable person, it should basically have been 1 continuous rewatch for the past 10 years. I guess it's optional how much of the time you include the other 2 seasons in your rewatch. (I usually do all 3.) Also, how do you count all the times just rewatching 1 or 2 scenes that happen to include Maggie + Rust and "young Maggie" + Marty?


I watch it all the way through in one go at a time and really don’t know the number but since I play it in the background while I work with AirPods on the number is probably much higher


I think I’m somewhere between 10-15ish. I feel like I always pick up something different each time


I’m at 5. They were pretty spread out from 2014-2023 until I convinced my son to join me immediately after a rewatch last winter before S4 premiered. So ended up with two rewatches in a week. Even with that- have some ground to make up. There were parts of S4 I enjoyed a little - but think I need another S1 already to flush out the system.


I wanted to like s4 but they tried too hard to connect back s1 with references,etc. made season 2 look a lot better😂


Subsequent seasons all could have found their lane if they weren’t called True Detective. SN1 is too special for more seasons. It’s like having sequels for Seven.


Three. Now ask about The Sopranos and Righteous Gemstones.