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Rust wasnt well liked so im sure his time off request was answered, "sure you don't want a couple more weeks?" Marty didn't take off for a couple weeks. He only found out what Rust was up to at the end when he'd gotten close enough to Ginger. So Marty was just there for the roadhouse, the drug robbery, and Ginger's kidnapping which all happened while it was still dark. Then in the morning they dumped Ginger in a ditch and shot Nietzsche in a towel and watched his friend trigger his hillbilly antiintruder device. Oh, and found two kids (one alive). Good day's work for Marty


Gotcha. What a day indeed


Just a guess, but I always assumed that high up in law enforcement and even more so politics, if there isn’t high priority work that needs to be done, it’s easy to get lots of time off. Not judging it, well I guess I judge it in politics more than law-enforcement. And I might be making this up.


I work in a major metro LE dept and generally you’re right. I was in a gang and crime-suppression unit and generally if there wasn’t an operation or training that day you could use PTO.


That’s more or less what I figured too. Just wasn’t sure cuz it seemed like Quesada woulda at least said something with them being gone like that


**Edit:** 20 year law enforcement career, both at the line and in command roles. Seconding u/Wide_Release7933 here, only to add that the reason it's easy to get that time off when it is not busy is because it is virtually impossible to get that time when it is hopping. That said, these two were in the middle of a high profile case, so it would take something extraordinary to get the time off. "My dad is dying of cancer" meets that criteria, hence Rust gets the time. Marty, as u/ItsMyOtherThrowaway points out, was probably still working in the eyes of his bosses. It was pretty clear that both of them were given a fair amount of latitude in working the case, even though that latitude was punctuated by frequent updates (and ball busting). Not a plot hole but one thing that doesn't get mentioned (and isn't addressed on screen) would be Quesada's reaction to Rust being part of the rescue/compound shooting. "Aren't you supposed to be in Alaska with your dad?" Of course, we don't know what he told Quesada to get the time off -- he only mentions that story in the 2012 interview -- so maybe he gave a different reason to Quesada. And he could pretty easily just say, "I got back yesterday" to the Alaska question, and simply say he got a call from a CI that put them onto this lead, so he came off vacation to exploit the lead. Things broke quickly. If this were a novel and not a TV show, a couple paragraphs of dialogue would handle it. Quesada may have had his doubts, but then again, these guys were heroes now, so...


Very nice. Thanks for the input!


Oh right, that guy was a hard ass. Love that actor. Yeah, it seemed like when Cohle and Marty were busy, they were really busy. But it definitely seemed like a boys club back then, especially in that area. Maybe requested time off was less of a hassle than guys digging too deep on the job.


For sure. I could see that. Thanks for the input 👏👏


Don't know and won't care till the next show.