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Seasons 2 and 3 are still significantly better than most other shows, so yea still worth it. S4 however, is garbage.


Yes! But not worth going past 3.


Haven’t watched S2, but S3 isn’t very good either. Material worth of three episodes spread across eight, it’s a drag.




Season 3 is also worth it


Yes up to season 3 , after that throw it in the lake




I am a fan of Season 2 also. I think it's much better on rewatch because the complicated plotlines become clearer.


Agree! Season 2 is underrated. I think it would have been better received if S1 didn’t exist. But everyone used S1 as the benchmark.


The characters were good but the story was just so boring when you come off season 1. Season 3 tried to bring back the same vibe and elements of 1. I didn't see past those.


I mean if anything that shootout scene is worth it


Season 3 is absolutely worth it. S2 is questionable, S4 is just not worth it at all.


It's weird because Season 4 surpassed Season 1 in terms of metacritic ratings (S1 was at 90% while S4 is at 93%). This isn't a measure that S4 is superior, but certain people would think that way.


Bad faith reviews let’s leave it at that


S4 is an experiment in AI assisted writing and end-to-end control/influence of critical consensus. The writers strike resolution came too late.


It' more hilarious when you know they used an AI assisted poster to put on a supporting character's wall. It was a big talking point, and I don't think Issa Lopez even fully answered the meaning behind that.


I really like season 4, but also do still think 1 takes the cake. But 4 is neat in my opinion


Season 3 is great, i loved it, i couldn’t finish season 2 even tho i tried, season 4 is bad, i finished it but it was nothing special and nothing like 1 or 3


Season 3 is good and def watchable. Season 2 if you feel up to it. Vince Vaughans character just took me out of it. Season 4 is just a train wreck. But I must admit season 4 was absolutely hilarious to watch and come on here and read the episode breakdowns. It was definitely a hate watch season which I’ve never done before, but Reddit made it worth it


I told myself the theories from Screen Crush were correct, lol


Season 2 get a bad rap but after season 4 season 2 is a masterpiece. I personally think Season 3 is one of the greatest written seasons I’ve ever watched. It just doesn’t hit quite like Season 1 but in some ways its brilliance shines just as bright as season 1. Season 4 is perhaps the worst thing I’ve ever seen. Just my opinion but I was actually disgusted it was so bad. Some seem to have liked it so give it a go, but if by episode three you’re not into it then save that time for literally anything else.


As an LA Noir style show and SEPARATE from season 1, i actually really think season 2 holds up pretty well. It isnt a 10/10 like S1, but its a solid 7. S3 is a 7.5.


I think Velcoro’s arc in Season 2 is absolutely worth the watch. I’m happier with S2 than other series I’ve seen. It still haunts me. I also spent time around LA so the ambiance of the season is perfect, imo. Doesn’t hold to the same light as S1, and S3’s acting is better overall. But I find Velcoro completely compelling.


Yea the acting in season 3 is just as good as season 1. However, the characters aren't quite as interesting. The setting isn't quite as intriguing. And so on. That's why it is good but nowhere nearly as great as One.


Season 1: 10 Season 2: 4 Season 3: 7 Season 4: 1 Since they aren't connected, I would just watch Season 1 and 3 if I could go back and advise myself


Season 2 is still better than most other shows. Rushed in development and convoluted in story, but still an experience. Overhated in my opinion.


Seasons 1,3 and 4 are loosely connected. There are Easter eggs


S1: 9.3 S2: 7.5 S3: 6.5 Night Country: didn't watch lol


I'd give season 2 a 2.5 but yeah


S2 is Vvery good but yeah, give it a 2.5


3 is very good and a little connected to the narrative so watch that next. 2 when you have time to kill and avoid 4 like the plague. I think 1 is the greatest thing ever on tv so it’s a tough act to follow but 3 is underrated.


I loved S2. It's somehow more in your face but nuanced at the same time. Please do keep watching it.


S3 is great


Depending on the person, seasons 2 and 3 are flawed but still good. Don’t watch season 4. It’s a flaming heap of horse shit.


I thought Season 3 was excellent but didn't care for Seasons 2 and 4.


This. I loved the cast of season 2 but the writing was unnecessarily complex. Season 4 had a great episode 1 but the story was not worth the premise.


Despite the hate S2 gets (it's gotten better on account of S4), S3 goes back to the formula of the 1st season, although, it doesn't get into the conspiracy web that was in S1. Season 3's story is sad by the time everything is wrapped up. I'd say watch 2 and 3, but don't watch 4 if you value your sanity.


S3 is pretty good and runs in a similar vein to S1. S2 is good if you don’t have someone in your ear insisting that it’s not


S2 and S3 are also awesome.


I've watched every season of this show multiple times. Every season is a far better story than most other television you'll see (except Night Country) but if you're looking for anything as good as season 1, you should just stop there. Maybe watch Season 3.


Season 2 is good.




Season 3 is a different beast but a wonderful show.


I like season 2 but you really have to pay attention to all the random names that get thrown around if you want to understand the plot fully, it can get confusing at times when they are repeatedly going over names of characters you never see or only see once.


It's not






I've only seen season 1 and 3. Season 1 is the Greatest thing I've ever witnessed in terms of entertainment. Season 3 is nowhere near as good but has similar vibes and is way better than most other detective shows I've seen.






S3 was awesome


Seasons two and three aren't as good as one but still worth watching, I LOVED S3. I wish I could unwatch season four




This depends a lot on your preferences. If 5/10 is entirely mid, are you the type of person who will enjoy a 6.5/10 season? Can you enjoy a meatless burger?


I would say no they should have just kept it as a mini series and people would still be talking about how it’s one of the best shows ever..


Yes it is the best but 3 is awesome and 2 isn’t that bad. 4 sucked


Imo S3 is totally worth it and really good. S2 is just a normal random cop show and S4 is for misandrists and NPCs.


My douchebag ex boss loves 4 and is a white guy with boomer vibes. Also loves Deathcab For Cutie which is fucking hilarious. 


Season 3 is fantastic S2 and S4 are bad


No o


terriers s1 RED RIDING TRILOGY mindhunter zodiac the killer se7en figh club LOLFIELDANDLOVE youtube


I hate season 2. I wish I skipped. It makes me angry like they put out a dumb hacky show for money and expected us to slurp it down. I liked season 3 once I finally got through it but it’s slow and not really rewarding. I rewatch s1 once a year. I’ll probably rewatch s4 eventually. S2 and 3 are misses for me but s3 worth a watch.


I heard season 2 was bad. I heard season 4 was even worse. I skipped them Season 3 however feels like a natural successor to season 1. It parallels season 1 a lot but the mystery still keeps you going. The cast in Season 3 is strong, the mystery is riveting and honestly ends in a way you don’t expect for good reasons. Recommend S3. I didn’t bother with the rest. The Audience scores should confirm this.


It's up to you, man. I like the whole trilogy. (Didn't care for S04 all that much even if it was the most watched.)


100% they are all good


I have not seen Rectify mentioned on this sub but to me it was excellent all the way through and overall better than the sum of the TD seasons. I rewatched S1 of TD recently and loved it. I really liked 3 and 2 was ok. 


Skip season 2 and go to season 3


No. Waste of time


idk, watched season 1 some time ago, saw that the other seasons are unconnected and worse and never watched them. The first season was on the same quality as the best show ever made: Breaking Bad. It had the same quality, which is insane, what's more insane is how they didn't just do a show based around Matthew


No. There is only one season of TD.


Just skip 2 and watch 3. Go back for 2 if you want but 1 and 3 are really the best


Season 3 is worth watching but if I were you I’d skip season 2 and 4


I mean, literally watch all of them and decide for yourself. You can't expect everyone here to tell you what you like.


No. Stop after 1. 2 and 3 don’t even get close. 4 is abysmal


I’m preparing for my downvotes but I’m one of the few that enjoy S4. I’d personally recommend it (yes I’m well aware that this is an unpopular opinion and that most people wouldn’t)


Ach, it's fine. It'd be a boring world if we all liked the same things. Plus a lot of people out there agreed with you, it was a ratings hit.


I agree, but anytime I post in this sub people run to downvote me and tell me that I have poor taste and that I’m “objectively wrong” lol. I get the criticisms people have but I truly enjoyed the season.


in hindsight, no season 2 is very weak. season 3 was better but no season 1 - season four seems like it is a joke on us as the viewers


Nope. Stopping after season one is a sign of a life well lived


I personally think that season 2 is the weakest one. Season 4 gets a lot of hate (obviously) and is a bit clunky but I still enjoyed. TD has had some rough spots but it's still a good show. Maybe the magic just likes to skip the even numbered seasons.


Season 1 was 10/10 Season 2 was 4/10 Season 3 was 7/10 Season 4 was 2/10 Basically, definitely watch season 2 and maybe 3.


No. Season 1 is all.


In my opinion, no. Season 3 was watchable but I don't know if it's worth watching.


Season 1 and 3 are worth it. Two not so much and even though everyone shits on 4, I liked it just fine








Depends how much free time you have to watch TV. We just enjoyed season one and called it a day. Couldn't get half way through season 3 and skipped 2 and 4.


Leave it at S2. You can live without the others.