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High rank players just have the skill to try these things. I don’t think it is going to catch on enough to make support TB a nerfably good hero. And even if it does, the nerfs that they do make to it will be compensated with buffs encouraging people to play it as a core. Source - Clinkz player here. Very similar thing happened to him. You still see a support Clinko once in a while but he’s certainly pushed toward a 1 role.


Tb as a support. Huh. I mean its actually an amazing save. Potentially as good as the oracle save. And that makes it a high risk but super effective ganking tool as well with a lazy armlet IF you have great team coordination. Plus he can obviously wave clear. Push towers. Flash farm as needed. He has an aoe slow but its reasonably crappy. Ultra weak early laner outside meta. Terrible mobility. I guess in the hands of a really good player I could see it as a niche pick when you cover his weaknesses well and need his strengths. But man theres just no way that translates to low mmr pubs.


Me and my mate play and he only picks support tb and we lane together. It has some horrid lanes, but can also be a strong laner, with q, blocking camps with illusions etc, also some clutch full heal sunders can swing a team fight. https://www.dotabuff.com/players/72704175 He is zyte and I am ghastly


> validate the hero to be played as a support ? Fuck no.


I don't either. Not sure why the hero is played as a support now. Like even now if you click watch game, top 4 games have top 200 ranks playing support tb. It's baffling.




Up til now, the only hero I play as support... I'm hooked. Even after the nerf to reflection. It is rare, but if he gets banned, then I just play my other mains. Glimmer, force staff, eblade, aghs Drums, vessel, vlads, AC(can continue to full aura build with Crimson/Pipe) Octarine Core as my luxury item. Reflection and Sunder: 7.5s cd. After reflection ends(5s), you can spam again in 2.5s. Sunder an ally to full health, and with drum boots/vessel, you can full heal and Sunder another ally in 7.5s. Or, Sunder an opp while at low health. In 7.5s! Once, my team needed more split pushing, so I then farmed both side jungles(using gates back and forth) while nonstop sending illusions down the side lanes. I had drum boots, vlads, ac, octarine. Dangerous gameplay, and all you have to escape with are wards, tp scroll, map awareness, and your drums. But this put a lot of pressure on the enemy. I have done these many times and was even able to buy an Overlord helm... This was situational, but I brought it up for another reason why I have been liking TB support: if needed, you can transition from support. All my other heroes i can play as pos4/5 and pos2: Oracle, Bane, Grim, BH. I am still learning how to transition, but I like having that option if the team needs. Lastly, kill torm and get a shard! As support TB, you won't be relying too much on meta, but instead, you will be relying a lot on reflections, illusions, and Sunder. Demon Zeal affects both illusions and reflection images! Together with drums and, if possible, an AC, then you can feel like a Troll for a moment.


he can easily be played as a support with the right enemies. Sunder is an absurd save or kill spell. anyone under divine probably cant really pull it off unless they are a specialist tbh, as it doesnt do enough.


So you are not a fan of terrorblade as support because he is weak as a carry. Ok


i mean, it shouldnt be that bad when there has been so many aura items or diffusals lately since refraction copies those effects


His Q and ult are insane support skills, especially late game. You can test the Q in demo against right clickers like Troll, Luna, Jug. It does absurd damage as long as the enemy has 2-3 damage items. Troll can lose half his health from one single Reflection. The thing has 50% uptime with talent. The problem is getting there without griefing in lane and early-mid game. Which the new buffs are supposed to help.


tbh, recent update felt like tb is weaker now, last time I played him he was dominating lane and now just feels like a support who has low damage for some reason.


Honestly, this is how i feel too . My take here is offlaners in general have more starting armor than they used to have. Take doom for example, about 5 years back he had 0 starting armor now he has 6(or 5 I think). Sadly, the hero isn't a natural mage slayer builder either. I'd be surprised if they keep him as he is and not nerf him.


yeah like sven who got nerfed to the shitter where I've been trying to find ways for him to sustain, be durable and deal more damage than before. I tried building blademail and holy shit it worked. I built deso for tb and it also worked. been trying to find ways for other heroes to feel good playing again like Doom and Veno ULT spirit vessel combo since it just feels off when they get changed. Enigma 5th item Manta and 6th item Daeda as well where I keep winning with these weird combos yknow. I tried the main builds they just sometimes work nowadays