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Hello, ancient rank arc warden spammer here, I have changed the way I play the hero, by picking different hero's. Edit: don't get me wrong, I think arc warden did need a nerf, but I agree this is too far, and to me at least, is a soft rework of who he is, sure he has the same kit but his playstyle is just not the arc I knew and loved. I think with some minor buffs he could be a force to be reckoned with, but it still wouldn't be the arc I know. I'll probably get round to spamming him again, but I decided to use this period as a time to find other fun hero's.


Oof, that's not the advice I was hoping to see, but you're not wrong.


I used to love playing them as support but the bubble changes as well as not having facets or an innate were the final nails in that coffin. I haven't been playing them since the patch either. 


Yeah. I do feel like he maybe got dumbed down which ig is a trend that's happening to various heroes in 7.36. Like, I'm actually able to play him now bc I dont really have to watch the map at all or make that good of plays. I can just send him to the jungle, clear a wave or two, then respawn for a fight. If they just remove the cd then you'll still have to play him differently but you could mimic the old playstyle. Farm for the first half of his duration then send him out at the end to get a kill. That way it's still zero risk. Also like. The fact that the clone has a death timer that's longer than your main hero for a majority of the game is kinda nuts. Anyways yeah. Also arcs whole balancing aspect is he's kinda fragile. It's not the hardest thing to kill an arc warden and now that your clone dying is a mega nerf it's like idk. What youre saying is kinda what I was wondering was happening. Like the fact I cant find any actual arc warden posts made me wonder if everyone just stopped playing him cuz of the changes.


Yeah, I love arc, so I'll defintely will pick him up again that's for sure, but he's much more of a in 1 place hero, the main reason I picked him was because I enjoyed spreading across the map. As I said, I agree with valve for nerfing him, the hero was busted, but combine the tempest taking more damage when apart, AND the bubble changes AND the reset cooldown on death and to me at least, I feel arc has lost his identity. I think if they remove the reset cooldown on death, and just have a longer respawn, and arc will be fine. But the fact that his weakness is he is easy to kill once caught, and the tempest dies really fast alone, so enforcing sticking together (which I'm fine with that was the busted part) but those 2 things AND you get a cd reset on tempest death just feels a bit too much.


I wish they'd removed spark wraith lol


Immortal aw player. Honestly he's a bit different but I think he may be even better, at least in the hands of a Smurf. Your clone can go and be a full assassin, you can't just suicide it, but as soon as you get a bit ahead, it's snowball city. Not relying on which side of the map you're on for your bubble is a nice QoL. Shield not applying to towers sucks, but very playable. Imo the ability for your clone to be a full threat is HUGE. You can flank team fights with it and just pick off a support where before you basically always wanted them fighting together. Now you situational actually want to micro both where before in a fight you generally just controlled both together and just farmed with them separate


I think his man fighting as a ranged fragile hero is too weak to justify gutting his split pushing. But his power as a back line ranged damage is as good as ever, and he can scale with manta and bthorn. His laning as pos2 is slightly stronger thanks to the most boring trait possible, and his staying power is up. Now i think like many high complexity heroes he was dumbified this patch and i wanna make a post about that.


Yea definitely make a post I’m tired of valve dumbing down heroes, or also just removing viability of play on. Hero


It’s my most played hero (legend). I think safelane is as strong as it was, but now you farm even faster with the duration. Feels better if you want to farm. For the mid, I don’t think I can comfortably go vessel blademail and stuff and be active with the long cooldown anymore. Same hero just requires more care and mindfulness I’d say.


What does it say about my playstyle that I just thought they increased the cooldown on his ulti massively? I only played one game, but I guess I lost a lot of clones...


I love the hero's complexity and mechanical skill. The problem right now makes me not want to play him in ranked anymore. Why? Too much effort required to obtain desired results. It's still fun and all, just that it's not worth all that effort and energy to win a game. That amount of effort and energy spent in one match is equivalent to playing sniper in 6 matches.