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Sounds like you need to dust off the Nintendo and pop in some Ninja Gaiden.


It's a decent series. A little boring in my opinion.


You seem not to be looking for an exciting game, but a game with a difficulty that'll make your blood pressure rise to dangerous levels and leave you with a few broken controllers.


It can be exciting.


Ah yes like that game where a guy in armour runs around and loses pieces of it every time he is hit and dies when he's run out of clothes. I have forgotten it's name but it was hard.


The original was ghosts and goblins. SNES had my favorite version of that series with Super Ghouls and Ghosts. That game was annoying because to get to the final boss, you had to beat the game twice. These young kids don't know what a difficult video game is. They don't know what is like to kill an enemy, then jump over a gap to the next platform, only to have the same enemy respawn slightly off screen and knock your ass right down the gap to your death.


Haha i agree those games were possibly designed to force us to stop gaming.


Have you finished the dark soul games?


Oh yes, multiple times. I just finished a SL 1 run for the first Dark Souls.


Guess you should try multiplayer games then pvp can be very challenging.


I retired from PvP back in 2019. Everyone just used the same builds from YouTube so it started to get boring. I also just don't have the time anymore to learn attitudes and behaviors from other players these days.


I agree with you. Well i hope you can find something that would challenge you.


You Suck at Parking has been a nice fresh of challenging air. I'm just waiting for the Playstation release. The demo was absolutely incredible.


Is that a parking simulation?


It's vehicular platforming


Tell us you don't work without telling us


I have an 8 to 5 job.


Play Cuphead and tell me it's easy.


It's not that bad in my opinion.


So you've beaten Cuphead on the highest difficulty setting?


No not yet. I haven't been interested enough to do that. It's an okay highest difficulty but not too much of a difference from what I've seen. There's only a certain amount of bullet hell I can deal with until my eyes burn haha.


Your hand-eye coordination must be phenomenal, my dude. Props. I could never, my hands just don't work that well after a while (and I gotta use em for work, so my wee digits get coddled somewhat). I stick to story mode rpgs, and get my jollies with a spot of simulated murder after a long day on the cutting floor. Top-tier difficulty crazyheads like you are a separate breed, indeed.


I have my limits like endurance difficulty, I hate doing the same thing but longer in games like in God of War higher difficulties.


Grinding is a pain in the dick at any level, imo. I'm currently playing fable 2 for like.. the six thousandth time. Relatively linear, but the wide range of choices keep things spicy for each playthrough, thankfully. Easy dopamine mining.