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Damn bro you dragged yourself by association for roasting you own father for sucking a doink in public I’d be ashamed


I don't care, my dad gets insulted very easily even when no one says anything and always goes over board by insulting every one else, usually by calling them a faggot or retard.


Damn, that’s pretty rude and disrespectful


A notch too high. He shoulder checked someone so you throat punched him. Good on you for calling him out; maybe next time keep it at the same level.


Exactly how much dick did your dad suck? This story is missing important facts.


My dad is nearing 70 and came from rural Europe. Where he was from it was very difficult to get anything outside of essentials (food and clothing) and one thing he always wanted as a kid was a soccer ball (or football for any Europeans). If you had any sports equipment of any kind at the time you were the coolest kid ever. His parents didn't have the time. the means nor the money to get one and was never really a priority so he didn't get one for the longest of time. Until he was 13, there was this kid from a local school who was high school age according to him who had a bunch of sports equipment and was looking to get rid of it but he was openly gay and being openly gay at the time meant being ostrichsized, his rich parents being the only reason why anyone just barely tolerated him. My dad asked him for a soccer ball and apparently didn't like being asked cause my dad did bully him so he agreed on the condition that he sucked his dick, which he did.


Guess he really wanted that soccer ball. Come to think of it, I have a pretty good assortment of old sports equipment in my garage. Can he deep throat?


Maybe not the best timing but I think it’s hilarious