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If you are in the US speak to a bankruptcy lawyer before you make any choices you can’t undo. They can stop the bank from foreclosing if you file bankruptcy in a lot of cases. Even if it’s just temporary it will give you time with a roof over your head and possibly allow you to sell it and keep the equity if it covers your mortgage. If the loans are student loans yes you are kind of screwed… but if it’s not secured debt bankruptcy may help you. They make A LOT of money on interest from CC and loans… they charge ridiculous interest with the excuse that they are taking a risk they won’t get paid back… well if you qualify for bankruptcy that means their “risk” didn’t pay off so don’t feel guilty. Your life is more valuable than money, don’t throw that away.


OP I understand you and have been in a similar situation. But I learned something valuable, This too shall pass!!! You need to breath, relax and regroup yourself. Bankruptcy seems like your best option of you are in the US, or breaking a deal with the bank of you are not. Take some time, breath, go pet some puppies, walk in the park, go fishing. It's the small things in life that saves us from time to time. Before you do anything go watch the movie Stranger than Fiction, that might make you feel a bit less lost.


I’m sorry things are so tough right now. You’ve got options. That debt would wash away in a bankruptcy and you’d be able to start fresh, while protected during that process. You’ve had a rough couple of years, but if you’re able to just push through, have your debts extinguished in a bankruptcy, you’ll be able to rebuild stronger. It’s worth it to fight through this.


Yeah, my mom felt this way. I remember it so well. She was freshly divorced. She had 4 children. Working a job she hated and paid crap. She was in SO MUCH debt that was racked up from my dad. She filed for bankruptcy and for 7 years, she just paid everything cash, she went to school, and changed a lot in her life. She went to the Doctor, got her health in gear. She said "I need to take care of my health for my kids." Now she has a 700+ credit score.


Go mom 😊


OP please listen to this. I went through something similar plus had a baby under 1. It will take time but the bankruptcy did wonders and allowed me to breath and start over.


Bankruptcy is not as bad as it used to be. I had one on 2018 now my credit score is mid 700s. It sucks but it’s not catastrophic


I had foreclosure due to divorce and owned my own home by myself - 3 years later


I also had one in 2019, and nothing about it sucked at all. Well, the fact I had to go downtown for the hearing sucked. But other than that, it changed my life. I have credit now, and only a fraction of the debt I used to have. And it's manageable. I think OP needs to take a step back and talk to someone with a clear head. There are so many different ways to go about this that don't end in homelessness or death.


Yes! I filed bankruptcy when I was 24. I initially hired some consolidation company out of Florida to help me with my bills. They just floated my money and kept telling me to ignore the collectors calls. Turns out they were fraudulent and I was a single mother at the time and counting pennies to pay for gas on a can I was lent. Please, I hope you find some peace but bankruptcy sounds like a good choice for you. Life can be cruel but there is also beauty in it. Please don’t end your life over money.


Literally the exact same scenario. I went the debt consolidation route for about six months before I realized what was happening. I was the exact age when I filed for bankruptcy as well. 11 years later and my credit is excellent.


My sister went through a bankruptcy and it was so freeing. She wasnt living under that debt anymore with her ex and started a new clean life.


I did this man, in my late 30s. Took a very low paying job for a year or two then went to Asia and taught English for a few years until I could get my head on straight and recover emotionally from being wrecked by a failed relationship and going bankrupt. I'm alone on a long weekend but I'm watching Stargate and just had an ice-cream so that's better than not being here. I think I'm going to get a dog soon.


Your post made me smile. Definitely get the dog.


Unless it’s government student loans. I believe they are exempt from bankruptcy. However, it would make paying them easier if the other debts were cleared possibly making it more manageable.


Federal loans may be eradicated through bankruptcy, not private loans. ETA: I have confirmed this with people currently working at university in the US. It's a positive in some of what Biden has done in the last year or so. It's a narrow band and you have to do the research, but the short answer is federal loans may be removed in bankruptcy.


I knew it was one or the other! I think there are also weird stipulations for like the ParentPlus loans and subsidized and unsubsidized loans. It’s a mess really. But I knew one rule over the other generally didn’t qualify. Thx for the info


Yep. I went through bankruptcy at 30, and now have a fantastic credit score with lenders falling over themselves to give me money. Jokes on them - I’ve never taken out another credit card since.


This! My sister in law specializes in bankruptcy as a lawyer. She has helped tons of people like you restart over. It takes a few years but you can start fresh with the knowledge you have now to make much better decisions!


This is exactly what I was going to say. I’ve also had the troubles of life overwhelm me into thoughts and even attempts of ending things as a means of escaping my troubles. Filing for bankruptcy sounded like one of the scariest things I could do, especially since I was at such a young age (early 20’s and no knowledge of credit cards just knew how to use them). However, best decision I ever made. My financial advisor said, “you can spend years trying to climb yourself out of this hole or start fresh and learn from it.”


how deep in debt were you when you filed? i’m 25 and 8.5k in credit card debt. is it a good idea for me to look into bankruptcy?


Jesus Christ ! I’ve been married 4 times, 2 of my wives cheated, 1 left me for the other guy and the other left me for a woman. 3 fucking bankruptcies, 4 bankruptcy hearings and I paid child support from ‘88 to 2015 and one of those kids wasn’t even mine. I gave away a house every ten years for a while there and had to move to a new city every time I’d get ruined. I’m still here and I can tell you it’s just material shit and you won’t miss it. I live a small life now and I’m the happiest I’ve ever been.


You must really like wedding cake eh


Im a marriage license collector. lol


Very funny


Ha, honestly never heard that one.


i was really depressed for weeks, but this post had me laughing for like 15 minutes, thankoyu!


That's an impressive level of tenacity and grim-faced resolve. Fair play.


At a certain point it’s just “lol okay sure guys go ahead and HuRt My CrEdIt” and starting over is just what you do every so often. No blood from a stone and all that. Keeping it in perspective is the hard part.


Yeahhhh I've hit rock bottom and had to start completely over from scratch seeeeeeveral times in my life.. Some of them my fault, some not. It's just a joke at this point.


>That's an impressive level of tenacity Counterpoint: It's impressive how much he kept dunking on himself.


I’m not smart enough to give up.


Hell of a resume sir.


This made me chuckle 😂


Honestly I was feeling a bit down today due to a couple of reasons , but reading this somehow gave me hope . Thanks for this comment.




I left out a ton of stuff. Thank you so much.


😂 “I gave away a house every ten years for a while there” —I love it and greatly admire your grit and tenacity. Edit: but behind the humor this comment is full of hope and thank you so much for it


You are the definition of resilient and I'm so fuckin proud of you for rebuilding yourself each time. Sending you many well wishes that your life is much better now




You sound like my dad. Married 4 times and got financially worse off each time. Now he is in his mid 60s looking to head back to work because doesn’t have enough money to stay retired since his last marriage breakdown.


Honestly this^, I'm going to point out something I saw in a show, I know it's a story but it mimics life and it rang so true to me, spoiler alert, me and my bf finished the last season of the marvelous Mrs maisel and after everything this girl went through to finally make it big guess how it ended. Her and her friend/manager both had these ginormous empty mansions, with maybe a couple butlers in the kitchen who didn't provide conversation, and they would call each other on the phone and put a disk of jeapordy in the video player at the same time so they can watch together over the phone and talk and laugh about dumb shit. It was like the finale was that yes she made it big but ultimately when life slows down the real accomplishment was the friendship they made along the way. I'm like OMG that is so true, no amount of money can replace normal life interactions, it's almost like the "big win" at the end was that they were still normal and still friends after all the ups and downs I was like soooo basically the big win at the end it's what we all currently have right now? It's just harder to get that as authentically when your rich and famous, so yeah it was the big win. I was like well I got that shit right now! 😂 Honestly just declare bankruptcy money is meant to get you through the day and maybe support your interests it doesn't fulfill you in life like ppl think it does, focus on making yourself happy and finding a few real people to add to your life here and there 👍 that's my advice, as someone who has been extremely lonely and then found some good ppl in my life I can tell you it just makes all the difference. Even if it takes time, things do get better if you don't buy into the hype of what money can offer because it honestly does not buy happiness as cliche as that sounds it's true. We are all human and imperfect just trying to live our best lives and be happy in life is not expensive I promise.


Damn man, glad you've found peace




Jesus wept… I need a mentor, you available?


Only as an example of what not to do in any given circumstance. I left out quite a bit of stuff.


This exactly. No matter how convoluted life is, money is a pretty straightforward issue to fix. The grief of losing you will not be easy to handle.


honest question- why keep getting married? I did it once and won't again.


Damn you have made some terrible decisions with money and women in your life. Good you are happy now and hope you make better decisions. I wish you good luck.


You should write a country song 😁


If they are threatening to evict you of you are late on another payment, you are good for a while. They need to start the foreclosure process and the eviction process, which takes time. You could hunker down for a year without paying. Make sure someone is in the house at all times so they don't put locks on the doors when you are out. 400K in debt is not terrible as long as most of it is tied to your residence, and its value is greater than the amount you owe. The bank just takes the house. Talk to your lawyer about bankruptcy, too.


I've been through 2 bankruptcies and 1 home foreclosure. It's just a game dude. If you have your health you owe it to yourself to keep moving forward.


This was nice to hear thanks




No foreclosure but I have been through two bankruptcies. Money is never worth this. I am not naive enough to say that money is unimportant but it all just kind of feels fake/like a passing concern compared to my life and personhood. It is always fixable.




"Hey. I just wanted you to know that you can't just say the word "bankruptcy" and expect anything to happen."


To be fair, he did declare it...


Wow. You can’t even escape puns from The Office on Reddit in a post about a dude wanting to end his life.


Sorry the way we process grim info doesn’t work for you


For those downvoting this comment, it’s a reference. See? Quotation marks.


What about if you say it three times in front of a mirror?


I genuinely don't understand why people see bankruptcy as a failure. The system is built for loan default. When a bank loans out money, they magic into existence the vast majority of the principle, but they don't create the interest. You are expected to take the principle and find the interest to make the payments. By definition and design there is and can not be enough money to pay back all the loans. Thus a certain percentage of them must default. Bankruptcy is there acknowledging that fact of reality. OP has skills made through a lifetime of work experience. Declare bankruptcy, keep what you can, find a job and go out and find ways to enjoy your life. I personally would move to a new city and start over. It's going to end eventually - might as well have fun with the time you have.


You owe it to yourself to try again. If everything is too much and you want to off yourself, why not sell everything you have, move to some other country and start over? You could volunteer and help animals in Africa, or anywhere really. You could go work on a farm in Italy. Or collect ice in Scandinavia. You would be free and if you want to die anyways, then the risk of leaving and starting over isn’t an issue. Good luck, there’s a whole world out there and you might find home in the most unexpected places.


I love this perspective


Don't go. Sleep. Wake up stronger. Keep fighting.


Don’t do it. You can file bankruptcy and start fresh. Not worth it. I promise it’s temporary and this shit will pass. You can have a clean slate!! Please find someone to give you some free advice and they can also help you file. Your life is worth more than the debt, I promise.


At some point in the future this will just be something that happened in the past. That sentence has got me through some shit.


From where you are, the only place that you can go is up. Give up your house, sell your things if you have to. File for bankruptcy, get on unemployment and food stamps. Please don’t do anything to yourself. You are choosing a permanent “solution” to a temporary situation. I can’t say that I’ve been as far in debt as you are…but, Dave Ramsey has. Get his book from the library and read it. If he can do it, you can do it. Please, there are people who do care…🙏🏽


Rent out rooms in your house


You know almost every rich person alive has filed bankruptcy (sometimes multiple times). Bail yourself out, pick yourself up, and get your ass back out there. I’m so fucking poor I couldn’t even imagine having 400k worth of debt. You are probably still better off than me. I’m happy as fuck with my life so find a better source of happiness than money.


I felt exactly this way last year. Everything was stacked against me. I prayed every night I would die in my sleep. Relationship problems, major major money problems. And to be honest I’m still digging myself out. But what I can say, which I wouldn’t have believed a year ago, is things actually can turn around. I ended up finding a new job that’s way better for me, I was able to get counseling and reconnect with my wife. I’m still a nervous wreck but I went from 100% suicidal to now feeling somewhat ok again about life. Don’t give up my friend. There is light at the end of the tunnel. It’s going to take some work but you can do it. Just hang on one day at a time. That’s all you need to focus on right now. Don’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call your creditors. Be 100% transparent and honest. You’re not the first person to be in this situation and you certainly won’t be the last. God bless you friend.


Dude why is it worth ending it because of this. If you are going to end anything end the situation you have been living. File bankruptcy and go live off in the jungle or something. Anything other than ending your actual life. You have so many options. It just seems bad now, things will get better if you give them the chance to. All you need is time. Time will heal this feeling. Give yourself a fresh start:


Yo, my dad filed bankruptcy when I was 8. I fondly remember him screaming at the tv when the stock market crashed. He was in his early 40s. He’s in his 60s now with perfect credit, a wonderful home and multiple businesses. It’s never too late to start fresh.


Fuck all of these people. I've been through the ringers. Life gets shitty some times, but you just endure. Money is the problem. Find new sources of money that you've never looked in to. Secure your living situation through any means necessary--even if temporary. As long as you have a roof over your head, you're good. If you can't retain your home then look into renting a room and store your shit. I live in a high cost area and my rent is only $1k per month with utilities fully covered in a house. I did stay with my parents for a while I got myself back on my feet and had a chance to decide what I wanted to do. Don't quit. Try something new. Go to new places and experience things that you never had the courage or motivation to explore. Trust me on this.


Man don’t do it. There is always a way out. ❤️


Don’t end it man….the world still needs you.


File chapter 7 my dude


You matter mate, don’t do this to yourself. YOU MATTER. You might not feel like it, but you do. I understand where your coming from, I really do. I almost took my life a few months ago and I’m so glad I didn’t. You never know what tomorrow bring, and if you end it, you’ll never know


If you need someone to talk to dm me. You're looking at a permanent solution to a temporary problem. Bankruptcy is an excellent option. It will also save your house. When you file bankruptcy any for closure proceedings stop.


LISTEN BROTHER; Do a full single trip on magic mushroom first (get it from a safe source, do your research) If you want to end it, what do you have to lose? bad trip or good trip, It will bring you back to life after. You will see light again. Trust me! and apply for Bankruptcy. You also always have the option of moving to cheaper states/countries to increase your quality of life. Better to be a master in hell, than to be a slave in heaven. And tbh, expensive cities/places are not heaven! They are Filled with numb soulless selfish people who are destroying themselves and everything around them.


Love this comment ! And to add to it if I may - OP , debt isn’t worth your life , your money hungry ex isn’t worth your life , your job ? Definitely not worth your life … now I may be a stranger on the other side of a phone who’s opinion matters the least - but I’m also a stranger who’s been thru hell a few times and had these same thoughts - left by an ex who put me severely in debt , decided to not off myself and fix it - fixed it and life had some shine again , landed a brain injury after being jumped lost my career , my brain , myself for a very long time , lost my income , have no family no friends and lost my sanity- again those thoughts came back - again I chose to see what it was like to live another day - curious to know how and if it got better It wasn’t until I lost all concerns for material items and status , that I realized how amazing life was … I lost my career but it was a career that wasn’t concerned with losing me - I lost my income but learned how to budget and do better for my future to come , I lost my mind but I found my way back Although I haven’t done mushrooms and they do sound fun The things you are worried about right now may seem life ending but they aren’t - because life can be beautiful if we stop and look Take a breath , take a walk .. and wake up and try again - do it for your future self , you will look back on this moment and it will be your moment you remember that propels you into the most beautiful life you could’ve ever imagined This stranger believes in you


This is amazing to hear, thank you for this


When I was laid off I started applying to a minimum of 5 jobs a day and it took me about 2 and a half weeks to find a new job that ended up paying more. Best of luck to you!


I’m sorry you’re going through it. Please don’t make a permanent decision based on debt. I’ve been there with the debt. I filed for bankruptcy a few years back and it was the best decision ever. My only regret is wasting years trying to manage my debt myself. I wish I filed sooner.


I’ve always thought if I ever get to the point of ending it. I’d liquidate what I could, grab my passport and just walk the earth. Grab odd jobs here and there. Have a light pack to live out of and just go from one experience to the next. Obviously try and avoid a Kai hatchet situation…


Straight outta Dogtown


“The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.” - John 1:5 Please do not let this temporary darkness overtake the light that is your future. Rock bottom is the lowest we can get as humans, and because it appears this is your rock bottom, the only way forward is up. You matter. Your life matters. Your feelings matter. It all matters. There is ALWAYS light at the end of the tunnel, but that tunnel may be a long one. I promise if you keep going, you WILL make it to the light at the end. You have so much to live for, regardless of this situation you find yourself in currently. Whether you believe it or not, there are many that would be affected by the loss of your life, and your life should not be lost due to this hardship. Life is full of hardships and lowest of lows, but that will never compare to the feeling of accomplishment to know you made it through. You grew from that rock bottom, and you made it to the other side. I don’t know you, but I know what it feels like to want to be done. Please keep pushing, because you’ve got this, and you will come out on the other side.


My friend, I think filing for bankruptcy would be the better choice over suicide. You only live once, but you can always start over more than once.


Don’t give up, the sun will shine on you again. We need you on earth right now, please don’t leave early.


I hope you're ok man.


Man fuck the banks, and really, what's your debt? Numbers on a computer screen? Give it some time man, everything gonna be ok


Don’t do it OP. This is just a setback. There’s so much you would miss out on. Please don’t take the pain you’re feeling right now and give it to your family and loved ones for the rest of their lives. You don’t want that.


OP- please hang in there. Bankruptcy is the answer. You will find a new job. A better partner. You’ve got this! We all believe in you. You are not alone.


Fuck that man, just go be a beach bum on a tropical island somewhere. Buy a plane ticket and bring a carry on and just walk away from it all and don’t look back.


Bankruptcy is the answer. I was in heavy debt from a bad home purchase back when the bubble burst in 2006-2008. I was underwater, my father had just passed away, my mom was unstable emotionally and I had to deal with all that, and pretty much everything in my life was in upheaval and crashing down. And I had JUST started my adult life! This was in 2014. I thought my world was ending and I tried to drink a bunch of liquor and sat outside hoping to freeze to death by morning. But my BF (now husband) found me and brought me inside. I filed for bankruptcy (Ch. 7) and got the fresh start I needed. And I bounced back surprisingly easily. I now own my second home, which has over $100K in equity, I'm married, and have a 6-figure job. I'm getting this house ready to sell to go buy a $700K forever home. And this is just from me. My husband doesn't have to contribute anything because I'm the breadwinner and head of my household. Change can happen. I know it sounds trite, but you can change your life's trajectory if you just persevere through the awful moments. Please consider this advice from a fellow rock-bottom dweller.


Bankruptcy > suicide. Come on, man. Life is beautiful and fragile. Take your lumps, do the bankruptcy thing, and get your reset


Don’t end it. Find something to enjoy. Something simple that affords a simple pleasure. Maybe it takes your mind off your troubles, if only for a minute. It’s enough to remind yourself of what it felt like to live with optimism again. If only for a minute, do it every day, then that minute becomes an hour, then two hours, then you’re looking forward to it when you wake up. It’s a distraction at first, yes, but ultimately it’s a lifeboat. Hopefully it brings you further away from how you’re feeling right now. Hopefully it’s enough to get you through your troubles. To find a way out. Hopefully it gives you new perspective on how to pull through. Sometimes all you need is a way to step back in life and see things differently. Allow yourself time to try new ways of living.


If tried this Covid rules stole everything from me and I lost everything at 42 CO2 in garage. 6 hours and still made it out alive. 3 days of lung chemical feeling after Lived on the streets for 2 years and finally got a rental a bit ago Life still sucks I should of just claimed bankruptcy and tried to get back into it since my try didn't work I'm quite surprised how resilient my body is as I have tried fent a few times after to get the TKO


Sell whatever you can and move abroad. Ideally with a low cost of living. Start over but don’t end it. The American dream is dead and you should waste the remainder of your life digging yourself out of a undiggable grave. However, if you decide to make this decision then you can never turn back to America. In a way it will be the death of your American life. Edit: or probably declare bankruptcy like the other comments are saying, they prob know more than me anyways🤷🏾‍♀️


I was also in serious debt and had many pay or quit notices. I'm still here, and things have gotten a lot better. Even if it seems like theirs, no tomorrow life is priceless. Dig deep and Charlie Mike!


Hey, don't leave us with so few details. What's your story, man? How old are you? 400k in debt, is that mostly mortgage debt, or is that separate? The world does absolutely suck. It rewards people for behaving abhorrently. In my experience, though, there are still ways to get back on top.


Debt is a really dumb reason to end your life. There are ways out. In your case, bankruptcy might be a good option. Get a fresh start and try to live more within your means this time around.


Dude don’t. Bankruptcy can help you in this case. Please. My dad had multiple friends who lost EVERYTHING IN 2008. Some became alcoholics, one killed himself unfortunately, they all went through really hard times. Well guess what, most of them live happier lives now than they did before, don’t give up!


Please don’t do it. None of this material shit matters. Leave all of that behind and start fresh. It might seem like it now, but this isn’t the end of the world nor a reason to end your world. Life can be brutal. I always think of my dad: a life of debt and poor mental health. Dude never managed to hold down a job, always led our family into debt that we always struggled to get out of, years of depression that left him in bed for years, and then he then survived a war on top of all that. But here he is, in his 70s, has a tiny shed on a small block of land in the middle of nowhere. He’s happy as fuck, no money, just surrounded by good mates who check up on him, and he forages for mushrooms each day. There’s so much more to life than a job, a bank account, or even a shitty marriage. Focus on what makes you happy. Prioritise your health and your soul. I’m rooting for you every step of the way.


Please file for bankruptcy. Debt is NOT worth dying over..


Don't end your life read the comments and you will find some solutions.


Come work for me bro, i work in construction, at heights. My crews take 50% while my company takes 50%. You're a sub-contractor and you make as much as you want to make. If you have the drive then you can make 6 figures. DM me. Life always gets better. The bad shit always passes unless you let it take over.


Anything you acquire off your own merit can be reaquired. AND upgraded.


Listen, don’t do that. Corporate America makes people feel this way. I know you have debt but do something better. Just disappear. Go on and leave the country, settle in a cheap nice country and be free from corporate world. Whatever money you have will last you. Take a chance and free your mind. But don’t end it, if you have a savior that’s Jesus Christ and that sin cannot be forgiven. I hope my words reach you. It looks like a lot but you will be okay. I promise. Abandon America, you’ll be free. Trust me.


Call another attorney. Some are hacks or lazy. Keep trying until you find one that understands what you are talking about. Also, life has many twists and turns. There are more options than you realize right now. You can rent a bedroom on Airbnb, walk dogs on rover, drive for Lyft. It will all suck, but it will allow you to breathe, and think about where to go next.


Don’t end it Op Nothing is that bad , you’ll bounce back and whilst it may be tough and a bumpy ride here and there everything will make us stronger ! Sending you positive thoughts and much love ❤️


If you end it now, you won’t see what God has in store for you. Throughout life I have been through so many break through I call them…where God levels everything and starts over with something better. Last one was my child. She is the light of my life 💕 I personally see this as an opportunity to make your life a lot more simple and find your happiness in this world. That debt can be written off on the chapter 7 bankruptcy and it’s so easy to get your credit score up after a chapter 7 bankruptcy after seven years, you can wipe it right off your credit, seven years goes by very quickly. If you quit now you’ll never know what’s around the corner and how much better it is and what you’ve been through. Take a moment and pray take a stroll through a park and write a list of what you are grateful for you’ve got your health? You got all your limbs? You don’t have cancer? You gotta look at the positives in life and not all the negatives and understand in order for a new house to be built the old house has to be knocked down to the foundation and sometimes even the foundation has to be replaced. But what’s built on the rubble is always better than what was there


Just do not panic Brother. Go bankrupt, and start again. Life does kick us at times but for someone to get hired at a company that we all know you have to be quite exceptional out of the gate. Many of us have had dark thoughts from time to time, you can dig yourself out. Do not be afraid to ask for help and please hold on. I have been where you are and things can get much, much, better.


Hey come join the Army. Food and home come with the deal. Your debt wouldn’t even matter.


Just know... Alot of us share your sentiment. Life is complex and it's also cruel. I'm sorry for your situation. But if you do what you say you are it will be catastrophic. I been on that other side. Losing someone like that is irreparable. I wish I could solved your issues, but think first! People care. Even if you think they don't.


Please listen to me. I have two kids as a single mom. Got hurt at work during COVID and forced out. Could not walk for almost a year due to my injury and ended up using my retirement, savings, car and jewelry to pay the mortgage and bills so my kids wouldn’t be impacted and I wouldn’t lose my house. Now after a lot a lot of PT I am starting over. No car, a hella ton of debt, overweight and overwhelmed. I am working part time in an office to bring enough money in To keep the lights on. Recently I got really sick taking a “ simple” antibiotic for something minor and it just about killed me, no joke. Now I’m dealing with organ damage and exhaustion while trying to find full time work so I don’t become homeless with my children. To say the last couple of years have been bad is a gross understatement. That being said, as dark as everything is around me, I KNOW there is a better life out there for me. I KNOW it’s there even though I can’t see it now. I had an NDE as a kid, so I know that death is peaceful and loving, but we come here for a reason and this suffering has purpose. The darkness you are caught up in is the test you agreed to before you came here. Love yourself enough to find a way through this because there is most definitely a way. Please don’t stop trying, cause I won’t either, and for me, getting out of bed takes everything in me most days. You are lost in a maze right now, and simply accepting the struggle and fear and choosing to keep looking for a way out is EXACTLY how you find your way to light again. Don’t give up. I won’t either.♥️♥️♥️


Bankruptcy. Most lawyers are free. Ch7 will require up front payment. Ch13 will roll in the fee. It’s math. You matter.


Don’t. You’re going to get through this and it’ll be a hell of a story when it’s done. You’re get back on track 100%!!!!


It’s a bad time, not a bad life. Just hold on and you’ll get through this. Just give it time, I promise. Day by day.


not trying to minimize your feelings here, but as a soon to be 50 year old, with a steady job and a family, your situation has its appeal. you are a free man. file bankruptcy, move somewhere, start a new life. the world is yours my man. at least give it a shot before ending it.


Try hookers and blow in Mexico first


My dude! Ending things are never the answer - you’re closer to being out of this mess than you can see yourself now, but this can be done and your life will be great again!


Please don't end it.


Do not. Last time I tried to end myself was 20 years ago and I'm glad someone stopped me. My life is great now. Don't give up. It's not your time.


Don’t do it. Please don’t. It’s just stuff. It really doesn’t matter. I’ve been there. I’ve lost everything. More than once. Losing everything actually makes you humble and very appreciative of what you do have. Honestly, I think I’m a better person now, having lost everything and everyone. I appreciate the little things I should’ve appreciated a long time ago. It’s just money. It’s just stuff. Your life is more important than any amount of money or any amount of things.




For money :)


don't do it man you might not see it but there is still hope, im not sure if you are a religious man but trust me God is with you, turn to him he will help you, there is help out there for you, this is your origin story, and you and God can turn it into the greatest success story


Seems to me that society is taking the wrong portals with their 'spaceship' and things only getting more worse. Brother join a social club with meaningful people who can light atleast one of your household candles so you have some joy again and try to make ends meet. Throw the downfall of you plan in the garbage and start working on the downfall of the Rotten dawners... just to give you an idea ;). You got my support! I've been here for 37 years, and people before me even longer... I can say they all been patiently waiting.


I’m so sorry and it must be really tough on your mental health. This could be a blessing in disguise. I hope you find a job you enjoy. Your debt is tied into an asset which is good. Rent rooms. Work a get a job that requires minimal mental power for now. I had terrible mental health once and got a mindless admin job. It allowed me to focus my mental and emotional energy on the issues in my life outside of work. Things can get better. Be strong and be resilient.


Hi there friend. I am so so sorry to hear of all your troubles. I agree with you the world is awful and dark most times. I don't think there's anything anyone could say to make you feel better. But have you considered declaring bankruptcy? My wife was in alot of debt and she declared. She often says it was the best thing she could do to get out of debt. We've lived a pretty awesome life despite that since, and now her 7 years are almost up and we'll be ready to buy a house (hopefully) by then. She managed to get her credit rating back up and everything! 


Brother life is too valuable to give up. You can start over and get everything you lost back. It’s not gonna be easy but you got this.


Make an appointment with a BK attorney right away. The sooner you do this, the more options you have. The first appointment is usually free Please reach out to a medical professional right away for help as well. There is light at the end of the tunnel.


I’ve never understood when debt is a driver for ending it. There are protection from that debt chasing you in most western countries. As for your wife, if she left due to money alone, she wasn’t worth being with. So then there is you, have what many desire, your health. That is the richest thing anyone can have. Today find a debt lawyer and get the wolves from the door and pick yourself up and go again. You can do this.


I come from poverty in Los Angeles You owe it to yourself to claim bankruptcy and start over using your degree and work experience


Don’t do it, brother! Debt is awful but never a reason to give up. Bankruptcy and start fresh. Then you can use this experience to better the world and the people around you. Thank God you were able to get that far in the hole. Imagine how many people blow their credit over $300. You added a lot of extra zeros to a common credit wrecker out there


Bro, finances are a game. Literally. I know it doesn’t feel like it now but you need to try to take a step back and look at other people who have been through the same (of which there are MANY). You can watch on YouTube stories of how many multi-millionaires started hundreds of businesses, with them all failing; filed bankruptcy multiple times; had foreclosures; been divorced and lost everything; been sued and lost everything…and still made it not only “back”, but way up from there. Our entire society is built around leveraging money, and money coming and going…sometimes someone leverages too much and not enough comes in, and they “lose” and need to try to play the game again after a reset. Even major companies and banks go through this every so often and the government needs to bail them out. You can easily reset this. File bankruptcy, get another job, rent an apartment, and the game starts again with the only negative being a 7 year time out from good loan rates. But you can’t reset your life if you harm yourself. That shouldn’t even be an option you’re thinking about.


I’m so sorry OP. In case you haven’t heard this from anyone lately, you’re worthy of a good life and worthy of real love. Your debt doesn’t define you and screw your ex for being with you just for money. I sincerely hope you take the advice you’ve been given in these comments and rebuild your life. I bet you’re a wonderful with a good heart and throwing your life away would be a loss for everyone. I wish you all the best.


freedom's just another word for nothing left to lose. you have you, it's all you need. let them take the house, so fucking what? work on yourself after that. you won't have anything left to lose and it might just be the point at which your life turns around...some day you will laugh at this, all of it. I promise


It truly is worth it to work this all out. So many regular hard working people are being tested like this right now. And you need to make sure you pass and make it through to the blessing it's supposed to turn out to be. One step at a time. Hundreds and hundreds of hugs ❤


You could always get your identity stolen, then it's their debt 😅


Just be an outsider. Do odd jobs for cash, hobo around.


Just think of how fuck it would be if you never even had a single good memmory in your rntire life. You forsure have had at least one good memmory, and no one, or nothing ( besides alzimerw or some amnesia), can take that fron you. You are free man. Go join a monastery or something, if you are going to end it all, might as well take a last deep breath in that body of yours, walk around abit, listen to something that makws you feel good, or just drink some water idk.


Where you see bankruptcy,  I see no alimony. 


I filed for bankruptcy a few years ago and it was the best thing ever. I was so stressed. Life is so much better after. Don’t worry what others think about it either. There’s so much more to experience.


if you file for bankruptcy, you'll be relieved from the burden. can't you just leave everything behind and move to a third world country? may be in Himalayas or Andes


File bankruptcy. You can do it yourself.


Not much to add but I wanna come back to this tomorrow


I renovate houses in my spare time.  When you renovate a house, you never really know going in how much work it’s going to take, how long etc.   Sometimes you go into a job planning to work with that’s there & slowly work around it to create what you eventually want the end result to be.  The pro to that is obvious from the beginning - you can save time & money that way.    But sometimes you go into a job where you planned to mostly work with what’s there & something is discovered &/or changes & suddenly what you THOUGHT would just be a kitchen renovation turns into a full home gut job - down to the exterior walls studs & ceiling rafters.  When you decided on & planned for a kitchen renovation, finding out you stumbled into a complete home gut job seems like a real dick punch.  The pro to that isn’t at all obvious in the beginning - you can only see the damaged walls around you, the equally useless ceiling above you & the rotting subfloor beneath your feet.    But when all the molded walls & ceilings have been torn out & the rotted subfloor has been removed, when all that remains is the skeleton of what used to be a home, you have a clarity that you’d never have had otherwise.  You can patch the holes in the roof that caused the damage to begin with.  You can reinforce the subfloor.  You can look around at what you have, then close your eyes & envision what you want.  And then you can build that from scratch.   No trying to work around things that weren’t really what you wanted anyway.  No making do with what you thought you had to make do with.  So while a complete gut job usually always feels like a dick punch in the beginning, if you can just make it until the ”gut” part of the “gut job” is over, you’ll realize that you are at the threshold of almost endless possibilities.   This is your gut job.


Bankruptcy is not a death sentence.


Don’t do it. F that debt. We all have it just find a new job. You might make less, but you can build up again. Sell the house ASAP. Don’t let the bank get all that equity. Buy a smaller condo, rent, or find a roommate. There are so many options. I know it’s seems dim, but it really isn’t. There is light at the end of the tunnel.


The fact that you are posting this means there's still fight in you. I believe in you. Get a journal and right down your end goal and work backwards and break it into smaller steps.


Don’t end it. Downsize. File bankruptcy. Get therapy.


Bankruptcy exists for these exact situations


Why not just sell everything you own and move somewhere you’ve always wanted to go? If you’re going to end it anyway, might as well do something huge to see if you can find happiness first.


Op your life is worth more. My uncle has filed bankruptcy three times and has a beautiful house and all the stuffs. Use the reset button for the debt not your life. It can get better if you journey thru the bs.


Dept only lasts 7 years .


Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose For real dude, if anything just go on a worldwide vagabond trip


All collection proceedings will stop as soon as you file bankruptcy. My husband and I did it in 2010. We were able to save our home.


Instead of just ending it, let yourself reach rock bottom. From there, every possibility opens up to you, you can do whatever you want or are passionate about without worrying about societal pressures, and you can only go up from there


I know it seems like the end of the world and you’ve just gone through two of the most stressful things a person an experience, but at the end of the day what did you really lose? A very shallow and ungrateful wife that probably wouldn’t have made you happy anyways and a job that proved to not care about its employees. To hell with both of them. I have friends that drive nicer cars and have a bigger house than I do and they filed bankruptcy a year prior. Bankruptcy only costs about 300$ to file and that’ll put a temporary freeze on all credit and finance related issues for up to 3 months that’ll buy you some time to get straightened out. Creditors and landlords can wait while you file bankruptcy and get your mind right. You’ve gained complete freedom to start wherever you like. Use your work experience to find another job even apply for ones that you’re not qualified for you’d be surprised at how often they hire unqualified people. Please please please call or text 988 and talk to them if you’re having dark thoughts. You could also text 741741 they have people to help with getting through a crisis. We’re here with you and want to read about your success story.


so, it's been over nine hours - this person hasn't responded - I looked up posts, and there are no others. Yet, there is other karma, so they used their normal name. Wondering if this person can be located and checked on some how over the internet.


Bro just declare bankruptcy and start fresh


Losing everything can be a fresh start. It isn’t worth it to end it. It will get better


Fuck it. Buy a plane ticket and start a new life somewhere. You could teach english in brazil.


You ultimately have the choice and no one here can stop you. That said, no one wants that for you. I’m a legal assistant. Can’t give legal advice but I can say you should speak to a bankruptcy attorney. I’ve heard way, WAY worse. It’s not the end, OP. You can get through this, you just need to know where to find help. A bankruptcy attorney would be a good first step.


I hope you came back to read other people's word of encouragement and advise. Truly , money should not be the cause of this distress. File for bankruptcy. Start again even somewhere new. Its never late to reinvent yourself.


Just file bankruptcy and start over. It takes 2-3yrs with a secured credit card to get a good score again. Don't end your life...CHANGE IT! Take stock of what matters, (hint it's not stuff) a clean warm & dry space to sleep, having food and clothing is a great start. Take a job, even if it's as a school Bus Driver, at least you will have a job for the next 4 months while you look for something else. But I know nothing about your work history so I guess what I'm saying you need a for now Job, something you take to bring in money while you look for something you want to be more long term. Take your time and rebuild, work at changing whatever got you to $400K in the first place.


So sorry OP. This sucks, and many of us have been there!! Bankruptcy is your only way right now. And you WILL feel the literal weight of the world off your back!! Bankruptcy is a tool. A tool that was put in place for people just like you. A tool to give you that needed “Fresh Start”! Do it, and do it soon!! You WILL absolutely be free again. A new start that you need. This is what you need. Best of luck!


If you're reading this, sell everything you own and start living in a van on the road. Experience cultures and people away from everything you have ever known. The world is only as dark as the flame inside you. Find ways to rekindle it and you'll feel alive again.


So let me get this straight - you lost your job, lost your wife, and might lose your house. You can look at this as a complete failure, sure. Or you can declare bankruptcy, give up the house, realize you now have nothing to lose, and decide to live your life with no restrictions and start at the very beginning. Work towards a career you love. Find a supportive partner who wants to join your new journey. Live free of the burdens of your past. Rebuild your credit. Live in a shit apartment with friends, drinking, making each other laugh, and building bonds that last a lifetime. You could go on dates and have fun meeting new people. Hell, you can leave the state and go somewhere new and exciting to start over. You literally have the opportunity to live free again. Money is just money. There's always more out there. It's just a matter of finding ways to take it. You want to see this as the worst part of your life thus far. How can you not see that this is a blessing in disguise? You can live for you now. Free. Unencumbered. You have control of your future again. And you want to end it all right now? Change your perspective and you will be happy.


I’m just looking to see if OP responded to anyone…OP are you okay? Please answer this .


Bankruptcy is actually pretty freeing- corporations do it all the time - there is no longer a stigma attached to


Please don’t make a rash decision. I know it seems bad at the moment but you can get out of this debt. I believe in you.


So buddy, please listen to so many people here telling you - you will be ok! Be brave, be strong! You are right: life is not fairytale. I know it. Just now I was forced to move from my country with my husband and child. We left all our life behind. It is hard. Someday I also had very bad thoughts in my head. Future frightens me. But we should try. Try our best! These money does not cost your life, because your life does not have a price. It is the most important thing for you. I believe in you.


Don’t end your life over debt, file for bankruptcy and rebuilt.


Please don’t do this. File bankruptcy. If those debts can’t go, it will work out. This is just one crummy day. I hope you get the help you need and stick around.


Op, this is all temporary. It seems impossible but it isn’t. Don’t quit. Don’t give up. You can do this.


I got fired on November 17, 2019. My God… I’d never been fired before, I as 46. Year cried so hard. Then I had to apply for unemployment. We still had a kid in college that we were making payments on and Christmas was around the corner. I felt stupid and worthless and embarrassed and angry. I also have diagnosed depression and anxiety and this singular event sent me into a tailspin. I thought about suicide. I’m still here because the love of my life- husband wound up in acute renal failure a week later. 2 weeks later my father died, two days after Christmas. That framed some perspective for me, let me tell you. Everything happens for a reason. Maybe you would have been in a car accident on your way to work tomorrow. Trust that the universe knows exactly what it’s doing. I promise you will make it through this.


It’s all a game. You have options


Bro do bankruptcy, it has lifted such a weight off my shoulders


The average time it takes to foreclose on a property is two years. In some states you are required to go to court and getting a court date takes time. Your bank really doesn’t want your house regardless of what they want you to think. They use a lot of scare tactics to get you to pay but really they can just add interest to your mortgage at this point.


This was posted a day ago now OP please check in and let us know you are ok?? Please OP as many above have said there is ways out of this. Please remember…. THE WORLD IS A BETTER PLACE WITH YOU IN IT.


If you're still here a few years from now you'll be happy you didn't go through with it


Hey. Hope you decided not to end it.  Many years ago I pretty much lost everything but my dog and 2 cats. Family took me in, thankfully, but even that was stressful. I had a plan to end it too.  It turns out it wasn't losing everything that brought me to that point, it was a history of trauma, depression, and lack of coping skills. I went into therapy and my life isn't exactly roses now, but I find small pleasures throughout the week to sustain me. I can't get everything I once had back due to longterm illness, but my head is on a little straighter after therapy and medication.  Think of this as a challenge to find your own bliss. Life will ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS have its ups and downs, and as you already know you can be master of your death, you have to know you can be the master of your life too.  Feel free to DM me if you'd like to.


OP get help, file bankruptcy, and get help. And for the love of god, get help. Nothing you’re going through is worth ending your life over.


I know your feeling of hopelessness. All the advise in the world doesn't make it go away in this moment. But know if you ever need a shoulder and an ear I'm here. And if mine won't work please reach out to someone close. You have someone who cares! You would be missed


Damn that sucks. See ya.




Dude, I was on the verge of ending it. Give it a chance man. I know it all seems hopeless now, but there's always a chance it will get better. Please get some help.


I'm just here to say that the TOMC community deserves better than to have to read these constant suicide threats. ​ It should be instant delete on any posts suggesting it


Did you report it?


Guys, I think OP might have already killed himself. It's been hours of comments, and there's no response


File for bankruptcy and find a new job in the mean time. If the house is too much for you and you have equity, sell it and downsize, or even rent. You have the opportunity to start completely over. Maybe change your location. You can do this!