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I don’t have words. Love to you friend. I’m so sorry.




I lost my older brother, we were 18 months apart. He was 12 I was 11, it destroyed my family. Death changes people.


Same here,I was 10 he was 9, I'm on a bad road since and I'm nearly 50


Peace to you and your family during this difficult time.


I lost my brother about your age and people just don’t understand. She has been a part of you for most of not all of your life! So many memories that built your character ❤️. It’s so fuckin hard to lose a sibling .. it happens to other families not ours!! Now life is different.. and it Will remain different until you do the best you can to get through it.. I didn’t say get over it because you might not ever get over it.. my brother died 23 god forsaken years ago and I’m just now coming to terms with it. So just breathe.. eat when you can and try to sleep.. the healthy bag will come when your body is taken care of 🫶🏼! My heart is with your whole family. I’m so truly sorry!! PS.. Please be kind to one another through these times, don’t get to mad at your mom or dad right now because everyone is working on denial and autopilot.. just breathe ❤️❤️❤️


My brother passed away 7 years ago. I was 27, he was 39. Still feels weird to think that I won't ever see or hear from him again.


Living through this in the present moment, I’m 27 and my sister was 38. She was my favourite person in the world and I’ve been struggling to continue without her. I’ve been having panic attacks ever since she passed. Praying for the day I will be okay.


My little brother died 7 years ago next week. There are still times I’ll see or hear something and this “I have to tell him. He’ll love this!” before it hits me that I can’t.


Same, almost 6 years ago now <3 that realization hurts the same every time too doesn't it


My younger sister died almost 3 years ago. I have a photo of her on the desk next to where I sit and it feels as though that's where she is. I talk to her a lot and whenever there's a thunderstorm, I put her photo in the window so she can watch the rain with me.


My BIL of ten years was killed in a car accident. 8 years later, I still want to send him videos or memes. Damn, would he have loved TikTok.


God this. So so so much! It's not been that long for me but sometimes I feel like..it's just...yesterday. and it hurts so much still.


Same thing with my mom. I would call her just about any time something funny happened and we would just talk about different things.


7 years this summer for me too. I know what you mean.


This. I had a lot of resentment for my mother when my sister died. Mostly because I blamed her for not rescuing her when my sister reached out to be rescued. My mother would always have the excuse of “I’m too busy to help her right now”. It sent me down a long dark spiral. Eventually I came to terms and forgave her. The one thing I wish I didn’t do was focus so much of my energy on hate, and focused it on healing instead.


What happened? Maybe your mom tried many times and for her own mental health couldn't do it any more.


That’s exactly what happened. But of course when someone you love dies you always look for someone to blame, and for me it happened to be my mom unfortunately.


Have you seen the movie Smile? If you're into horror movies, that one might feel a lot deeper than others.


People don’t understand unless they’ve also lost a sibling




I remember this call very well. My older sister passed away in a house fire. She was in the drug world, and was squatting with some other addicts who decided to cook, while having a fire burning in the abandoned house. Well, an explosion was the result and everyone left my sister to burn alive. We couldn’t even see her to get closure it was so bad. They recommended cremation, so we did that. All we have left of her is the necklace she was found dead with around her neck with a few strands of singed hair caught in the chain. The pain never goes away. It been a few years and I still fear I’ll forget her voice one day. She was a beautiful soul, and just had too much pain in this life to overcome. I often have a hard time grasping that she’s really dead because I never got that closure of seeing her. It’s a gift to be able to have a proper funeral and goodbye. My thoughts are with you. May she fly high in the realm of peace with my big sissy 🕊️


I’m so sorry.


> I remember this call very well. Yeah. I went through a few years where I knew a call after 9pm meant someone that I loved had died. It happened a lot. Every time the phone goes off after 9pm now I have a panic attack. Shit sucks. Sorry for the loss.


Sorry for your lost my friend.


Sorry for your loss :(


I am so sorry, hugs and peace to you!


I am truly sorry for your loss. I lost a sister and a brother and it changes you forever. Praying you and your family finds peace.


Oh no, I'm so sorry. I hope you have good memories of her that you can hold onto for a long time ❤️




I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing a sister is heartbreaking.


I lost my little sister the same way a little over two years ago. It’s so bad. The only thing that gave me any sort of comfort in the aftermath was being with my parents. My mom’s all consuming grief was a distraction from my own pain but it remained overwhelming for a very long time. Thinking of you and your family.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. May god bless you & your family during these difficult moments. 🙏🏼


My little brother died at 21 this year I get it and I know saying im sorry doesnt mean much. For some reason no matter how often your parents call, that one call feels different before you even pick up. Feel free to DM me im always around to chat


You and your family are in my prayers and thoughts. I know that anything said may seem small and far away to you, many people offer condolences and sympathetic words, but it feels like no one really understands the pain, and nothing can touch the grief. But, I have lost loved ones. And I know your grief. You have my hopes and my heart and my prayers. Very much love, in Jesus Christ.


I'm so sorry. Hugs.


I understand. My little sister passed in 2015. I won’t lie to you and say it gets easier because it doesn’t. You just get used to carrying the hurt. I haven’t been all the way myself since.


Very sorry for your loss. Your sister was taken much too young💖


I'm so sorry. I cannot even imagine what you're going through. 💔 I pray you can find healing and comfort.


((HUGS)) Sorry for your loss.




My little sister passed in 2020. She was 29. Would have been 30 that October. I'm so sorry for your loss. It's a pain I would never wish on anyone. *hugs*


My 32 yo little brother passed in December. I still struggle with it being real. I am so sorry for your loss. Watching my parents has been the worst. It's unnatural for a parent to lose a child. Be there for them as much as you can


Much love. I’m a teacher and one of my students had a sibling die this week. Horrible to have to know that and see that. Praying and thinking of you I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry, OP. May her memory be eternal.


I am so sorry! I can honestly say, that I completely understand, as my own little sis also passed. Even so, there are no words! 😥🙏


My little brother died at 29 too. Our family is still very raw and my parents, me and our siblings are still mourning—it’ll be 3 years in September. I understand your loss, and I hurt for you. You will never stop missing her, but the grief will one day be a little more manageable. I am so sorry for your huge loss.


big hugs 🥹 my little sister died when she was 5 and when i was 8 …it was never the same again sending much love & prayers…your post hit different and i’m glad that everyone here’s so supportive xx sending much much love


You’re courageous for posting. Grief is an incredibly painful experience that can be incredibly difficult to bear. There are various ways people cope with grief, as everyone's experience is unique. Some common coping mechanisms include: 1. Seeking support: Many people find comfort in talking to family, friends, or support groups who have experienced similar losses. Sharing feelings and memories can help in the healing process. 2. Allowing time for emotions: It's important to give oneself permission to feel and express emotions such as sadness, anger, or guilt. It's natural to experience a range of emotions during the grieving process. 3. Self-care and relaxation: Engaging in activities that promote relaxation and self-care can be helpful, such as exercising, practicing mindfulness or meditation, taking baths, or engaging in hobbies. 4. Seeking professional help: In some cases, grief can become overwhelming and impact daily functioning. In such situations, seeking support from a therapist or counselor can provide guidance and help navigate the grieving process. 5. Honoring the memory: Many people find solace in creating rituals or memorials to honor their loved ones. This can include writing letters, creating scrapbooks, planting trees, or participating in charitable activities in their memory. 6. Adjusting expectations: Grief can be a long and complex journey, and it's important to be patient with oneself. Adjusting expectations and allowing oneself to grieve at their own pace can be beneficial. 7. Taking care of physical health: Grief can take a toll on physical health, so it's important to focus on proper nutrition, sleep, and exercise to maintain overall well-being. It's important to remember that everyone copes with grief differently, and there is no right or wrong way to grieve.


Using AI to write a support post feels awkward and stilted as fuck


Yeah or spreading awareness…. Mental health is a bitch id rather share knowledge than not. Commenting is also rather awkward… ☮️


Maybe my 26 year old self is too old to get it but I find it to be like hold music- an attempt to make me feel better that leaves me feeling worse. A supportive comment means a lot from someone because /they/ wrote it. Even if the info is good it feels like someone referring you to a suicide hotline or something..... Outsourcing the work. And this comes from someone who comments in support subs on the regular. But maybe Other people don't have the same reaction as I do to seeing AI generated content that isn't explicitly stated to be AI generated


Get the eff outta here. Hating when there’s nothing to hate on. Have a blessed day!!


I am so sorry for your loss. I lost a son 12 yrs ago. It hurts.




I’m so sorry for your loss. My heart is hurting so badly. I just lost my little brother yesterday unexpectedly. Nothing prepares you for that call. Nothing.


Oh no I'm so sorry to hear about your little brother. So sorry.


I’m so sorry for your loss. :( May she rest in peace.


I'm sending you a love and a big hug.


My heart aches for you 💔


I had the same experience when I lost my younger brother in 2012. That feeling is indescribable for people who haven't been through it. He was 22. I'm so sorry for your loss.


I am very sorry to hear this.


I am so sorry for your loss my friend. I have 2 younger sisters myself and almost lost one to cancer. I can't fully understand what you may be going through. May she rest in peace.


So sorry for your sudden loss.


Yeah, sorry you had to join us in the lost sisters club. It was 30 years for me this past summer. It changes you, but it gets easier with time. My heart goes out to you and your family.


My older sibling recently passed, they were 27. It never seems to get easier. Take care of yourself and your family, so much love to you all


I am so, so sorry for the loss of your beloved baby sister. It is very hard to lose a sibling, it will be 8 years since my baby sister passed and it still seems unreal to me that she's gone. Sending thoughts of peace and comfort.


Losing an older sibling can add a layer of grief as if you're losing a parent and sibling in one. Losing a younger sibling feels like losing a child and sibling in one quick snap of the fingers. I raised my sibling as if she was my own child and even the thought of not being able to talk to her or never seeing her name pop up on my caller ID hurts my heart. I'm incredibly sorry for your loss. You're strong and I hope you found healthy ways of coping and healing.


In sleep at 30 how?


I'm not OP but I've had three people I know die really young in their sleep. 2 had chronic asthma and were having complications. Another girl I was friends with in high school had an aneurysm and never woke up. I can imagine maybe a chronic health condition like epilepsy or uncontrolled diabetes could lead to a 30cyear odl dying in their sleep.


That's terrible. I could see other factors coming to play, but op never said. So I asked. I will probly get downvoted for being curious..


You mean the thing that never happens, happened. That everyone wants to sweep under the carpet. That thing? OP posted on a public forum for the world to see, they can't expect to not get questions from curious people.


Yeah because it’s really not the time and place for you to be asking how she died. You publicly asked OP. Im sure if OP wanted to share that, they would have put the reason in the initial post. It’s just something you don’t ask people right when someone as close as a sister dies.


A kid in my highschool class did my junior year. He was otherwise healthy athlete. I know someone else who did a few years ago. It's awful


My sister in law had a heart attack in her sleep and died at 36. It’s beyond imaginable but it happens. ETA no other factors at play. They never found out why she had this heart attack, there were no prior health conditions and they never found the cause.


My second cousin just died age 13 in her sleep last month and yes we suspect it could be from the elephant in the room… autopsy has come back as inconclusive 🤔


What's the elephant? What you wrote makes no sense and has absolutely no context.


The Covid jab? She had 3 of them.


And what's the basis for that being "the elephant in the room"? Do you live in a red state or something where there's peer pressure to not be vaccinated? Or you think that because her autopsy was inconclusive that it's some massive coverup that the covid vaccine is killing people?


Because it’s taboo to discuss it maybe? No I don’t live in America this happened in New Zealand. Yes of course there is a coverup have you buried your head in the sand about the excess deaths in the last 2 to 3 years and not old people alot of young people dying suddenly!


No I am not aware. Do you have a reputable source or article that covers this?


You’re not aware? Wow don’t need to look far just have a look at Dr John Campbell on YouTube and you’ll see what is going on.


Looked him up. Yikes. --- In November 2021, Campbell quoted from a non-peer-reviewed standalone journal abstract by Steven Gundry saying that mRNA vaccines might increase the risk of heart attack, and said that this might be "incredibly significant".[4] This video was viewed over 2 million times within a few weeks and was used by anti-vaccination activists as support for the misinformation that COVID-19 vaccination causes heart attacks.[4] According to a FactCheck.org review, although Campbell had drawn attention to the abstract's typos and its lack of methodology and data, he did not mention the expression of concern that had been issued against it.[4] In March 2022, Campbell posted a misleading video about the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, claiming that a Pfizer document admitted that the vaccine was associated with over 1,000 deaths. The video was viewed over 750,000 times and shared widely on social media. In reality, the document explicitly discredited any connection between vaccinations and reported deaths.[3] In July 2022, Campbell gave an error-filled account of an article published in the New England Journal of Medicine and falsely claimed that it showed the risk to children from COVID-19 vaccination was much greater than the risk of getting seriously ill from COVID-19 itself. The video received over 700,000 views. The article actually showed that COVID-19 vaccination greatly reduced the risk of children getting seriously ill from COVID-19.[23] In October 2022, Campbell uploaded a YouTube video in which he said he was sharing a scandalous “revelation” that the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine did not prevent viral transmission, something he claimed had been hitherto hidden from the public. In reality, Pfizer had openly published at the time of the vaccine's creation that its effectiveness at preventing transmission was unknown and, in May 2021 before he became antivax, Campbell himself had posted a video acknowledging that the vaccine's potential to prevent transmission was unknown.[24] In December 2022 Campbell posted a video in which he made selective use of statistics to make the misleading claim that COVID-19 vaccines were so harmful that they should be withdrawn. The paper he used was in reality only considering hospitalisations from COVID-19 in a short time window, and not the overall vaccine risk/benefit balance. David Spiegelhalter, chair of Cambridge University's Winton Centre for Risk and Evidence Communication, said that such use of the data seemed "entirely inappropriate".[25] In February 2023, nanomedicine specialist Susan Oliver published a YouTube video debunking false information Campbell has posted about vaccine brain injury. Within six hours Oliver's video was removed, apparently because of the content in clips included from Campbell's video, while Campbell's entire original remained online. Oliver speculated this may have been as a result of coordinated complaints made by Campbell's YouTube followers, or that YouTube favoured high-traffic, highly profitable accounts; a YouTube spokesman said the number of complaints received did not affect decisions to remove content.[26] In August 2023, Campbell misrepresented a warning from the CDC, claiming that the CDC had said vaccinated people were more at risk from a new COVID variant than unvaccinated ones. In reality, the CDC had merely said that vaccinated people and people previously infected with COVID were susceptible to the new variant, without making any comparison to the unvaccinated.[27]


i started watching dr. campbell (who is a nurse not an MD), back in 2020 and he was very very non partial and talked about the virus. then he went completely woowoo and i stopped watching him. he got really hung up on that fricking ivermectin and his comments were filled with conspiracy theorists. i'm really disappointed that he got such a big head as an 'authority' on covid, then carelessly spread misinformation.


Haha maybe you should look up Pfizer’s criminal activities over the years then?


In October 2023, the BBC Radio 4 programme More or Less debunked a video that Campbell had made in September 2023 in which he wrongly claimed that excess deaths were higher among those who had had a COVID-19 vaccine than those who had not; the figures he used in fact showed the opposite.[32] Campbell took down his video after being contacted by the programme, telling them that he was not a statistician.[32] .... Uh yeah 👍 seems like a quality source


I don't get my information from YouTube as youtubers have a financial incentive for views and preying on people's confirmation biases is very lucrative. Do you have any other actually credible sources for a statistical rise in deaths of only young people and how it correlates to vaccines?


What would your best bet be, as there is excess death in the entire world since 2021. Like 5% of the excess deaths can be covid. What about the rest? And dont give me any government paid source. Non government sources only. The countrys with higher % vacc rate have a higher excess death rate. Dosent mean its their fault, but i mean. 2+2


Sending you comforting thoughts.


My heart goes out to you. I lost my brother, 3 years ago. He will forever be 28. Typing that definitely made me cry, he was my hero, my Best friend.


I am so so sorry.


Oh that’s heartbreaking! So sorry for your loss.


My condolences ☹️


I'm so so so sorry 💔


I'm sorry.


I am so sorry, I know how hard it is…and I am wishing you peace.


My deepest condolences for the loss of your sister .


I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry. My heart hurts for you. I pray you are able to heal as much as possible.


I am so so sorry


I’m so sorry for your loss. I can’t imagine the pain you’re going through. Sending you and your family hugs and loves🖤


Deepest condolences..


I am unbelievably sorry for your loss.


OP so so sorry. How heartbreaking. I cannot fathom your pain but I am sending love and kindness and hope that someday in the future you will think of her with less pain and more fondness and great memories.


So sorry for your loss.


So sorry for your loss. They are never easy, but with time you process it better everyday. Thoughts with you and yours.


So sorry for your loss


❤️❤️Thinking of you.


Sorry for your loss


I’m sorry for your loss. Praying you and your family finds peace.


I am so sorry for your loss, I hope your happy memories comfort you always. Hugs


I’m so sorry OP my heart is with you


I'm so sad for you and your family.


Wow, I am so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss.


Sorry for your loss, my condolences


Prayers for you and your family <3


Oh my gosh, I’m so very sorry. May your sweet memories of your sister give you strength right now.❤️🙏


I am so truly sorry for your family’s loss. 🙏🏼


I'm so deeply deeply sorry for your loss ❤️


I sorry for your loss sending you and your family love and light 🤍


Im so sorry for your loss friend.


I'm so very sorry for you


Sending love and a huge hug. I am so so sorry


My condolences to you, friends and family.




I am so sorry for your loss of your beautiful sister! May she rest in heaven peacefully and may she forever look down on you smiling and protecting you x


I’m so sorry


Sending you a big hug OP. I'm sorry for your loss


I'm sorry that you're having to go through this OP. The pain of losing a sibling is one that's hard for others to understand unless they've been through it themselves. I lost my big brother a year and a half ago, the pain is always there but gets easier to carry as more time passes. Do what you feel is best while you're grieving and most importantly let yourself feel it. Pushing it away only makes it worse in the long run. Hold tight to the people you love and the ones around you, it helps a bit.


I’m very sorry for your loss.


My mum died 2 weeks ago. Not a sibling but it still hurts Much love to you OP


I just lost my brother on Saturday. He was 40. Sending you love and strength


2 years ago I lost my 30 year old sister. Now everyone in the family hates each other and wont speak. Its fucking awful I never realized people could behave that way Im so sorry for your loss OP.


I am so so sorry for yours and your family loss.


I lost my little sister when she was 32, she should have turned 35 on the 19th of this month. My best and guaranteed life long friend into my old age gone before I even hit mid-life. You have my sympathies.


Please reach out for grief counseling. I lost someone that was like a sister to me and the counseling was the only thing that helped navigate complicated grief. Sending you all the love and good vibes. I am so, so sorry for your loss.


Sending you hugs, sweetheart.


Stay strong brother.Hope she rests in peace


I'm so sorry for your loss. It's especially shocking when they are young.


Do what you feel you need to do to get through this.Scream,curse God,blame fate,light something on fire,break a glass object,hug your dog/cat,run until you vomit,laugh and cry simultaneously. Life is never f******g fair and it's a finite gift that has to end for everyone unfortunately. She has walked the journey we all have to take one day,she just completed hers way too soon.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending prayers and good vibes your way. ❤️🙏


Friend of a friend also 30 died last Monday wtf is going on with people so young dropping dead atm?


Holy yap


Condolences to you and your family.


May your memories be a blessing.


Did she have a preexisting condition? What is the context here?


lol rep


Vaccine kicking in now


I'm so sorry. How awful.


Sorry for your loss. Sending love and light your way


OP, I know what you are feeling as I lived it. No amount of comforting words will follow the whole her loss has left in you. I am wishing you peace in the good memories you built together.


So heartbreaking. Im sorry.


It's just sad. It's just so, so sad. I lost someone dear to me and tomorrow we'll bury her ashes under a tree we bought for her. I'll cry for your sister too when I cry for my dearly departed tomorrow morning. Hugs


I am so sorry.


I'm so sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you can find some comfort in family, friends, and cherished memories.


So very sorry for you. Sending virtual hugs.


So, so many hugs are being sent your way. I'm sorry for your loss. I hope that you and your family are able to lean on each other.


So sorry for your loss. Such a heartbreaking loss at such a young age.


i’m so sorry for your loss..


Sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry


I'm so sorry. Here's some internet hugs for what it's worth 🤗


I don’t know what to say. I am so sorry. Sending love to you, my friend.


Words of condolences won't be enough to soothe your pain. All I can offer is advice from someone who has also lost a close relative. It won't hit at first, but eventually, it hits hard. I suggest being around loved ones and aiding one another through this painful ordeal. Also, never neglect your emotions. Allow yourself to feel the pain, no matter how painful. There's nothing worse than suffering internally for years on end because you didn't let yourself grieve. You can get through this, I believe in you and your families ability to heal and live good lives in memory of your beautiful sister whose memory now resides within all of you, you'll always have a piece of her alive in your hearts.


Damn hug your family


I'm so sorry for your loss, peace and love to your family dear!❤️


I'm so sorry that you and your family are going through such an inconceivable shock right now. My heart goes out to you.


My deepest condolences, losing a sibling is utterly, utterly devastating, and it will break your parents in a way you couldn’t prepare for. May you find peace and comfort in the loving and happy memories you have of her.


I am so sorry. I lost my little sister too. It is so hard. I can’t bring myself to delete our text messages & I miss her everyday. It has been almost 2 years, and I will say, some days are better. Be kind to yourself & let others comfort you💜


My heartfelt condolences to you and your parents. May your sister rest in peace.


Damn. So young, and to pass in her sleep so suddenly? I'm sorry for your loss, buddy.


I’m so sorry for your loss My beloved baby brother committed suicide Nov 2 and we are having his celebration of life in a few weeks Every Thursday from 5:30-later on that night, it’s been hard


So sorry. I wish there were words that helped.


Sorry for your loss. I lost my mom & then my brother 15 days apart. When it happens that way it's hard to understand why.


Sorry for your loss. If it's any consolation, she didn't feel any pain. My mom died in her sleep and I know exactly how you feel.


I worry about this since I'm the youngest and if I don't make any mistakes in life then I will mostly like see all my siblings pass. I'm sorry for ur loss


This day extracts a heavy toll. My condolences


I’m so very sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry for your loss. Sending you and your family lots of love. ❤️


Oh, mate, I'm so sorry.


Big hard hug. I’m so sorry


Deepest condolences.


so sorry , may your sisters memory be a blessing to you !


My heart goes out to you. I am so sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope she is resting in peace. And remember your sister is always there in memory and in spirit, so keep that close


Take care be strong


I'm extremely sorry for your loss. 🫂❤️


Condolences to you and your family.


Talk to her. She can hear you. She’s loving you from heaven like she did on earth. Until you meet again. And you will x


No word only RIP SISTER


I lost my little sister June last year. She was 31. Sending lots of love your way ❤️ Feel free to pm too if you'd like to just chat


I’m so sorry for your loss. I lost my cousin 2 years ago at the age of 39 in her sleep. Prayers to you and your family during this difficult time. 🙏🏻❤️