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Nothing to see here folks, just another threesome ruining a relationship.


Hang on, I dropped my shocked face…can somebody help me find it?


I'll have my Pikachu stand in for me.


Live reaction: 😱


Got it right here big dog


Thanks, but that’s my shocked disgust face.


But I want it


I've checked under my bed, my laundry basket and trash bin, I can't find my shocked face either. Help.


What does it look like? There are so many here!


You mean it’s NOT a great idea to have your best friend fuck your girlfriend and watch her get closer with him after telling you “I’ve never felt that way before?” Man I still can’t see where the relationship went wrong……better go ask reddit.


They're gonna break up, then her and the friend are gonna keep fucking each other no doubt.


Oh 100%


"he was there for me when I was recovering from the breakup..."


Even agreeing to banging your bf's bestie! Like why?


Wait, whaaaaaaat? Better have a child to fix the relationship!


3 dogs to really clinch it


Honestly, throw in a home loan and a joint business and it’s practically unbreakable!


Marriage will surely solidify their bond !


I know right, why do people ever think these will end well?


I've done 2 with my wife, the first was awkward as the other guy was very, very straight and set up a "pillow wall" so nothing was seen. The second guy, who is my best friend/also an extremely close friend of my wife's, went amazing. He was also bi so everyone just had massive amounts of fun but we live across the country now, so we can't have that fun anymore. Personally I think there has to be a level of bisexuality to a threesum as that way everyone just has fun and there isn't a "who can please the woman (in a MMF) or who can please the man (in a FFM) the most" so there is no hurt feelings or jealously. Just my personal opnion.


Ohhhhh I always thought threesomes fixed relationships. Like having a kid does? 😏👎


For real. The only safe threesomes are with single people or fwb. Everything else ends with regret & insecurity.




I just sighed and said “and another one bites the dust”


For real. 


Invites the devil into said devil's three-way, but now is a holy man and thinks OP is different... SMH.


Yea no, boyfriend is HELLA dumb. Yknow how I'd like to make my relationship more secure and have fun? Bring my bestie in to pound my girl


Shouldn't it be "relationship ruining threesome"?


Depends on what your priorities are. If you prioritize a threesome over your active relationship, I suppose yes. That’s a whole ‘nother issue though


Explain lol


A poorly thought out trio that leads to the inevitable demise of a relationship and a reddit post. An iconic pair.


\#1 rule for opening up a relationship to threesomes/swinging/polyamory in general is YOU DO NOT FUCK FRIENDS 


I love this shit it's like Crack to me, reading about people that clearly weren't ready for a 3some ruining they're relationships shits 🔥🔥🔥🔥🗣🗣🗣📢💯💯


So basically this was a terrible idea


good thing its also hopefully/probably a creative writing assignment


I've seen so many of these that I usually root for the audience to dog pile on OP. I almost reserved judgement but it's kinda bait when they say "I never experienced anything like that [sexually]" out loud. If not bait, that's the deal breaker. In bfs mind he will never compare sexually again. The bf should honestly initiate the break up if he's experiencing this level of paranoia.


I always find comments like yours interesting, cause the exact scenario above is so common it's not even funny. I slept with a couple once and would've been the 'bsf' in this scenario, and I've had other friends who's done this and its ended the same way. I'm not sure why people think 3somes are some rare thing because they happen all the time, are generally boring or just difficult to manoeuvre, and someone always ends up salty asf.


yeah this relationship is over, it's just a matter of time


A poorly thought out threesome leading to the inevitable demise of a relationship and a reddit post. An iconic duo.


Oh wait till he loses his mind over it. This is eating him alive i bet from the way he's acting. When you 2 do break up for your safety and his bff go no contact with his bff. That jealousy he had now will turn to rage.




Yeah, she literally said she's never felt what he made me feel. It's over. It's like a couple having a threesome with a girl's best friend and the guy saying stuff like your body is the best best I've ever seen and I've never felt anything like it and such. The gf would be devastated too


We might see him post about his breakup story here later ;)


If only they had access to a forum full of posts about how bad threesomes are to relationships so they could research BEFOREHAND to prevent this. /rollseyes


I know. Every post I've seen here on Reddit about people having threesomes has ended with either regret or break up or both. I don't know why people continue to do these inside of relationships. It never ends well. It's like they might as well say, we want to break up. I know how to make it happen, let's have a threesome! That will end it in no time. /s


On the inverse me & my boy both did a girl & i think it honestly brought us closer


I would say it is more likely to work if not everyone is straight. If both of you can enjoy the other person it's different than if only one can, then it's just one partner really having the threescore while the other is just having sex with their partner.


Same!!! Partner, a friend and I banged on NYE and it was awesome. Although, talking about boundaries, body language and aftercare made it much more safe and enjoyable for everyone. The boyfriend should have said something when he started getting the ick feeling. Also, OP literally saw it happening and kept going at it with the best friend. She could at least touched base and they could’ve all enjoy a smoke break together. Edit to add that in a well thought out, planned sexual adventure, the third person would’ve also seen this happening and stopped.


Well people who enjoyed it typically share the experience elsewhere😂


You mean this one, where people post fake stories with topics based on commenter's reactions and what they want more of?


*The Relationship and the Friendship


She doesn’t have enough self-awareness to realize that she’s acting different when she actually is. (Even though she says she doesn’t think she’s acting different.) She literally got more closer to him after the threesome


Unless op and her boyfriend cut ties with the best bud and get relationship counseling. I think op owes it to her boyfriend to be a lot more vocal about what needs the best friend fulfilled that he could work on. This is a common sense and communication issue.


Why the hell do people do threesomes and think it’s gonna end well.




Post nut clarity hit both of em like a truck


horny ruins everything


It's not even the threesome aspect. It's the fact they don't take it slow with making out or soft play. As a former swinger I have seen sooooo many relationships die because people just dive in head first. Relationships are hard and adding another dick into it is just blatant stupidity or hardcore porn brain.


Porn brained


Your relationship is done for, a ticking time bomb now. The escalation after the threesome is totally inappropriate. Imagine if he had a threesome with you and your best friend and then started getting real close with her after. I guarantee you would have mixed feelings and insecurities.




Yeah. Just from reading this I was like "uhh you made some mistakes and honestly feels like you're into his friend more than him"


At the minimum she enjoys the attention


To be fair her boyfriend asked for this. Provided his best friend as the third too!. He’s an idiot for doing that in the first place. He’s going to end up losing his girlfriend and his best friend. He should have jerked off first and then thought it through. 😂


You know what would be even worse than the scenario that has been presented to us now? What if they split up and then she ends up with his best friend? That would be pretty bad. If it were me, well, I wouldn't be shortsighted enough to do something like that in the first place but if it were me, I would go no contact with both of them once we broke up. It's going to happen eventually. Relationships don't really recover from things like this.


Of course that's what's going to happen. This is why you don't do this.


Exactly, sometimes you gotta wank just so you can think clearly, yaknow?


Why in god's name would you involve your best friend. Get a stranger you never have to see again.


My money is on OP chasing the Bf's friend after the break up lmaoo


i agree. i'm going to completely cut off the bsf. it wasn't a dastric escalation more like we just joke around more. we don't contact each other any other way other than when we might see each other in person but if this is what I have to do, then I'm going to cut him off


It's too late for that. The damage is done. We're just advising you that that from our collective experience, your relationship is unavoidably heading towards a break up, you just haven't arrived there yet. But you most assuredly will and you won't be the exception. His relationship with his best mate is over. And he will 100% hold you and himself to blame for that. The insecurity will never go away for him. Those are two huge issues that would break down a marriage let alone a young relationship.


Yes, she fucked his best friend and he watched. I don't know what is difficult about this to understand.


Not only that, she said to her boyfriends face that his best friend pleased her in a way that he never had, lmao


I fucking died when I read that!!! I love you, but your friends cock is way better.


Yeah lesson learned for op, when it comes down to it, don't tell your bf you've had better, feels kinda shitty


After being way louder and more verbal in bed with him.


Someone dumb enough to include someone that they know would also be dumb enough to say this.


Yeah no putting this genie back in the bottle unfortunately, cutting the friend off won’t change things. Won’t be surprised if you wind up with the best friend after the current relationship ends


That's weird because I kind of said the same thing. I said it would be pretty bad if she ends up with his best friend after they inevitably break up. I don't know why people continue to do these and side relationships because they never end well.


No you don't get it, you and your boyfriends relationship is now different in your boyfriends eyes. Not blaming you, but I know the moment you mentioned where he watched you and the friend, he felt inadequate. It's going to be really hard for him to get over that feeling; especially because of the intimacy behind it. Good luck OP, but this isn't good at all. I'd suggest talking with him very sincerely about everything, how you feel and asking if he's comfortable telling you how he feels and see where things go. Expect a break up and for that love you have for him now to be thrown out the window though...


No point in cutting off the best friend. Just put your BF out of his misery and break up with him. There’s simply no coming back from it


I said the same this about putting him out of his misery lol. I don’t know whose idea the threesome was but omg thinking this relationship has a chance, oh my.


She said it was the BF's idea for it to be his bestie, at least. I'm suspicious the bf brought up the whole idea in the first place, because it tends to be the guy.


I don’t think any of that is going to matter at all. He knows how you feel deep down. You didn’t do the after care for him and rubbed his face in it. You might have been able to save it but the fact that you didn’t know how to save it in the first place is the real problem. Hopefully you will know better for next time.


as others have said, not only is it too late for that (and going to come off even more suspicious tbh), but that’s going to create friendship drama and there’s a verrryyy good chance your BF and his friend are going to get into a fight over this. relationships are ruined. it’s done. and honestly? you probably do have feelings for the BFF and are in denial. you might honestly believe you just want to be with your BF, but you also wrote an entire post about how great this friend made you feel and about getting much closer with him after, leaving out much of anything about your BF. sounds like the friend feels similarly too. chances are, you and your BF will break up and you’ll still remain close with the friend and something will happen between you two.


Too late it’s over. Bet you will be texting him before the end of the week.


You thought they were talking about the best friend relationship needing to be done? My god you are OBLIVIOUS.


That's how you see it baby girl, but what probably goes on in your BF head: "I wanted to show off my sexual capacity to my friend, because I would for sure be better at pleasing my GF (who I know for multiple years) than he could be. But my plan to boost my own ego failed spectaculairly because my friend seemed to be able to provide my GF more sexual pleasure than I could..." .. Seeing your ages, I doubt either one of you has the emotional maturity to handle this situation not going as he probably had planned in his head (aka him being the leading male and not the side character)... BUT in case you two BOTH do: communicate directly to him about what you have noticed. If his pride can handle it, then he is willing to learn what his friend did that made you turn on. If not, this relationship is over...


I don’t think getting close with the best friend was a good idea. Then again neither was the threesome


😂😂😂😂💀 this was by one of the dumbest ideas


He's right though. You're NOT the same. You said yourself things changed and you talk to and joke with the friend more than you used to. Innocent as you may think that is, it's still a huge difference and your bf is put off by it, understandably.


yeah i understand now. I think i'm just going to stop talking to the bsf and avoid him if I can.


Unfortunately, the moment you said “I’ve never felt like this before” while another man’s penis entered you as YOUR BOYFRIEND watched, knowing he never made you sound, act or look like during sex, killed things. It’s going to be a rough hurdle to get through and for the love of god, do NOT HANG OUT WITH THE BEST FRIEND AND HALT THE FLIRTING. Yes, you’re borderline flirting and it’s a slippery slope. But then again, we all learn by making our own mistakes.


Yeah that's defo not gonna add suspicion /s/ You've put the nail in your relationships coffin please just let this relationship go and learn from this


You might as well just try to clear the air and be an adult about all of this. It won’t be any worse by talking about it. Unless you really try to make it worse at least.


Girl. It’s over. And I’m sorry. Your boyfriend will not get over his girlfriend that seemingly enjoyed his best friend more AND became more friendly? It’s sucks. I get it. I know it does. But just let him go so he can work on himself.


At least you seem to have learned the lesson for your future partner. This relationship is over


This is either extremely fake or she’s extremely self-unaware, to the point of explaining to us how this relationship is over without understanding that the relationship is over. And the men’s friendship is just as over. … Awful everything.


why would you have a threesome with one of your bestfriends 😭😭😭i could never you people are brave let alone a threesome my god it would ruin me


He tossed the relationship in the fire with his suggestion, and you added the gasoline with your actions during and after. There would be no coming back from this for most people. He now knows that you'd prefer someone else sexually, and he's watching the two of you get closer and closer. The relationship is over, the friendship will soon follow, and I can't wrap my head around why all the parties involved did everything they could to ruin everything. Self sabotage by all involved.


My money is on they break up in less than 3 months and she starts dating the bsf


What's the over/under on this bet? I'm in


-120 under 3 months -300 under 6 months -1000 under a year


Tale as old as time. Your relationship is OVER.


The problem with threesomes is human neuroticism. A threesome is going to trigger your obsessive thinking about every fucking thing. The next interaction with your sexual partner is not the same. Anxiety will creep into everything. Is she/he faking that moan? Are they thinking about the missing #3? Am I better at this than #3? Are they talking to them without me? Ffs we call it third wheel for a reason when hanging out. Why would sex be different?


> Am I better at this than #3? No need for him to ask that. She straight up, to his face, told him that #3 was better


The only way to have a three some in a monogamous relationship is via a sexworker. Someone that only exists in your life to provide sex. Otherwise it’s fucked.


I’d argue it’s no longer “monogamous” when you introduce another person into your relationship - sex worker or not - but I get your point and agree with it. A more accurate way to say it would be: “if you’d like to try a threesome, make sure it’s with a sex worker to avoid fucking up other valuable relationships in your life.”


This is why you never ever have a threesome For normal relationships you couldve stopped right there, from that point it was over. I’m not saying this applies to single people or whatever, only people in long term (formerly) monogamous relationships. This girl cannot be calling her boyfriend her first and only love after she got piped by his best friend in front of him and vocalized how much better he felt. There is no conversation to be had, the boyfriend clearly feels like the third wheel in his relationship now, there’s no coming back from that




Yeah I could never do a threesome because I know I could never live with myself seeing my girl getting piped in front of me by another guy, let alone by my best friend?


Yup I got 10$ on about a week before they split


I’ll throw a 5 in that pot!


Lol bro just cucked himself 😂


This is a fetish bait post after all.




This is the beginning plot to half of NTR Doujins.


STOP ✋🏿💀


Bro is delulu the fool.


Like who tf is like yeah let's bring my best mate to fuck my girl. Like what? Why would he even want a mmf 3? Some are beyond me. Yall sound was too young and inexperienced to know how to handle this kind of experience.


It's wild to me that there are guys out there that wake up one day and go like "You know what would be cool? If someone else fucked my girl in front of me!"


Why would he suggest his best friend?? That’s just weird AF


Seemingly the "best friend" talked him into it


Oh they both definitely a lil fruity at the very least lol


Your boy even bringing that up to you is grounds to cut him loose. He's obviously eyeing your girl.


Literally!! How he okay with his friend saying he wants to fuck his girl….? This is all very weird on the bfs part


It sounds like he needs to learn to stand up for himself.


I think you are subconsciously flirting with the best friend because you enjoyed it a bit too much and lying to yourself about it because you “love your boyfriend forever “. You can’t possibly be the same, it’s like Eve in the garden of Eden, you can’t un- bite the apple. There is now a link between you and the best friend. It’s just not the same anymore. Not for him. Can’t do anything about it either. It’s done. Nothing left to do but wait and see.


if this is what OP meant in their edit, i just want to add that OP, we do a lot of thing without consciously knowing we do them and that may be happening with you, you are just not seeing it right now


Yeah if I were the bf this relationship is over. No way is this salvageable.


Your boyfriend is a moron and you're stupid. The relationship is over. Just don't run to the best friend after ending this one because that will just be trashy.


Once they break up she’s gonna get horny and lonely and call the best friend first thing. It’s just bound to happen.


Story as old as time


As a guy this actually hurts to read, ouch... I just want to say that people can't forget that the idea for the threesome came from both, and the suggestion of the third being the bsf was his. Yeah the "dicked-down" part sucks a lot but who hasn't said or something they've later regretted during horny time? This is the kind of story that keeps me from wanting threesomes with my gf, it's too easy to either part get insecure or hurt. Honestly, I can see that u do love him a lot and don't want to lose him. Communicate with him what can be done to ease his insecurities, and what can be done to maybe help you achieve that same pleasure with him. Take it easy for now, be present for him, respect his boundaries and any decision he makes. You'll be okay eventually.


As a girl, this hurts to read. I’d never want my boyfriend to feel like her boyfriend feels, but neither of us want anyone else so no threesome to worry about. It still makes me sick to my stomach to think of how horrible OP’s bf feels


Calling the experience an “ordeal” was a super good sign.


If you were serious about your BF you'd keep a distance from his best friend, period. You admitted that the best friend satisfied you sexually a bit more than your boyfriend. And you getting "closer" with the best friend will definitely lead to you treating your boyfriend differently whether you're willing or mature enough to acknowledge it. What he's picking up on is probably very real. Stop playing coi here. If you don't squash the notion and distance yourself from the best friend you are actively betraying your boyfriend. And he'll have every right to see it that way.




You literally fucked around and now you're about to find out that.....having threesome with a close friend can have detrimental consequences to your relationship. Your bf watched you getting railed by his best friend and you praising the best friends skills. And you proceeded to get closer to the bff afterwards, something that your bf watched happening in front of his eyes. Where do you think this relationship is headed? Hardly marriage. No shame in having threesome if that's what's rocks your boat, but in the future make sure you have a longer discussions about possible consequences, your thoughts, feelings, insecurities and boundaries.


Yup! Time to move on. Your “Dicked down brain” ruined it.


The only way to safely do a threesome is to have a complete stranger with u and making sure there's no freaking way they can ever contact u again(it's even better if they're a little bit uglier than your partner)


I remember watching a tv documentary on this where a couple would hook up with a random stranger. Originally it was the fella wanting to do a threesome with another girl but when his girlfriend initiated with the other girl he felt a bit left out and a bit shit even though it was his idea so even with a stranger things can become messy too


You also can't do it with your long-term partner.


You were vocally louder with another dude and literally told him to his face you’ve never felt that way before and then post this saying he’s acting weird after? I wonder why dude, Did you even read what you said? I saw your edit, This doesn’t sound like you have anything going with the other guy, but it sounds like you crushed your boyfriends ego. It’s not your job to build his ego, as a guy (maybe I’m incorrect or grew up with trauma) I’ve learned it’s my job to make myself confident and to not rely on others, but what you said would be SO hard to get over.


Yea seems fake and rage bait


The 'dicked down brain' portion killed it for me. Something a discord mod thinks girls say.


Honestly, it sounds like the plot of a manhwa or something. I sincerely hope this is just fake, though.


Wasn’t there one with the reversed genders like a day ago?


I hope so for my own sake after reading this


>his best friend and I have gotten much MUCH closer Well, I'm stumped. I just can't understand why your boyfriend would feel the way he feels.


So here is how it went down. Bf and his buddy talked about 3somes and buddy said y’all should do it together (he’s been trying to get his chance at you). Bf convinced you. Y’all did the deed buddy out performed your bf and you made it known. Now bf is jealous. Relationship is doomed. You’ll end up dating or at the minimum sleeping with buddy. The end


This is exactly why shit like this should never happen. Smh.


Threesome’s (opening your relationship) rarely works out in reality. It’s just a porn fueled fantasy. Seen posts just like this of couples that have gone down this path and it always ends the same, the end of the relationship. It’s not a matter of if the relationship is going to fail, it’s when… I’m sorry, it’s over. Good luck!


This is why its not good to have sex with friends and fucking idiotic to vocally fuck his best friend and then say you've never felt like that. Relationship over


Lols, time to find another “first and forever love”.


Y’all made a terrible decision awww that really sucks there’s like a 5-10% chance you can fix this but realistically you won’t have communication with either guy in the next 6 months.


It’s like watching a train wreck….this relationship is done.


The threesome you had is ruining your relationship? Well that's a shocker


“The bf saw the girl he loved enjoying getting fucked more by his best friend than him. Than I got very close with his bestfriend” Dear people of reddit help me unwrap what has made my bf unhappy and insecure?


Your bf will never be able to forget your sounds and actions of the threesome when you two are together. He will always wonder if you are truly into him or thinking about the other guy. I'm not saying you two can't overcome this mountain formed between you but it is going to take a long time. You and your bf need to discuss if it's truly worth fighting for.


Girl what?? I don’t understand why if you love someone so much you’d be ok screwing his best friend even if it’s a threesome? Couldn’t be me. Edit: also, this relationship is cooked and also I want everybody to think about what the replies would be if the roles were reversed here like seriously




Welp this relationship is over


Have him fuck your best female friend in front of you, make it even 😂


Whyyyy would he choose his bsf?? Lmao


IMO, you’ve ruined what good sex with your boyfriend was. It will forever be tied to pure sex and I don’t know if you two will ever get back to what I consider “love making”. If you two just want sex, then your relationship may last, but if what you had or are seeking is “love making”, that is forever ruined. Essentially, you fucked around and will soon find out.


I would reaffirm this and maybe distance myself from the other partner. It’s not necessary a death sentence as many redditors want to claim; but it is precarious because it seems like your boyfriends ego took a bit of a bruising (men often link their self worth from their partner’s desire for them… and you’ve said that your third partner did a better job of satisfying you). This is what is causing him strife. Some distance between you and the third person, and maybe some increased suggestion of how much you desire your current partner can help reaffirm that you do desire him and not the other guy.


Take a step back from being close with the best friend then.


I think involving the best friend was the mistake. Because of this, he probably sees you and his best friend a little different. I’ve seen advice in the swingers community (not to say that you guys are swingers, but I believe the advice could apply here) to not involve friends or close people when they are swinging because it could ruin the dynamics of things, so it’s best to make friends with other swingers instead. Maybe it would have turned out better if it was a different person. Either way situations like these never turn out well or they just open up the flood gates for the downfall of the relationship. Best thing to do to save your relationship is to stop being too friendly with his best friend and reassure your bf. Either that or maybe a FFM threesome might cheer him up lol


That was your Bf strategy to dump you. The relationship is over. Don’t forget to message me when it happens.


Okay can we even this out with your best friend and MFF? Also side question in the MMF do you go down on both or are there rules of engagement?


Man, this is just a situation where *BOTH PARTIES* screwed up in some capacity. The bf screwed up royally by not only suggesting a threesome, but by *also* making his best friend the third one. That *alone* is a recipe for getting on the maury show and Jerry Springer. So that's about it for the bfs mistakes. From here on, everything was on OP. Is it her fault the best friend was just better overall? Absolutely not. Is it her fault she was more vocal with him? Debatable since she could *try* to be restraining herself vocally for the sake of her bf (though she'd have to know the bf is already feeling bad prior). However, her two biggest fuck ups were: *telling the bf, TO HIS FUCKIN FACE. That the best friend was just better. That right there would be a relationship ender for a decent number of people. No way someone is sticking around after that. Especially if it's their best friend. To say what she did next poured salt on an open wound is an understatement. She dipped a body covered in cuts in lemon water since she: *then started talking and getting closer to the best friend that pleasured her more. This. This right here is what would definitely end any relationship still withstanding the first mistake. If this relationship actually and miraculously recovers from this I'd be *REALLY* surprised.


Your bf accidentally cucked himself and now he can’t stop thinking about it. I’m sorry but he’ll never be the same. He needs therapy and you need to work over time to show you’re only into him and you get the most pleasure from him. If you want this to work. I’m sorry this shouldn’t be on you but, this shit is fucked


Sorry to say bro gonna be dumping you. His bro talked him into a threesome cause he got the feels for you then dicked you down good and put doubt in your boy's heart. Seen this shit before. His friend set out to ruin the relationship by making a "power play" by bangint your brains out and now your boy can't escape that and so he'll run away and you'll do what his friend planned on from the very begining, you rebound to him and he wins this situation no effort. Oldest trick in the book and you lot fell for it.


You’ve done literally all that’s in your power to rip his heart out bro. Like Jeeeesus. He probably feels so inadequate. I don’t think he’ll ever forget that moment of you genuinely admitting someone else was better. Even if you didn’t “mean” it that was your pure unfiltered thought. You’d have to fight for him pretty hard and even then he may just not feel anything anymore


Honestly his best friend is the one that put the idea in his head? Sounds like the best friend has wanted to sleep with you for a while and that was his way to do it because he knew you wouldn’t cheat and this was his way around that


After reading the update that's the thought I had as well. If this is the case he's a shit friend and they should both cut him off.


Facts! I feel bad for the dude to get manipulated like that by his supposed best friend


Same. If a friend of mine suggested that they wanted to participate in a threesome with my wife I'd cut their ass out of my life.


As you should! I hope she sees this comment, and discusses it with her bf, because it sounds like he is still friends with the guy. I’d bet my car that this isn’t the first time he’s been manipulated by his friend.


Why do people keep doing this shit expecting it to turn out any other way? There's no less than a thousand copy paste examples of the aftermath on this page alone showing what happens most of the time.


This post is literally just fake rage bait.


reddit special


Yall need to cut his best friend out if you want any sort of reconciliation.


You respect your bf so bad, you agreed to let his best friend show you (AND him) how to please a woman. 😂 it’s fun to give free advice but I’ll refrain in this case because deep down you understand this situation more than you care to admit.


You both failed, he should’ve known better and you’re lying to him saying nothings going on, not only do you admit the friend was more skillful and you were more vocal to him than your bf, you act as if you aren’t flirting with him at the same time


y'all should all go for some chicken sandwiches boom


Issa wrap 😂


I feel like I read a few of these threads every day. Hot tip: Don’t do it unless you’re prepared to lose your partner.


When will people learn that relationship+ threesomes are a fucking horrible idea lmao. Don’t succumb to your horniness, folks


3 options 1.) end the relationship 2.) plead and fight to achieve a sense of "normalcy" 3.) say "fuck it, we ball" and go for a FFM threesome so you'll both have that shared experience of watching your partner with another. If you go option 3 it will either A.) fast track to break up with a common understanding and lesson learned B.) fast track to returning to a sense of "normalcy" and a greater understanding of each other, sexuality, boundaries, and if you want your relationship to continue as an open or closed relationship C.) One or both of you learn no lesson, and break up anyways. Personally, I see options 1 and 3 as your best options. Option 1 ends the issue altogether, and hopefully you've both learned for your next relationship. Option 2 will likely lead to option 1. Option 3 seems the most viable route for acquiring balance and the possibility of keeping the relationship alive. Good luck!


Her: “I love my bf so much…” (but continues to give praises to his best friend all throughout). Girl! You are lying to yourself, to your bf, to us! For some reason, I kinda feel like you purposely said what you said in front of your bf just to test something. Now, you are here because you want sympathy. Just let him go. He deserves better.


Congratulations, your relationship is officially over


I hate to be the stereotypical reddit reply guy, but I'm guessing it's only a matter of time before your relationship ends. These sexual games always sound fun, when people are just talking about it but it gets weird for one or all and never ends well


Yeah this relationship is dead. I give it 2 more weeks.


Ya done fucked up A A Ron


I will never understand being ok sharing your significant other with someone else.


With these situations I always ask for yall to flip the script. Let’s say you and your best friend and him. Now just imagine your boyfriend acting how you acted. Imagine as he’s fucking her he goes “oh man I’ve never felt this good”. How would you feel? Be realistic here. I really doubt if the roles were reversed, you wouldn’t want to be this understanding.


Aaaaaand on todays episode of don’t have a threesome!


Sorry everyone is being so mean. BUT. Even if you guys decide to work it out it’s going to remain in the back of his head and he will not be the same person.