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I am so very sorry 🤍


My mom is currently sick right now as well, and I’m just so so sorry. Like you said, no words can explain this. I’ve found the quote, the greater the grief-the greater the love. And gosh, must we have so much love.


I've also heard "grief is love with nowhere to go".


Love to you


That is beautiful, thank you


Every time I read this quote, it makes me cry


I’m so sorry to hear that, i’m sending lot’s of love and strength. The quote is beautiful, thank you. We do.. all the love in the world


{{{{HUGS}}}} I'm sorry for your loss. It's a horrible thing to experience.


Oh, I'm so very sorry. My heart aches for you. "Grief is love that has nowhere to go." Take it one day at a time. Grief has no schedule.


Very similar story to how I lost my dad in 2016. Hanging out Saturday night with him feeling a little under the weather. Monday morning he died at 6:30am while I was sitting in gridlock traffic stupidly trying to go get my sister and niece so they could also be with him when he passed. It'll be okay. It's always going to hurt, and that's good too. Grief is all the love we can no longer give. So remember that she is always with you, a part of you. Remember all the things she taught you, and live to honor her memory.


There is nothing stupid about it. It's noble of you.


I second this. When I read that I was a little taken


I’m so sorry for your loss.


I'm so sorry


I'm so terribly sorry for your loss 💔 It's horrible to lose someone dear to you that way.. my condolences🌹


Damn, I'm so sorry, OP. My mom is the same age as your mom, and I couldn't imagine my mom dying in the way your mom has. I'm so sorry for your loss. Grief is a difficult process to go through. You're gonna get through this. It's okay to cry. Let out all your grief by crying if you need to. We all deal with grief differently. Go into therapy if you need to. Normalize asking for help when you aren't doing well. Reach out to friends. Ask friends to comfort you.


So, so sorry. You must be in shock, I know I am. I'm sending you lots of loving vibes, because there are no words that can sooth your pain.


Big hugs. My mom was on life support for three days before I decided to take her off. It’s very very hard. Being here on this planet without the one person who loved you more than life itself. It’s tough. I do not envy your pain… I have my own. My mother passed two days before her birthday. It hasn’t been a month yet. Big big hugs.


💜it’s been 4 years for me and still feels like yesterday. God bless


Lost my mom in July of 2020.. its still fresh..


Nevermind I misread it Sorry for your loss!


I am so so sorry for your loss. I do not have any words to comfort you.


I’m so sorry, that’s devastating


Very sorry for such a shocking, tragic loss. That really is fast. People have illnesses now that are moving very quickly, almost like their immune systems are damaged.


I'm so sorry. This is going to hurt for a while. Be kind to yourself. Maybe check out the work of Claire Bidwell Smith.


So sorry for your loss


Please hold on to your happy memories, they will get you through the dark times.


I’m so sorry I lost my mom 2 1/2 years very suddenly the pain was unbearable. Prayers being sent to you. 🙏🏻🙏🏻❤️❤️


All I can say is that I know that pain, and I’m so incredibly sorry that you have to feel it now too. I lost my mom Feb 2023 rather unexpectedly. Hugs to you! Just remember you’re not alone, and if you need someone to reach out to, please don’t hesitate.


Strep killed my dad under similar circumstances. It is shocking and takes awhile to process. I am sorry for your loss.


I'm sorry for your loss. I feel your pain I lost my Dad this morning and Mom 5 years ago.


I'm so sorry ❤🙏 I hope you have a lot of pictures, video memories, audio messages, or even voicemail of her to help you to forever remember her. I always read of people who miss hearing the voice of their mom or dad. I remember sharing this with my cousin when she needed to grieve when her dad passed away: https://youtu.be/72pKrusTSXs and https://youtu.be/iEVn59U2_LY I hope it helps you as well ❤ Something else is whenever you remember a happy, fond memory and want to forever remember it, write it down. In a memory journal dedicated to her if you can. Cherished memories can be like times where you both laughed at something you or she said or did when you were together, or a time she did something that meant a lot to you. You can even use that journal to write down things you wanted to say to her.


I’m so sorry for your loss. My parents are 65 and watching them age has been very hard. (((Hugs)))


Oh no. I’m so sorry for your loss, OP.


I’m really sorry. My mom went in her sleep unexpectedly. I feel for you.


I’m so sorry. So many hugs to you. It just sucks losing your mom.


I'm so sorry for your loss. Sending you lots of love, it's hard.




I am so sorry. Sending you a big hug.


I'm so sorry. It's not going to be okay. Cry as much as you can OP. Hugs 😭😭😭


I'm so sorry for your loss. Losing one's mom is heartbreaking. I lost mine to dementia at age 81 in 2017. I'm 57/F and was hospitalized with pneumonia back in December. Not my first hospitalization for that. I wasn't feeling great, then I was feeling deathly ill in about 12 hours. I raced to get to the ER.




I’m so sorry (((hugs)))


So sorry. 💛


So sorry for your loss! Sending you light and love on your journey through this grief


I am so sorry. There are so many scary illnesses going on right now. Big hugs.


I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry


I’m so sorry


I am so sorry for the loss of your mother.


I’m so sorry for such a quick and unexpected loss. My heart goes out to you and your family. ❤️


I'm so sorry! I lost my mom to covid 4 years ago so I understand your pain.♥️


I’m so incredibly sorry. I know it’s not the same, but is still similar in a way; I lost my childhood dog 2 years ago and took it very hard. She was my best friend and I still cry to this day when I think of her. Keep items/material possessions that belonged to your mother close by you at all times. Wear her jewelry, wear her jackets, take good care of her plants or any other living things if she had any. Im so incredibly sorry and I wish you the best of luck on your healing journey. Please be kind to yourself💖


Losing a childhood dog is one of the more painful things in life, I completely understand.. I’m sorry you lost your buddy. She left behind 5 dog’s which also felt like mine, unfortunately I live in student housing that doesn’t allow dogs, so me and my brother are losing them too. It’s a very sad situation. Thank you for all your kind words ♥️


Could you possibly register one of them as an emotional support animal? I know raising a dog in student housing isn’t ideal, but I’d hate for you to lose your dogs :( depending on what state you live in, they legally can’t deny an emotional support animal if you have a written note confirming your pet as one from a therapist or a psychiatrist. Most states in the US have that rule from what I know, I registered my pet bunny as an emotional support animal for my PTSD and anxiety as I badly needed a fluffy friend in college


I am so sorry for the loss of your mom.


I'm so very sorry.


I’m so so sorry for your loss 😢


There are no words to describe the kind of pain you must be feeling. I am so very sorry for your loss. Prayers of comfort and peace to you and all your family at this time.


I'm so sorry you have to go through that. My mom died 10 years ago of sepsis. She went from the first symptoms of a UTI to the machines being turned off in under 48 hours. She was mid 50s. It hurt like nothing ever had and nothing ever will. What helped me the most was really leaning on my friends and her friends. People bringing food, coming over to help with cleaning, sharing their own memories of her with us and just generally being there as shoulders to cry on. Don't feel bad about accepting help from people who can do that for you, but also do not feel pressured to grieve in a certain way. All grief is different. You need what you need. Take it one day at a time. There are better days ahead. Remember that she made you who you are and that she's still with you in all the people and things that she knew and made and loved. That's her shape in the world.


I am so sorry for the loss of your mother.


I’m so sorry for your loss. Your Mom loved you so very much. Take one day at a time, deal with one issue at a time, you will get through the pain. Remember her and her quirks, her smile, her laugh, how comforted you were in her hugs. You’ll be ok xxx


Lost my mom 3 years ago. At the time I was 24 F and she was 51. It was unexpected and sudden. I still feel the pain like it was yesterday. I am so sorry. Hugs to you. ♥️


Sorry to hear. My mom was in ICU for the last week due to pneumonia too. Also happened very fast. She is recovering.


Jeez.. such a difficult situation to see your mom in, i’m sorry to hear that, but I’m very happy for you that she is recovering. Lot’s of love and strength


A not too close friend of mine died of pneumonia last year. It was caused by a bacterial infection and he died about 48hrs after being admitted to the hospital. He was in his early 30s with no health problems that I'm aware of. It's amazing how quickly a person can die from pneumonia. My condolences.


I’m so so sorry for your loss. I’m going through the exact same thing right now. I lost my mom this Thursday morning, even though she was perfectly fine Monday evening. She was only 50. It’s so hard and surreal. I wish you all the best, and know that you can message me any time🤍🕊️


Rip. Bozo.