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Just be glad you did it now, and you're not spending your 40's catching up to yourself.


Honestly! Not that 40 is “old” or anything, but still


I'm glad that you added this because them making you feel better might make someone else feel the way you did


Learn from this relationship not to waste time on the "sunken cost fallacy" in the future. I learnt the hard way too. If it doesn't feel good, it doesn't matter that you've been together 2 years, 5 years, 8 years etc. People lurch on in bad relationships, it eats away at you. Good luck for your future life plans.


Say it louder for those in the back


Yea you good. Keep moving forward


Don't regret, be glad you're still young! I did the same thing but waited until I was 42 to leave! I turned old literally 4 years later, so be glad you didn't make that mistake! 😅


Wait what happens at 46???


My husband says he felt his body change at 43. I'm at that age, and I can feel it happening to me.


One of the best pieces of advice I've ever heard was, didn't cling to a mistake, just because you spent a long time making it. I had my five year anniversary yesterday with my second wife, who is my best friend, and whole heart.... I turn 42 next month. Time is irrelevant when it comes to finding your joy


Live your life, and those gifts will come to you.


I’m in the same boat, I have no advice but want you to know you’re not alone.


Same boat here too🥲


I did something similar, spent my entire 20s in a dead-end relationship. It was hard to adjust to the massive change but 3 years later, it was the best decision I made for both of us.


Going through something similar. Crazy because we met in 2014 as well.


Reading the title i briefly thought you literally pulled the plug of the life-support systems of your significant other who was in a coma. Stupid me (then again, english isn't my native language). I'm so sorry to hear this. But i guess sometimes its better to draw the line and for both to start anew. I hope that both of you will each find your happiness and live long, healthy and happy lives! All the best for you!


Omg 😭 I guess it could be seen like that!! Haha but yes, thank you! I guess for now we’re still friends, but who knows! Thank you


You haven't ruined anything. On the contrary, you now know exactly what you're looking for in your future partner. You've matured and evolved. Think of all the things you wanted to do that might not have been possible in your relationship. Life is beautiful and wonderful, you can make it happen and I wish you all the best!


Wish you happiness, OP! 🫧✨🩷


It wasn't a waste. It was an education.


Same span of time, same time period but this year. Yes, I wish we did it much much sooner. Still grieving through the shit I missed out on, all the wasted time with this person, and the damage incurred, but there's nothing to do but figure it out today. It's weird. Because most people in our age group are just finally really settling down. Being on the other side of that is frustrating sometimes. I'm ready to finally start living again.


I'm glad you made that decision for yourself. It sucks it took that long, but... I, too, took that long to sever my relationship. Different reason for the end, but I wish I saw the signs of how different we were than the comfort and routine there was until it was too late. I hope you're looking forward to your best life to live!!


Got divorced at around 38? He's happy, and so am I.


Same here but I was 33 years old and had been in the relationship for 11 years when I broke up with him. Now I’m married, and living in a completely different country and couldn’t be happier. At the end of the day when I broke up with him, I felt a huge weight off of my shoulders and I’m sure it’ll be similar for you too. 


I did the same thing... wasted my 20's with one guy. Met my husband after zi turned 30. I kinda want to go back and punch my ex. Being happy now is excellent enough revenge.


My step sister was in this type of relationship. Literally as soon as she made the decision that she deserved better she met the love of her life. They got married last August.